[Backers | CoC2] Mayternity Begins!

This month’s got some very thicc ladies we’re working on getting ready to be bred, but we’re also going through and touching up some existing pregnancies or adding more content to existing baby-mommas. Starting this patch with Vitra, the salamander dickgirl, who’s getting some new scenes for her romantic partners.

0.6.5 Patch Notes:

  • Vitra the ‘Mander Bartender has received several new sex scenes focused on femPCs — her baby momma needs some special attention. Or maybe Vitra needs some special attention from a very milky PC. Either/or!
  • If you bring Viv to Vitra’s bar, the witch can offer to teach the mander some magic. This unlocks a new sex scene between Vitra and the PC where she puts what she learned to use!
  • Prince Nyze has a new victory sex scene! (By BerrySicky)
  • The High Ground quest now has additional support for if the PC, Liaden, and Azzy are all romantic. (By Alypia)

Next patch should see you moving Zhara and your brood of harpy-lings to the Wayfort. Later on (in no particular order): expansions to Atani’s pregnancy, new interactions with Aileh’s kiddo, and two or three quite chunky brand new additions to the maternity roster~

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on either Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

[Backers | CoC2] A Fungus Amongus

It’s time for more shrooms, baby.

Hotfix: A hotfix has been released that fixes the new Druid Set not having an encounter power, the Forge Golem causing health to become NaN, a crash in Hawkethorne, and some text issues.

0.6.4 Patch Notes:

  • There’s a new fungus-themed dungeon, continuing the story of the Boreal Elves and their outcast druids’ integration with the city. You can initiate this expedition by talking to Hethia, after having finish the Specter of the Wyld quest. (By TheObserver).
  • Etheryn gets a new Druid-themed set through doing the dungeon.
  • The combat code’s gotten some overhaul to help smooth out bugs and make things easier to expand on in the future.

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on either Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

See you in May 🙂

[Public | CoC2] Bug Fixin!

We’re sneaking out a quick fix patch for everyone while we’ve got the next dungeon cookin’ — should just be a few days, depending on how laborious the combat code turns out to be.

0.6.3 Patch Notes:

  • Etheryn’s appearance screen now accounts for her being uncaged
  • The Critical Error screen no longer allows you to attempt an Autosave, instead you can attempt to load the last checkpoint. The attempted autosaves were always a bad solution, since the autosaves generated could have bad game-state due to the error. Checkpoints should not have this issue
  • Fixed a bug introduced with level 7 that caused all healing to be increased by 25%.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause bald and bearded PCs to have “NONE” beard color
  • Fixed an erroneous NPC marker in the Wayfort if you have the Behemoth
  • Fixed a bug that made Etheryn’s [Royal Dicking] Cait threesome gated by the PC having a cock
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the Abyssal Depths Barricade fight to crash if you used certain items
  • Using items here also no properly removes them from your inventory
  • Fixed a bug with the Dracia Tower stairs not always taking you to the right floor
  • Fixed a bug where Kaina would be nude while requesting tea. She’s not that much of a degenerate
  • Made the cock length parsers for Lyric’s new exhib scenes more consistent with the rest of their content
  • Tipping Livrea now properly deducts EC. No more conjuring coin from thin air for her.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the fight with Alissa in Dracia to crash
  • The [Let Elthara Take Her] first-time scene for uncaged Etheryn now properly requires the PC has a cock
  • Drifa [Praise] option now works properly if you’ve never fucked her
  • Fixed a bug that would allow you to Hogtie the Demon Dragoon after fucking her even if you don’t have anywhere to send her
  • Fixed a bug that would show “0x Item” in the combat loot
  • Fixed numerous bugs related to the new Cleaving Strikes, Enchanting Acts, and Overflowing Health level 7 perks
  • Also buffed Cleaving Strikes and Enchanting Acts to 40% from 20%
  • Too many misc. text fixes to count

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on either Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

[Public | CoC2] Yusra + Public RynQuest!

There’s a new lad to lay in the Temple of Mallach today, and RynQuest is now in the public build — go free the princess from her cage!

0.6.2 Patch Notes:

  • There’s a new NPC in the Temple of Mallach after you’ve built it: Yusra! (By TheObserver)
  • Yusra has several new talk scenes and six new sex scenes, including a Cait threesome. (By TheObserver)
  • Evergreen has a new “Cock Sleeve” sex scene if you’ve blown her a bunch! (By LooMoo)
  • Lyric’s sex menu is disabled when all their sex options are, instead of soft-locking the player. Oops!

New Since Last Public Patch:

  • You can now reach Level 7! This level comes with TWO new perks for each class — you’ll pick between one of the options when you level up, or when you switch classes if you’re already Level 7.
  • If you encounter Gytha in the Frostwood after discovering Alissa’s whereabouts (and before leaving for Dracia), you can now confront her more properly. Might be for her own good that she not stay free…
  • After having done Calise’s first quest, you can now head out on Etheryn’s personal quest ‘The Demon of Ice.’ Return to the Palace of Ice’s temple, where you normally meet Elthara, to catch a ride to the dungeon. This is a Level 7 quest.
  • Etheryn, Daliza, and Livrea all have new or updated talks to reflect the events of RynQuest and the expedition to Dracia it entails.
  • Lyric (Male or Female base) can be turned into a futa. (By B!)
  • Lyric has two new public sex scenes. These require 33+ libido and are accessible in populated areas, excluding the Frosthound itself, your Camp, and the Wayfort.
  • Kitsunetsuki no longer requires the Fox Jewel to use, instead wielding the Fox Jewel increases its duration to 4 rounds.
  • The Tail Whack power is no longer accessible to the PC.
  • Etheryn now properly gets the Crown of Winter in her sets if you gave it to her during DraciaQuest.
  • Ally summons will no longer de-summon between phases in 2 phase fights.
  • Fixed a bug where un-recruited Ryn would remain in the party after DraciaQuest, causing crashes when opening the party selector.
  • New Busts: all the new RynQuest NPCs, updated Ryn busts post-quest, one other surprise elf’s updated bust for the quest.

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on either Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

[Backers | CoC2] Lyrical Enhancement

0.6.1 Patch Notes:

  • Etheryn, Daliza, and Livrea all have new or updated talks to reflect the events of RynQuest and the expedition to Dracia it entails.
  • Lyric (Male or Female base) can be turned into a futa. (By B!)
  • Lyric has two new public sex scenes. These require 33+ libido and are accessible in populated areas, excluding the Frosthound itself, your Camp, and the Wayfort.
  • Kitsunetsuki no longer requires the Fox Jewel to use, instead wielding the Fox Jewel increases its duration to 4 rounds.
  • The Tail Whack power is no longer accessible to the PC.
  • Etheryn now properly gets the Crown of Winter in her sets if you gave it to her during DraciaQuest.
  • Ally summons will no longer de-summon between phases in 2 phase fights.
  • Fixed a bug where un-recruited Ryn would remain in the party after DraciaQuest, causing crashes when opening the party selector.

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on either Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

The Most Drawn Out of All April Fools’ Jokes

Hi folks, Savin here. No April Fools joke this year (from me at least), because I wanted to take a moment and say thank you to everyone. Five years ago today we tossed out the first public build of CoC2 without fanfare, like it was any other patch day, as our April Fools gag. We had just the tutorial, and a greyscale copy of TiTS’ UI, but it certainly caused a buzz! Since then the game’s grown to several million words of content by dozens of authors, hundreds of busts and illustrations, and even launched on Steam! Your support’s been life changing for a lot of us, letting me bring on a wonderful team of full time writers and artists to help keep the game rolling smoothly beyond what Drake and I could have ever done on our own. I couldn’t have gotten this far without them, and none of us would be here without you — so thank you everyone, for five amazing years of CoC2.

Four our 5th birthday, we brought you some cake and milk. Dig in!

[Backers | CoC2] RynQuest

It’s finally here! Etheryn’s personal questline comes to a head with a voyage to the island of Dracia off the east coast in search of her fiendish evil sister!

Hotfixes have been released to take care of lingering bugs and issues!

0.6.0 Patch Notes:

  • You can now reach Level 7! This level comes with TWO new perks for each class — you’ll pick between one of the options when you level up, or when you switch classes if you’re already Level 7.
  • If you encounter Gytha in the Frostwood after discovering Alissa’s whereabouts (and before leaving for Dracia), you can now confront her more properly. Might be for her own good that she not stay free…
  • After having done Calise’s first quest, you can now head out on Etheryn’s personal quest ‘The Demon of Ice.’ Return to the Palace of Ice’s temple, where you normally meet Elthara, to catch a ride to the dungeon. This is a Level 7 quest.
    • Before you get to the dungeon there’s a travel sequence where you can interact and potentially bone down with some new and some returning characters. Personally I suggest bringing Arona on the quest — she loves big boats and she cannot lie. If you have Ashe’s Mace, she’ll have some things to say during the dungeon too!
    • The dungeon includes several new items, new obtainable powers (especially if you’re a Mirror Mage!), a new summon, and a bad end. There’s also up to two characters you can throw in your Wayfort’s dungeon if you want (and have built it, naturally).
  • After having finished the quest, a certain Companion will be able to relieve a certain accursed problem she’s been having, which unlocks changes in all of her existing sex scenes and grants access to entirely new scenes.
  • If said Companion is at negative Confidence or you upgrade your relationship at the end of the quest, you can optionally reapply said problem after talking to her post-quest for kinky fun.
  • New Busts: all the new RynQuest NPCs, updated Ryn busts post-quest, one other surprise elf’s updated bust for the quest.
  • I wrote everything in this quest EXCEPT some scenes for said surprise elf, which were done by Fleep. Big ups to him for pitching in.
  • Balak’s finished his final major round of combat system updates to go along with Level 7. Here’s the lowdown:
    • Consumables that grant beneficial combat effects like Naptha and Brazenberry Ale can be used outside of combat, though only one may be active at a time per character before combat.
    • Sexiness has received several changes:
      • 1.) It’s no longer tied to tease accuracy
        2.) It’s been uncapped
        3.) Leadership now increases ally sexiness
        4.) Presence now increases it by 2 per point
        5.) It’s now a flat increase to damage amplification (the same way Attack Power and Spellpower work)
    • Flare, Frost Arrow, Overchanged, Blue Flame Blade, Charge Weapon, Song of Storms, Elemental Fury, and Arcanist’s Blessing all now have a base number that scales off of spellpower, rather than just being spellpower (that was occasionally divided by some other arbitrary number)
    • Several combat effects are no longer have additive durations (meaning repeat application resets/maximizes duration when applying a new version of the same effect, rather than adding the current and new durations together)
    • Assassinate gets +100 Armor Penetration too, now
    • Holy Shock and Power Wave have gotten slight increases in base values to accommodate the other changes
    • Chrysanthemum Petal no longer grants Blessed. Instead, it increases crit effectiveness by 50 AP.
    • Story difficulty mode can always successfully flee from a fight
    • Caranbrot now shields for an amount equal to your toughness/2 rather than the dealt damage / 2
    • Dawnsword’s Deflection ability got major buffs.
    • Razorcup Nectar now grants a boon
    • The Poisoned condition now reduces evasion by 10
    • Stylish now adds triple one’s level to sexiness
    • Imps got an agility buff and a health nerf
    • The witch outfit can spawn at level 1 now
    • Gweyr Quest 1’s infinite enemies now scale the more of them you fight. Enjoy a fight where the number you defeat actually means something, everyone!
    • A bunch of new items have been added, to be found at Leorah, Kohaku, Ogrish, or Nelia, depending on the item, alongside a new unique added to Vit’s special stock
    • Ley Crystal Grenades have been buffed
    • Blessed now gives +100 sexiness
    • Spirit Veil’s shield has had its base value increased from 10 to 20
    • Dischord now properly hits the whole enemy party with its stagger
    • Smite Evil’s heal now scales
    • Nerfs to: Royal Leathers, Titanic Hat, Control Rod, and Galon’s Griefmaker
    • Adjusted some of the Corrupted Dawnsword’s numbers down
    • Slight damage nerf to Corrupted Dawnsword’s summon
    • Immolation got nerfed because jesus fuck that was way too much burn damage AND CC on top of that
    • Eve gets some additional benefits as she improves
    • Kas got relevant level 7 perks and a few other buffs
    • Flametongue (Agni’s At-Will) now scales off of presence and spellpower
    • Agni got a minor decrease in flame resistance
    • Cauterize (Agni’s recharge healing power) now does 5 fire damage (before resists) to targets before healing is applied
    • Ancestor’s Judgement (Tui recharge power) now properly scales
    • Base Arona’s Amazon Strike (AKA Dominance) has been relaced with Shield Drive

What is NOT in this patch:

  • Updated talks post-quest with Etheryn and Daliza (Very Soon!)
  • Having Lumia unlock Etheryn’s cage (Soon!)
  • A use for a certain crystal you can optionally acquire in Daliza’s basement (Soon!)
  • New REPEATABLE threesomes with Etheryn and anybody else (Not Very Soon!)
  • Content with any capturable NPCs in the dungeon (Not Very Soon!)

Balak says this’ll be the last MAJOR systems revision for combat, unless something ends up broken or way under/over-tuned. He has some plans for Dark Difficulty in the future, and there’ll always be minor tweaks to be made, but we’re pretty happy with where the combat system is now.

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on either Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

[Public | CoC2] Nuki Date Night

Now you can take one of Evergreen’s daughters out for a date, and we’ve got a set of new illustrations for some existing sex scenes!

0.5.37 Patch Notes:

  • Once you’ve unlocked Meira at Evergreen’s Manor (ie., fought the Kitsune), fucked her, and you’re in control of the Wayfort (accepted title from Ryn or renovated it), you can now go on dates with her. You can take her to either Hawkethorne or to your Wayfort.
  • New CGs in the following scenes: Lumia’s Missionary by Akira, Kas Dream Palace Doggystle by Satyr, and Brint Kneeling Fuck by Moira
  • Tetsuya’s paper crane CG should unlock for the gallery if you saw the letter before the CG was added.

New Since Last Public Patch:

  • The quest “A Teatime for Dragons” has its resolution now. Once you’ve dealt with the half-dragon’s request in the Rift, head to the western reaches of Harvest Valley to uncover the fate of her last relative. You’ll have to make a choice with this quest, based on who you want to talk to about the problem therein: either Evelyn or Azyrran are going to get an expansion out of it.
  • Evelyn has all-new sex scenes – several different rotating ones, a few deliberately pickable ones, and several incidental ones!
  • All-new conversations to do with Evelyn’s future direction. You can choose (mostly) whether or not you’ll be servicing her during these conversations.
  • More longevity to your stays with her. You now (mostly) stay with her after servicing her, or vice versa.
  • A scaling fight! Owing to the events of the expansion, you can now spar with Evelyn to train her up. She will actually scale up as a result of your training her, resulting in harder and harder fights (to a limit).
  • She will not grow more difficult if you lose twice in a row.
  • Sex scenes for the fight results! Win, lose, or even throwing the fight, there’s six total scenes there.
  • Events! Evelyn can get out and about, now. Just don’t be surprised when her newfound powers make her a little overeager… especially if you’ve sparred with her 3+ times.
  • A new set/tf for Azyrran! Some of you may already know that Azzy’s not-so-secretly had some future-proofing in literally all of her content that’s never shown up. But the future is now! As with the honey-maid, her new gear set is a transformation that comes with a shinier, domme-ier buzz.
  • New Azzy sex! – To nobody’s surprise
  • All-new lesbian Liaden scenes – Both with just you and her, and as a threesome with Azzy.
  • More Azzy/Lia content (featuring loads of tweaks thanks to writer Alypia, she’s a real good bean)
  • A new sexable magic weapon, rub its flanges you dirty slut.
  • A new sexable character, she’s a very good girl.
  • In preparation for RynQuest dropping soon, Etheryn’s sex scenes have been recoded with updated mechanics. Her scenes are no longer locked out if your dick is too big. Her Chastity perk and her passive Blueballing has been touched up a bit, and she can gain a perk called Buttslut if you sodomize her often enough (you need to accumulate 10 Buttslut points, which various scenes provide; she loses 1 every 3 days unless she has the perk). It changes some of her sex scene text but is otherwise harmless.
  • Atugia’s recruitment has been tweaked again. She now approaches you on day 5 instead of 3 if you haven’t met her already at the castle, and her castle recruitment it no longer requires boning her or grinding RNG. You can also bring her as a guest to LumiaQuest if not recruited. (Coded by Squishy, written by Garde)
  • Atugia has a new set: the berserker. Requires that you’ve visited the orc village.
  • Brint has a new set of threesome intros if you haven’t gotten fucked by him before.
  • You can now get together with Brint and Arona at once, via Brint’s threesome menu.
    • You can get double teamed by Brint and Arona, with some options as to where all the mess goes.
    • You and Brint can either double-penetrate Arona together or you can suck her dick while she gets planted on mino-cock, if she’s your sub.
    • If you and Arona are both milky at the same time, you can ask Brint to milk you both together. You can let things stay (relatively) chaste or go all in on letting him make you both his cows 🙂
  • Cait has a sequence of new scenes for Kitsune-Champs, where she explores all your sensitive mofu. (By Remi aka CuteBruiser)
  • The Alpha Gnoll has a new PC-Victory scene where you can take her doggystyle. (By Pépère Pervers)
  • Drifa has new content wherein she dresses up as your Wayfort’s new maid. Requires having fucked her 20 time; [Condition]ing her counts as 5 times. (By Jstar)
  • Azzy’s dragoon sex scenes are properly repeatable from her sex menu after the first time scene. Big whoops there!
  • Liaden’s romance logic/gating has been fixed; she’s now available for all PCs with fem pronouns.
  • Dragon’s Breath now scales off Strength.
  • Kas’s stats in her Winter City encounter are now properly set to 100 instead of 93.
  • Atugia has been nerfed when you fight her in Castle Hawkstone before recruiting her.
  • Cait’s menus have been made a bit more consistent with other NPC menus.
  • Bust display and name display has been updated for parts of the tutorial.
  • Mai’s non-sexual [Cleanse] option is now actually accessible.
  • Bloodrage said it did 50 base damage when it really did 30. Now it says it does 40 base damage and it actually does 40.
  • Dischord no longer auto-hits.
  • Aria of Waves power description properly shows spellpower scalings.
  • New CGs: Hotaru Tied Up (By Su), Drifa Patslut (By Nyah), Tetsuya’s First Letter

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on either Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

[Backers | CoC2] Companion Updates

Dropping a quick patch with a bunch of under-the-hood work for Etheryn’s upcoming dungeon (very soon!), but we’ve also got some new Atugia bling in the form of a damage-dealing berserker set. And hopefully she’ll be a little less overwhelming for brand new Champions just walking out of the inn with Cait!

0.5.36 Patch Notes:

  • In preparation for RynQuest dropping soon, Etheryn’s sex scenes have been recoded with updated mechanics. Her scenes are no longer locked out if your dick is too big. Her Chastity perk and her passive Blueballing has been touched up a bit, and she can gain a perk called Buttslut if you sodomize her often enough (you need to accumulate 10 Buttslut points, which various scenes provide; she loses 1 every 3 days unless she has the perk). It changes some of her sex scene text but is otherwise harmless.
  • Atugia’s recruitment has been tweaked again. She now approaches you on day 5 instead of 3 if you haven’t met her already at the castle, and her castle recruitment it no longer requires boning her or grinding RNG. You can also bring her as a guest to LumiaQuest if not recruited. (Coded by Squishy, written by Garde)
  • Atugia has a new set: the berserker. Requires that you’ve visited the orc village.
  • Atugia has been nerfed when you fight her in Castle Hawkstone before recruiting her.
  • Cait’s menus have been made a bit more consistent with other NPC menus.
  • Bust display and name display has been updated for parts of the tutorial.
  • Mai’s non-sexual [Cleanse] option is now actually accessible.
  • Bloodrage said it did 50 base damage when it really did 30. Now it says it does 40 base damage and it actually does 40.
  • Dischord no longer auto-hits.
  • Aria of Waves power description properly shows spellpower scalings
  • Tetsuya has a new CG for when he sends you his first letter.

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on either Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

[Backers | CoC2] Very Good Girls

I finally got a chance to write out the Brint/Arona threesomes that’ve been taunting me in his menu, and several other community writers and artists have some new contributions as well!

0.5.35 Patch Notes:

  • Brint has a new set of threesome intros if you haven’t gotten fucked by him before.
  • You can now get together with Brint and Arona at once, via Brint’s threesome menu.
    • You can get double teamed by Brint and Arona, with some options as to where all the mess goes.
    • You and Brint can either double-penetrate Arona together or you can suck her dick while she gets planted on mino-cock, if she’s your sub.
    • If you and Arona are both milky at the same time, you can ask Brint to milk you both together. You can let things stay (relatively) chaste or go all in on letting him make you both his cows 🙂
  • Cait has a sequence of new scenes for Kitsune-Champs, where she explores all your sensitive mofu. (By Remi aka CuteBruiser)
  • The Alpha Gnoll has a new PC-Victory scene where you can take her doggystyle. (By Pépère Pervers)
  • Drifa has new content wherein she dresses up as your Wayfort’s new maid. Requires having fucked her 20 time; [Condition]ing her counts as 5 times. (By Jstar)
  • There’s a new followup scene with Kaina after resolving Ashelander’s conundrum. Requires having Ashe with you.
  • New CGs: Hotaru Tied Up (By Su), Drifa Patslut (By Nyah).
  • Azzy’s dragoon sex scenes are properly repeatable from her sex menu after the first time scene. Big whoops there!
  • Liaden’s romance logic/gating has been fixed; she’s now available for all PCs with fem pronouns.
  • Dragoon Azzy has a proper Appearance description.
  • Dragoon Azzy’s spear now properly does Fire instead of Frost damage.
  • Dragon’s Breath now scales off Strength.
  • Dragon Evelyn’s difficulty cap has been increased. Rawr!
  • Kas’s stats in her Winter City encounter are now properly set to 100 instead of 93.
  • Many misc. text fixes and typo corrections.

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on either Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

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