Cocksock it to me!

0.9.125 Changelog:

  • [Backers] A pack of user-submitted items! Leek coded Hanzo’s item pack that includes a FUCKLOAD of new cocksocks, some with special effects. Have you ever considered using your dick as a radar? Now you can!
    • New Cocksocks: Chameleon Cocksock, Cowprint Cocksock, Fitmaster Cocksock, JoyCo Healsock, Lace Cocksock, Leather Cocksock, Paragon Scanner Sock, Striped Cocksock, TamaniCorp BreedRing, TamaniCorp BuddySock, & Thermal Cocksock. (Available at a new vending machine – there should be one in the Capsule Hotel.)
    • New Combat Cybernetics: Musk Magnifier & GlutesGains. (Availabe at Sabrae)
  • [Backers] A new hyper scene for Captain Khorgan (the big boss in the Stellar Tether), authored and coded by Fenoxo.
  • [Public] Tyros!
  • [Public] New tutorial: STAIRS! Have you ever seen stairs or elevators and been at a loss as to how to move up and down? Well our fancy tutorial system is getting some use to help teach players how to properly navigate them once they get to the stairs in Tarkus. (Jacques00)
  • [Public] New silly tutorial: STAIRS! It’s basically the same as above but silly. (Gedan)
  • [Public] Shalin Hunter Pregnancy! The player can now be impregnated by a shalin hunter. (Written by Nonesuch, coded by DrunkZombie)
  • [Public] Shalin Shaman can be impregnated and discovered later, singing to their egg. (Written by Nonesuch, coded by DrunkZombie)
  • The “ProteinPower” implant was moved to be a combat implant since it directly improves combat attributes. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed a rare crash that could happen when losing Feruze’s Taxi Fight – but only if your taxi flight departed from the spaceport. Weird bugs are weird! (Fenoxo+Jacques00)
  • Updated Mhorgenn bust calls to show the nude bust when appropriate. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixed Siegwulfe events double-proccing. (lowercase donkey)
  • Lots of under the hood improvements to our tutorial helper system. (Jacques00)
  • Arbetz got a proper room lock when closed. (Jacques00)
  • Tweaks to the full map view system. (Jacques00)
  • Weapon crafting properly refunds credits now (and other subtle fixes). (Jacques00)
  • Dracoguard can no longer give you a gigaknot if you get all the knot TFs before getting any penis enlargement procs.
  • Fixes for dildo usage counters. (lowercase donkey)
  • Improved piercing descriptions to be less repetitive. (Jacques00)
  • Fixes for Kiro’s rough buttfuck scene. (Gedan)
  • Fixed a softlock in Erra’s content. (lowercase donkey)
  • Certain busts have been concealed from the gallery. (Jacques00)
  • Lots of other minor fixes!
  • Lots of typo fixes!