Arened’s bust didn’t quite get finished in time for patch, but here’s a look ahead courtesy of Moira~
A furry DILF can now lay claim to the PC’s womb, and both Kaly and Kiyoko each have some hot new femdom action to go around!
0.7.12 Patch Notes:
- The vulperine DILF up in the Windy Peaks’ fox village has a new host of 5 sex scenes, written by MagentaNeedle.
- Said DILF also can potentially impregnate a fertile PC, and has some cute additional interactions with pregnant ladies.
- If you’ve done the Ring of Fate quest (or refused it) from Calise, you can walk in on the Stormcaller from that dungeon visiting her pops in the village.
- You can bring Kalysea around to visit the Centaur Caravan girls once they’re housed on either Marilla or Nottia’s farms. 15 pages of centaurs getting plowed into the ground, courtesy of Wsan.
- Kiyoko has a new scene in her home or in the orb, where you can let the ginger fox take the lead. Written by Aury!
- Fixed a potential softlock from the Nursery’s [Kids] button.
NOTICE RE: ANDROID BUILDS: As you may know, TiTS and CoC2 share a lot of backend. Said backend recently updated to new Android build processing… and TiTS’ last patch appears to have eaten all the Android players’ saves. In light of that we’re going to hold off on releasing the Android version of this patch for a couple days until we’re sure it won’t munch your Champions like a Wraith. In the meantime, I’d suggest opening up the last version of the Android apk you played and making a Save-to-File of your Champion just in case. Always best practice to do so at the end of a play session anyway.
We’ll let you know as soon as the Android build is safe for release.
A more detailed breakdown from Gedan herself about it:
We updated Cordova – the framework used to package the game for Android from version 8 to version 12, in an effort to target a more up to date Android API level. Cordova 8 used a version of the Android API that Google are essentially phasing out, hence the warning message that was being seen on devices that had been updated to the most current Android version. The only way for us to get rid of this warning would be to update to using a newer version of the Android API. By jumping multiple Cordova versions in one step, I failed to notice a compatibility warning that was introduced in Cordova 10. Essentially, the means by which the internal webapp is loaded changed, and the system treats it as an entirely “new” app inside of the Cordova container, which in turn means it would have an entirely new set of local storage to sandbox it away from other applications on the device. Had I been aware of this we would have attempted to work around the problem, and if not, given a heads up that you would need to export all your saves to file beforehand. After some digging around I found a possible setting to flip that would grant access to the old means of accessing data, but it doesn’t seem to work. Installing the updated package at all seems to clear out the old local storage, and reinstalling an older version doesn’t get that slot data back.
If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!
New Since Last Public Patch:
- The Hellhound MILF that has long laired in the Temple of Terrestrial Fire has had enough of being lonesome and uprooted herself in search of her mate! If you’ve upgraded the Wayfort at least once and claimed the fire summons from the temple, the Hellhound will come to the Wayfort and ask to become its new guardian!
- The Hellhound and her pups have wholesome new interactions with the Wayfort’s denizens. Unsurprisingly, they get on well with Daliza(‘s wolf) and Vatia(‘s little snakes). She and Hana even pump iron together.
- The Hellhound MILF has new talks at the Wayfort, and through them can be persuaded to make you an outfit that matches the Terrestrial Fire cultists’ pyromancy garb.
- The Hellhound also has an optional futafication path, and three new scenes for her using her cock on you.
- With that comes a new PC pregnancy for carrying some warm and energetic hellpups! (Written by Bluebird42)
- A whole new character: Oma the Genie, written by B! Unlike a typical NPC, Oma, being a genie, is found in a magic lamp. You can currently find the lamp either in the Kobold Queen’s stash of miscellaneous golden goods, or you can purchase it from Nash the backstreet peddler in Khor’minos. You also need a helping of Naptha, which can be found in numerous locations, but is most easily purchased from Ogrish in Hawkethorne. Once you have both the lamp and the Naptha, you can interact with your lamp in any camp.
- Oma, being a genie, has the power to grant you any three pre-written wishes, ranging from semi-invincibility to increased storage space. Whether or not Oma will grant your wish as you specify them is determined by your hubris. She may be more amenable if you give her something that she wants first…
- Naturally, she can take advantage of her reality-warping powers to create nearly any sex scene any writer for her can imagine. As two examples, you can have sex with an entire harem of Omas, and you can have her roleplay as someone specific that you might know. And more may come in the future!
- She comes with lots of interactions with your companions! You can ask anyone in your currently active party (including Lyric) what it is they would wish for. They might also step in and prevent you from wasting a wish if Oma is still acting disagreeable.
- The Lapis Hoplite can now be summoned at the Wayfort’s magic circle for some fun times, with four new sex scenes! (By SomeKindofWizard)
- Cait’s old combat busts are now usable again no matter what state of transformation she’s in. Sorry about that!
- There’s a new Marefolk NPC, Tarah! Kavi will send you out to rescue her dickgirl daughter, Tarah! She might be lacking in brains, but she makes up for it in hearts. You can help her to find a mate, or take on that duty yourself. If you’re craving an adorable horse, you can fuck and cuddle her to your hearts content. Tarah’s got a lot of wholesome sex and cuddling, with some small penis encouragement for her on the side! (By Gardeford)
- Tarah can knock the PC up, if you want to be her mate!
- Aileh has a new scene for her first time seeing the PC post becoming a dragon-morph yourself. (By Skow)
- Aileh and Freja have a bunch of new interactions and wholesome family bonding once Freja’s a toddler. Teach her alchemy, have a picnic together, go swimming, visit the purified Hornet Hive, or go have dinner with her grandma (assuming she’s not too hostile with you). (By Skow)
- Fixes and typo corrections by Spotty & Zag!
ouff, I downloaded the last tits update, but I haven’t started the app yet.
thanks for the heads up.
now than, a shame I can’t get my hands on this new patch, but I guess I’ll have to stomach it for a while
by the way, is there a forum or a place that can help with how server/cloud save data?
been playing tits for 2 years now, but I’ve only been a backer for like 9 months or so.
only recently it came to me that I have no way to backup my android saves.
might as well start, but could use some help if anyone is able to.
it works the same way coc2 does, in the save menu there’s an option to save to file.
thanks, apparently I just needed to rub my brain cells a bit to notice the freaken very visible options to load or save files manually.
Why do you guys always add centaur caravan content requiring them be sent to a farm when that locks out their single best scene? You might as well be throwing all that writing in the trash.
When situations like that happen I just keep a secondary save at the scene I want to keep.
did exactly that myself early.
benefit of dozens of save files option
You guys might want to expand the number of save slots cause with how many scenes not being repeatable there are not enough of them slots to go around.
What’s their best scene in your opinion?
which dungeon is it, so i can find calise ‘s pops, I’m having a hard time finding it
not Calise’s dad it’s the dad of the harpy you meet at the start of the quest.
the quest is the ring of fate.
okay, but where exactly is said dungeon??
it’s the second quest you go on with Celise. after the corruption investigation when you arrive in Khor Minos.
You access it from the entrance to the Windy Peaks, after finishing Calise’s first quest and accepting the 2nd one.
What if I already finished both quest?
Then you’ve already met her, and can meet again in the village!
Which village can you see Stormcaller visiting?
The one on Windy Peaks, where she lives.
Every update I look forward to seeing Etheryn catching some action 🥹 my favorite scenes in the game is seeing my companions having sex with other characters, not just Cait, it’s just the best thing ever. I really hope we get to see that in the near future!
+1, on god, please let me gift my waifu some pussy now that she’s free
The other way as well! Hashat x Etheryn is my favorite scenes including when Evelyn has her way with her ✨😩 hope there’s more.
I have have spent an inordinate amount of time making that happen in every playthrough
I do have a partially-written new scene for Lovers!Ryn + Lovers!Arona sitting around, but I have a couple pretty big projects to tackle before I can finish that up.
Aah, noted. Thanks. I would’ve lost a lot of progress.
Damn, write a Twink and give him no bottoming content. Shame. For shame.
Great work as always!
So Wsan keep pushing Kalysea’s image as “Ultimate Stud”, huh? Who’s next? Pffff, whatever.
Although I wonder if it was a paid commission or if Wsan was just hit with inspiration.
iirc Kalysea is some other person’s OC originally, not Wsan’s own character
Like the other person said, Kalysea is somebody else’s OC and they commissioned Wsan to put it into the game. There’s been art of her out there for years before she was put into this game. So if you wanna ”blame” anybody for pushing her as that, blame her creator. I kind of wish that it was made more clear she wasn’t a Wsan original because I’ve seen people on here act like all that art of her on Rule34 was made in a few days specifically because she’s a CoC2 character. Its silly.
Taur x taur stuff is always something I’m interested in.
A writer adding content to the game, commissioned or not, is not “pushing an image”. They are creating content for the game. If its not content you want – write something, or commission Wsan yourself instead of subtweeting around the gripe.
There is plenty of other content updated regularly. Relax.
“You can bring Kalysea around to visit the Centaur Caravan girls once they’re housed on either Marilla or Nottia’s farms”
Any significant scene differences on which farm you sent them to?
Nope, only some text variants at the beginning for the transition from the base menu at Nottia’s and the post-sex/work menu at Marilla’s.
I love the new Kalysea/Centaur Caravan scene! Mara’s still one of my favourite characters to back to =D
Mara… I didn’t get to do that. Absolutely love it.
How do I get The Hellhound MILF to be in the Wayfort?
Renovate the place at least once, then bind the spirits in the Temple of Terrestrial Fire (by going to the last room with the Summon Flame Spirit power equipped).
it took me way too long to remember how to find the damn temple, let alone summon the spirits…
Vatia is not showing of in the Wayfort, is there a thing i miss, meet ant interact with her in the camp
im pretty sure you have to witness her magic before she comes to the wayfort
sure i have seen her lightning storm and talk about it
i also have a nap with her at the wayfort, but she is not there
will there be an option to use the Hellhound’s DCL art once she moves to the wayfort?
You can use DCL’s art for the nude busts without dick, but there are no DCL versions for the clothed or dicked variants introduced at the wayfort so it can only use Moira’s versions.
The Hellhound’s first scene references my Champ’s child despite having nothing to impregnate the doggo milf with.
I don’t interact with Kalysea at all. So forgive me if I’m mistaken but what interaction does the champion even have in the new taur content aside from bringing her there? I understand her domme appeal on its face but not this as I understand it.
Not condemning content mearly trying to understand the idea of it.
I wrote understand too much. I see that now.
They join in the worship of Kalysea. It’s aimed at people who like the idea of venerating her.
I guess I can see it but I don’t really it. That said, is there any plan to give the player more content with the taurs? Especially domming Mara in some fashion.
I know there is one scene, and that its not really relevant to this topic. I just didn’t have a better time to ask.
Pretty much always, just a matter of when I get around to it from my current projects.
Thank you. Taur content is one of my favorite but still in a vanilla vein… If that can be counted as vanilla.
Then some good news is thatt I’m working on Alante, the colosseum-taur, right now.
More Kalysea content is always awesome. Some kiyoko femdom is nice too.
This may be an odd ask, but is there a chance that we can ever get down and dirty with granny Ko in the future?
at least a dream or one time scene?
Is there somewhere I can submit text errors? I noticed a reference to Mara’s cock when it should be Kalysea’s cock in the centaur orgy scene.
Head to the forum’s Bug Reports section and submit a thread about it there, and thanks for the effort.
Anyone else having an issue where the download for android is still doing 7.9 instead of 7.12?
Read the patch notes please.
Loved that new Kiyoko scene. It’s always a good patch when our foxwife gets new content
Where is that scene tho? Couldn’t find it.
FINALLY some love for male characters! Finally, finally, FINALLY!!!
woohoo new update! Also gotta ask, Will we be able to pink kitty known as Cait?
able to what?
He’s just asking if we’ll be able to the entire Cait.
fuck I was half asleep when I wrote this. I was gonna ask if we can marry the kitty priest
I would like that to be a thing at some point!
i mean, it would be cool to have more wholesome sex and moments with Cait. Also, it kinda makes sense, considering she’s our ride or die kitty cat.
Do not the pink cat.
I swear to drunk I am not god moment.
Speaking of femdom, any chance of Evelyn’s Three and Foursome scenes being adapted to her dragon self?
Definitely. It’s a bit of a big project though so it’ll be happening when I swing around to working on Evelyn properly again.
Any word on the Android version fix?
It’s involving a lot more recoding than originally anticipated, but it’s solvable with some elbow grease. Still ongoing.
good to know and good luck
when its fixed will it be in a new patch or will this one be updated?
I’ll PROBABLY be a new (public) patch, but we’ll see. It WILL be public either way.
Theoretically could Oma give us or Kass our souls back?
why not? (not arguing or anything just wanna know the lore reasons if there is any)
she can’t do souls. Something she mentions when talking about her inability to get pregnant. Read it on B’s thread rather than game so I don’t know if that dialogue is in.
The lore reason why is because fucking around with soul stuff would infringe on her first rule, on infringing on a person’s sovereignty. If you have Ryn on your team, and she’s still caged, and you ask her what she would wish for, she asks Oma to remove her cage, but Oma says she can’t because she can’t mess with soul magic.
More Kalysea content, love it. Great to see after May.
Hell fucking yes. I love Kalysea.
The file load for the browser version won’t let me click on it to load my save like it usually does. Fingers crossed I won’t lose all my progress lol
Is there anyway to get Kalysea to fuck your pussy? Makes ya feel left out when she fucks all the centaur XD