I hear that futa Paige is going to be Lighterfluid’s next coding project… (Art by Sulcate)
What could be scarier than pop groups and haunted houses?
…the knowledge that there’s a skeleton inside you right now.
0.8.115 Changelog:
- A massive new encounter was added to the game: The Love Stars. Written by Fr0sty and coded by Gena138, this 200+ page submission allows you to meet and greet a popstar group that SteeleTech has interest in.
- Poe’s flyTo/landing scripts were adjusted to be more consistent and better handle multiple events (so I probably added new bugs).
- A new event has been added to Poe A! The Haunted House of Whorrors! Written by Adjatha, this came in too late for last year’s Halloween but not too late for this one! To unlock it, you’ll need to have Poe A unlocked, and for the game to be in the Halloween season. It is a 10% chance of unlocking late at night whenever time passes. Can you find all three endings?
Lighterfluid sacrificed his sanity upon the altar of Paige to bring you the ability to select specific genitalia for Paige’s scenes. He’s a talented birb, but if new bugs show up, be sure to report them with quotes, steps to reproduce, and maybe even an attached copy of your save.(Apologies, he actually just built support functions to do that, but hasn’t completed that project yet.)- Breed ‘n Brute can now proc off of tailsex.
- Bizzy’s busts should function properly now.
- Anno and Beth Carver’s party events have had their requirements corrected.
- Urethral insertion now counts for losing penile virginity.
- It is now possible to masturbate with Erra’s panties, finally.
- Fixed possible crashes when selecting random masturbations with no available masturbations (mostly only a problem for sexless centaurs).
- Losing to “Friendly” Feruze now also awards the VR item for viewing the “Bad End”.
- Kaska no longer attempts to disarm the disarmed.
- Dreg’s nude bust should now display during sex.
- Other small typo fixes and tweaks that I’ve probably missed.
So how does one trigger The Love Star event?
You’ll get an email some time after you’ve unlocked Tarkus. Not immediately after, there’s an element of randomness to it, but it shouldn’t take too long
Looking forward to being very professional with Love Stars.
Wait… Is futa Paige in? Or coming soon? Slightly confused.
Not yet. The Paige update lets you select your own genitalia to fuck Paige with
Ahhh… I see. Thanks! She’s taken so much, I owe her alot.
What does the Paige ghost-dick content count as?
B has a separate thing for actually giving Paige a dick.
Ah cool can’t wait then, love Paige so much, it’s not gay if she has a dick!
Who am I kidding I’m already gay for Paige.
hoping that futa paige is ready real soon.
If it’s ready to code it shouldn’t be too long
The name’s a trap! The love stars MUST be a metal group, or else, why would Steele Tech be interested?! 😀
Something bad happened!
Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message
Flash Player: StandAlone – Windows 8
Flash Version: WIN 32,0,0,161
Game Version: 0.8.115
Error Name: ArgumentError
Error Mesg: Error #1063
ArgumentError: Error #1063
at classes::TiTS/buttonClick()
was going to suck off blue
Should be fixed for next patch, sorry about that
Found a quick bug, if you talk to pink and invite for sex while green isn’t open to the option, and blue isn’t available, you then get stuck in the conversation as you can’t click “both” either.
It seems like the button for Green was overriding the button for blue. It should be fixed for next patch.
Also for some reason while doing the The Love Stars event all the text suddenly turned all bold(fat), It seems to only be for 1 save only and I can’t seem to undo it in settings either.
Oh seems like all my saves are now with bold letters for some reason.
Oooh! A futa Paige, looking forward to that. : )
The Stars are great fun, kind of hope we see more of them down the road.
(If only Frosty took commissions lol).
It’s not that I don’t, it’s just nobody’s ever asked. ;p
Well, now that is intriguing 😀
So for the insertion counting as loosing penial virginity, I agree in it’s inclusion, but it seems pretty remote. The only scene I can think of that involves Steele getting penetrated is the Ganrael sounding scene. Anyone know of any I missed?
Both that blue slime on Zheng Shi and the green slime you can get at the start of the game can do it.
Uveto has docking with Nayna.
Azra and the Milk Thief have such a scene. Both of them require a sufficiently large dick, and the Milk Thief scene can happen when Steele loses/surrenders to her.
The nareya/red myr hybrid on myrellion
Oof, futa Paige is hot. <3
Strangely enough I don’t seem to be getting any additional options for the Halloween event, just the same costumes as always. Am I missing something?
I think you need to get mail inviting you to the Haunted House to unlock it.
Poe has become required to unlock further content? Great, thanks for making me download the save editor to reverse whatever shitty, mandatory transformations and penetrations my character will have to go through. Could you guys at least write a single costume that doesn’t require getting fucked? Even the longsword hero means you get your ass tailfucked.
You only have forced transformations if you attend the costume party. The whorehouse does not have forced transformations. You can choose which one you want to attend when you go to Poe A.
The whorehouse has force tfs.
Got to the point where I found out Ari has a crush on Mirrin. I hope we can get the two to -ahem- meet some day.
I’ve gotten all three Love Stars to open up about their histories, but I can’t figure out how to get Ari to open up about her potential health problems.
Excited for this one because Adjatha is a super underrated writer, better than most of the full time writers imo, plus a great artist. Really rare the have both
Can you meet Feruze anywhere to get that VR set? Just curious as i’ve already seen her scenes.
So is the foursome the end of the current content for the stars? I’d like to stop repeating the same secrets and talk options seeing if there’s something I missed.
Has the ability to use Syri’s pussy as a masturbation option been added? (if you didnt give it back to her)
What is Breed ‘n Brute?
An implant that increases Strength for an hour I believe after vaginal penetration on an NPC. Increases it by ten, so my character goes from fifty to sixty every time.
Hey uh I started a new game and I was wondering what happened to the goo village? I cannot seem to find it with my new guy.
silly mode only
Ah never knew it was only silly mode.
Its actually really annoying that you cant just choose to go to the house of whorrors. Spending 30 minutes save scuming isnt my idea of a good time.
I had a bug where i coudn´t give the ovir a Blowjob my Flashplayer crashed
How do I get all three endings? Is there a secret button or something? I feel like I’ve done all the options and now I’m just curious what’s the third ending now.
Never mind
Care to share cause i keep geeting the thraggen facefuck forced lip tf scene.
just hurry up and give us futa paige and an early public release
They can only code so fast my dude, take a deep breath. You can’t rush art after all… But you can back it if you really want those early releases
How can I unlock Haunted House of Whorrors?
Halloween is set “on”, Poe A unlocked.
Rest and wait for a bit. You should get an email from Erebus. After reading that you’ll have the choice to visit the costume shop or the haunted house. It seems like the email is random like the original Poe A invite
Is there a list of transformations from the whorrorhouse?
Will the next public patch get released on Halloween, or will people who play the public patch have to wait a few days after to play the new Halloween event?
Is there a way to get rid of ditz speech without the cum-cow perk?
Bug in Blue/Green scene, something about skunFurScales. I assume it should be skinFurScales.
In the Pink/Blue sandwich with Blue in the middle, there’s a rogue boldface tag and cockNounSimIple typo
An option for a herm or shemale Paige in the future? Holy yes!
What Race & Genders are the Love Stars?
Is there any way of sending your current ship back to Tavros when you buy a new one?
In the lovestarz email from colm it says to meet him in the oasis on tavros station… I must be missing something pretty obvious cuz i have no clue where that is, and cant seem to find it >_>
Its below Shear Beauty. whoops.
havent played in a while but futa paige is one way to get me doing another run. Hopefully she will be able to be pushed to be more dominant.