New build time! But first I wanted to toss out a shout out to Abe E. Seedy, the author of the new Dr. Badger / Penny bimbofication expansion. He also wrote Penny’s cumsluttery expansion way back in the day. Anyway, he’s got a website up where he has some of his other work up for sale (and for free! If you like extremely well-written transformation smut, he delivers. I actually bought one of his story collections way back in the day. I think it was one of the Shortcuts books, and I quite liked it.
Public build will probably hit tomorrow.
0.6.25 Changelog:
- Dr. Badger can now offer players a job – one to zap Penny with a sinister ray. As a result, the player can either bimbofy Penny or turn the tables on the badger.
- Added Shou’s Wettraxel bust to the game.
- Fixed an issue with Penny’s alternate busts displaying.
- A few other bug fixes and twists.
Stuff From Release Candidates:
- Interactions at Gildenmere’s Thollum, featuring Yarasta and Giala, two new characters written by Zeikfried.
- The combat system has been entirely rebuilt from the ground up by Gedan to allow for party on party combat when needed.
- Penny has two new bust icons, used for very altered Pennys – one from Adjatha and the other created from a Wolfy-Nail commission.
- Fixes to “Fall of the Phoenix” fights.
- Tease should work now.
- Fixed some Stun effects not displaying icons.
- Improved combat display
- Changes and tweaks to status effect icon display.
- No more excess spaces in cockvine fights.
- Fixed some issues in left sidebar display in combat.
- Fixed a crash in SingleCombatAttacks
- Some other misc fixes.
Anno by Xiokir
A hairs breadth from death.
Hey Johnny, where’s Yosaku?
LF Yosaku friend for Shells Town M10 on Global, have Johnny. ID in flair!
Thanks for the update fen. Also I’m just wondering what you are hoping to work on and what you are looking forward to working on?
I wonder when Sera’s new content will come out. It would be rather interesting to see some extra demon fun time.
Why not both?
Um yeah so my game freezes whenever I try to load my save, I’m using the android version
FUCK I already turned her ass in
So did I. Guess that means using a new or old save file, huh?
Yeah thats what I’ve been thinking with this new badger/penny content.
Thats why i restarted, and am making sure i keep a total restart save.
Anno is always depicted with her catsuit zipper all the way up, but approaching her describes her front as half-zipped. So does she unzip it when she smells Steele approaching or something? Even in her shop?
Actually, that’s probably a thing she would do.
This is a small but enjoyable development on the Anno front.
>So does she unzip it when she smells Steele approaching or something? Even in her shop?
If so, that’s incredibly hot.
hmmm reading all these changes i think i should restart game with all these new changes.
Hello Dev team! Thanks for new update!
I have one question, can we expect new content for companions, specifically Reaha and Bess? Like maybe new reactions of events or maybe even new scenes?
Reaha’s got a hefty update mostly done. I wouldn’t hold your breath for more Bess content.
For the Reaha update, will there be anything for giving her the Treatment? I know that the rare procs got put on hold to push out more worlds and story content, so I just wanted to chime in as someone who’s interested in Cowazon Reaha and the rare Futa proc for the Treatment.
Treated Reaha will happen whenever Fen gets around to the rare Treatment procs. The update I’m working on only covers her addiction-cure path.
Disappointing, but understandable. Thanks for the update and the update!
I wouldn’t hold out for that any time soon, I think the Treatment nearly killed poor Fenoxo.
Sorry ^_^; The treatment is complex and involved enough that I don’t really feel comfortable writing a full character expansion without something to base it on.
Oh, my english is not so good, can’t understand what you mean by “i wouldn’t hold your breath” lol.
It means that you shouldn’t expect it to happen soon.
There should be a Hoth like planet, with Yeti Hookers! And blackjack!
Uveto is an ice world, and its the next planet in the queue.
Don’t know about the Yeti hookers tho…
People were talking about Yetis of some kind on the forums so it’s possible that if there’s nothing at Uveto’s launch it might be approved for later.
Well, some is actually working on that, but they aren’t very “good at english”.
Odd, could have sworn it was supposed to be “Post apocalyptic.”
That’s the NEXT planet, probably after Uveto starts being added.
Thraggen homeworld?
So the patch notes here is the latest build.. and free build drops tomorrow.. is these patch notes for the free build?.. or will we have something inbetween this build and the .21?
sorry if this is a stupid question.. been playing CoC a while but only stumbled on this site like 3 weeks ago.. so being inhouse in this weird furry family is kinda new to me 🙂
Each build has their own patch notes, although if there is a free build coming tomorrow I doubt there will be much new to add. It will likely be one or two things combined with a list of things that were added in previous backer builds.
When the new public build is released, Fenoxo usually writes up a list of all the previous changes since the last public build and puts it in the release post.
Public Builds are cumulative of all previous builds.
Can’t we bimbofy both of them? Like first bimbofy penny, then by surprise, bimbofy badger? No need for more stuff, so i hope you will consider it…
Good job anyway with the combat system! Cant wait to try it out!
Any chance of a new Anno bust? Still got the old Gats one.
Not unless someone commissions one.
I’ve got an idea… We all know that nothing is impossible for Gedan, right? Maybe he/she can find a way to convince Cheshire to join your team?
I’d like to see uthstar01’s take on Anno. Or any other NPC for that matter. His (her?) stuff is awesome. Especially Nanako. I like dem blue-skinned space-goat babes.
Though, I gotta ask, what are the chances of one of the dungeons which required the combat overhaul appearing in the pubbie build?
Nil, unless Geddy’s already got KaraQuest sorted.
Don’t go rushing a public build, when this one can’t load any of my saves on tha Android tablet. Neither file, nor regular. It just freezes.
Same, it must be the android versions coding or something, I’m sure they will fix it in the pub build (hopefully)
Is the time supposed to not show up on the UI for this build?
Hey Fenoxo, Savin or anyone else who is apart of the main team will there be a way to increase Willpower without having to put points into it maybe on the next planet or side planet like a temple, church or simple meditation. I’m asking because I just did the Lane hypnotist mini quest and broke free and ready to end when I fail because I have low willpower which sucks since I checked her wiki page and found out you get 200 credit a day for being kind along with other options,
Nope, Willpower is the only stat that can only be increased by spending points (although there’s always a possibility that this might change in the future)
While I’m definitely not a fan of points-grinding, for balance’s sake it’ll probably show up sometime — either through meditation at a religious institute or in some way attached to psionics.
Tomorrow as in today or as in tomorrow? Not to bug you. Also thanks guys 🙂