Sometimes TiTS patches take forever, really edging you guys. Sometimes they come hot and heavy one after another, like this week!
0.9.126 Changelog:
- [Backers] A new establishment opened up on Canadia station… at least if you’ve done Malai’s quest. (Malai lives on the south end of the Short Stacks on Dhaal.) Featuring a variety of hung femboys, the Pump House offers such delicious treats as pancakes, and dick. Coded by Leek, written by Doots.
- [Public] The suula space pirate can now hassle public skies!
- New busts by Adjatha: Jana, Don, Lino, Niko, and Tamara.
- Added rarities and improved pricing for the cocksocks added in the last patch.
- Map edits and improvements. (Particularly Tavros Residential) (Jacques00)
- Added two new color themes. (Jacques00)
- Fixes for unequipping a combat implant when it is in the utility slot somehow. (Jacques00)
- Fixes for heat/rut perk removal trying to remove perks that don’t exist. (Jacques00)
- Fixed invalid text entry events causing softlocks. (Lowercase donkey)
- Added quest icon on Malai & his quest’s warehouse. (lowercase donkey)
- Improved some over time pregnancy messaging. (Gedan)
- Fixed an issue where renaming Kiro during her recruitment quest would put you into the other recruitment path for her. (lowercase donkey)
- Cleaned up a Penny scene that referenced going back to your ship and made sense for a Penny that was on your ship on your crew. (Gedan)
- Fixed some missing text in a slavebreaker scene. (Gedan)
- Fixed a crash in Saendra’s quest. (Jacques00)