Sav here,
Just a quick FYI because several people have mentioned this happening: if you’re a backer and can no longer see the Backer Builds tab on the blog, you’ll need to re-link your Patreon and blog account. Don’t know why, but it seems Patreon had a little hiccup (probably for a few dozen of you) and this fixes it. Sorry for any inconvenience.
CoC2 backers build this weekend. TiTS public build when Fen’s back from GenCon. He’s feeling much better, from what I understand. All the well-wishes were appreciated.
Glad he’s okay
Had no idea what Gen Con was. Looked into it and thought it was mainly an American thing since I’ve never seen a fan base built around board games. It’s interesting but I’ve never had good experiences with them so I would hazard to try. I’ve always believed people who play D&D and board games are great story tellers and I guess Tits and CoC/ II are proof of that.
What board games have you tried, that you had bad luck with? The great thing about board games is there are so MANY different types, you might just have been playing ones that didn’t work for you personally. There are PVP type games (where the players compete against each other to win) which can be a lot of fun, but a lot of people also don’t like the competitive nature. There are also co-op games (where the players work together to win), which are a lot of fun for pretty much everyone.
If you’ve tried one but not the other, it might be worth finding out if you like the other (do you have any friends who own board games you could sit in with for a game, or a nearby gaming shop that has a game night or something, to try them?).
Thank for the update.
Thanks for the update, glad Fen’s recovering.
It says my info is in use by another user. Strange.
There’s probably an easier way to do it, but the update pledge button didn’t work for me when I tried it, so what I did when mine said that after I repledged was I make sure I was logged into Patreon on the computer in question then un and re-linked my Patreon.
That seems to be the error people are getting, yeah. No idea why. Wish I had majored in CompSci instead of English Lit :p
tl;dr – Liberal Arts studies -> computing pursuits = intellectually rewarding hard mode
I majored in linguistics and, years later, wound up a computer engineer. I believed that human language was more complex and subjective than computer language and chose to take a purely autodidactic approach to the latter. I don’t regret the choice and value the knowledge I have and the diversity of thought-process it has influenced me to develop. Not to say it hasn’t been a challenging path.
Big board game/roleplaying game convention. Google’s your friend.
I had lost my offbeatr support.
Putting in my email and then confirming my offbeatr support status worked though.
I just thought I would let you guys know that it seems to be the entire support backend and not just patreon.
Glad to hear we’re getting healthy and grateful for the heads up on linking issue, was one of the ‘few dozen’ and am glad to have been able to swiftly check for and resolve the disconnect.
Glad Fen’s doing better!
I had the Patreon glictch myself, but a de-sync and re-sync fixed it perfectly!
Hello Fenoxo and co. I was wonder if it you could put a percentage chance on rare drop items because I’ve been playing TiTS for hours on Tarkus and I still have not found any of the Gold Piercings, and it makes me a little frustrated, seriously if you could do this I would be so happy, please take this into consideration, thank you. And it’s great to hear that you’re feeling better Fenoxo.
Didn’t even realize there was a problem until I logged in just now. So keep up the great work!
My pledge status seemed to have hit this snag, and hit the “reconfirm patreon” button didn’t work at first (said it was already in use). Tabbed over to patreon, manually logged in there, and hit the button again, and that time it worked. /shrug