Shou decided to take another stab at Zaalt’s bust… and did up this hilariously anime variant of the final bust. Sadly, he misplaces the shades before you meet him in game.
The Resident Evil 2 remake JUST came out. I loved those game on my old Playstation – they scared the shit out of adolescent me so badly that I wouldn’t play them if I was in a room by myself. I’d stick with Final Fantasy VII in times like those.
Know what else just came out? The Overwatch Chinese New Year’s event.
Know what I’m not playing? Either. Some other (admittedly fun) stuff came up this evening that kept me from being able to pound on code much and limited the effectiveness of what code-typing I did do. Never fear! I’ve spent the scant few hours before bed assembling a steaming hot plate of new patch for you all.Β The big news in this one is that it adds a Milodan Temptress to War’gii Hold. Gynophiles rejoice!
I’ll get time for gaming in the evenings on the weekend, or maybe Sunday during the day.
0.7.254 Changelog:
- New enemy available in the invasion of Korg’ii Hold: the Milodan Temptress. This one was mostly QuestyRobo’s brainchild (with a bit of help from William). This slutty cat will have a captive Tuuva the first time you meet her!
- Added a few options to the milodan infiltrator fight. I also realized I want to rework the buttons some more. I’m pretty sure right now the “Leave” buttons for a few of the encounters don’t work properly with the rescues.
- The “Aphro” and “Aphro Gas” status effects now display how much damage they are doing to you when their DoTs (Damage over Time) effects proc. I intend to page through other similar statuses and see if I can clean up more of them later.
- The Milodan Infiltrator, Milodan War-Lion, and Milodan Temptress have all had their attacks updated to allow for them to attack a friendly creature in the PC’s party. This shouldn’t have any effect for now – unless it introduces new bugs.
- Jacques00 made some assorted bug and typo fixes.
It’s cold out. Warm up with a big titty kitty.
I’d rather have the mousegirl yer usin’ as an avatar.
I’d love too. Any hope of recruitment or preg content for the temptress? Or she more of a 1 off thing?
She is more of a one off thing. But Will did say someone else could write some content for her after the war.
So recruiting her or getting her pregnant could still become a thing.
Some liked the idea of keeping her and other milodan in the lower parts of the hold as breeding stock.
Afro status effect when?
Lol that hairdo. I think hes missing some piercings in that ear tho.
Speaking of old scary games, one of mine was Blood Rayne. They even made movies based on it. :)) Perhaps i should put my nostalgia googles on and download it again.
Don’t do it. Nothing about that franchise holds up
Eh? Come on from what i recall it was fairly decent, something about hot vampire chick slashing her way through hordes of horrors of the night. Showers of blood and gore always kinda appealed to me. :p
I, however, *AM* playing Resident Evil 2 all day. π
Where’d you get time to build text walls then? Sacrificing sleep?
I heard it was even more difficult than the original game.
Difficulty is a tricky thing, i could probably write a book on it. It also depends on the person, something you find difficult could be cake-walk for others and vice versa. In a lot of “meh”-level games what their devs think is difficulty is giving everything health bar the size of Mc.Donald grown american. A lazy way out of devising devious mechanisms to fuck with the players, basically.
Ugh, damage sponge bosses are a pain, but damage sponge mooks are worse. Basic enemies shouldn’t be a huge resource sink.
To me, difficulty is ‘this enemy type requires a certain approach to defeat easily, otherwise I’m burning half my ammo fighting it head on’. Good difficulty is a challenge, to test my understanding of the game’s mechanics and my personal skill. Bad difficulty is more enemies that have overgrown HP pool that just waste my time. That’s what made Dark Souls a breath of fresh air. Yeah, I got run over many times due to bosses hitting like a Mack Truck and I mistimed a dodge, but I could learn and improve. Against damage sponges that are easy to avoid, I usually resort to either using my rare ‘f*** off’ weapons or kiting them while using whatever doesn’t use ammo to kill them with bug bites.
Haha. One of my favorite methods of dealing with boring nuisances, are traps. I trap into oblivion a room or the way to a room then lure it there and watch the show. :))) Provided the game is decent enough to even allow for such a tactic of course π
Yeah RE2make is definitely harder. Mr. X ain’t fucking around anymore, and there were several points where I had sub-10 rounds between all my guns — despite landing almost nothing but headshots.
Well, at least you don’t have to worry about ink ribbons on normal difficulty. Unless you’re a masochist who likes playing it on harder settings.
Shit, your post about masochism reminded me of mass effect, the biggest mistake in it was pressing that nightmare difficulty button. Even mc.donald grown americans would be jealous of the size of the health bars i had convicted myself to plowing through in that game.
+1 to this im currently running with 3 shotgun shells and 5 pistol rounds..here is hoping i can find more before the next big fight
Thanks, Fen and team!
This is an edgier, more no bullshit Zaalt, as if he wasn’t already edgy or no bullshit enough.
I picked up Wild ARMS before Vll. Love me some Sci Fi Western
Is it absolutely out of the question to run into Lund doming a Milodan Temptress? Hehe.
you sir a bloody brilliant. -tips my hat-
Are there any future plans for Dane? I was looking at his bio on the wiki and it lists one of his locations as Zheng Shi though nothing I can find says anything about him actually being there.