- [1/19/19 @~2 AM] Update: I wanted to have a new build out, but I’ve been side tracked by a couple things. One big distraction was writing the final boss encounter texts and combat routines instead of getting all the floor set up and going. I got back on task today and gave the second floor room descriptions a quick pass. Perhaps late (real late?) tomorrow I’ll have something to show.
- Appreciate the patience,
- Appreciate the patience,

“dog-man” has been changed to “savage man” btw. MIlodan are supposed to a bit cat and dog, but they seem more cat to me.
Work continues on Korgii Hold. Two of the enemies – the infiltrator and war-lion (both male) are fairly complete, barring any additional testing. The first floor of the hold has been also been reworked. Stairways have been blocked in cave-ins and blockades. Shops have been emptied. Lund is no longer standing in a specific square. A system for randomly assigning different NPCs in the hold to be captives to the enemy encounters has been set up and tested with Heidrun and Lund.
Pictured at right, you can see the buxom korg as a captive. Below that, you can see what it’s like to rescue Lund. Yes, submissive Lund has different text.
I intend to have almost every major NPC in the hold make such an appearance, and B has written a specific setup and ending for rescuing Nenne. There are also going to be some unique items scattered around as well. I intend to have the game track exactly how many korgonne you rescue (and potentially how many milos you take down) to reference at the end and factor into rewards.
I’ll be working on getting the other floors suitably described and have something for you guys to play around with featuring these two new enemies by the end of the week. I’ll have to build something to let you out of the incomplete dungeon and reset it for later, but hopefully it’s enjoyable.
QuestyRobo (and now William) are working on getting the “Milodan Temptress” enemy together. I intend to have her in next week, and with luck the final boss encounter as well.
Sorry for the slow progress. One thing I want to do this year is try and do more streams. We’ll see if I can repeat my four hour performance from earlier tonight soon.
its okay dude we know you have life
a life
I’m glad Fen has life, too.
Will Lund have a different reaction also if he is your dom? Cause that one looks more like a neutral reaction if you dont interact with him in the hold before the siege starts.
Please make sure Jacques00 produces the updated map so that me and/or SeriousBlueJewel can update the Wiki at a reasonable rate.
so, if you miss/ignore one or more will they dissapear entirely after the mission?
I think it’ll be more like they get rescued off screen by one of the other korgonne warriors. That’s what makes sense to me.
Aren’t Milodan cats? The pic says “..what the dog-man intends.”
The most precise way to call Milodans would be Sable-tooth Snow Leopards.
Saber. Not sable. Sable means black, their teeth ain’t black. Unless they’re a redneck, lol.
I dunno, man, Lund thinks you got purdy teeth, city boy.
So, when will Arona’s quest be in, grizzly-man? Lol.
I have no clue how to initiate the siege on the hold, and have looked everywhere, if you know, please let me know too. >.>
so, psionics when?
Fen streaming potentially making a comeback? Fortnite Fen might be a thing in 2019
From the first teaser pic, we won’t have to let her off the leash after the encounter, right? Also, what are going to be the incentives for this event outside of the one-off scenes? Is there a follower to recruit from this?
Ula becomes the leader of the hold
Dumb question but for those whom broke Lund, will we get the means to break him completely and give him Pussyblossom?
is submissive boi butt not good enough for you
Nope :3
It genuinely depends on what Wsan wants to do. He’s closed commissions now so I’m unsure of the future of Lund content in general beyond the enemy path that got commissioned.
hey i know this is a month late but is there any way i can have alexandra dreams? I’ve turned her down twice in a row and didnt know they messed it up. Any way to reverse it or do i need an entirely different save file?
I’m sorry but how the fuck does that character have over 2k hp?
Ooooh. Didn’t spot that.
So does the opportunity to side with the Milodan exist too? or is it Korg exclusive?
Almost 100% positive it’ll be Korg exclusive, as much as I’d enjoy something like that the MIlodan have been nothing but hostile to Steele. Which is a shame because I really want a Milodan waifu and some cat babies.
There’s some friendly milodan interaction coming up soon actually.
Give me Valla or give me death!
Wsan-sama please can we have a Milodan Waifu? Their busts are fantastic and they seem really down with getting preggo with alien goo.
PC gets to lay with a cute sexy half-milo girl in some content I’ve written. Probably get coded up when we’re done with War’gii stuff.
What’s the other half?
The other half is Waifu
IIRC, the other half is Huskar. She’s quite fluffy, but not anthro.
Why is one of your posts the sprite and the other an actual Avatar?
Looks like the first one was made through Patreon, if that’s possible, (I have no clue if it is,) and the other was made here. Of course, as stated above, I’m a non-expert in such things.
It’s because I forgot to log in. Logging in gives me the avatar, staying logged out defaults to my “saved” settings of my Patreon address.
Ho. He actually started third project while not finishing the other two? You do know what happens when you try something way out of your size range yarr? :))) Or is this the new kind of business practice where one pops a bunch of projects to make ppl gush $ all over all of them? 😛 Oh well. “hides in the mists of time again”
What do you mean, started a new project? Korgii Hold and Penny recruitment were voted on montha ago – we were told at the start that it would be one and then the other. Korgii Hold lost the vote, hence was second. This ain’t ‘starting a new project,’ and literally everything mentioned in the post is part of it.
As if having immortal char was ever new for devs and their endless test rides. 😉 Heck i always have 9999 stat points and 999999 exp and creds, and im not even dev. I’d say it’s pretty normal to spin a lil cheating in single-players… Especially unfinished ones, as if i’d be dumb enough to roll it legit every time i roll new game. 😀
@Odriew I’m about coc, coc2 and boobies. ;P
CoC has been done for well over a year and Fen isn’t working on CoC2. CoC2 is headed by Savin in his free time with UpcastDrake as the main coder.
Dang can’t use “reply” from ios huh? Or rather can but it doesn’t really do anything, evidently. “casts summon gedan spell” “waits” 😛
@devil Eh? Surprising that fen woud hand over the continuation of coc to someone else…. Like, wtf? And regarding coc no i don’t believe that hastily thrown together finale is a proper finish. But that’s just me i suppose.
Too bad. That’s all you get.
Then go support Corruption of Champions Revamp Mod
I retired from trying to write for that series of mods, the leadership collapse and everyone wants to make it so their own OC is top dog in them.
That’s how CoC always was. The OC part that is.
Considering the coding on CoC was a nightmare and these newer games are cleaner coding wise I don’t blame Fen for wanting to be done with CoC.
Still wish I could change the background colour. Blue gives me really bad eye strain after a few minutes of reading.
That was the problem witg the original mass effect. Truly the mako was an even worse vehicle then the Striker Z
@Damien Frankly instead of doing coc2 they would do much better by reworking coc1. Giving it new engine and art, finishing everything properly, adding new stuff…. etc. Now that, would be awesome beyond measure.
I all honestly agree, but I’m 95% sure that won’t happen, not only because of it being a ton of work, but also because TiTS is really popular right now with it’s ongoing updates, and if the devs suddenly switched back to working on CoC, they’d leave TiTS, and also event submissions for TiTS, making work pile up massively. So it’d basically be business suicide.
One thing that i am wondering about is when the laquine tf will get the leg scene written and implemented.
The rest of the tf has been written by William and is waiting to code. I am working on laquine preg. I think Fen will be doing the tf when he can get to it.
Any change of Milodan transformative items? :O
So random question but will there ever be more sexy Mirrin stuff possibly more naughty options or just hanging out with the fun muscle girl?
Mirrin 2 was already written. It awaits for someone to actually code it.
Im excited for it personally
awesome then another question in the hopes it gets answered. where did that one demon girl that I think was on Uveto go I miss her.
The waitress in the bar?
“Willow has been removed from the game for now due to some widely reported quality issues.”
aw but she was fun ;-;
@meteor Well they apparently got hands to spare for coc2, right? Plus i’m not sayin’ it has to happen right this second. I’m sayin’ it simply has to happen, at some point. Preferably before fen and co croak from old age. ;))) With the rest of us.
“Well they apparently got hands to spare for coc2, right?”
Wrong. Aside from Savin, none of the full-time write/code teams overlap.
If I save everyone in the hold, can I become their god-king and make a harem of pregged korgs. Also I kept typing krogs and i dont know why.
I have absolutely 0% interest in COC2 1)Because I feel like devs basically told COC fans and supporters to go pound sand. (Just look at Savins comment above) and 2) I dislike just about everything Savin has written for TITS thus far. No offence to him or people who like his content. My eyes just gloss over and I fall asleep after like 3 sentences. Maybe if more writers get involved and Savin takes more of a back seat/oversight role I’ll check it out and possibly support it.
@Nat whoa there, let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. Devs so far said nothing definite as far as i recall. :)) And it’s not like it matters what jokers like savvy say since most of them are on a payroll which means they will cough up if fen says so. If what i remember of fen still holds then he probably ain’t quite done with coc either, just busy with tits for now. So, wait we must. ^^)v However can’t help you with raste problems. Personally savins doggy sisters will always be my favorites.
There should be a cuckold humiliation scene
There is a Cuckold humiliation scene going on in this comment section. I ain’t pointing any fingers though 🙂
Fen it’s alright, do what you need to. We’ll still be here when you get back. Take care of yourself *goes back to singing zonetan song* “I’d like to teach the world to f…”
Hey Fen Fen, I would like to help with the starship portion of this game if you would accept the help. I am a Trekkie and a big Space Travel nerd (Proud of it) and from what we are doing with FTL drives in the here and now to Stargate, StarTrek, BattleStar Galaxtica (not that big on the lore just study the ships), and Firefly I have a in depth knowledge of how starships would have their layouts practically, weapon systems and their damage, decks and space, engineering, propulsion, ect. Like a Corvette size class of starship has consistently atleast three decks, first deck being where the business goes down, the second deck would be living and recreational space, the third deck would be dedicated to engineering, shuttlebay, armory, ect. Would be less maneuverable than a fighter but more maneuverable than a frigate and it is a fast pace hit and run ship when used in military engagements.
Sorry for the massive blurb told you I am a nerd when it comes to this.
@Damien well then nerd, tell me what ya think of Stellaris? Being space ship nerd there is no way you haven’ tried that one yet aye? :)) Or perhaps ya more into stuff like Tachyon: The Fringe? The latter being one of the best games ever made, it’ so good that even after 19 years it’s still kicks ass. Or ya just into the techie stuff? If so then you ain’t nerdin’ hard enough. :))))
Unfortunately due to financial issues I’ve had for years I have never gotten into Stellaris. But I’ve finally gotten to the point where I can save up and get a rig to play it, for which I am excited my friend is as big a sci-fi nerd and loves to tell me about the game. Now if your point is to troll this chat you will probably get banned, just a heads up. As for the Tachyon: The Fringe game, interesting game, I will say this it’s a product of its time. The larger scale ships look practical if the tech isn’t a little dated. The space stations and smaller class ships are base on an idea sci-fi had involving mass and maneuverability and then the idea that gravity plating allows for more block based building.
But in a serious response, I love looking a different types of starships and analyzing the pros-and cons of different configurations. Like Star trek has an issue for ignoring the mass of their ships and make them act like fighters, the Defiant and Streamrunner classes are the exemption.
Mass Effect on the otherhand addresses this issue but creates a work around in the development of mass altering energy fields.
Halo shows a military approach and interesting application of technologies we are currently developing, though their progress is extremely lack luster in contrast to ours such as a lack of exploitation of technology such as plasma energy screens which we have today and are trying to develop a practical delivery system that doesn’t roast the user. They also lack practical fighter/interceptors.
Stargate, while using fantasy tech, has the most practical hull configuration for Earth vessels and fighter/interceptor escorts.
BattleStar shows the effectiveness of the conventional weapons we have today and are developing while still showing tech more advanced than our at times, their fighters are far from really being able to fly in atmo though.
I am a starship nerd, Sci-Fi lore and stories are just a bonus for me.
@Drox he used different email. Avatar i bound to the email.
I wonder how you bind an Avatar to the e-mail? Does it require you to be a backer?
Futa/herm/dickgirl as starter option when?
In TiTs? Already can, if you choose Gryvain or Kui-tan as the mother’s starter species. If you mean CoC2, you should really specify that that’s what you meant. And the answer is, if you start as a wyld elf, you can start as a shemale. Otherwise, you’re probably SOL.
@Damien Nobody ever threatened me with a ban on this site before, thanks for the laugh. :)) But no i did not troll you or anything, just interested in opinions about the game, preferably from ultra-hardcore gamers like myself or people who are into space stuff… Like yourself. 🙂 In regards to mass, it is actually an immense problem not only in space games, but in a fuck-ton of other games as well. Take the ones that use giant robots for example, like transformers. Man it was a laugh the way those tincans moved like they were in zeroG lol.
Fair enough, from some of your other posts you have come off either trollish or confrontational. I’ve asked the dude who did the Space Rats if I could work on the Sidewinder and fix some issues I have seen with the initial layout. My issues are pretty simple, 1: Asymmetrical layout, starships especially those capable of FTL require Symmetry to maintain an even field around the ship to keep itself from tearing apart. 2: Engineering on the same level as the pilot in a Corvette Class warship: most ships designed for high maneuvers and dog fighting do not keep the engine on the same deck as the pilot as to avoid distractions and in case of the engines taking damage the pilot doesn’t get an extra crispy back. 3: Lack of decks: this one ties into 2 but mostly it’s own issue because this ship is suppose to be the jewel of the pirate fleet but a Tellerite cargoship has more space than this thing and more firepower to boot. 4: Ion engines: While there is some promise in some research atm that MAY improve Ion drive technology that could make is viable as a faster in system drive, Ion drives are fairly slow in contrast to a thruster than is essentially a big fuck off fusion torch. Even the Normandy from Mass Effect used Fusion torches for the first two games till it got an upgrade in some alien tech and that thing flew!
@Drox gravatar.com Here, dug it up just for you. ;))
Thank you, I’ll have to remember to change mine when I contribute significantly to this game and can come up with something that reflects that contribution.
@Damien Oh i am confrontational and troll too an a ton of other things, just not today. :)) I’m like the wind, a good sapient today, your worst nightmare tomorrow. Anyways i see you have passion, that’s good for a game dev. Actually it’s probably good for anyone, for too many people money has become their only passion. So refreshing, to see true passion. However you need not forget that here you shall work on a sci-fi game that tries hard at being smut on top. Too much passion can ruin things too, so just remember that you’re doing a game and not in an actual hangar designing humanitys first arc-ship. ;)))
It is what it is, but a realistic ship layout has one advantage that the current sidewinder doesn’t: more room to fuck waifu.
Lol, can’t argue with that one. However in my case it would be something along the lines of “more room for more toys and all manner of devious bdsm contraptions”. For various… fun times indeed huhu~
@Drox An interesting approach. And why not? We all seek worthy purpose and worthier rewards haha. And when we cannot find, we invent. Power be with you matey. :))