[Backers | TiTS] Year of the Rodenian

Lookin’ fiiiiine!

0.8.052 Changelog:

  • The rat slut duo in Cherry’s Tap-Hall, Walnut & Chestnut, will now offer VIP Service. If you’ve befriended Rat’s Raiders, then you can get access to it faster plus a discount. Otherwise, you have to keep using them. (Written by William, coded by DrunkZombie.)
  • If you get both the helmet and spacesuit in Zheng Shi but for some reason toss one, you can buy a complete suit from Urbolg for 30,000 – only after finding looting both of the above. This was already in the game, but a bolded notice to this effect was added to the airlock to help lost players know how to proceed.
  • Kasmiran’s bust has been added after wayyyyy too long.
  • HumpHard Inc has been removed from the game and its constituent toys and content reassigned to TamaniCorp or JoyCo as appropriate. Its author is no longer in the community and despite multiple Codex entries, none of the authors had much interest in it. This should trim the Codex bloat a bit while also helping players more strongly connect with (and remember) the existing corps.
  • Vahn and Synphia can now sell you SteeleTech suits, if you’d rather not have best-pup on your ship for her vending capabilities.

(I know I talked about chunking in bits of my milk thief, but all these other things popped up first!)

Tailsex… Tailsex Never Changes…

Hey guys! Quick Fenoxian update! After a pretty cruddy day for progress yesterday, I chunked out about 4000 words worth of stuff for the zaika milk thief enemy William and I are working on. Most of that is a scene for vagina-equipped players to calm down after a good fight with some great crotch-to-crotch tribbing – but with an interesting new wrinkle: threading the zaika’s tailgenital between both. The scene culminates with the choice of where you want to let her tail cum – thus far I have blurbs for your own tailpussy, her mouth, or just letting it spurt all over your bellies. I should probably do a version for jamming it in your vagina as well, but after three major variations with three variations for cum quantity each, I needed a break.

After that I laid into her combat routine. If you mind combat spoilers, check out now, but I’ve written a few interesting abilities. Most notably, she can launch herself into the air via her cybernetic heels and “fly” for a few rounds to avoid melee attacks. She also has a once per combat healing move, special moves for being disarmed, and something to deal with pesky PCs in airtight suits.

I’ll probably wind up chunking parts of her in for you guys to test before we have all of her scenes finished, but what we have is promising. My next one is probably going to be focused on milking you, since that’s kind of her whole thing.


[Backers | TiTS] Futazon Scourge

Celise is too goo-d not to post!

We have a small patch today with a new enemy, some fixes, and some lovely new scenes! I’m going to dive into the Milk-Thief that William and I are collaborating on now. Wish me luck.


  • New encounter: Milodan Futazon scourge, by QuestyRobo. Coded by a new volunteer – gena138. Be gentle when reporting any bugs. I spent a few hours paging through it myself to knock the worst edges off, but I did not get much playtime with it. Let us know what you think, and if we need to tweak the balance at all.
    • Be level 8+ when landing on Uveto, and you should get an email notice that the encounters are active.
  • New Slavebreaker scene “Rut Fuck” that the PC can encounter, by William & coded by DrunkZombie.
  • New Female Zil scene “Facefuck”, by William & coded by DrunkZombie.
  • Updated one of the female raskvel scenes with a tweak for knotting. (watchDatRaskvelEggLayyyy – our function names are AMAZING!)
  • Roz now goes on cooldown for 5 hours after you defeat her power armor, in order to properly repair it.
  • A bunch of bug fixes by Jacques00.

Also! Our very own B, writer of such characters as Paige and Lorelei, has finished making up his own Twine game with lots of asset theft and fetish content. You can check out a smaller public build at his forum post or subscribe to his Patreon for the whole 120,000 word shebang!

[Backers] Bit of Everything

Giga celise is looking… squiggly!

0.8.050 Changelog:

  • Those of you who wound up with the bimbofied version of Kiro can now interact with her on the ship in limited fashion. She currently ships with two sex scenes, one for each of the main genital types. I will be restricting one of them to certain sizes of anatomy once I have scenes for “bigger” PCs ready. I really enjoyed writing both of these, and I hope you guys enjoy them as well.
  • Kattom’s inventory for Dhaal has been plugged in. Enjoy luxurious item descriptions, written by our own Adjatha!
  • New busts! Celise has a new bust for each of her forms and Lumi (the rare gabilani encounter on Tarkus) got her busts as well.

Going forward: my Dhaal milk thief and patching in Kiro options a scene at a time.

Fenoxo Fenport: Riding Cowgirl

I just finished writing some stuff for riding the bimbo version of Kiro cow-girl style. Much like the titfuck scene I was doing yesterday, I wove what I consider to be some primo variations into it. This time you have the choice of pinching her nipples till milk squirts out or choking her (after she suggests it). It clocks in just over 3,000 words and includes a variation at the end (like yesterday’s) that allows for you to tell her if she’s been a good girl or just go on your way.

I’m pretty sure everyone is gonna tell her she’s a good girl, but having it as an actual option is gonna make it feel better to play, IMO.

I still need to go back and add a variation to the tit-fuck from yesterday (and add a tit-fuck variation for herm PC’s in this scene with sufficient long dicks). Trying to hit every variation on the first pass is exhaustingI’ll probably post an update tomorrow, even if it winds up only having two sex scenes to play with bimbo Kiro in.

Update: Lotta stuff going on, and if I do get a patch, it’s gonna be so late it’s the next day.

Fenoxo Report

Politics drove me to dive face-first into Kiro’s balls on twitter today, and Sulcate immortalized that fact in the best way possible.

Today I crushed out 5,000+ words. It only took me all day and gave me a massive headache. However, that work included what I feel is one of the hottest tit-fuck scenes I’ve ever written, bar none. It’s all work on Kiro’s bimbo variant, and once I have at least three of the sex scenes together, I’ll lump a quick build together so you guys don’t get stuck in a content drought.

I also bring news that William has some new scenes racing toward the game courtesy of DrunkZombie. End5 has submitted some interesting code for a tool that allows for scenes to be written in CoC2-like parser code and ported in TiTS-text. Lighterfluid has been doing some similar experimental work in the engine itself to allow for CoC2-like logic checks to be built into the parser directly, and I have an amazing commission I managed to snag from MrPink during his stream today.

Oh, and I also finished designing my “Milk-Thief” encounter for Dhaal. Why a milk thief? It’ll make more sense when you guys know more about the natives…

The only reason I haven’t posted it is because he’s still finishing it up as I write this, though I think to make use of it in the art pack I’m going to have to have an option to give bimbo Kiro some Throbb down the line…

Patreon API Issues

Hey guys, we appear to be experiencing some issues with Patreons API at the moment. I’m told it’s definitely something on their end. I’ll update when or if I know more (though I’m probably going to bed soon, sooo…)

Almost immediate update: Now I’m told we’ve worked around it. Everything is fine here. Situation normal. How are you?

…it was a boring blog post anyway.


Shou produced some variants we can’t use, like this grumpy version of the cutie.

Here’s the rest of the stuff I meant to code last night but ran out of time for. There’s more stuff for VIP rooms in the works, but I want to let Wsan fully complete that before I start chunking any of it into code.

0.8.048 & 0.8.049 Changelog:

  • You can now ask for more cream at the milk bar… twice.
  • You can now talk to Iyla about a variety of topics. I forgot to enable it in her root menu in the initial 0.8.048 release, thus the 0.8.049…
  • A new bust has been added for the female raskvel, and it includes a pregnant variant for the scene where you re-encounter the evidence of your past tryst…

Off to the review/edit-mines once more! (And writes after that!)

[Backers | TiTS] Going to a Milk Bar!

Well this came a bit later than intended for a variety of reasons, but that’s fine. Lots got done today – I swear~! I skimmed through almost the entirety of Bizzy’s Expansion (50+ pages). It’s quite lovely and unsurprisingly hot as fuck. I also edited more of a gabilani submission, cleared some bug reports, coordinated other project work with Adjatha, etc.

Then I had a few hours to do some light coding. Enjoy!

0.8.047 Changelog:

  • A small portion of Wsan’s milk bar has made its way into the game. Enjoy a variety of stimulating beverages, right from the teat! You can even get a little cream with your milk, if you like. Don’t worry – there’s more content coming for the fair bartender! I won’t list it here to minimize confusion, but it’s good.
  • Crew Kiro now has a threesome available with Mitzi. You can start it from either character’s sex menu. Turns out you can make a goblin airtight!
  • Getting your knot stuck in Doctor Po is now based off of knot size. (It’s a smallish variant but the old check was based on overall dick size, and that didn’t sit right with me!)
  • Myssah got a bust, courtesy of Adjatha. She’s a real cutie! (Write more of her, Savin!)
  • Lots of assorted Jacques00-issued bug fixes including one submitted fix that should improve loading times?
  • It should actually be impossible to sell the Blade now… maybe?
  • Fixed Bizzy referencing expanded tits that hadn’t expanded yet.

Tomorrow I’m going to be waffling between writing the bimbofied variant of Kiro, plugging at a hostile encounter for Dhaal, or coding… on top of the reviewing and editing still needing done. Busy busy!

Fen Report

It’s now 1:11 AM. Do you know where your Fenoxo is?

Last I heard, he just finished writing out a Kiro & Mitzi threesome he’s meant to write for absolutely ages (which also feature completes “normal” Kiro crew). Then he eyeballed some WIP idea-farming for cybernetics that will become available on Dhaal. He also lost a pretty sizable chunk of hours paging through all of his various payouts to see who he needed to file a 1099 Misc for 2020 (as well as other forms for foreign folks)… and by that I mean I lost most of the fucking day. Some of the poor suckers in our devchat had to deal with me trying to connect the dots on a few artists for hours. Fortunately, nearly every tangle has been dealt with.

What’s on the agenda next? Wsan has done a lot of writing for a milk-bar on Dhaal that needs some eyes on it to make sure everything is going to mesh nicely. QuestyRobo wrote an enemy pair intended for Kiro’s recruitment quest that’ll need reviewed and coded. Doots has a gabilani mob in need of reviewing and some edit work. And of course, I still need to write a whole other Kiro variation.

I’ll see you guys tomorrow (oh shit no, it’s today)!


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