Quick patch today.
0.8.088 Changelog:
- The synthwomb was causing fertility to double every time fertility was checked thanks to a particularly doofy mistake on my part. This should be fixed, though I made & deployed this patch untested from my laptop (untested). I recommend rolling back any saves that used it as insane fertility values can cause some weirdness.
- You should now be able to leave the uninstall menu.
0.8.087 Changelog:
- The Synthwomb should be attainable now. For real this time.
0.8.086 Changelog:
- The Implantation Station can now uninstall cybernetic implants.
- Made some tweaks to the shop menu and flow for the Implantation Station to allow for quicker installation after purchase.
- Fixed an Ecstasy Enlargers-related crash. Not sure how a typo like “toolip” slipped past me and the compiler both. Darn sneaky tooltips!
- The status effect used for ecstasy enlargers should now have an icon graphic. Note that the status has to completely lapse and be recreated to properly have the icon display.
- Dhaal’s rare loot can no longer drop on Zheng Shi.
- The Shock Hopper’s vaginal scene now checks against her vaginal capacity instead of anal.
- Fixed spacing in the victory scene for security robots in AnnoQuest.
- Bianca and Kaede can no longer fight over an approach button in Myrellion’s DMZ.
- Anno’s pet play scene can now be started even if your ship is overloaded… as long as you’re already on Tavros.
- You can now walk off from the cybernetic gabilani without having to be a dick about it. The old method is still there if you want to rack up points for the “hard” personality type.
- Fixed a small bushel of typos.