such doge, very breedable, many pups, wow.

0.7.38 Patch Notes:

  • Drifa has a substantial new expansion for after completing Knot Cave (by Jstar).
  • You can get married to Drifa.
  • Drifa can go into heat.
  • You can get Drifa pregnant. Comes with unique first kids, and repeatable generics to follow.
  • Corrupted Drifa can be made to hyperfetate — to have multiple pregnancies concurrently!
  • Drifa’s got new talks about her pregnancy and children.
  • Both Pure and Corrupted Drifa each have a new breeding-focused sex scene.
  • Drifa can be a bedmate at the Wayfort.
  • New Busts: Corrupt Drifa, Asynja (both by Moira)
  • 2 New CGs for Drifa.

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