Also a quest!
0.2.12 Patch Notes:
- Azyrran, the Hive Knight, as been added to the Old Forest just outside of the Corrupted Garden. Unlike most of her vesparan sisters, she hasn’t been too terribly tainted by the spreading corruption… but she’s still a big, horny hornet in need of some love. (Written by SomeKindofWizard)
- Brother Sanders offers a new quest that leads you to Harvest Valley searching for a religion relic to upgrade the town church. (Written by TheObserver)
- Hornet Honey can now be gotten from Azyrran and the hornet enemies in the forest. It’s a small resolve heal + Focus booster.
- When at camp or in the Frost Hound, you can now masturbate. Y’all have had a perfectly good catgirl this whole time but I guess you wanted options or something I dunno.
- Speaking of which, Cait now has a blowjob scene (courtesy of BubbleLord).
Look forward to some new Brint/Brienne stuff soon!
As always, you can grab backer access here for all this goodness <3

Shou’s rendition of Chibi-noxo can’t handle Savin’s new bad-end…
Fenoxo here! Since CoC2 just put up a new post, I’m loathe to bump it off immediately like that. Instead, I’ll attach myself to its nethers like some kind parasite.
0.8.017 Changelog:
Bianca has been added to the game! This foxy MILF is here to bring you some much needed medical attention in the field… and other kinds of attention. Penned by William (and largely coded by Lighterfluid), she is an incredibly complex NPC with a ton of variables spinning about under the hood and so many variations. I spent about 4 hours this afternoon chasing down some of the bugs and typos Will handed back to me, and it’s likely she’s not going to be perfect for a while – please hit up those bug reports if you bump into weirdness.
- Lots of bug fixes… but I had so many merge conflicts today that some new ones might have gotten introduced. Sorry!
Nice thank you for the update. Can’t wait for the next one.
On Bianca: any and all questions can be asked in my thread on the forum. As well, I’m almost always available on the public discord. Please enjoy her.
I mean this seriously, but by far my favorite character in this game so far, I adore the writing so so so much!!!
I was reading the post on the forums about Bianca, is it true that you can’t interact with her if you’re a goo? Because I set my entire body to be humanoid goo, I see no reason why I can’t interact with her, I don’t have a unibody I have digitigrade legs.
Sweet double! Where can Bianca be encountered?
Mhen’ga to start. Her schedule is as follows.
08:00-16:59 = Found in random encounters, out in the hostile encounter tiles of the planets.
17:00-19:59 = Manning her booth in the hub town.
20:00-23:59 = Found in bars (at a certain relationship point)
Every 7 days, she moves to the next available Rush planet if available. So, Mhen’ga, Tarkus, Myrellion, and repeat, until new planets are added. Zheng Shi is of course not applicable.
There appears to be a problem with Bianca’s “No Cure” option. It simply doesn’t function. And what’s worse, if you don’t have enough money for the cure this results in a game ending freeze state that prevents you from progressing any further. Without the money to afford the cure the option for “Cure” is greyed out, and the “No Cure” button is malfunctioning (doesn’t appear to work at all. Tested with four different combinations of sSTDs) . Definately worth looking into.
I want to add that I only tested this in the scene where she was at her booth. I don’t know if the problem occurs when you encounter her in the wild or not. It may or may not be relevant, but the extra details may be important and I only though of it after the fact.
Gonna need that on the bug report subforum please.
I don’t think the “she moves to a new planet every 7 days” part is working, she’s been on Mhen’ga for around 25 days straight for me, now. On a side note, where can I check her affection for me? I assume somewhere in the codex, but I couldn’t find her after a quick look through, and one of her talk actions has been locked off behind 50+ familiarity for something like 15 of those 25 days (spending time talking with her or having sex with her either aren’t raising it or it takes FOREVER to ask her about her family!)
If Tarkus or Myrellion are obliterated, then she won’t appear there.w
For what it’s worth, both planets are doing just fine, she just isn’t moving for whatever reason.
Is there a Codex entry for her? I tried “Spending time with her” to progress. But now I seem to be at a dead end where she doesn’t want to speak anymore.
Thanks for the info btw!
She’ll never not want to speak with you. [Children] and [Family] as talk options are one-time in this current implementation.
I cant seem to trigger Family ever or managed to get her scenes to change to reflect >50 affection. Is it possible (since I cant check her actual value for affection) that the current stat cap isn’t allowing for this? I only ask because I spent a good 3 month in-game to not trigger that (but I unlocked every sex scene)
So I’ve been meeting her for a while now. But the conversations never change. If I meet her in the field her “Spend Time” option is greyed out and says “She Doesn’t Want To Talk”. I have never seen any talk options like mentioned above.
i seem to be able to only find kattom squares heres only pops up like 5% of the time where kattom is the other 95 lol
???? am happy as fuck
My wait is over!!!!
Seems the sidewinder has lost some space. Drat. I had kept 15 slots open just in case we got a new follower and now I’m back to clowncarin’
I refuse to steal the Sidewinder until Fen fixes it so that your current ship gets put in storage at Tavros. From what I’ve heard, it just disappears right now. I like collecting things, so I don’t want my Casstech to just up and vanish into the aether.
I’ve got a feeling it is supposed to be like that. I mean, you’re stealing a ship from a pirate station, while your prevoius ship is docked.
When you steal the Sidewinder, the pirates will be furious and will take it out on the ship you fly into Zheng Shi with. It’s the design choice.
What you can do, is buy a cheap ship from Vahn at Tavros, use it to fly to Zheng Shi and steal the Sidewinder.
I wouldn’t really call it a design choice, as it’s never explained how all of your stuff/crew manages to teleport onto the Sidewinder as you’re making your daring getaway. It’s more likely just a stand-in solution and they’ll make it better later. Also, in the code, it’s commented as ‘Urbolg took it’.
it is said in the flavor text that your old ship is captured by the pirates enraged at you wonking there pride and joy and in a fit of rage completely dismantle your ship till not even a nut or bolt is left of the old ship and use every scrap of it to start building the sidewinder II.
Its not the side winder its The advanced crew compartment I think.
It’s not the Sidewinder. Jacques briefly changed the way bonus crew space is calculated to make the effect of the Advanced Crew Quarters module better match its tooltip – that it would give you +2 *effective* crew space, rather than +1, because the module itself takes up a space. In essence, he made each module worth +3 crew capacity.
This has since been reverted, and now works like it originally did.
The riddle on the new riddle chest makes absolutely no sense to me…
Don’t mind my comment, i got it
well its annoying me because im not getting it
Its Black Panthers Wife
What’s the answer? Can’t figure it out. XD
Nvm as well, lol.
can you post the answer. I’m not great at riddles.
I just wrote down all the letters you can use, and then just looked with constellations made sense. It’s not that hard 🙂
To anybody who is like me and just wanted a hint to the riddle ignore Cryophoenix92’s post. The hint is rain.
So does this mean that the public updates for both games will come out at the same time?
No. They’ll still come out at the same times as they usually do
Oh ok
Good helps with my solo run.
Where is Bianca listed in the Encounters section of the codex? I can’t seem to find it, so I can’t really tell what her affection is at.
You aren’t meant to have her relationship status in the codex at any point. A lot of writing went into the gradual get-to-know and some good ideas that Lighter himself suggested. In short, just keep meeting her.
Alright, because I’ve been meeting her constantly for a pretty long time now and I can’t seem to bump it up past 50.
In my defense our perfectly good catgirl need more scenes
Chunky cuddle kitty when? I’m thirsty for that THICCC Cait we were teased way back.
Probably around the time we get to the minotaur city. Plan is to have her ENTHICCENATE in the luxury of infinite dicks to suck, titties to drain, and creampies to take while the minos treat her like a queen.
Yus! Moar slutty Cait scenes!
Stars, I just DIED at “ENTHICCENATE” hahahaha!!!
Mare folk quest in the near future? Or more honey love? No problem either way,
I’ve got Skow and Bubbles tasked with filling out the Hornet Hive dungeon, so that’ll be on the horizon. Garde’s working on Centaur/Marefolk conflict quest. Dunno which’ll be done first!
Well maybe we wouldn’t have to give ourselves a handy if we could stick it in Cait’s butt instead.
How goes the Centaur Village dungeon?
Hive? *brings a sword*
Huh. I am noticing when talking to Bianca at the bar that one of the story options you can bring up is about Sandrea. I saved her, yet it’s not coming up?
Bugged! Please report.
How did you get her to start appearing at bars? I’ve been meeting her and letting her treat me for probably months now. I tried “Spend time” once but now it’s greyed out and says “She doesn’t want to talk”.
Help? lol
magna for ghost waifu
The save game editor seems to be non-functional again. The 0.04.00 won’t load games created from relatively recent builds. Even just creating a new character from scratch, then attempting to load it in the editor won’t work.
Soooo, the new patch for TiTS isn’t letting me access my ‘Load File’ save. Not that I can’t and won’t start over as a new person if I have to (just call me the Doctor, cause this game’s replayable…also, it’s bigger on the inside), I’m just letting you know before someone with a more…peeved disposition tells you themself. Last time I posted was a year ago, and at the time the chat got so toxic, I had to go to the hospital to get my finger tips examined for chemical burns.
is there a way to get additional genitals??cthere is an option in the masturbation menu for two dicks… if yes, how…?
Any news on the new planet that was mentioned on the twitter feed?
I’m experiencing a bug that seems to exist since a few builds.. I created a camp in southern Harvest Valley, after fording the river, yesterday. Today i loaded my savegame and travelled there again. Now my camp there is gone once again.
Camps in dangerous zones will eventually expire. The more dangerous the zone, the faster they go.
Ooh, okay. I didn’t know that before, thanks.
After first time spending time option appear cant seen to progress, just appear greyout wiht “she donst want to talk with you”
Any idea when Shar is getting some more love? I quite like her as an NPC and would love to see her in the party!
She won’t ever be a companion, but she actually has some more content in this patch.
after bianca star going to other planets how to proced? aready talk to her 100 times and still nothing
spend time with bianca is grayed out after the first attempt and not letting me try again
The Brother Sanders quest was a fun chunk o’ content, though it would have been nice if I could have ended up with at least one of the knives the boss had (pretty sure he was dual wielding…). I know we’re only a handful of dungeons in, but it feels like most of the new toys are more Fighter-centric with a couple caster staffs thrown in. That said, regular ol’ daggers seem like they’re still working fine, and these new boots ARE pretty nifty. Just my 2 EC.
Ive been playing the sneakysneaks too. Guess we gotta make due with bows instead of shortswords and stuff
Anno’s “Discount” option when you first meet her is bugged — selecting it does nothing and prevents you from leaving or doing anything else but reloading a previous save.
EDIT: Nope, her entire first encounter is bugged. Talking to her at all basically forces you to reload.
EDIT 2: If you happen to have used another NPC’s shop before talking to Anno for the first time, it goes to that shop when you click Discount, and allows you to continue without having to reload
Is it gonna be put on the Browser ? , the app doesn’t work on my computer ,and the Browser one is still on the 0.2.10 version T.T
It’s already on browsers.
This is a backer build. Be a backer, and you can play this on browser. :3
HWo to meet bianca in bar’s? best I could get is clinic
Please, at some point could you make it possible to get to have Cait all to ourselves? Like maybe when her quest gets continued it could happen sometime during it or be like a reward/outcome? I just really want that kitty all to myself. Please I’m on my knees begging.
Found out the TiTS save file issue goes even deeper than my inability to access save files. I can’t even create them:
Attempting to save data to file…
Error: Error #3001
Gonna test the regular save feature to see if thats affected and then I’ll get back to you.
Regular saving still works. Are you trying to faze out the ‘Save File’ feature so people will just use ‘Save’? If so, I hope it works out.
save file works perfectly fine for me I use the swf version mostly now though also save file works because when you local save theres chances it can end up wiped its happened alot in the past for me so I always save file now if I name a save file I have to remember to put .tits so it works so like a recent save was bianca.tits