Behold, the prize for getting Kiro’s panties – by ToonNik.

Right here! …but also our TiTS have been a little saggy and deflated this month for a variety of reasons, bullet pointed below:

  • Our lead artist and project reviewer had a vacation.
  • Another artist / coder also took a vacation.
  • Fen’s upstairs A/C went out during September’s last hot days – Fen’s work PC and office are upstairs. ($800 later, and she works again!)
  • Fen’s gout flared up and took him out for ~1 week. It was a rough week but resulted in dropping 10 pounds and a real change in his drinking habits for the better.
  • Fen & his wife overnighted in the emergency room because one of her chronic health issues decided to level up and prevent her from being able to intake water.

It has not been pure idleness, however. Leek is deep in the butthole of a 100+ page character expansion that should be nearing completion – as soon as it’s ready, I will be patching. Gedan too has been busy – she’s been rebuilding how the image pack is delivered and install to function properly on OSX, which has been a nightmare of permission hells. Once she’s got it all ready, the higher resolution images should be easier and more reliable to install. And we do have some updates and tweaks that I’m going to push out the door right now.

0.9.110 Changelog Hotfix #1:

  • A hotfix is rolling out to address the new dracow busts not displaying. An error in the image manifest was addressed, and errors in the bust calls for the characters were corrected.

0.9.110 Changelog:

  • [Public] The Dracow family expansion is now public.
  • Phaedra II got its first chunk of room descriptions. (Fenoxo)
  • Vagina parsers were rebuilt. I found the existing adjective selection for the vagina descriptions to be a little too cringy for my own tastes, so when Nonesuch requested access to individual parsers for a vaginas looseness or wetness I saw an opportunity to address it. The new system utilizes a commonality system for words so that more outlandish, “purple prose” should come up much more rarely, while common terminology appears much more frequently. Please be sure to let me know if it starts describing your vagina in absolutely insane ways (and note that wetness level descriptions elevate with increased lust values). (Fenoxo)
    • Added pc.vaginaWetnessAdjective parser to output an adjective indicative of the vagina’s wetness.
    • Added pc.vaginaLoosenessAdjective parser to output an adjective indicative of the vagina’s looseness.
  • New CGs: Kiro Panties, Penny Panties (ToonNik)
  • New Busts: Chia, Yzi, and Bixia – the Dracows. (Adjatha)
  • Various small fixes.