Well, that was a fun, wasn’t it?
Things seem to be getting back to normal around FenCo., slowly but surely. The forums are still very much a work in progress, so bear with us while we get those into shape. And by we I mostly mean our Lord and Savior Gedan, who has done an ungodly amount of work putting out the many raging fires that the old site getting sucked into a black hole caused. Seriously, if you haven’t already, take a moment to say thanks to our local dragon-coder.
Anyway! I’ve been working away on the next big dungeon (KaraQuest) while the site was coming down around our ears. Ended up re-writing about half of it — pretty much the entire introduction and outro, and generally adding a lot of stuff throughout. It’s almost as big as Queen Taivra’s Palace now, which is pretty fucking big. Got two last scenes to poke at and then the ever-fun process of editing to churn through (though based edit-bro Johnathan Roberts did a whole lot of that for me)! So right now, we’re looking at something like seven different enemies (including a repeat appearance of Shade, this time with some serious backup) and a couple unique bad-ends. Plus blowing yourself up with a nuke, I guess — that technically counts, right?
Probably a nil chance of the dungeon being in a patch this month, but hopefully soon! Next week, I’ll be restarting SyriQuest and getting ready to move my favorite puppyslut over to the next planet, Uveto. Speaking of which, there’s a planet design doc for Uveto up on the forum (in Event Submissions). Go check it out if you’re interested!
Oh, wait, The Phantom Pain comes out next week. Uhh, maybe the week after, then 😛
Might as well christen my first new-blog post with probably my favorite piece of CheshireCat art ever. Holy shit hnnngg. (There’s also a vibe alternative if you snoop around her FA!)