Shou’s first take on the War Lion. Expect to see him trade the pistol for a sword and gain some armor once she has a chance to do a second pass on him! What a handsome cat!
Finally I have something you guys can look at testing. It’s probably buggy and unbalanced, but feel free to leave any comments about tweaks or issues as they arise.
0.7.252 Changelog:
- You can now “test” the Wargii Hold event at any time by talking to Ula. This option will disappear in the future.
- New Warg’ii Hold enemies: Milodan Infiltrator and Milodan War Lion, written by Wsan.
- The bottom floors of Korg’ii Hold are not properly set up yet. Avoid going down there for now.
- To leave the Warg’ii Hold event, head up to Ula’s father’s room. It’ll auto-exit and attempt to reset the flags.
- The Sidewinder in Zheng Shi should now have its entrance marked.
- New Ramis sex scenes (and panty collecting!) by Nonesuch.
Monday is going to be a big day. I should be scoring an 8 hour art stream from Mr. Pink, and I’m probably gonna jump in and stream myself for a while as well. I’ve also got a ton of volunteer coded stuff to shovel into the main game as well. Look forward to it!
P.S. I got some writing commissions in too! Once I get a better handle on the hold, I’ll be pursuing them. Spoiler alert: Tentacle PC + Mitzi, and maybe some Penny/Syri interactions as well!
I do admit, Shou knows her stuff. But i also admit that sword and heavy armor would look better on him. And even more so if he was pure melee with two swords. Maybe helmet too.
The drought is over!!! Thanks Fen and team.
Aww yiss, best companion in ages getting new scenes, keep them coming, fucking love Ramis.
Or should that be love fucking Ramis?
Oh dear. What did Nonesuch add to his amazon this time?
Fortunately it seems to just be a few sex scenes and some panties.
So, i know the issue with the incest got the frost dragon girl removed. Is there any location we can read that content outside the game? For… Scientific purposes, of course.
If you want to read it as it was I’d recommend looking for older versions of the game, namely on e621.net
@Zala Huh? Since when this game has issues with wincest? How boring if true.
Patreon said no incest, so the incest has been removed.
@Zakku -_-” From today on i officialy don’t like patreon. A lot. Still surprised fen did not simply switch over to something else…. He is not one to let anyone boss him around, patreon or not. However could be more of a pain in the a-door than it appears… That’s the damn problem with those services, the second they become sufficiently popular they suddenly realize that they can go and boss around everyone who uses their services. Really-fucking-old. Tsk. And here goes my good mood.
Oh now reply works huh i suppose i can’t disable shittin’ java script for extra protecton, then. Pity.
Shit now i’m positively boiling, way to set me off patreon. Nobody fuckin’ deprives me of my fun with savins doggy sisters and lives it dammit. Now where was that calming bottle of good stuff.
I really did not want to get into this here, because its been discussed to death on the forum. The problem isn’t with Patreon, its with banks and financial service providers. Adult content has long been something they hate working with, so the last couple of years, they’ve been leaning on sites like Patreon to cut down on the content. Which means that Patreon has to lean on the creators.
Simply put, Fen switching to somewhere else won’t solve a thing. Because the same thing would happen down the line.
I see, we’ve got a bad case of prudes at the exact spot where we want them the least. Sigh~ You know at times like these i wish i had super powers, teleportation and and something that makes people to just…. disappear. Sure, may seem hardcore. Until you get what is the worst nightmare of an immortal being is. Something me and they have in common for i have a lot of it indeed.
Funny that, see even though incest is supposed to be removed, some of it actually still exists in the game.
Yeah, only you’re supposed to keep quiet about it aye? Not something you’re doing by posting intel here. :>
I just thought it was important Fenoxo was made aware of those anomalies so that someone less perverse and forgiving then us reports him and suddenly this game ceases to exist. That is until he figures out to transfer all of his Patrons to Ko-Fi or something.
There’s two kind of incest in the game. Sibling-sibling and Parent-child. For the most part, it was the latter that was cut. You can still bang Shade, or bang the Huskar sisters on Uveto, or bang the Zil twins on Mhen’ga. Its just the Frostwyrm, which was admittedly towing a thin line anyway, that got cut.
I see, well so long as they stay away from my sibling-sibling relations.
Sadly they were forced to remove all wincest due to Patreon’s hatred towards Incest iirc
Wait a sec, ALL? Shit i dunno who to believe here. One says one thing, another says different thing. Everyone rollin’ their own channel. Anyways the loss of my wincest is a kick to the crotch. Luckily this game is not the only one that has it.
I dont mind the whole testing the new stuff… but damm it’s really not worth the hype. I hope fen gets back on track with this event cause even though this is just a test… it’s buggy as fuck. Endless looping scenes, forced sex decisions, crashing options…. like this is just bad.
I dont mean to sound ungrateful, love the game and I know it’s a fuck-ton of work. But I’m paying for this – and I assume other people feel the same – get it done please.
First: “I’ve also got a ton of volunteer coded stuff to shovel into the main game as well.” This makes me happy. 😀
Second: Ramis still only fucks guys, right? Even with her new stuff? She’s awesome but I never play male Steeles, so I’m trying to see if I’ll have to play one just to see her scenes.
Third: that three-barrel gun the war lion is using is awesome and I hope we get to steal it.
Yeah, as if they’d let you use a fuckin’ rocket launcher. :))))
Mr. Lion looks like he’s at E3 trying out some nostalgia-bait gaming equipment. And yay, new Ramis!
A lot of people seem to be into ramis lately. What’s the hype?
Her new sex scenes, I’d wager.
I’m still trying to figure out how to trigger the event. I’ve talked to Ula but nothing happens. o.O
Ula needs to be back in Kor’gii Hold.
She is. That’s where I’m talking to her at.
Do you know how to trigger Ramis new sex scene ? I can’t find it :/