First off, we have a store up on Crowdmade with some basic merch. If you want a coffee cup with your favorite company’s logo, there you go.
0.7.55 Changelog:
- New masturbation options by Nonesuch for those with tentacle wings and tails.
- Magic Milkers now support exotic nipple types.
- New Anno/Kaede dream.
Art is a JayEcho bust of Walt.
Tentacle wings huh? Neato.
Yeah, ditto to that. Didn’t know that was a thing and now I need them.
what would that even look like >.>
Tentacles coming out of your back. It just uses the same slot as wings.
Unless there’s another type of back tent I don’t know about. I know you can get cockvines on your back from the plant TF and regular tentacles from the Tentatool. If there’s a version that looks like wings, I don’t know it.
Oh, and the cockvine version is stored in plant bulbs when not in use, apparently. Surprise back sex.
Plant TF, how on earth do I get that because I want it
Hybrid of angels from Diablo series with Dr.Octopus
I love that
I forget who Walt is……
He’s the wolf you meet in the gangbang you can participate in within Lessau’s office on Uveto, and you can meet him in the Freezer as well.
Is it bad when I read “we have a store up on Crowdmade” I immediately thought, ‘I haven’t been there yet, is that a village one Uveto?’
I have a suggestion for the merch. I suggest removing the white outline on logos like Steele Tech and JoyCo, at least as long as they are on a white mug. It will look better to let the white mug be that outline.
Is the dream for all characters or only for male/herm ones like the last dream?
I have a question here, i can’t seem to trigger any protest-scene on the planet myrellion. Can anyone tell me what someone should have done to access it?
Go to the jungle planet. It wasn’t supposed to be on Myrellion.
May i ask where exactly it is? In the jungle, at snuglays or at the xenogen branch, because i was at the xenogen branch and it didn’t trigger there.
I think in front of xenogen, but you might need to have already captured a zil for them.
It’s in front of the Xenogen building, but only triggers if you’ve just captured one zil for the doctor.
how do you see the dreams?
Are there going to be shirts of the company logos eventually?
anyone know which characters are able to give you an SSTD?
Tentacle wings and tails <3
I’m curious, Nonesuch, are you still writing that follow-up for Hand So? I don’t remember if that was ever answered…
So’s xpac is dependent upon the new ship mechanics that are coming out, so writing is delayed until those mechanics are finalized and released.
Need more cowgirl merchandise.
I think I found a new possible exercise routine for the Ten Ton Gym:
Or at least, a variation.
Carrying Ifris over could be a thing
Simone getting DPed by PCs who have 2+ dicks was a tribute to Ifris, since she was one of my favorites at CoC’s gym.
As for the new routine, I approve. Don’t know if I’d write it, but I approve.
Great pic I found, thought I’d share. Enjoy.
I dunno, the face is kind of a turn-off for me.
Not the thorned barb dick?
Nah, THAT’s just a little scary. Scary doesn’t necessarily mean off-putting.
What the hell. i thought i was well versed in fucked up but that…..fuck.
Wow, if something that tame bothers you, then some of the stuff I’ve seen would make you curl into the fetal position permanently.
I honest to go want a JoyCo hoodie so bad I love that logo
Dang, no Tamani Corp. I suppose the logo’s just a little too obvious.
Hey Fen, d’ya know when Adjatha’s next stream is gonna be? I’d like to watch him work on Khorgan’s bust. Also maybe give him an idea for the next bust to do.
Can you still buy the bimbo siegwulf if you already bimbofied Dr. Badger?
All this seems interesting. I just wonder when the next public build is going to be ready. Also where do you find Tentacool?
Badger has Tentatool.
Thanks for the answer.
Who is that wolf in the image? He looks so hot and attractive. xD