such doge, very breedable, many pups, wow.
0.7.38 Patch Notes:
- Drifa has a substantial new expansion for after completing Knot Cave (by Jstar).
- You can get married to Drifa.
- Drifa can go into heat.
- You can get Drifa pregnant. Comes with unique first kids, and repeatable generics to follow.
- Corrupted Drifa can be made to hyperfetate — to have multiple pregnancies concurrently!
- Drifa’s got new talks about her pregnancy and children.
- Both Pure and Corrupted Drifa each have a new breeding-focused sex scene.
- Drifa can be a bedmate at the Wayfort.
- New Busts: Corrupt Drifa, Asynja (both by Moira)
- 2 New CGs for Drifa.
If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!
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Dogs for the dog god!
Awoos for the awoo throne!
Thanks for making my morning, lmao.
The kennels will run loud filled with all the borks and yips!
Was hoping to see corrupted Drifa growing a cock and being a dommy mommy but oh well. This looks fine. Thanks for the update!
As much as I agree with you, we’ve got plenty of those already, don’t we?
nope, no such thing as too many.
more knotty puppers for all
Then I’d rather have actual men…
Everyone you can marry should be able to impregnate the player imo. Atani can hold our hand while her mom blows a massive gut-smashing load in our womb, since she’s to cute to have a cock. Drifa is HOT and hot chicks should be able to pin me to the bed and knot me and put me in a headlock while she cums in my womb for twenty minutes straight.
not every chick has a dick y know?
Just wanted to have a contrast of uncorrupted submissive female Drifa to breed and corrupted dominant futa Drifa that will breed you ya know lol!
Is there a specific way to get corrupted Drifa? The wiki is updated.
*isnt updated
During the Knot Quest, you have to make Drifa do “bad” things. I think at least 2 of the following:
Force her to go into the pool of corrupted liquid
Tell her to punch the dude in the bottom right space of the dungeon
Instead of destroying Rimescore, or taking it for yourself, tell her to take it.
As a note, i did only the bottom two, so I’m not sure what combinations also work.
Next time, just make a separate save and try different choices
rimescore isn’t needed
I keep handing it over to Cait, and have Drifia do the other 2 naughty things, and she always goes corrupt on my end
I want the option to sleep with Drifa and the Hellhound at the same time! Give me my dog pile! And make the pun while you do it!
I got my hopes up for a Drifa/Olivia scene but alas it was just fan art.
Will we be getting a steam key on patreon? Didn’t see one added.
Since this backer patch was late and a public will be coming out soon we decided it wasn’t worth the hassle to make a new backer code this month, last month’s backer code should still work.
BTW tell moira to check the thighs in Drifa’s big titty corrupt art, I think she saved a layer wrong
I can’t seem to get any of the new content for pure Drifa. Is there a trigger for it?
When will the update that unlocks sex scenes with the spared lupines from the quest go public?
Next public patch.
… And when is the next public patch scheduled for release? OwO
generally the middle of the month but it could be slightly past that this time given the size of the latest patch.
Awoo indeed.
I found the concept of generic children so funny.
Unable to praise corrupt Drifa made me extremely depressed, I just really wanted to tell her how much of a good girl she is
you and me both buddy.
Will there be change of dialogue between corrupted Ahmri and corrupted Drifa? Right now if you take corrupted Ahmri to interact with corrupted Drifa, it still treats Drifa as if she is untainted.
will we get Asynja preggers plz i need this 🙏🏽
pure drifa makes my heart happy, corrupt turns me on, can we get the option to have her in either outfit, i think seeing pure drifa so embarassed she wants to die in her corrupt outfit would be adorable
also anyone else found the right flags to enable genderswap lupines and olivia?
Olivia still not in this update?
In CoC 1 you couldn’t control a playable demon, and you couldn’t serve the demons explicitly from early on; can you do those things in CoC 2?
Had to wait until “Consort of Lethice” ending to corrupt Tel’adre in CoC 1 as well, can you corrupt whatever the version of “a pure city” is while playing, in CoC 2?
Assuming you can’t, is there a CoC-like where you can?
Jack – 0 – Nine by the Old Huntsman doesn’t have succubus transformation and really isn’t CoC-like, awesome though it is.
Same for Defiler Wings by the same author, and “Strive for Power” and its sequel by Maverik.
Slavemaker is in the same boat.
Violated Heroine DOES have a little bit of Succubus transformation but it’s more of an action game than a text-reader and it also isn’t the most central theme.
“Village of Nightmare” has the succubus transformation and corruption angles covered but it’s not great on the combat aspect and the writing isn’t CoC standard anyway.
Responses Appreciated!
No, you cannot become or overtly side with the demons outside end-games.
What flags need to be changed to have corrupt Drifa? Don’t think I’ve done enough to corrupt her and can’t just go back to the cave anymore afaik
Will the Steam version be updated soon?
Already is.
Alright, got it. I had assumed that the Steam version also had the backer patches, but seeing as my game isn’t updated to Version 7.38 (instead 7.37), that is not the case. My bad for misunderstanding, how the version works is just a little confusing
Nvm, found the issue, the post for the latest patch on Steam labels it as 7.36 when it should be 7.37. That’s on me for not checking sooner.
is it possible for Drifa to be corrupted after you save her the first time?
How do you make the Lupines female? I could have swore I read another comment saying how, but it’s been ages. I decided to start a new save since my current save has been going since a very, VERY early version of the game.
I do wish the dev team would spare some funds to hiring a poor soul to update the wikis for TiTS and CoC2. Chars, quest options, and how to get certain outcomes.
Love LOVE the idea of characters being able to absorb powers like Cait does with Rimescore and Drifa with the Lumia amulet. Would be awesome to see more of it! Maybe someone having the ability to absorb powers from multiple artifacts, like what’s been hinted with Drifa, with some physical transformations as well?