Calise’s finally settled back into her cozy little apartment after the big night at the ball!

*IMPORTANT* If you play the download Android APK version of the game, you MUST have played a version of the game with the migration mechanism BEFORE installing the new APK, or you will LOSE ALL YOUR LOCAL & AUTO SAVES (not your to-file saves). Versions 0.7.12 – 0.7.15 have the migration mechanism, you’ll know it’s working because it gives you an annoying popup whenever anything saves. Once you have seen the popup, it is safe to download version 0.7.16 and your saves will carry over.

0.7.16 Patch Notes

  • Calise can now be found in her apartment after the Feast For Heroes segment of the main story quest.
  • In her apartment, Calise has several updated talk scenes, and has a much wider array of sex scenes than back out on the streets.
  • You can cook with Calise at her apartment, with several randomly-chosen meals.
  • If you have the Ring of Fate, you can work with Calise to investigate its secrets.
  • Hana and Komari have new talks about the Faceless Blade.
  • Grainne’s talk about Dryads has been updated.
  • Pink Draughts can now give temporary Heat and Rut.
  • New Busts: Katya and Tarah (by Moira).
  • New CG: Tarah’s Baby (by Moira).
  • The Android APK version of the game now uses full-screen mode
  • Touch screen devices should now use a floating keyboard when in landscape orientation

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