Kiro without her trademark extra anatomy still looks delicious… Pic by venusflowerart.
0.7.276 Changelog:
- A new enemy can now appear on both levels of Zheng Shi’s forge deck: the Corona Lord flamer, or as we on the dev team refer to her as: firepup. She’s a violent sadomasochist with a bit of a fire fetish, and I personally would not recommend losing to her if you don’t care for being degraded. If you do, well… I guess you’re a bad boy/girl.
- Written by Wsan
- Coded by lighterflud
- Various fixes and tweaks.
At the time of this post, I’m mid-stream. What follows is going to be some work on additional Dane scenes, assuming my brain is up to the task.
(Psssst: $10+ Patreon backers have a new post up with the last two months worth of full rez arts. Enjoy!)
Firepup sounds like an interesting name for some booze
Dane just needs to let go, relax, bend over, and bite the pillow.
Or just bend me over please.
I’m sad that he lost the tentacle-wang. It was his best feature, imo.
Oh man that Kiro pic is doing things to me. 10/10
We gonna be able to plug ourselves into the wall soon with the rest of the wall sluts?
The Flamer is pretty fun. If you can avoid the seething hellish rage brought on by the rat raiders long enough to encounter her.
Mercenary, double shot perk combined with the rapid fire perk and the railgun, usually makes mincemeat out of the raiders. But take out the middle mouse first, or make him use his heal option first. The Rodenian girl is usually easy to take down after that. Half Rodenian is pretty much a cakewalk after that.
I dont remember me getting a railgun. Several arc casters yes. Railgun no. But its 10+ clicks of easy combat for me anyways. Would only be infuriating if, as he said in the post above, the firepup isnt appearing. Tbh I need a hack gun that auto-obliterates so I win when I wanna and surrender when I dont, but I can live without.
To get the railgun you need to up your rep with Chaurmine. But you need power armor to use it.
Or be hella swole. Or or having the lv 10 ranger Merc perk.
And what with you do a s a Tech Specialist or Smuggler?
As a tech: equip the Vamp Blade, and never lose. [Laughs in Infinite Shields]
As a smuggler: equip Aegis LMG or some good Kattom gear if Ranged or Taivra’s Spear/Any waifu/husband Melee gear (dancing flashblade, saur hammer) and throw flashbangs forever in either case and they never hit you.
I usually just use Khan’s modded arc caster. It burns down shields fast then use Gravidic Disruptor to get an insta-kill, (or near insta,) on the unshielded target.
Custom shock gear is op too, stun lock them for days, it also crits a lot.
Im honest, she looks even cuter without <3 MUCH CUTER
But who am i to claim this :3
One of the few people who do not care for girls with giant horsedongs attached to them?
Count me as one of them.
Same now i wish it was an option
Same, cheers to the artist cause that is fantastic.
Is this in the plans give a core to Celise or even Nova? I think it would be great to see them with intellect like Roz
+1 Sounds interesting
Nova is literally a mass of supercomputers, so I can’t see how giving her a core would change her much. Celise might be neat though.
Nova is a super advanced medical AI that could already adapt the crystals of the Ganrael, I do not see the problem of analyzing the core of a Galotian and fabricate one of its own, because remember that only destroying a few of its nano machines can destabilize a gray goo , the core in my opinion would stabilize it
Okay, so from what I saw in her content for Domming the pupper it looks like she wants you to knock her up, so is that going to be a later xpac?. Also I have tried with both a male and herm character when are we getting Pregger content for Kiro and Kally?
Corona Flamer is probably my favourite encounter added to this game period. Amazingly written, Wsan!
Glad to hear it bud.
100% Agreed. I can’t wait to get a Bust of them.
Yeah, I have to admit, the fact that pic isn’t possible in game hurts me, as chicks with dicks is not my thing, maybe one day we will have the option to remove dicks from characters for those who don’t want them, like we have the option to add them to characters should we want to
still, very tasty picture
Here: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3153672 lol.
Why don’t you just see yourself off.
Since you do not care to regard what was mentioned and posted in spite of that.
There are plenty of people who do NOT want to see herms galore, and then there’s those who are not interested. For me I consider it as so: rare treats lose their appeal when given too often…
Not my thing either but each character is created in the writer’s vision. If a writer wishes to add that option, it is nice, but if they do not, I respect their wishes. Everyone has their own preferences.
I agree there’s been countless times I’ve met a character been interested and then surprise she’s got a dick it really turns me off its great for my female character playthough don’t get me wrong but for my male character i wish i could have an option to just turn the girldicks off
Oh GODS her loss scene is hot! Please tell me she’s got a “Bad” End planned?? <3 <3 <3
She doesn’t. She’d rather be out fucking winners than wasting time keeping a loser around, after all.
Oh that is a burn (pun mildly intended)!!
Oof, that hurts. That’s one of the hottest loss scenes I’ve read so far! A “Bad” End is certainly something I’d be willing to throw money at, for sure, haha (Why yes I AM a masochist). x3
So, a few updates back there was a bit “You can now jab Haley with some Throbb, if you like bad ideas. Again, by Wsan, coded by Lighterfluid.” How does one go about accessing this scene?
Just have some Throbb and the option should appear on Haley’s menu, assuming you’ve already met her.
I would love a scene of her humiliated or pissed off if you wear the FZR Fire Suppression System haha lovely
When I saw the title of the post, I initially thought you were talking about the internet type of flamers, lol.
Love the Flamer huskar, would love to see more of that wacko in more win and loss scenes. Never knew I was into girls with flame throwers spitting into my Steele’s mouth.
L’il bit of casual disdain never hurt anybody
The slapping though, that probably did.
Lol that pic of kiro makes it look like she had about 50 kids, I mean those tits look like kallys tits
Kiro definitely looks better like this.
Great art, love the weight on the tits especially.
I’m just loving the anal punish scene for the firepup!!!
I have to say, this is pretty disappointing overall. The win scenes are on point, but having two loss scenes that you have to beg to get access to is kind of weak. Her loss scenes are vanilla as hell all things considered and she’s supposed to be a ‘violent sadomasochist with a bit of a fire fetish’. if you’re a dom you’re golden, but as a sub I’d recommend giving her a pass.
Really hope established NPCs stories are expanded, Beatrice, Shizuya, Amber, Kiro, Saendra to name a very few who deserve it
Oooh, that new enemy sounds nice, hopefully it is real Sadism this time and not basically the PC going brain-dead before things happen or having to basically beg for it and/or do it to themselves. :v
I’m still holding out hope that in the future certain NPC’s could become crewmate’s like Khorgan, Briha, Tam-Tam, and maybe even Feruze
I totally agree on Khorgan and Briha, the other two are meh.
Khorgan has some form of content planned (or maybe did at some point, not sure if that’s still going to happen). If Dane becomes a crew mate then it’s a safe bet Feruze will too when she’s inevitably fired too.
Briha’s author left, so the odds of her getting new content are slim to none; I have no idea if anyone is doing anything with Tam-Tam.
Just need someone willing to take on the task of writing for her, (Briha,) since as far as I know, Jim T basically gave his blessings to anyone who wanted to take up the mantle for making new content for his characters. There are probably some stipulations, though, certain do’s and don’ts.
Personally I want Briha to work at the nursery. She needs a relaxing retirement after the things she has seen. Spending time with children might be ideal.
Kiro looks so much better like this I especially love the breasts.
Probably a slightly stupid question but what are odds of getting Furpies? Is there a specific location/enemy that I can go to get it easier?
Here’s the link to the wiki entry.
Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman
Batman Batman Batman
Na na na na na na na
I know this is unrelated but this had been bothering me as a of late. Is the sub-tuner expansion for Syri is on Uveto added or is it just planed content that will be added later? On the Wiki it shows its possible to see her occasionally–Experiments Belle’s experiments involve a variety of sexual acts one after another in what appears to be a set progression.
Walked – Belle walks the PC around naked on Uveto as they potentially encounter one of several acquaintances on route
Syri if on Uveto–I’ve had no luck seeing her.
Just wanted to know if was possible or I’m missing a specific requirement.
Well, the scene appears to be in the code, so either Fenoxo didn’t properly program the game to check if Syri’s on Uveto since walkies was implemented before Syri Quest; or you are just extremely unlucky. Might I recommend kicking Sera off your ship to increase your odds?
I did, even threw out Anno and usually it’s the default or Kiro scene over and over. Maybe I’m unlucky, but I’ve made a separate file with another character that ignored Kiro and all I got was the default and for exhibition scene exclusively the rival scene. I don’t know what to say. It just bugs me not reading/encountering it.
Okay then Fenoxo messed up the flagging. Go Lodge a complaint on the Bug Reports forum.
hey fen I found a place where you can get stuck, it with shizuya if you spar with her and you lose, you can’t get out if your character is hyper and don’t have capacity, I am too big for her and I don’ have the capacity to take her, so you can get stuck.
I’ve noticed in Dr. Badger’s laboratory there is a Strange Ball that I can’t access? Does anybody know what that’s about?
Are there any plans to make a Bothric transformation? I loved the idea of having your Myr venom making crew members or NPC’s addicted to it like it was done with Shekka.
So are they any plans for one so we can make crew members or NPC addicted to our oil, or perhaps an expansion on more people getting addicted to our Myr venom like Shekka?