It appears that Lash has pointed out Badger’s NSFW blog to the tumbr police! (This gave me quite a giggle! Thanks, Roman!)
0.7.241 Changelog:
- Badger’s “Quest” for Penny can now be completed even if Penny is on your crew. I had to sort through seven different bimbofication variants and make sure the text was all suitable for her being in your ship for this! More time intensive than I thought. I also had to write some additional text for setting her up as a camwhore in order to match everything else bimbo & cumslut Penny has going on.
- You can now turn Dr. Badger in using Penny’s replacement.
- [pc.cockHeadsNoun] parser is now properly active. [pc.cockHeads] should also be more correct in its outputs.
- Various typo fixes.
Of course that wasn’t all I did today. I reviewed (and more or less approved) a saurmorian transformation item as well as a few other smaller projects. I also did payroll and generally fretted around.
The ability to remove Penny from your ship (and pick her up again) remains as the last thing I need to do for Penny’s follower expansion to call it “done” for the foreseeable future. Zheng Shi stuff will come after, but knowing Will, there’s going to be a ton of variations which will slow down coding. Hopefully we’ll have the pirate base done sometime this weekend regardless.
Nice to see the metal heat lizards transformation happening. Though the question now is… which content area is gonna be worked on next? continuing with the story? Doing alternative start planet? More ship based stuff that way we can finally move out of our spaceship Winnebago? :p
Once the Zheng Shi probe plot concludes, Fen will finish whatever’s left of Penny (if there is any) and probably begin implementing the siege of Korg’ii Hold on Uveto. Savin will be doing Waifu stuff, Olympia and Ardia first, since Olympia is important to the eventual commandeering of the Sidewinder.
Oooh, that sounds like plenty to look forward to
Sounds nice though I’m a little tad disappointed that there’s still no progression on ships. That’s been in the pipeline since the beginning and there was news about it a little while back and now… nuthing. Makes me wonder if we’ll ever get to it *shrug*
sooo…does this mean that if my Penny is already a bimbo i can recruit her? or am I screwed?
I wonder if they decided to use Lana.
Hey Fen, here’s a song that’s right up yer alley: https://www,youtube.com/watch?v=h2dJ-JUzhVs
Hopefully, this link won’t be a dead one.
There. I guess I need to remember that trick. Thanks, Slab.
No thanks! I’m all about that pacifist route and good feels (both kinds >;^) ).
Lol my Steele is such a gooslut I get stuck in penny’s recruitment quest. I have no idea how my libido got so high! honest!
Take a Chill Pill. Or two dozen.
Sweet! Finally a Saurmorian TF item that isn’t a one time seasonal thing. Hopefully it comes with reactions from my fave metal lizard NPC.
Hey Fen you might want to check into this: turns out even though Patreon took my payment for the month my profile on this site stopped identifying me as a pledge. I didn’t go in and change a thing myself and no one has access to this laptop but me so idk what to make of it tbh. Anyway, I fixed the issue by reupdating my profile but it literally took doing it a second time for the “Backers” index tab at the top to show up so yea ^_^ thought you’d want to know about that just in case someone else has any similar issues.
They literally made a post about this. https://www.fenoxo.com/new-backer-stuff/
Right xD I must have missed that one thanks for clearing that up for me
wanted to ask but when can we get our companions pregnant
Greatly looking forward to it as well. We can already impregnate Sera but i’d like to do the same to Penny and Anno.
With all due respect to everyone involved, I would like to complain a bit about Rat’s Raiders.
First of all, it seems to me that they are way too tough. Despite being described as small and individually weak, they have a combined total of 375 health and shield each, and that’s not even counting all of the healing they’ll inevitably do, or the fact that their supposedly-crappy armor provides **75% resistance to electric and burning**. Meanwhile, a supposedly super-teched-out punk secop only has a total of 450, and because there’s only one of them at a time, they are infinitely easier to defeat due to the nature of most of the PC’s abilities which only affect one target at a time. IMO it would be far better, not to mention more thematically appropriate, for them to have very low health but high evasion. This would provide a real reason to use the aimeyepiece II.
Second, the ‘mini-event’ where the rats discover your identity is, again imo, kind of ridiculous. Even if you win every encounter, and always pick the ‘be nice and take no reward and no sex’ option after winning, you will have to fight the little bastards a total of **17 times** before you can convince them to… I don’t even know what, since they still say that they’re going to continue trying to rob you even after you’ve supposedly convinced them you’re a ‘good guy’. All this seems to accomplish is giving you a couple days’ respite from rats’ raiders encounters, but this is made irrelevant by the fact that you really have to go out of your way to encounter and defeat them that many times to complete the ‘miniquest’ in the first place.
So you have a damage-sponge enemy, and you have to defeat it many times. Taken together, the rat’s raiders miniquest is a grueling slog, and at least for right now, there’s no reward for having done so. I understand there’s still more content planned for Zheng Shi (leading to more encounters with the rats as you wander arund) and there’s supposed to be some payoff to directing the rats at your cousin, but still, it seems excessively grindy…
Anyone else agree?
To your first paragraph:
1) You need to open up with and continually use your special abilities to reliably win this fight, and also to encourage consumable use, which was the ultimate goal in design for most playstyles. As a Ranged Merc, the first thing I do is use Rapid Fire on all three rats, stagger them, then keep shooting from there (at Level 10 with higher than normal stats and Aegis LMG) or I’ll blaze down one rat then pick my opportunities from there. As a Smuggler, I’m *always* throwing flashbangs. It’s worth noting that the Rats are only immune to Burning and Electric _when their shields go down_, so you can still nuke their shields or even use a Vamp blade to keep yours up with electric!
They are individually weak and rely on safety in numbers and their own ‘blitz’ of sorts to hope to hit a player at Levels 9 and 10. Yet, for all their advantages, they have tons of disadvantages. Their evasion is already set at a place where grabbing the Forgehound’s +Aim Accessory can flip the table in your favor.
They were designed to challenge all three classes and their melee/ranged builds, and to throw wrenches at Lust players; balanced to be winnable at Level 9, and then really be winnable Level 10. It’s very specific edge cases that allow you to hold a button down and win like most every encounter in the game.
To your issue with fighting them repeatedly:
2) They were designed for replayability and to encourage finding new ways to mess around with them. The rats have different dialogues and changing attitudes towards the player at every threshold of reputation reached, for sex, for their dialogue as a whole, etc. There are even bonuses for reaching ‘Friend’ status; or in other words, convincing them you’re not some ‘trod on the poor’ bureaucrat who deserves to be marked for robbery.
They, like the other gangs, are still tasked with guarding the Sidewinder on Zheng Shi and keeping unaffiliated people out of restricted areas. When you reach Friend Status, they start commenting on in some scenes that they “hope you’ll meet their boss soon,” because even though they like you and *want* to be more amicable, you’re still trespassing and they are loyal to their leader. Your cousin simply warned the gang you’d be stopping by, and it’s an option to prove to them you’re not who the cousin said you were. It’s not at all required, it’s meant to be fun to do.
This is a gameplay conceit as well. Once the Recreation and Officer’s Decks are added to Zheng Shi, their gang leader, Mikhail, will need to be written. That is the ultimate goal of fighting with them repeatedly and befriending them: having an easier time dealing with post-Plot stuff on Zheng Shi. *And* there’s an event that needs to be added for Feruze & Cousin on Zheng Shi related to the rats being at Friend status. They were made to be a long ‘mini story’ partially to keep people busy while waiting for more content, too.
When you have their patterns down and understand their fight past one or two attempts you will really have no problems with this encounter. Zheng Shi is run by five pirate gangs cooperating, and soon we’re getting the probe from the Jumper Leaders, who run Zheng Shi. That will technically end the necessity to be on Zheng Shi, finishing the main plot. The other four gangs, Star Vipers, Corona Lords, Cyber Punks, and Rat’s Raiders also have their own leaders who will get written and you will need to interact with for later events.
If you have any more questions, by all means. I also have a thread on the forum you can discuss things in detail with.
1) I didn’t say the fight was unwinnable, I said it takes too long to chew through their combined massive pile of health. And I’m using a save-modified, maxed-out character with way more perks than one normally would have access to, so if it’s a slog for me, it must be way worse for everyone else. They are not individually weak – as I tried to explain, they are individually almost as tough as a punk secop! And that doesn’t mesh with the idea that the punks are using top tier cybernetics and armor, while the rats’ is supposedly so bad that it falls apart when they try to take it off.
Not to mention the fact that their constant use of ressurection drugs and shield batteries flies in the face of their objective of making money to give to others. If they’ve got this stuff to burn trying over and over again to defeat a superior opponent, why not just sell it and save themselves the bother? The rats either need to have their combined health and shields cut about in half, or they need to be rewritten because right now they don’t make thematic sense.
And if that’s the difficulty bar you’re going to set for Zheng Shi – that a trash mob should take a minimum of like 5 turns to beat – then all of the other encounters ought to be buffed up to a similar level, especially the boss fights. Why should the rabble running around be as or more powerful than the forgehound, agrosh, teyaal, etc?
2) I am aware of all that. I have inspected the code pretty thoroughly, not to mention fought through the encounter more than the noted 17 times before coming to these conclusions (I actually thought after a while that the encounter must be broken and not progressing properly if it’s taking this long). My point here is that ‘designed for replayability’ feels like a euphamism for ‘you made it a grueling slog for reasons that aren’t entirely clear’. I’m not interested in ‘messing with the rats’, but I am a completionist. If there’s something in the game to accomplish, I want to do it, and I think having to do this fight close to 20 times to achieve that is excessive. I mean, how many times do you need to beat the Myr deserters before they realize fighting you is pointless and turn friendly? Like 5?
Oh, and also, having to do the ‘be nice’ thing so many times pushes your personality score way to the left, so it also sucks for anyone trying to maintain mischevious or hard personalities. And so not only are you sacrificing your reward from all these fights, you’re taking a loss in damage to your character that is not trivial to repair. You’ll then need to do even more grinding to fix that.
Can you bimbofy penny without giving her a dick?
Currently no, since the only way to do so involves using Dr. Badger’s raygun, and she is kinda obsessed with well-endowed hermaphrodites.
thanks. Too bad we can’t do that. Maybe one day…
Sorry for the double post but i don’t see the first one appearing, but is it possible to turn penny into a bimbo or a cumslut without also giving her a dick?
Hey fenoxo, I noticed a weird glitch where if you bimbofy penny while in another planet you’ll be teleported to mhenga but your ship will stay in whatever planet you left it in, and because of that you’re stuck in the planet till you reload your save
This should be fixed for the next release.
I just confirmed that I am no longer able to save my game in-browser. Did something happen?
So…. Does this mean we may get a new means of bimboing Penny?
Thank You Sir
Also, Sweet! My character can get a legitimate dino cock soon. Can’t wait to read the Saurmorian TFs o(☼t☼)d