The undermountain’s favorite goo-cat, Nihara, has gotten herself expanded with a whole lot more loving.
0.7.36 Patch Notes:
- If you accepted the submission of Asgeir and the Corrupted Lupines after clearing their dungeon, you can now find them in your Wayfort (regardless of whether you genderbent them or not). (by Jstar!)
- The Corrupted Lupine pack has 4 new repeatable sex scenes for both male and female packs, plus a great big orgy for the female pack.
- Asgeir (or his feminized form) is a new Wayfort NPC separate from the pack, with the expected host of sex and talk scenes.
- Nihara has gotten herself a chunky 180 page expansion! About 120 pages of it are just raw, gooey elemental sex, with a lot of focus paid to her boobs, your boobs, and the fluids therein. (By TheObserver).
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How do you feminize Asgeir and the pack exactly?
side with the imps owner, investigate book after the pool to learn what it does and then attack him after the battle with boss.
Do you have a more detailed explanation? I talked to Tharsus first, then I got the book, took down final boss but was given no option to do anything but exile etc.
tharsus asks you to elimate the other two leaders of the pack, so refnir and Olivia. refnir is a random encounter so you’ll have to move around a bit to find him, but olivia’s a scripted one. then go back and talk to him you fulfill his request.
I want to be happy and I am but my soul cries out for bratty bard… its like she went out for cigarettes and I’m just waiting on the stoop, hoping she’ll come back one day.
I chose to side with Tharsus but I might be stupid. The quest tells me to return to him to fill him in on the news but I’m not sure where he is, am I missing something here? Can’t find him in the Old Forest
you have to go down to the boss battle, he fights Asgeir
I’m sitting here in hopes of Drifa gothification and pregnancy. Or are you guys saving that and the superfetation for Mayternity?
a fellow drifa pregnancy conosseiuer
Fuck yeah, love Nihara! Glad to see her get content!
Y’all are cruel making us choose between fem lupines and bratty bard
Keep up the good content as always though thank you.
we need to find the flags so we can have a bratty bard and genderbent guards
we need our cake and eat it too XD
yes brother!!!
This is the way
Already done it
how brother?
Yeah we need details, I’ve scoured the flags through the save editor and found nothing so far
Share this blessed knowledge brother, PLEASE
I wish male packs had an orgy scene, too…
god, that would be amazing
Little surprised there was an orgy scene for the genderbent pack but not the normal, I hope we get additional scenes in a later update!
Very much this.
I wonder if given she IS the lake, that corrupting her won’t have effects we’d see in the fortified manors around her lakeside, or even Khor’minos if the water flows/is drawn into the city. It’d be neat to see the flavour text of the areas reflect that change
Next public patch is gonna be a doozy for me. Going to have to settle on if I want a pack of lady lupines to grow my harem castle or get the bard as a queen. Will also be fun to finally see how the rest of the foxes react to me getting down and dirty with my second favorite gilf.
awwww, I was hoping you were gonna say we could bring Nihara to the Wayfort with us.
She’s not gonna leave the lake. it’s pretty important to her.
I thought that the character in the picture was a fan character?
nope it’s Nihara been here for a while you can find her in undermountain
Oh ok
Also, was the new character creation stuff backers or public?
it is now backers, have fun creating a PC with a mountainous behind
It’s public now, as of v0.7.34.
Found Asgeir and the pack in the fort but not Olivia. I could have sworn I convinced her to join in the Wayfort.
Is content for just not yet written? Or does Asgeir need to go so that Olivia can stay in the Wayfort?
I’m trying to figure this out too. I had a save right before ending stuff. I’ve imprisoned them and exiled them, but not seeing her show up. Unless she shows up later or something.
she is a separate npc still being coded
that is one amazing hot picture, one amazing art piece. nice!
Also I absolutely love the art, its just so 🤌
Is there a scene missing for when you lose to Asgeir in his first phase? He has this dialogue where he gives you over to his men and they take you away… but then that diverts to the default loss scene of the dungeon where his men take you back to him, only for him to give you back to his men again lol. It seems like there’s some recursive logic to using the default loss scene here, so I wasn’t sure if that was intended.
as of a previous patch(not sure which one, I only noticed on the last public) Dragon Knight Gytha is bugged and mostly replaced by Melara(I say mostly as the text at the start of the encounter in Demon of Ice is still intact, but the bust and everything after the fight button is DK Melara{I only noticed because I went cg hunting on an older save specifically for the DK Gytha sprites, maybe my completing DoI in another save on the same character with Gytha safely in my dungeon did something? idk})
Need more Cait! (I love you Savin)
hope we get the corrupted lupines female cgs in the future.
Is there a major variation for corrupted Nihara?
unrelated, but I vaguely remember talks about minotaur addiction, is that still something on the backburner? or am I misremembering?
You could genderbend the corrupted lupines? how? I must have missed that somehow and now I want to do it.
side with Aesgir tale down the other captainsb read the book in the room with the goo I believe and then return to Aesgir. In the boss room attack him instead of letting him leave.
TheObserver is one of the worst writers I have ever seen. He writes at a middle school level and should be barred from submitting content.
Well, you’re entitled to your own opinion
It’s a pretty popular opinion, hardly the first time I’ve seen it. Just saying.
Strange, he is probably my favorite
Ever since I met Asgeir, I wanted to have sex with him and his pack of corrupted buff lupines. I’m going to enjoy the next public update, VERY thoroughly heheh.
This illustration is really amazing. Can we see this CG in the game?
Would love for there to be more Naiyana content but with us dominating her with our Dark Knight personality claiming her as the F-Toy we said she’d be