Category: Art

It’s a Pump…. Hooouuuse

Sometimes TiTS patches take forever, really edging you guys. Sometimes they come hot and heavy one after another, like this week!

0.9.126 Changelog:

  • [Backers] A new establishment opened up on Canadia station… at least if you’ve done Malai’s quest. (Malai lives on the south end of the Short Stacks on Dhaal.) Featuring a variety of hung femboys, the Pump House offers such delicious treats as pancakes, and dick. Coded by Leek, written by Doots.
  • [Public] The suula space pirate can now hassle public skies!
  • New busts by Adjatha: Jana, Don, Lino, Niko, and Tamara.

    Am I playing favorites by posting Lino’s bust?
    Yes. Yes I am.
    (By Adjatha!)

  • Added rarities and improved pricing for the cocksocks added in the last patch.
  • Map edits and improvements. (Particularly Tavros Residential) (Jacques00)
  • Added two new color themes. (Jacques00)
  • Fixes for unequipping a combat implant when it is in the utility slot somehow. (Jacques00)
  • Fixes for heat/rut perk removal trying to remove perks that don’t exist. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed invalid text entry events causing softlocks. (Lowercase donkey)
  • Added quest icon on Malai & his quest’s warehouse. (lowercase donkey)
  • Improved some over time pregnancy messaging. (Gedan)
  • Fixed an issue where renaming Kiro during her recruitment quest would put you into the other recruitment path for her. (lowercase donkey)
  • Cleaned up a Penny scene that referenced going back to your ship and made sense for a Penny that was on your ship on your crew. (Gedan)
  • Fixed some missing text in a slavebreaker scene. (Gedan)
  • Fixed a crash in Saendra’s quest. (Jacques00)


[Public | CoC2] Heat and Milk

We’ve got a grab-bag of new scenes from community writers today, plus a couple of gorgeous valkyrie busts for the supporting cast in Lumia’s keep.

0.7.39 Patch Notes:

  • Nieves, the foxy mage-merchant in Khor’minos, now has repeatable scenes thanks to Melonear!
  • Nieves’ existing threesome with Cait is also now repeatable.
  • You can now breastfeed a male wyvern while you fuck, courtesy of Dross!
  • Nikol now has a pair of new threesomes with Cait, if you want to shell out some money for a little group fun. By B!
  • Lady Evergreen offers a new piercing that can put you into Heat or Rut. By Wuffy!
  • New Busts: Yoli (pictured) and Hjorr (by Moira). Also replaced a messed-up Drifa bust, oops!

If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!

You might also want to come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

[TiTS] Hyper Sized Compatibility

The Captain will see you now… (By ToonNik)

This patch’s headlining updates are some new scenes for well-endowed players with the pirate Kaska, but there’s also a raft of improvements and bug fixes, particularly a lot of nasty crash catches! Leek’s still cooking away at some other content, so expect that to come in hot and heavy this upcoming week, potentially with some stuff for Cap’n Khorgan from yours truly…

Hotfix Additions:

  • Fixed some new Erra issues.
  • Fixed some Kiro issues.
  • More small fixes.

0.9.124 Changelog:

  • [Backers] New Kaska scenes! Males too large for her vagina had nothing to do after taking her down at the tether, so I set out to fix this – first with an option to show her up with some aggressive, well-endowed frottage, and for the truly hyper: docking her comparatively tiny dicklet into your own and flooding her balls with combination-jizz! Written and coded by me, Fenoxo!
  • [Public] The Shalin Hunter!
  • [Public] Lithium Flower Extrameets!
  • New CGs: Bea Panty CG, Sylvie Anal Pitch CG (by ToonNik)
  • Lactomax Piercings have been updated and fixed! They now induce lactation while worn, prevent lactation loss (as they did before), and transform milk type to milk if it ever changes (in a more correct way than before.) Their price has been increased from 2,000c to 20,000c to reflect their utility and place of origin. (Fenoxo)
  • Map improvements! Popping out the full map view should have a proper icon, and an isometric view is available for those that like it. (Jacques00)
  • The Grenade Launcher obtained from Dhaal’s “Train Dungeon” has a new UI for selecting shell type. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed a crash in the Saendra expansion pack email notice. (This one came from an interaction with the recent eventqueue overhaul.) (lowercase donkey)
  • Accupitch labs now uses a lock icon instead of a one-way icon on the map. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed behemoth leg TF applying to taurs.
  • Fixed a crash in Mirrin’s pregnancy inducing “pumped” scenes. While already-pregnant females were properly blocked from doing the pregnancy-inducing scenes, herms could get to the menu and then choose the female options anyway, leading to them entering the scene without a valid vagina to use (it needs an unpregged quim!) This has been fixed, and some extra safety code has been left in case someone finds a way to disable all three scenes but still get to the menu… (Fenoxo)
  • Lithium Flower’s post-quest extrameet content should now unlock no matter which confrontation option was chosen. (lowercase donkey acting on Magenta Needle’s intent)
  • The “Wall Slut” status now properly increases minimum lust. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixed a crash in using a hardlight dong with the Jumper interceptor. (lowercase donkey)
  • Updates to make entering and exiting parked spaceships more consistent between Shizuya’s, Erra’s, etc. (Jacques00)
  • Updates to make “back” buttons in the masturbation menu. (Jacques00)
  • Improvements to several scenes that move the player to an inaccessible room. (Jacques00)
  • “Vaginally-Filled” should vanish when you no longer have a vagina. (Gedan)
  • Siegwulfe attack settings have been improved. (Jacques00)
  • NPCs with balls that did not have balls assigned in their stats now have balls in their stats. (lowercase donkey)
  • The image gallery should player nicer with the few videos available in game. (Gedan)
  • Cover fights have been overhauled and made consistent. (Jacques00 & lowercase donkey)
  • Many more code changes titled “Minor Edits” or “Typo Fixes” and the like. (various)

[TiTS] Space Suula and BugsBGone

Remember to keep your bugs spayed or neutered so they don’t reproduce!

0.9.123 Hotfixes:

  • Fixed a number of crashes Fen introduced to the Stellar Tether by adding button tooltips but not testing them 🙁
  • Fixed a crash when interacting with a scene that allows choosing a penis of any size with very large penises.

0.9.123 Changelog:

  • [Backers] A Suula space pirate has been added to the space encounter table, just above Dhaal! They’re by far the most likely encounter there (50%), with the Jumper interceptor being shifted to be more common over Phaedra. Written by Magenta Needle, coded by Leek.
  • [Now Public] Vivi
  • [Now Public] Futa Naleen Expansion
  • New Bust Art: Tyros,Vivi
  • Fixed the Gryvain in FIRST-14 having poison that can 1-shot you with a single damage tic. (Fen)
  • Fixed a crash with the seer. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixed a crash with Lane. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixed a Sera event crash. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fix a Holliday event crash. (lowercase donkey)
  • Key Item List Update: (Jacques00)
    • Allows filtering of Key Items list.
    • Allows disabling of key item descriptions.
    • Settings stored per save file.
    • Allows key items to have proper item cards.
    • Allows inspection of panty key items + quick access to their associated art & scenes.
  • Fixed a royal egg crash. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixed a Luca crash (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixed a crash in Reaha payback event. (Gedan)
  • Fixed & Improved our internal “penisRouter” functions. (Gedan)
  • Disabled the teleport button when it can’t be used. (Jacques00)
  • Disable movement keybinds when movement isn’t possible (just in case!) (Jacques00)
  • Adjusted map tile borders for clarity. (Jacques00)
  • Added compass indicator to full map. (Jacques00)
  • Added isometric view option to full map view. (Jacques00)
    • ‘Noxo protip: Clicking on the planet name above your map lets you pop out the full map view!
  • Updated the Shalin Hunter to use proper “loadInHole” calls. (Leek)
  • Cleaned up misc. pregnancy and eventQueue issues. (Gedan)
    • And then even more preg cleanup…
    • Built an entire system to brute force test every pregnancy event in the game. (Gedan)
  • Added support for using miles as a measuring unit when we call “prettifyLength”. (lowercase donkey)
  • Improvements to horns in the appearance screen. (Gedan / Jacques00)
  • Added new vibrate icon. (Jacques00)
  • So many typos fixed.
  • A few typos added.


[Public | CoC2] The Fox and the Hound

Hana’s got a small but impactful expansion on deck, and Drifa’s starting to get the first of her post-cave content — plus some other new scenes and upgrades scattered around.

Hotfix: A hotfix has been released that fixes a potential soft-lock when wearing the Clarity Circlet, potential duplication of character creation items, and potential crashes when Etheryn is forced into the party for Dracia/Xadaron and had not been added to the party normally before then.

0.7.37 Patch Notes:

  • Hana has a new set of dates at the Kitsune Den, accessible from her main menu after having gone hunting with her 3+ times.
  • You can take Hana to visit her friend Rindo’s garden, which has some nice secluded spots to get dirty (or clean).
  • You can take Hana to visit the shrine to get in some prayer — just remember, trickster gods tend to prank the selfish!
  • If you’ve grown close with Hana, there’s a third special Den date that can lead to her proposing to you — now you can get engaged to the dick-vixen without having to talk about kids first.
  • Corrupt Drifa has a new first-time approach scene. (By Jstar)
  • Corrupt Drifa has a new doggystyle sex scene. (By Jstar)
  • If Drifa is wearing the Collar of Submission, there’s a new sex scene outtro for it. (By Jstar)
  • Drifa’s Appearance screen has been updated.
  • There’s a new pawprint womb tattoo option at the Hawkethorne stylists once you finish Knot Cave.
  • Merielle of the Wyld Elf Band encounter has a new Mating Press victory scene. (By Gardeford)
  • The Undermountain Miners have a new bad end, if you submit to them 4+ times. (By Reathe)
  • The scene for turning Kiyoko’s amulet over to Keros has been rewritten to be kinder to you, and now gives you the Control Rod. (By Tobs)
  • Vivane now sells a new item, the Circlet of Clarity. It’s got great stats on it for spellcasters, if you don’t mind occasionally being turned into a bimbo.
  • You can now [Wait] up to 12 hours at a time.
  • Sun Dancer Cait’s weapon has been adjusted to sync better with her kit.
  • Innumerable bug and typo corrections, courtesy of Teawolf, Spotty, and Zag.
  • New Busts: Demon Ahmri
  • New CG: Rindo/Hana giving the PC a blowjob (by Monstralgam)

There’s still a ton more Drifa content coming up through the code pipe, including pregnancy and marriage. Stay tuned!

If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!

You might also want to come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

[TiTS] Weekend (Bird) Warriors

Damn, he looks like he could displace some organs! (Art by Adjatha)

You didn’t think we’d forget to bring you some new goodies this week, didja?

0.9.121 Hotfixes (Deployed ~5 Eastern ‘Murrica Time, 2/10/25)

  • Reworked most of how weapon crafting’s data was organized and passed around by the code, fixing a few bugs. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixed donkey’s bug that made weapon crafting impossible. (Fenoxo – donkey I’m 86.75309% convinced you do these on purpose, test yo shit.)
  • Fixed accuracy being bugged in weapon crafting. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed weapons getting “undefined” in their name in certain circumstances. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed gems not being consumed in weapon crafting in certain scenarios. (lowercase donkey)
  • Tweaks for Brandt’s content to better reflect her opinion of the PC. (Gedan)
  • Added the “Bullet” tag to the Avenger SMG. (Gedan)
  • Fixed a softlock in plantation quest. (lowercase donkey)
  • Paulette can now be re-invited to the ship. (Gedan)
  • Fixed bleeding italics in Lithium Flower content. (Gedan)
  • Tweaks and adjustments to nav controls and map systems. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed a crash in Mirrin pregnancy content. (Gedan)
  • Consistency adjustments for the various forms of the word “Hyrax.” (Jacques00)
  • Cleaned up the Suze email mess that was recently introduced. (Gedan)
  • Fixed a narc crash. (lowercase donkey)
  • Liferoot Pollen’s effects last for 48 hours instead of 4 hours
  • Bionahole and Hyraxi codices got art displays with their text (from existing assets). (lowercase donkey)
  • Hyraxi codex should now properly unlock. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixes for shop interfaces related to item stack merging. (Gedan)

0.9.121 Changelog:

  • [Backers] Lithium Flower Extra Bonus Content – Paulette can clue you in to the Lithium Flower’s status after her associated quest and unlock the ability to bump into her again on Dhaal’s streets. After speaking with her on your ship about it, look out around Gabtown for an NPC marker that pops up between 20:00 and 4:00. (Written by Magenta Needle and coded by Leek.)
  • [Backers] Shalin Hunter – this new hostile encounter can be found in Phaedra’s radwoods! (Written by Nonesuch and coded by Leek.)
  • [Public] Jumper Interceptors
  • [Public] Tainted Cultists
  • [Public] Psi Weapon Crafting
  • Numerous fixes to the train dungeon. (By Gedan)
  • Gemstone drop changes! I’ve taken a pass through to redistribute gem drops and add some more that can be used for crafting weapons. Behold:
    • Myrellion: Home to Satyrite and Kirkite
    • Uveto: Home to Lucinite and Savicite
    • Zheng Shi: Home to Geddanium Chunk, Geddanium Crystal, and Picardine
    • Phaedra: Home to Adjite and Urtanium. Additionally, Selene & Neil can now drop Adjite crystals.
    • Cheers! (By Fen)
  • Fixed the mimbrane symbiosis event. (By Gedan)
  • Updated Behemoth TF with a scale color changing transformation, correcting an oversight Fen left unpolished! (Praise be to Gedan!)
  • Fixes for the slyveren slavebreaker’s clothing gifts. (By Gedan)
  • Fixed a Reaha wakeup scene crash. (By Gedan)
  • Fixed a softlock in Ovalasting egg trainer. (By Gedan)
  • Fixes for a Maja scene. (By Lowercase Donkey)
  • Included in last hotfixes: numerous softlocks and crashes related to the new eventQueue. (By Gedan & a lil Fen)

[Backers | CoC2] Cats & Dogs

The undermountain’s favorite goo-cat, Nihara, has gotten herself expanded with a whole lot more loving.

0.7.36 Patch Notes:

  • If you accepted the submission of Asgeir and the Corrupted Lupines after clearing their dungeon, you can now find them in your Wayfort (regardless of whether you genderbent them or not). (by Jstar!)
  • The Corrupted Lupine pack has 4 new repeatable sex scenes for both male and female packs, plus a great big orgy for the female pack.
  • Asgeir (or his feminized form) is a new Wayfort NPC separate from the pack, with the expected host of sex and talk scenes.
  • Nihara has gotten herself a chunky 180 page expansion! About 120 pages of it are just raw, gooey elemental sex, with a lot of focus paid to her boobs, your boobs, and the fluids therein. (By TheObserver).

If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!

You might also want to come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

[TiTS] Vivi, Futa Naleen, & Tweaks

Full resolution and backer content access can always be found through our Patreon!

Yo yo! It’s been a couple weeks, and that means we’ve got some new encounters and a lot of under-the-hood work and polish and show off.

Hotfixes (Download players will need to redownload):

  • Fixed crashes in the behemoth transformation related to penises and vaginas. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed a softlock in Penny’s recruitment quest.
  • Fixed several more issues with the eventQueue.

0.9.120 Changelog:

  • [Backer Content] Vivi, a skunky drug dealer, is now available to be encountered on Zheng Shi station. Written by Asteroth and coded by Leek.
  • [Backer Content] The Futa Naleen (a higher level “tainted” encounter found on Mhen’ga) got an expansion pack to have some less combative fun with her! You just need to defeat her in combat three times and have some victory sex with her first… Written by Doots and coded by Leek.
  • [Now Public] Velta Hardlight Blowjob
  • New Adjatha Art: Sam Steelesuit Bust (This was meant to be active ages and ages ago but finally got fixed up thanks to Donkey clearing out old bugs), Qailla nude (She doesn’t have scenes that use it yet, but I doubt she’ll stay that way very long.)
  • New ToonNik Art: Zephyr Busts (x2: These are a bit more lore accurate to Zephyr’s height. Her previous art made her seem like something of a shortstack instead of a nine foot tall amazon)
  • New CG Art: Suzereigne’s 4th email should include an attachment with an image, but when she was coded our email systems did not actually allow us to embed images within them. Now that this is fixed, the intended art has been added. (lowercase donkey)
  • The map for the Radwoods, on the far side of Shineglass Station’s Train Ride (Phaedra content) has been deployed. For now, the Behemoth Crystals and Tainted Cultists are the only attractions, but this will be changing soon… (Fenoxo)
  • Mhen’ga and Myrellion’s Deep Caves got some reworking to their encounter proccing systems in order to support events proccing that don’t lock you out of movement in a more robust way. This change touched almost every encounter those systems could initiate, so be sure to let us know if there’s a new bug where you can walk away from a fight without starting it or other weirdness. (Fenoxo coded this.)
  • Strange Eggs and Mhen’gan Mangos are now rolled for as encounters with the enemies in their particular area. This should prevent them proccing in the immediate aftermath of a fight or annoying the player with incessant amount of navigation interruptions. (Fenoxo)
  • Oxonium Crystals can now be discovered on Mhen’ga while exploring. They’re worth about 600 credits a piece and should help early game players refill their depleted bank accounts. They may also be used in custom psi weapon crafting. (Fenoxo)
  • When finding Strange Eggs, Mangos, or Oxonium crystals, the game will remember that item’s location for up 2 hours of in-game time (longer for the egg), allowing you to path back and grab something you breezed by in a hurry. Note that you will not encounter that item anywhere else until that cooldown ends. Picking up the item shortens the cooldown to 20 minutes. (Fenoxo)
  • Our eventQueue system served us well, but could also introduce some weirdness when used improperly. Gedan decided to rip it out and rebuild it better… stronger… faster… and sexier. Turns out it was one of the main things holding back the experimental undo/redo feature. If all is going as intended you shouldn’t notice any differences at all… (Gedan)
  • Fixed a narc crash. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixed crashes for Suzeraigne related to vaginal filling. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixed an issue where you could choose to DP both insertables into your ass during Dhaal’s Farrow Quest and crash the game. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixed a crash when fucking Neil with a strap-on. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixed a Maja handjob crash. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixed an Embry strap-on crash. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixed Carmelita’s bust not showing the appropriate variant. (lowercase donkey)
  • Many spelling and punctuation fixes (even for variable names that don’t need to be grammatically correct!) (lowercase donkey)

Keen-eyed observers may notice that Jacques00 hasn’t touched much of the code in a little while, but that’s because he’s been doing busts for the Tainted Rusher – a highly variable NPC that changes quite a lot across the course of the game. I got to see some early flat color previews, and she’s looking niiiice. Look forward to it!

[TiTS] Fan Comic

While we’re gathering things for the next patch, enjoy these fan comics commissioned by Korgie from Gynoid_Herring! They largely follow the enemies encountered in Kiro’s recruitment quest: Dr. Po’s sexdolls.

Po’s Demon Doll:

Po’s Goth Doll:

[TiTS] Behemoths Slavebreaking Slavebreakers

Qailla sends her regards. (By Adjatha)

New week, new patch! This time we have a whole new follower recruitment, though it is sadly limited to hard personality types only at this time due to the way the PC is written within the events. We also have a new transformation item, freshly worked up and ready to go, and I even went ahead and integrated it into the weapon crafting system to boot!

Stay tuned as we push deeper into Phaedra’s wilds in the months to come!

0.9.119 Changelog:

  • [Backers] New Follower – capture a slavebreaker and take them aboard in a delightful reversal of fortunes. Because this expansion pack is written with a harsher tone and more into BDSM/punishment without variance for personality type, it wouldn’t make much sense for personality types other than “hard,” and is thus restricted to that personality type only. (Written by Doots, coded by Leek)
  • [Backers] New Transformation – Glowing Behemoth Crystals. Right now the mob that drops them isn’t coded yet, so you’ll have to cheat one into your inventory if you want to experience them. Simply carry one on your person, and you’ll experience transformations every other hour or so, starting after you’ve carried one for four hours or so. After four transformations, the crystal will become dull. (Written by Skom/QuestyRobo, coded by Fenoxo)
  • [Backers] Added Dull and Glowing Behemoth Crystals to the weapon crafting system. Both allow a previously unavailable proc chance: stun chance and burn chance. (Fenoxo)
  • [Backers] Charge a Message Drone! The warning drone on Mhen’ga that got its bust updated has a new scene for recharging its bouncy gel-batteries! (Written by Adjatha, coded by Fen)
  • [Public] Paulette’s Expansion
  • New Busts: Qailla, Qailla with Apron (full rez on Patreon & SubscriberStar!), Steelesuit Slavebreaker, Slavebreaker with Collar (+1 variant).
  • Spam emails were apparently broken, and are now fixed. (Thank lowercase donkey for this one.)
  • Crafting a weapon with trip chance no longer creates a weapon with stun chance, and properly applies trip chance.
  • Numerous Jumper Interceptor fixes. A TON of bugs got cleaned up. (Gedan / lowercase donkey)
  • Fix ship stealth fields lasting more than 5 turns. (Check with your doctor if this happens to you!) (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixed up some improperly formatted attack texts for Feruze. (Gedan)
  • Fixed some pronoun issues in the train dungeon. (Gedan)
  • Fixed “tremdously large” descriptor. (Gedan)
  • Donkey reworked all the systems underpinning the tease system while fixing some minor bugs.
  • Horse PIlls can now remove horn bumps. (Gedan)
  • You can no longer craft “a Knuckles” when crafting weapons. (Fenoxo)
  • And so many other typos, tweaks, and adjustments!

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