[TiTS] Stealin’ Ships and Datin’ Daughters

Another week hard at work for everybody; a lot of energy sunk into cleaning up more and more of the dangling threads left by overhauling systems.

I’ve spent most of my time delving into the back of the inventory code to clean up how we handled all the special casing required for a handful of complex items. I was hoping to get all of the inventory work I had to do finished with this week, but unpicking the weirdness that the OmniSuit and GooArmor are behind the scenes ate up a lot more hours than I thought it would – but they should now work much better with our new inventory layout. Piercings is gonna be up next.

TiTS 0.9.002:

  • [Backers] Salvaging the Mastodon. Get real friendly with all the people populating the Crash Landing bar, and two weeks after your most recent visit you’ll be getting a message requesting help…. (Slab, Leek & Fenoxo)
  • [Backers] Dating Teyaal’s daughter. Take her out on the town! (Savin & Leek)
  • A bunch of work has gone into tweaking the Inventory screen. There’s now a few extra buttons available in the layout, and many of the Hot Topic interactable items that we were having issues with can now be directly interacted with through the Inventory screen. (Gedan)
  • The OmniSuit and GooArmor had a lot of tweaking behind the scenes so there may be issues lurking; these two items need a lot of unique special cases in the code behind inventory handling, so there may be weirdness and issues lurking anew. (Gedan)
  • The Crash Landing entry door is now properly locked, requiring a scene action to enter the place proper, forcing all of the state tracking to happen. (Gedan)
  • Mid-combat scenes for the Raskvel should work properly again. (DrunkZombie)
  • Salvager Brute pregnancy should no longer crash. (DrunkZombie)
  • Ballistic Breast Liners should be in Sabrae’s store again. (DrunkZombie)
  • Chance’s offspring should be listed correctly. (DrunkZombie)
  • Naming the Sidewinder should be more resilient. (Lowercase_Donkey)
  • Many bust fixes spread around the code. (Lowercase_Donkey)
  • Onboard-ship event chances have been reduced. (DrunkZombie)

[TiTS] Hotfix 3: Hotfix with a vengence

Sneaking out some bigly fixes just for the weekend. There’s a bunch more stuff that still needs some testing before we drop that HOT BACKER CONTENT action soon. Have a little mayternity art goodness for these trying hotfix times!

TiTS 0.9.001, Builds 2057 and up:

  • Internally cleaned up how we make the game show the shop interface. This came with a lot of tweaks to ensure Supply And Demand is working as it should, and rig up a few more specific bits and pieces in a more general fashion so they should work globally for all shops. (Gedan)
  • The Synthwomb implant should now totally avoid impacting virility. (DrunkZombie)
  • The First-14 conduit repair process should now happen correctly for repeat visits, as should the flying-to event text. (Gedan)
  • Sylvie now has some better indication as to the status of her pregnancy. (DrunkZombie)
  • Further work toward the genitalia routers that was started in the previous hotfix. This should clean up a lot of the invalid indexes and the occasional crash that was happening. (Gedan)
  • Teyall’s MSXI now has the proper stats, and so should be a much more formiddable challenge. Like actually shooting back after the first couple of rounds. (Gedan)
  • Teyall should also not show up on ZS until all three of her ship combat encounters have happened. (Gedan)
  • Azariah’s repeat approaches should show the proper first-time event for the first time only. (Gedan)
  • Syri and Penny’s smut mails have been tweaked. (DrunkZombie)
  • The Star Viper that can be rescued post-combat should now be able to leave your ship in some more appropriate places, and not leave in places where it makes little sense. (Gedan)
  • The Anno & Shekka sleep-with waking up scene should work properly. (DrunkZombie)
  • Milkbags should work properly now; various inventory handling systems should no longer make them overwrite each other in strange ways. There might be a few more lingering places where this can happen, but some extensive fiddling happened and it seems solid now. (Gedan)

TiTS 0.9.001, Builds 2068 and up:

  • Fixed a bunch of shop and inventory errors relating to canMergeWith(). I completely underestimated how many items were lying around that needed specific handling when I implemented this last night, and I’ve spent a couple of hours now tracking down as many as I can – there may still be a few left, but all of the reported ones should be fixed. (Gedan)

TiTS 0.9.001, Builds 2089 and up:

  • A lot more investigating has been done to dig out various item issues surfacing with canMergeWith() errors. ShockBlade, StrangeEgg, Slavesuit, Tents, and all of the Hardlight Equipped items should now no longer crash. (Gedan)
  • Hardlight equipped underwear should also import properly from Flash saves. (Gedan)
  • Olympia’s tailcock shifting has been cleaned up further. (Gedan)
  • Zaalt no longer drops his shockblade. This was an oversight from converting the Flash mechanics, and the ultimate source of the ShockBlade crashing in the players inventory. (Gedan)
  • It should no longer be possible for time passage to result in fractional minutes. (DrunkZombie)
  • A variety of shops should no longer inappropriately clear out scene text. (Jacques)
  • Some multi-hit combat attacks should be better about presenting their output. (Fenoxo)
  • The probe event on Mhen’ga should pass less time, enabling Conensol to be utilized for the potential scenes involved. (DrunkZombie)

[TiTS] Insert Funny Post Name Update

Cheeky late Sunday update!

Ardia expansion is going live for Backers with this – keep in mind that it is designed for ardia domlevels lower than 6. Once you’ve visited her folks at least once, the next time you’re warming Ardia’s bed Ardia is warming your bed, you’ll get a little treat and an offer to visit her home again.

TiTS 0.9.001 Release Notes:

  • Backers: Ardia’s low-dom expansion is now available.
  • Haleypreg should be more resilient. (DrunkZombie)
  • Various mimbrane tweaks. (Lowercase_Donkey)
  • Tail Genitals have been cleaned up. Much of the data relating to tail genitals was reworked right on the cusp of us moving over to the JS port, and there was a lot of things that needed tweaking to fully account for their new structure. (Gedan)
  • A variety of scenes written by Will and scattered around the game. (William & Leek)
  • Slightly improved cache-control headers, hopefully better avoiding issues where peoples browsers refused to see a new version of the game. (Gedan)
  • Random ship fights have been re-enabled. (Gedan)
  • Evenings talk menu should work properly. (Gedan)
  • The Great Majin should work properly. (Gedan)
  • AoE attacks should no longer cause a crash in combat. (Gedan)
  • A second means of getting duplicate Siegwulfes should no longer occur. (Gedan)
  • Riley should no longer trigger too often. (Gedan)
  • The ship installables menu should now be in the installables-tagged room and not storage. (Gedan)
  • Results of Event Whorizon should be more verbosely inspected to drive access to Syri Hellhound. (Gedan)
  • The pool in Ten Ton Gym should no longer leave you with the Temporary Nudity Cheat, nor should it allow you to leave the pool room in this state. (Gedan)
  • Anno’s bust should properly update depending on her clothing state. (Gedan)

Shoved some hotfixes out of the door too. Version numbers the same but with a higher build number

TiTS 0.9.001, Builds 2018 and up:

  • Some parser tags used for Syri got cleaned up. There’s still some work to do on a few others. (Leek)
  • Leithacharm had some logic fixes. (Donkey)
  • Under some circumstances, when using implants with physique penalties, it was possible to get a double penalty. This should be resolved. (Fenoxo & Gedan)
  • The system used to handle NPC ships in hangars that the player can interact with has been overhauled. This should fix the remainder of issues with Great Majin, but it will require it’s location to cycle one more time for the data to fix itself. (Gedan)
  • Mitzi more aggressively filters the items she can wear. This fixes an instance where you could have given her the OmniSuit collar in the Flash version, but if she attempts to wear it in the JS version – via an imported save – causes a crash because it is no longer a valid armor slot item. If you had previously given her the collar you can still get it back from her, she just won’t randomly attempt to wear it nor can the player tell her to wear it. (Gedan)
  • More AoE explosion output fixes. (Gedan)
  • The level up UI now ignores fractional stat values when near the cap, allowing you to actually cap your stats up to the max. (Gedan)
  • Syri’s OmegaOil applications should now run as expected. Existing applications will take 7 and a half days, new applications will expire after 3. (Gedan)
  • A bunch of tweaks to fix bust presence through KiroQuest: Po Edition. The full fixes will require us to clear out our built image cache, which will happen on the next “full” build rather than a hotfix. (Gedan)
  • Many instances where you could repeatedly activate a button that used to disable itself after the first activation should now work as expected. The Extort button after random ship combat is a good example of this pattern. (Gedan)
  • More ship combat crashes should be fixed, specifically those relating to “statusEffectv1” and similar. (Gedan)

TiTS 0.9.001, Builds 2026 and up:

  • Removed some duplicated fixed tail genital stats output. (Gedan)
  • Cleaned up some parser stuff in Hellhound Syri content. (Gedan)
  • Minor fixes to some Wulfe scenes. (Gedan)
  • Minor fixes to some Dhaal Motoblitz scenes. (Gedan)
  • Minor fixes to some Aria scenes and her bust display. (Gedan)
  • Fixed non-text buttons being disabled. This fixes the storage menu for example. (Gedan)
  • Cache the default bust rather than attempting to pull it out of the image manifest every time we need it. (Gedan)
  • Hand-So console tweaking. (Fenoxo)
  • A bunch more rooms in Dhaal have real descriptions. (Fenoxo, Donkey & Jacques)
  • Reworked some internal functions that allow for genitalia selection. We had two versions of these for each type of menu we wanted to generate that had become somewhat out of sync, so this was an attempt to cut the least-functional version and convert calls from one to the other. There may be issues lurking in the wake of this. (Gedan)

[TiTS] It’s a real human bean

A weekend and a bits worth of digging into some spicy bugs, along with an opportunity to test somethin’ else cooking in the background – this is the trial by fire release for a behind-the-scenes feature that we’ll be using in the future.

Whilst we’ve been porting everything over to Javascript, we’ve used the module layout that the code has taken as part of the re-organisation to turn whole chunks of content off on a planet-by-planet basis. It hasn’t been perfect and it’s raised a few issues here and there but those are basically all down to the fact we moved from “everything exists everywhere” to nice little seperable blocks of stuff that we can glue together when the game loads. This is how we’ve been disabling planets for public releases that the backer releases still have access to, but our ability to do this was one hundred percent down to the convenient nature of those modules.

With Dhaal now going public, we no longer had that power (at least not until we get to adding another new planet…) – but having the ability to do side-by-side releases whilst maintaining a difference in content has been nice. So now we have a system we can use to handle it in a more granular fashion.

To wit, I coded a relatively small Ardia expansion and used the system to only enable it in development builds (and in the process built a custom VS Code extension…). There should, in theory, be no trace of it in the public and backer builds – but me talking about it is an invitation to see if you can find any trace of it regardless.

TiTS 0.9.000 Release Notes:

  • The version number is now a real number to demark our shift from predominantly porting, to primarily expanding. The number was selected to make it clear that the JS builds are much more recent than the last Flash build.
  • Public releases now have access to Dhaal. There should not currently be a disparity in content between backer and public versions.
  • Achievements have had a few fixes, and the historical unlocking system has been enabled. Their unlock state should save and load properly. (Gedan)
  • A collection of issues relating to the drop list and “reverting inventory” should be fixed. I think I understand the root cause of how this was happening, but it’s possible that I missed some edge cases about when it can happen. (Gedan)
  • Vendors that use non-standard credits should display this more obviously. (Gedan)
  • All instances of fractional credit display in shops should be fixed. (Gedan)
  • The Blade should no longer cause crashes in combat. (Gedan)
  • The Moondast map should once again consist of euclidean space. (Gedan)
  • The mail system now supports buttons related to the displayed content. (DrunkZombie)
  • A variety of bust displays have been tweaked around the game, too numerous to properly detail. (Lowercase_donkey & Gedan)
  • In some circumstances the inventory buttons can disagree with the item actually selected; an attempt has been made to avoid crashes caused by this, but the underlying mismatch may still occur. This is the root cause of “useFunction must be overridden” crashes. (Gedan)
  • Internal Tooling: A custom VS Code extension to help speed up the process of scene coding and a baseline for generating useful metadata extracted from the build. (Gedan)

[TiTS] Achieve This

Chef Gedanne

Been a while since the last time I posted, but rest assured I have been busy in the kitchen cookin’ up some fresh code. Just a little itty bitty update to roll in some fixes and unveil the first pass on a new feature to get y’all started off with and set the tempo of the next couple of weeks whilst Fen is a little sidelined; I’m gonna take over chunking out the builds and we’ve got a couple of spicy meatballs lined up in the pipeline soon! Builds should be out and available within the hour after this post.

Now that the Achievement system is outta the door I’m going to take a look through the content backlog and work on actually sliding in something new for the first time in a long ass time for next week, so be prepared! The Javas Cryptening is upon us!

Small Hotfix Patch Changelog:

  • New Feature: Achievements. Bugs relating to the initial behind the scenes implementation have been fixed and the system is now enabled, along with a raft of an initial set of achievements. Unique icons will likely be forthcoming in a later patch, along with an ever growing list of achievements.
  • A few more hard crashes relating to invalid button configuration have been fixed across the codebase.
  • Roo’s blackjack handling should have had a few crashes handled. The real cause of this is still somewhat of a mystery, we’re just being more careful about the values being handled.
  • Fixed the enormous goof with save data that formatted the days and hours as a time, rather than the hours and minutes.

[Backers | TiTS] Xotchi Xpansion

Selected by Extremely Fair, Complete Randomness™ from the backlog with the aid of the pubbie discord server, have an expansion to Xotchi aboard Uveto station. A lot of tags needed fixing in this so it’s likely I’ve missed a few here and there.

0.7.284 Changelog:

  • Xotchi has a series of new scenes and a potential game-over to opt-into on Uveto station, focused around painplay. Written by Frogapus.
  • Bizzy has a more befitting means of leaving the porn studio at higher stages, along with some tweaks to her payouts.
  • Jacques has deployed his usual arrangement of fixes all over the place.

Fen Edit: Y’all might not have noticed, but Gedan authored the above. With that bit of credit out of the way, I wanted to let everyone know that I made some fantastic progress on getting together a basic ship system for you all. Bear in mind that none of this is live yet. Basic ship combat works in 1-on-1 encounters as well as group-on-group fights. Vahn can sell you new weapons to equip, and you can toggle weapon systems on or off each round of combat as your power budget demands. Expect a bigger update tomorrow night (if it’s a slow news day.)

[BACKER | TITS] Busy Bizzy

First backer patch of the month o’clock.

Gunning for a rapid-fire month this month I think.

0.7.283 Changelog:

  • Bizzy the Kitty Camgirl has been added. You’ll get a message from her as long as you’ve unlocked Zeng Shi and have deep pockets. Written by Nonesuch.
  • DrunkZombie has built us a cool modular storage system that is available in a couple of different places for you to stash various types of gear in. This touched some save code, and I’ve given it a good eyeballing and a test but you should absolutely consider keeping backup saves for the short term in case we’ve missed something!
  • Jacques has delivered his usual assortment of typo fixes and tweaks all over the place.

Files should be up as soon as Buildbro gets done!

New Backer Stuff

Just gone done fiddling some things around in the back-end of the website to clean up a lot of how we were handling Patreon user data. Part of it was adding support for multiple projects to be handled side-by-side, so, anybody who had existing Patreon bindings for their TiTS backer status will have to re-link their account. I did a lot (read: a lot) of testing to try and make sure this was as smooth as possible, but as always, there’s probably a bunch of shit I done fucked up, so post away if it doesn’t work or you get some errors. At least the profile page has fancy status messages to tell you if things worked or burst into flames now!

Ged-Update, Possibly the first ever

Aight, time to scream into the void a little bit and fill you guys in with what the idiot red clown is up to.

I just got done fiddling with the Save/Load from file stuff for the Desktop AIR build, so the next releases should have that fixed. I’ll try and get a few more of the bugs and oversights sorted before then, but it’s time to spill the beans!

Unlike the rest of the team, I don’t get ill, so don’t worry there.

Instead, everything around me falls to pieces. Check after the break if you care about idiot RL stuff that has kept me busy for the last half year!

Sneaky Public Update

Sneaking out a mid-month public update so I can transition everything to an updated build system and make sure it’s working whilst I’m awake and looking at it.

0.7.127 brings a new distribution of the game; the AIR ZIP archive. Basically, download it, extract it, and run the executable. There you go, that’s the game running. I’ve got some more things to play with to make this even easier maybe in the near future, but I wanted to get this out because it end-runs around people needing to install Flash entirely, and it adds a new feature. The regular play page will be updated soon to link to the new file, but it should already be available on the Backer build page!

As for the new feature: AIR builds running on Windows have a few new buttons that can show up in the Data menu; Import Saves and Save Sets (once you have some imported).

Import Saves will look through a couple of common places that you may have TiTS saves located from playing in your browser (FF or Chrome) or the Projector (should also catch IE). This will gather them all up into one place.

Save Sets are available once you’ve successfully imported saves. Each set correlates to a different location that Importing managed to find files. This will let you switch between all the saves you have, fish out the ones you want, Save To File them, and repeat until you’ve gathered up everything you actually want in one place.

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