Sinensian absolutely killed it with this art. This version with the jumper silhouettes didn’t make it in game, but I’m sure you’ll all enjoy it.
Some hangups with Leyaks are going to hold them back for a bit, but DrunkZombie delivered Sylvie’s pregnancy expansion to me today, and I sorted out a pretty nice pile of high quality art for the game. Enjoy~!
0.8.141 Changelog:
- Sylvie can now get pregnant! She can start or stop taking birth control. High virility Steele’s have a small chance to impregnate her even when on. She has special talk scenes during pregnancy, and futanari Sylvie can impregnate Steele as well. Nursery scenes are included in a special area.
- New Busts: Big T, Bianca (though only for two of her variants), Cherry.
- New Imagepack art: Anyxine under desk service (illustrated with SEVEN new images by SimplePhobia), Cherry’s Slutwall, Slut Wall Gabilani creampied, Slut Wall leithan creampied, Slut Wall raskvel creampied, Slut Wall ratboy creampied, Slut Wall slyveren creampied, AND I updated the Slut Wall spots that were missing embedded versions of their Adjatha bust to include the art.
As usual, the image-embedded version can be found on the relevant Patreon or SubscribeStar post. Thank you so much for your continued support!
oh yeah Sylvie stuff
Wait, who’s the one on the very left that also has her face out.
I must KNOW!
That could be YOU!
She’s a generic insert used as a stand-in for the player. Mainly.
She’s also a massive cutie as always! =)
Are there any plans for the player to join the wall, even temporarily?
I too would love to be stuck in that wall.
Impregnating the sexy moose gal? YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS!
You know, I’m reminded, I heard some thoughts back when the Tap Hall was released about the player taking a turn in the wall for a while, was that put off/not enough time/writers for it?
I’ve also remembered this being said and I’ve been waiting for it for so long!
I don’t think Sylvie’s preg content is working. Also the art reminded me that I’m still longing to buy the albino Leithan girl.
Yeah, I’ve got the impression too. That’s because a) I cannot talk with her about motherhood after rut fucking her and get fucked vaginally by her and b) because my char has a virility of 5115%.
You need to have sex with her at least 5 times, with at least 1 of them being rut sex for “motherhood” to open up
She also must be buzzed. If sober or drunk she will not want to talk about it either. The tool tips on the disabled button will let you know what is disabling it.
You’re fine fiend, Drunkzombie.
It is she’s just ridiculously tough to get pregnant. Not so much for her to knock your Steele up though.
I don’t get the sense that her preg content is predicated on over taking her contraceptives. Regardless of how many interactions of every sort I cannot select the motherhood option.
Forced my character into heat with b.bliss, it took a few tries till Sylvie knocked her up.
Male route seems to not work. Trust me when I say I thoroughly tested it.
Absurd virility and in-game months of attempts. Strangely my pc’s junk kept increasing for no reason until it hit triple digits and I reloaded.
While on birth control it is very hard to get her pregnant (5%, or 10% if virility is 1000%+), once off birth control it is much, much easier
oh , special area in nursery for larger species .
Don’t forget Amber
I still hold out hope for more obscure characters no one talks about anymore to get some extra fun stuff.
I desire Nayna content. She is best bun.
I desire the Qilin gym boss that is Mirrin, she could use some more rounded out sex scenes and a pregnancy path for male characters. I also would love to do more stuff with Cass but so far people make these two wishes sound impossible. I would even be happy if some characters on Myrellion got some new attention.
Mirrin does have a pregnancy path for males though.
How? There is no option to do the horizontal baby mambo with her. Just the boobship dp for girls wrestling to get a bj or being humiliated.
Steele can not impregnate Mirrin through her regular sex scenes. You have to go through a process that will eventually have the option to either pump her, get pumped by her, or pump each other full of seed. I recall that this is a one time deal. You can’t choose to have her stuff Steele’s baby bag then dump a load in hers when she moved to Tavros.
Since when did Mirrin move to Tavros? I have interacted with her a lot and never had that happen.
She moves to Tavros as part of her pregnancy content regardless of whether she bears or sires.
Well then I am good and happy.
Dear TiTS developers!
There are Sylvie pregnancy content, eh? Splendid! But what about Riley!? Come on folks, please add some to her too! ‘Murica an’ all that!
Also would you be so kindly to think on adding a Threesome impregnating scene with Sylvie and Riley if so? That would be awesome! But I think something might be lacking here… Canucks, ‘Murica here… Mexico perhaps? (Oh, God, maybe something’s wrong with me)…but hey Mexican-like female taur NPC would suit perfectly for the mix!
Thank you!
I think Riley is strictly a silly mode thing
She’s the 4th of July event. You can meet her when the system clock matches, turn on the holiday event with console commands, or you can toggle silly mode on and run into her by adventuring otherwise.
Error, invalid description for Umbra. Passed description call: “waist” with argument: “0”. I lol’d so bad XD
I dont know if you guys answered this all ready but is Steele ever gonna be able to inside the wall too? I’m just wondering is all :3.
Also that art is amazing!
Whoa! yeah Sylvieeeee! my god I have wanted this she showed up thank you so much fen,savin,and co. Now I digress Cow Chap but while I agree about Riley preg content, asking for it right after getting something we’ve all been hoping for can come across as a little ungrateful. It’s like they went “hey you know that thing you’ve been wanting all these years, well here you go” and you respond with ” yeah that’s cool but I want this too”. I know that isn’t what your saying, but you have to admit it is an easy assumption to make.
Can’t install the mobile version, as it is a .bin file instead of a .apk file.
Mentioned this in a comment on the previous post.
Can’t install the mobile version, as it is a .bin file instead of a .apk file.
Mentioned this in a comment on the previous post.
edit: stupid auto capitalization in email address
Exact file that is downloaded is “TiTS_0.bin”
Rename from bin to apk. Some browsers change the file extension.
Some people are reporting stack overflow errors with steeles preg with sylvie’s baby. I have been unable to reproduce the problem so far. So please report her if you have the problem or if you don’t have the problem, what flash player you are using and what system you are playing on. I am trying to see if it is a specific flash player issue.
Windows 7, flashplayer_32_sa_debug (which I’m pretty sure is/was the official Adobe flash player), and I’m definitely getting the overflow error.
Mystery solved. Easy fix. The writer wanted time to pass during some preg events. Normally not a problem as it is just 10 to 30 minutes, but with a high enough preg speed while one of these events is processing, it triggers another event which can fill up the stack since it is still in the middle of the first event. If I remove the time passage the crash no longer happens.
Is that a thing that can be fixed in game, or a thing that requires a patch?
Code change, so it requires a patch. I already pushed the change to github so it should be in the next patch.
Thanks and yay!
So I am getting a crash as a female taur telling Sylvie to penetrate me.
Please post a save on the forums
So with Flash dead, could someone forward me to a program or some way that’ll let me run this game again please? Its been a while an dI miss kooky space sex
Air zip download on site works for me.
I was wondering if offbeatr backers were able to get the image pack or not. And if so, how?
When can the game be translated offline?