[Backers] Cleaned-Up TiTS

Hey guys! Fen here with another update on progress for various things in the TiTSworld. Before I get into showing off some rad new stuff in the javascript build (banged out by the ever-lovely Gedan, Leek, and Jacques00), I have a nice little bugfix patch that I’ve thrown together from my efforts to wade through the latest backlogged bugs.

0.8.155 Changelog:

  • If you’ve asked Kiro to keep her nuts all plush and squishy for you, good news: she’ll wait a few more hours before getting annoyed by the size and “resetting.”
  • You can no longer start Paige & Kiro threesomes while lacking in genitals.
  • Some scenes for parasitic tailcocks were able to be accessed by those with non-parasitic tailcocks. This has been fixed.
  • Bhakar now shows in the bust window for his race’s Codex entry.
  • The PC will no longer get a drink with Kally’s special ingredient if they are kui-tan or have the “‘Nuki Nuts” perk. This will now be tracked to be appropriately mentioned when discussing the secret ingredient with Kiro.
  • The male naleen can no longer somehow put both his dicks in your ass while also somehow putting one in your tail. The poor guy only has two to work with!
  • Getting sucked off by a slyveren slavebreaker was skipping the follow-up and actual dick growth the scene was supposed to impart. This has been fixed.
  • Po’s drone has regained its aphrosting attack.
  • Lola’s pool scenes should now properly prioritize penises over hardlight phalluses. Always go for the real deal!
  • A new scene was added to the image pack for sleeping with Anno & Shekka, drawn by the lovely SugarBugTrash and graciously allowed to be included in the game.
  • You can no longer have a threesome with Anno and Kase before Kase heals.
  • Syri will now wait at least 48 hours from when she gives you her panties before skipping town for Uveto. It was pretty weird to run into her, screw, get a gift, and then walk to the bar to discover she somehow snuck off planet… Maybe ausar get a class level in rogue or something?
  • The Holotrap event in KiroQuest has had some of its if-checks cleaned up and corrected.
  • SirensBounty should now assign correct tail flags when TFing a tailgina.
  • The ballSizeMod stat should no longer be initialized at 0. That means saves created before now got to be a lil bit bigger off the hop. I might need to give ballSizeRaw a nudge up…
  • The Easter Jumper’s sexual likes & dislikes should now represent a unanimously positive regard for cum-covered PCs.
  • VKo no longer instantly vaccinates you against all SSTDs when you get one cured, and instead now offers an optional choice after doing so – the price scales up with level.
  • Kaede’s encounters should check more thoroughly to make sure she is available before proccing themselves.
  • Kaede’s “Ride Rocket” scene should now use allow for more in-depth hole selection.
  • The Casstech Z14’s description has been updated to match the tutorial text.
  • Hips will no longer be described as slender just because your character has high muscle tone.
  • Assorted tiny typo fixes, broken parser fixes, and the like.
  • I’m sure one new bug crawled back in before I could close the door… if you spot him, you can post about him on the bug report forums!

Javascript update images below the break, so stick around if you wanna see some absolutely juicy goodness!

TiTS Update

TL;DR Edition: Big reorganization complete. Savin/Gedan/Adjatha are all taking up some heavy lifting in the company. I plotted out the entire myrellion peace quest in bullet points, might write it soon since it isn’t smutty. We’ve largely settled on some core parts of how we would like to end the game and wrap up some plot threads. New bugfix pub patch tonight with some bust art updates. IT’S OUT! (You can eyeball the discord announcement channel as well, accessible from the chat link above.)

Full Report: After a post that I can only really describe as necessary TMI, I did a lot of soul searching and finally delegated some of my responsilibies to team members. I had the terrible combination of becoming largely sexually desensitized and then trapping myself in a negative feedback loop about not getting things done and then feeling bad about not getting things done. I had to break that cycle, and I fucking have.

This week I’ve finally blocked out the entirety of the Myrellion peace path. I know every event that needs to happen and the broad strokes of how it will proceed and exactly which NPCs will be touched along the way. The bullet point version takes up two full pages already. Also worked out were more details on mysterious NPCs like the owner of KihaCorp – who I had two full breakdowns of potential options for before changing gears to go with something Adjatha & Savin brought to my attention. Of course, I can’t share those details quite yet without spoilering future works.

One idea I slipped into the doc that I’d like to weave into the game if possible is that Celise saved Victor from an assassination or kidnapping attempt at some point in the past, which further cements why he would go so far as push her along with you on your quest. I don’t mind sharing this one since it’s so small and might not ultimately make it into the game, but it’s a nice connection to think about.

We spent two full hours in meetings today going over all of this. Adjatha is going to be stepping up to help review and make decisions on event submissions as well as ensuring the team’s writing maintains the game’s tone. Savin is going to be managing writing commissions and helping me keep the details of the lore & universe straight. Gedan is more officially being named as the code director & architect – a long overdue promotion since she has basically been doing this already. Together the big three and I will collaboratively maintain forward momentum with TiTS and manage the rest of the staff. (Also they get more $$$!)

My immediate future is going to be in the bug fixing mines. More than five pages of new bugs have piled up since my last proper pass on the forums thanks to the tireless efforts of the community, and I’m going to get them cleared. Next week’s meetings should allow us to refine our focus further, but don’t be fooled into thinking I have nothing of merit to share. Those of you keeping an eye on my twitter will have seen some previews of some of the updates from the javascript team, and I’m going to dig into those next!

The options screen is coming together really quickly, and thanks to the addition of subheadings, it no longer needs to be crowded together on one page!
You can see that some familiar controls are returning as well…
We also have the ability to order the bust artists priority to your whims – or just turn the art off entirely if you prefer to stick to your own imagination. (The blank buttons are a known display issue on chrome that will be fixed soon.)
Custom color schemes are a feature we wanted to have from the get-go, but due to my… unique coding style never got a chance to see the light of day. Now we have it functional in game. It’s possible to turn the entire screen day-glow pink if you want, and a built-in color picker should help those unfamiliar with the hexadecimal color codes when it comes to selecting colors.
Leek has a few more options he intends to wire up, after which he will be moving on to working on the level up screen.

DISCLAIMER: the below screenshot is a mock-up, not a game capture like the above.

Jacques00 is going to be doing some icons for each class to have, and some of the formatting may change, but getting these systems working in game is Leek’s next task. We talked about adding supercripted ‘?’s next to the stats there so you can mouse over and get a better description of what the stats do – I’ll need to get on writing them sooner than later I suspect.

After seeing all of that, you might ask about what Gedan is up to. That’s understandible, but the answers almost entirely land under the hood. For most of the week I couldn’t even open the game because of some changes she made to the preloader screwed with Chrome, and she’s been a busy bee chasing down legacy bugs revealed by the port and making sure that the data structures and organization will be mature enough to avoid us having to make a bunch of knee-jerk save formatting changes once it hits public hands. Also: ships. There’s a whole lot to work on there, and she’s making them work better (or at least more correctly) than ever before.

Did you know that ships were programmed in as NPCs, with the NPC stats mapped to the ship stats? So if you wanted to check a ship’s speed, it might be stored as a piece of data in the “reflexes” field. That shouldn’t be the case going forward and should make touching that content a little less painful.

Whew! This post certainly grew into proportions to rival Tank Kannon, but I’ll wrap it up here. The public patch for TiTS will catch an update tonight (probably into the AM hours…) with some bug fixes and new art, and the changelog is live! Thanks guys. For the first time in a long time, sitting down to TiTS has felt… almost effortless. Really, thanks for sticking with us.

0.8.154 Changelog:

  • New busts: Burt, Doctor Po, the Orgasmender, the Sleep Fapnea Machine, and the Dick Designer.
  • It is no longer possible for ‘tuars without a penis to get locked in Pink’s sex menu. (She’s one of the Love Starz.) It should block you outright from selecting “Sex”.
  • Bimbo Kiro should now appear nude at all times, as she is wont to do.
  • An uncoded variation in one of Ardia’s scenes has been corrected. Previously both variants would display at once with a ‘/’ in the middle.
  • Capacity checks for Kaede have been properly standardized by adding a proper statblock for her. Previously they varied from 250-370 depending on which scene you asked!
  • Some errors with the Inseminator Pro have been fixed.
  • Starchild’s tail-cock scenes should no longer error out at every attempt to describe the scene’s star organ.
  • Several smaller typos and grammatical errors have been fixed, as well as some poorly applied bold and italics in some tooltips.
  • A version with some images embedded in scenes and the ability to zoom in on character art is available, and for now, you still need a stand-alone flash player to play it. We sadly can’t pack it with the .exe wrapper we use due to incompatibilities in the coding techniques.

That’s one page of bug reports down (well, mostly. A few of them I need replies on…) and many more to go… No Patreon/SubscriberStar plug here today. I want to get more done before we resume shilling!


Many moons ago, a person reached out to us through the forums to ask if we’d be okay with them making dildos modelled after characters from our games.

Our answer? An enthusiastic yes.

Back in the early days of CoC1 I used to entertain hopes of a certain big dildo company making one or two for us, though it was never something I actually put my back into making a reality when I was busy pounding out smut for 10 hours a day. Well now, you can obtain your very own Syri, or even Kassyra (yes, the CoC2 boys okayed this too!), to plunder your own IRL holes with. Obviously the more… endowed characters don’t quite size up to their in-game, gut-rending sizes or only the most experienced of anal acrobats would be able to make use of them. After all, shouldn’t everyone have an opportunity to take a ride on Kassyra’s cunt-tamer?

Check out Kinx Labs on Etsy to eyeball their initial run. I’ll be sure to link this post to them so they can see whatever feedback you have.

Full disclaimer: We have not tested these products ourselves in spite of being offered free samples. This is a new company’s first product run. We will receive a portion of the proceeds spent on these products.

TiTS & Fenoxo Update

Hey guys, it’s been a little bit. I wanted to give you a quick update before I step out for the weekend to give you some heads up as to where I’ve been and where we’re going.


  • Jacques00 has been working on getting player character view functional in the game. This little outline hologram will never perfectly display everything, but it should roughly conform to your body attributes to give a quick sense of your character’s shape. It’s been one of the things I’m most excited about.
  • Leek has been banging on the options menu to get that whipped into shape. It’s definitely going to look a lot nicer than our current options menu!
  • Gedan’s been finalizing data storage & ship content in hopes of minimizing the updates we have to do to early adapter’s saves over time.
  • I had to finish up some stuff for my 2020 taxes this week, which ate about a day and half more of my time than I expected.

Me (Fenoxo), TMI edition:

  • I think I need to massively scale back my engagement with smut and porn in general. My libido has been flagging, and IRL lust resets feel so much like work that I haven’t bothered in far too long. With my passion in the gutter, I can hardly pour it into creating things for these games.
  • I’m likely going to step back from my lead development/writing role in TiTS and let someone else take the reigns very soon, then take on a more “producer” style role in addition to continuing to help with coding – probably with a focus on chasing down the bugs.
  • Coming to this decision wasn’t easy. I’ve kept a firm authorial control on my projects up until this point, but there comes a time when you have to realize that YOU are your own worst roadblock, and it’s time to let hornier hands take the wheel.
  • It’s my sincere hope that giving my brain more than a week away from the erotic and arousing will allow me to jump back into the sea of genitalia with fresh hunger, but if it doesn’t, I’m going to find the best people to keep the horny ball rolling forward.
  • I don’t have any regrets about doing this job. Making these games allowed me to learn so much about myself, make so many new friends, and bring joy to so many people. I’m so very far from done.

Thank you.


B is doing Halloween stuff, and could use some votes on the new poll.

[Backers | TiTS] Shekka Uses the Wall

0.8.153 Changelog:

  • New punishment wall short scenes activated: “Tail Whip”, “Pierced Horsecock”, “Condom Stuffing”, “Butt Chug” (lol), “Pawjob”, “Ball Worship”, “Pussy Pump”, “Hypercock Docking”, “Synth Sheath’d”, “Shekka Visits” (This last one I wrote! -Fen)
  • Kiro (in big ball mode) has her her relief BJ scene added to her proper sex menu.
  • Kally’s data object now has the proper penis type assigned (which should change volume calculations slightly).
  • Kally will now no longer serve ‘nuki PCs her special drink when they meet.
  • Gryvain penises should know have proper knot volumes assigned when setup with the “shiftCock” function.
  • Several dildos that had knots have had their knot volumes properly bumped up.
  • Several dildos that mentioned giving taint in their descriptions now give taint.
  • Fixed a ton of typos, minor logic error in-scenes, and the like thanks to people like SBJ and the other bug reporters.

I’ve got a few more complicating issues to untangle next… as well as another scene or two I’d like to add for your followers making use of you while you’re in the wall. The java port is process is still trundling along as well. At this week’s meeting we went over the list of remaining tasks before we’re comfortable sharing it with you all. In the interest of transparency, I’ll run through some of them here:

  • Level up flow. This means building out the new UI for stat allocation and perks. Jacques00 did some mockups but they aren’t in code at all yet (to my knowledge).
  • Perk display: this one kind of goes hand-in-hand with the level up system and is pretty self-explanatory.
  • Ship/Location storage: these need finalized so that we aren’t stuck juggling bug reports about old saves that used an unfinished system down the road.
  • Proper mail system interface. The java port doesn’t have one yet.
  • Proper ship menus.

If you like the game and like what we’re doing, you can always support us on Patreon or SubscribeStar! And if not, well, the free builds will still be here.

[Backers | TiTS] Punishment Wall

0.8.152 Changelog:

  • It is now possible to “Act Up” after talking through all of Cherry’s talk options (or “Push It”) with Molli to get yourself in trouble in the Tap-Hall – and get put in the wall as punishment! Once there, you’ll go through a large scene with an appropriate NPC and three randomly selected mini-scenes. Some of these scenes include transformation and chances of pregnancy, so don’t act up if you can’t handle your punishments! Written by Adjatha. (There will be more mini-scenes coming – I ran out of time to code them all.)
  • New implant in Sabrae’s shop on Dhaal! The inseminator pro is a utility implant that lets you control virility, max cum, max probable cum, and refractory rate. It requires a cock and is not compatible with Nuki Nuts.
    • Virility: (0% – 5,000%)
    • Cum, Max Probable Ejaculation (Up to 50,000 mLs)
    • *can be set to use steele’s natural calculation or override it with a specific number.
    • Cum, Max: (10 mLs – 50,000 mLs) Refractory Rate: (100% – 5,000%)
    • Coded by DrunkZombie.
  • Dracoguard can now give a Gryvain tongue.
  • Dr. Lash gained resistances to some additional damage types.
  • Lumi can no longer be encountered before level 7. (Previous was 6.)
  • Fixed a bunch of bugs with Anno’s reverse pet-play event.
  • FIRST-14 should no longer replace your tent during the tutorial if you do it later with a better tent.
  • Taint gains from the VR versions of Kiroquest should now be more consistent (minor gains, still nowhere as severe as the real deal.)
  • The VR version of Doctor Po’s bad end no longer permanently messes with your intelligence and willpower.
  • LionO’s texts for cum TFs should be more accurate.
  • VR fights can no longer generate rare item drops.
  • “The Twins” had their sexual preference values set.
  • Fixed some minor errors in several Kiroquest enemies’ AI routines.
  • It should be easier to get the “hyper docking” loss scene for bored jumpers.
  • Added “earsNoun” and “earNoun” as valid parsers.
  • A real buttload of other typos were cleaned up thanks to the diligent folks on the bug report forum (in addition to most of the above bugs!) I’ll blast through more soon…

[Public | TiTS] Updates!

So for those who missed yesterday’s update, Anno petplay is on the menu, but first let me drop an update about the javascript port: it’s fucking awesome. It really is. Seeing the pieces finally snapping together in very functional ways had me absolutely giddy during the team meeting today, even if I was massively undercaffeinated.

Today I was able to:

  • Take a flight from Tavros to Mhenga (now that ships are added with setup for them having their own internal maps down the road. It’s still early days though, so not a 100% promise.)
  • Engage in combat on Mhenga! I was running around punching Zil and stuff, no problem!
  • Pop-out a “large” map view! We’re still working on the scaling and such, but gone are the days of only seeing a handful of rooms in any direction.
  • Observe just how much snappier it plays. I’m not used to just how quick the UI responds compared to the flash version.

Now on to the PUBLIC PATCH!

0.8.151 Changelog:

  • Image-embedded version updated! (Requires a stand-alone flash player to use and 600+MB of free storage space.)
  • The “Anno Walking You” event now has a few new scenes added: one for New Texas, one for bumping into Syri, and one for running into Kaede.
  • Fixed a bug where bad pets would wind up with a next button that doesn’t work.
  • Fixed some broken parsers, a bold bleed, and some variants that didn’t have logic.
  • Fixed the taursuit accidentally giving double taint.
  • Tweaked some codexes, lore, and the appearance screen so that some things could be clarified and more consistent, so: ausar don’t have slitted eyes, gryvain knots are functional knots, and Fen has a big ol’ ween.
  • New Busts: Updated Big T (Shou), Anno Huskar Casual, non-Huskar Anno (&nude & casual), Alexandra, the Dong Designer, and the Mindwash Visor.

[Backers | TiTS] A Metric Pup-load

First up: Public patch tomorrow (or Thurs, depending). I acknowledge that it’s been over a month since the last one, but backers have faced a similar drought. Letting our supporters enjoy the petplay first (and help us find bugs) means backers don’t get stranded with a game-breaker for a whole month (hopefully.) Expect to see our tempo pick back up.

Now on to the patch!

Imagine this cutie taking you for a walk…

0.8.150 Changelog:

  • Anno and pet-play: has there ever been a more iconic duo? Well now you can invert the pet-play and get walked all over some of your favorite locales thanks to William. This mega-scene clocks in at almost 150 pages in the google document and takes up around 5,000 lines of code in the game files. To unlock it, suggest getting walked to Anno in her talk menu, just do the deed. After your first go-round, a dedicated button will appear in her sex menu.
    • Due to the size and complexity I couldn’t possibly test every potential variation. Expect this one to come with some bugs. I already managed to track down a nasty bold bleed buried two or three variations deep.
  • Urbolg sells a new item: the Techsuit. Thanks to DrunkZombie for coding on it!
  • New poster in TamaniCorp shop: juice that makes you cum super hard, featuring art from Servik (if you’re using the art-embedded version).
  • New embedded image for finding a synthsheath, by Servik.
  • A few small bugs and fixes.

There are several more mini-events left for me to plug into walkies for tomorrow – as well as some absolutely primo backlogged busts. I’ll drop those in your lap soon – as well as the latest news and updates on the javascript port. Lately progress on that front has been swift and visually appealing!

If you like the game and like what we’re doing, you can always support us on Patreon or SubscribeStar! And if not, well, the free builds will still be here.

Tainted Space: Development Update

What up? Where we at?

Police officers come in all kinds of flavors in the distant future…

Development on the port to javascript-based (aka in-browser 2, the electric fuckaloo) is going well. The inventory backend is now functional and working. I can run around Tavros and buy things at Sera’s and check them out in my inventory. Saving and loading works. The map works. Leek has been crushing polishing up bugs so that you can actually run around Tavros without crashing. Gedan is now burrowing into ship nonsense so that you can actually fly to Mhenga (and actually walk around INSIDE your ships potentially).

I’ve been pestering Jacques00 to weld in the morphable outline for a PC character bust into the game – those who kept an eye on my twitter will remember seeing a preview of that forever ago, but with luck we’ll be wiring that morphable holographic outline hotness up to actual PC data values soon.

We’re to the point where we’re talking about how soon we can make the WIP build available to backers pretty frequently, and I think that’s going to be coming sooner than later, though I still can’t offer a date.

I am indeed a fan of babs.

What I can offer is the knowledge that William has been cranking up some great stuff for the brothel on Dhaal, and Savin has been writing Syri’s crew content with the improved parser helpfully donated (not stolen, I swear!) from CoC2 so that it can be implemented rapidly with the switch to javascript. Adjatha has been doing some writing on his own on top of a bunch of new busts. When the next flash patch hits, it’s going to come with some new busts hotter than surface of a lava-girl’s tiddies.

And speaking of busts – they’re functional in javascript now in a big way, and built in a way that should make it easy to let you guys pop out larger versions of the busts on demand without having to download a special, chonky new build, bandwidth permitting.

My sincere apologies that you have gone so long without a TiTS patch. Nevertheless, she comes…

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