Reminder that pubby build is due around October 6th.
0.6.84 Changelog:
- Siegwulfe should no longer blow up your save file when you try to load.
- Some of the initial child data tracking for the nursery should also no longer blow up your save file when you try to load.
- Various fixes and extensions by Jacques.
– Your friendly neighbourhood spess pirate, care of JayEcho.
Reassuring to know our saves won’t die with a bang but with a whisper instead if at all. ^^
Fen should have left the nitro glycerine out of the editing process.
So who is the chick in the picture and can we play the silence or was that a one off since I saw you can change Kara personality and her crew
The personality changes for Kara aren’t in yet, but here ya go:
Alright so who is the spess pirate girl an upcoming character for something
I’m pretty sure that’s just Gedan.
Is there an estimate for when new levels will be unlocked? Or just any way to unload some extra exp? I’ve almost reached 2 million experience on one character.
When the next probe planet gets an encounter that justifies another level.
It’ll probably be around when the Glacial Rift area of Uveto gets added in.
Considering the strongest fight in the game, the frost wyrm, is still tacklable, we don’t need more power atm >_>
frost wyrm? what frost wyrm? is that for backers only or do you need something to get it to fight? And also the strongest fight in the game is Dr. Lash.
it’s backers only and it has been buffed.
Something bad happened!
Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message:
Version: 0.6.84
ReferenceError: Error #1069
at classes::TiTS/giveReahaClothes()
at classes::TiTS/buttonClick()
The comments section of a blog post isnt the place to report bugs. There are two links under the twitter feed that will take you to the proper places.
The Dankest fix to patch them all!
So I went back and read previous patch notes and saw the wyrm was in , dear lord that was like a skyrim fight ll over again , I about dropped my socks when I saw that health bar >.<
That frost wyrm was invincible, even tease attacks didn’t work.
He ain’t unbeatable.
True no matter how unfair there hasn’t been a enemy you cant beat in this game. Oh i cant wait for the public release so i can butcher that bugger.
Yeah it wasn’t to bad , I had to go buy the armor buff and time second wind right , with some lucky roles and it was close but I did it , I hope you can build some armor from the scales , my male gryvain with some crazy wyrm armor would be bad ass
Yeah it would be nice if there is a reward for beating it. I wouldn’t mind taming it to use in a fight.
Hmmmm i can’t find this on Patreon, Am i just blind or is it not there?
Its been hours and no 0.6.84 on Patreon? That is the same for me
That would be because Gedan put this one up instead of Fen.
Fen has to put the new version on Patreon himself due to being the account holder, am correct in my assumption?
Almost certainly. Just link your patreon account on here and you have access to it.
Is anyone else getting a problem where if you give Reaha any more than 2 sets of clothes, one of them always dissappears?
I cant get her to wear anything, I can give her stuff but when I go in the menu to change it it only shows one option in my case lacy bra. which was the last item I gave her
It should be fixed if not already
how far alongs the nursery
“How far along” and “nursery” *snickers*
thank you multitasking and typing comments don’t go together with me
No, I wasn’t trying to correct you, I just thought that how you phrased it was funny. You know, since people usual ask someone how far along are they when they want to know how long they’ve been pregnant and you were asking about the nursery?
…Maybe I just have a silly sense of humor
either way I don’t mind
Like maybe 50%. There’s a lot of technical stuff in the background that I need to add to make it do all the things that it needs to do.
wow roughly halfway already Christ Gedan your a champ.
How do i use the ios version under backer builds?
Jailbreak your iOS device, then install it normally.
This is just something i like to ask, where do i find the Appearance screen in
Trials in Tainted Space?
Really? Click the stylized bust in the lower left corner of the screen. These tiles aren’t for decoration, they are all buttons.
Oh that is what that was. thank for that.
Yay! My save’s back! Thank you!
Gedan cameo when?
I see the backers are going to fuck us all over. Can’t it just be optional.
Don’t you just love those extremely vague complaints?
He probably means the poll.
If so I’m totally voting dick just to spite him. I’m not exactly a huge fan of herms either.
Not a fan of herms? WHAT KIIND OF FREAK ARE YOU? Lol.
Regarding the poll. Can’t the dick be optional.
*Roughly translated* How dare the people that make this game ask for people to spend money on it! It should be free, for everyone, at all times, forever! It’s not fair that the people who spend their hard earned money to support a game that they love have any benefits, however simple or small they may be, because I want quality and speedy updates from people busting their asses all day without having to support them in any way.
Also pants.
fuck you just it the nail with a nuke.
hit not it fuck
A+, Dsto.
You forgot to mention them nearly working themselves to death in the process.
I mean, what with their myriad health issues and all.
Giving Reaha the treatment is optional.
They mean the dong up for backer votes. Though funny enough, something is going up there dark star regardless I think. What with Reaha’s massive strap on.
In other news, looks like Reaha is getting a donger
I’m actually surprised there was a poll for that, as I thought her treated form involved her getting a dick anyways.
Optional or chance would’ve hit home for both sides though. Kinda surprised its taking a one way path.
Savin tends to be the most reasonable about this sort of thing. So maybe we can appeal to him to make the dick optional regarding Reahas treatment.
AWWW darn. I changed kaskas penis size to .1 inches to be funny when she says stuff like “no.. I’m an… Alpha…” but the game still thinks she has 7 inches soft.
Still funny though. >:)
Because her dick size variable isn’t referenced in the text.
though, it is used to compare it to Steele’s dick when you fuck Tam-tam.
Hey fen. I have gotten alot better at drawing over these past few months, so I am feeling confident enough to ask this. I was wondering what it takes to work for you? I wouldn’t mind being like your unpaid intern. Really I just ask this because bess/ben doesn’t have a proper bust that changes with his body. Making me want to turn it off. I wouldn’t mind doing all that for free. I just want my cute little robot booty boi to have a proper bust. email me at if you are at all interested.
I don’t think you understand just how much over your head you are when you want to draw every variation for Bess/Ben
Also this isn’t the place to contact fen for a proposal. You either contact him instead of the other way around or make a post in the art section of the forum with some samples of your work.
I can’t seem to talk to Shade anymore on Uveto. I did it once, and now it’s bugged to where I can’t.
Specifics, man, you need to be more specific about how it’s bugging out on you. The first time that you talk to her is at her house, but any subsequent meeting takes place at the bar. Is Shade not appearing in the bar? Is she there, but you just can’t talk to her? What?
Also, bug reports should be made in the bug report forum located here ??
i know this might be an another stupid thing to ask, but where is the last GaloMax Pill?
i just like to see what happens when you take the last on.
Is not yet in the game. At the moment you can only obtain it trought cheating.
I just love taking my Bimbo Siegwulfe everywhere with me. She’s not very useful to me in combat but I don’t care. ^_^
I love all the robotic races in TiTS. Vi-robots, sexbots, Gianna, Bess… and now siegwulf! Still waiting for the day we can install Hand So on our ship. Or into something else. Or both!
Is there an ETA on when Psionic Powers will be allowed to players?
Not any time soon.
today is thursday so wheres the public build?
Probably come out tonight. You know, when most builds come out.
it is now night time
Alright it’s the 6th, gibsmedat (pls)