Streaming Trials in Tainted Space busts
Today’s busts: the male and futa dreadclaw behemoths are getting shiny
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Streaming Trials in Tainted Space busts
Today’s busts: the male and futa dreadclaw behemoths are getting shiny
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Knotty Dreams recently reached out to me as excited fans of CoC/TITS with an itch to collaborate. I was understandably hesitant. We’ve done some cross promoting with other companies and projects in the past that produced less than stellar quality. This time, I all but demanded a sample up front, and this time they were more than happy to provide one. It’s good to see someone willing to put their money where their mouth is! (Unless we’re talking about oral, then I’d prefer the mouth over the money…)
I took the “kobold” for my free quality test, and I must say he’s a handsome-lookin’ little fella. They’ve made mention of doing a giveaway with our community, and maybe even making a character-specific dildo down the line if things are going well. So if you’re thinking of getting some freaky toys and want to shop with a smaller shop that isn’t as entitled as some naughty wyverns, maybe the Knotty Dreams folks will have what you’re looking for. And from what I’m hearing they’re looking to release some new models soon…
The Captain will see you now… (By ToonNik)
This patch’s headlining updates are some new scenes for well-endowed players with the pirate Kaska, but there’s also a raft of improvements and bug fixes, particularly a lot of nasty crash catches! Leek’s still cooking away at some other content, so expect that to come in hot and heavy this upcoming week, potentially with some stuff for Cap’n Khorgan from yours truly…
Hotfix Additions:
0.9.124 Changelog:
such doge, very breedable, many pups, wow.
0.7.38 Patch Notes:
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Remember to keep your bugs spayed or neutered so they don’t reproduce!
0.9.123 Hotfixes:
0.9.123 Changelog:
Hana’s got a small but impactful expansion on deck, and Drifa’s starting to get the first of her post-cave content — plus some other new scenes and upgrades scattered around.
Hotfix: A hotfix has been released that fixes a potential soft-lock when wearing the Clarity Circlet, potential duplication of character creation items, and potential crashes when Etheryn is forced into the party for Dracia/Xadaron and had not been added to the party normally before then.
0.7.37 Patch Notes:
There’s still a ton more Drifa content coming up through the code pipe, including pregnancy and marriage. Stay tuned!
If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!
You might also want to come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!
Is there a more common trope in space adventures than having some kind of crazy space race? I think not!
I’m in the process of fighting off the second sinus infection of the year, but I didn’t hear no bell! …seriously this winter has felt a little bit like the old days, when my sinuses seemed like a second home base for a demon of rot and I was constantly posting about how badly they fucked me up. I think I’ve got this one halfway nipped in the bud though, not like the pre-Christmas one that haunted me well into mid-January.
Fuck sickness, let’s get to the new stuff!
Hotfix(s), GODDAMNIT DONKEY Edition:
0.9.122 Changelog:
You didn’t think we’d forget to bring you some new goodies this week, didja?
0.9.121 Hotfixes (Deployed ~5 Eastern ‘Murrica Time, 2/10/25)
0.9.121 Changelog:
The undermountain’s favorite goo-cat, Nihara, has gotten herself expanded with a whole lot more loving.
0.7.36 Patch Notes:
If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!
You might also want to come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!
Full resolution and backer content access can always be found through our Patreon!
Yo yo! It’s been a couple weeks, and that means we’ve got some new encounters and a lot of under-the-hood work and polish and show off.
Hotfixes (Download players will need to redownload):
0.9.120 Changelog:
Keen-eyed observers may notice that Jacques00 hasn’t touched much of the code in a little while, but that’s because he’s been doing busts for the Tainted Rusher – a highly variable NPC that changes quite a lot across the course of the game. I got to see some early flat color previews, and she’s looking niiiice. Look forward to it!
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