Category: Corruption of Champions

[Public | CoC2] Heat and Milk

We’ve got a grab-bag of new scenes from community writers today, plus a couple of gorgeous valkyrie busts for the supporting cast in Lumia’s keep.

0.7.39 Patch Notes:

  • Nieves, the foxy mage-merchant in Khor’minos, now has repeatable scenes thanks to Melonear!
  • Nieves’ existing threesome with Cait is also now repeatable.
  • You can now breastfeed a male wyvern while you fuck, courtesy of Dross!
  • Nikol now has a pair of new threesomes with Cait, if you want to shell out some money for a little group fun. By B!
  • Lady Evergreen offers a new piercing that can put you into Heat or Rut. By Wuffy!
  • New Busts: Yoli (pictured) and Hjorr (by Moira). Also replaced a messed-up Drifa bust, oops!

If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!

You might also want to come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

[Backers | CoC2] Domesticating Drifa

such doge, very breedable, many pups, wow.

0.7.38 Patch Notes:

  • Drifa has a substantial new expansion for after completing Knot Cave (by Jstar).
  • You can get married to Drifa.
  • Drifa can go into heat.
  • You can get Drifa pregnant. Comes with unique first kids, and repeatable generics to follow.
  • Corrupted Drifa can be made to hyperfetate — to have multiple pregnancies concurrently!
  • Drifa’s got new talks about her pregnancy and children.
  • Both Pure and Corrupted Drifa each have a new breeding-focused sex scene.
  • Drifa can be a bedmate at the Wayfort.
  • New Busts: Corrupt Drifa, Asynja (both by Moira)
  • 2 New CGs for Drifa.

If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!

You might also want to come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

[Public | CoC2] The Fox and the Hound

Hana’s got a small but impactful expansion on deck, and Drifa’s starting to get the first of her post-cave content — plus some other new scenes and upgrades scattered around.

Hotfix: A hotfix has been released that fixes a potential soft-lock when wearing the Clarity Circlet, potential duplication of character creation items, and potential crashes when Etheryn is forced into the party for Dracia/Xadaron and had not been added to the party normally before then.

0.7.37 Patch Notes:

  • Hana has a new set of dates at the Kitsune Den, accessible from her main menu after having gone hunting with her 3+ times.
  • You can take Hana to visit her friend Rindo’s garden, which has some nice secluded spots to get dirty (or clean).
  • You can take Hana to visit the shrine to get in some prayer — just remember, trickster gods tend to prank the selfish!
  • If you’ve grown close with Hana, there’s a third special Den date that can lead to her proposing to you — now you can get engaged to the dick-vixen without having to talk about kids first.
  • Corrupt Drifa has a new first-time approach scene. (By Jstar)
  • Corrupt Drifa has a new doggystyle sex scene. (By Jstar)
  • If Drifa is wearing the Collar of Submission, there’s a new sex scene outtro for it. (By Jstar)
  • Drifa’s Appearance screen has been updated.
  • There’s a new pawprint womb tattoo option at the Hawkethorne stylists once you finish Knot Cave.
  • Merielle of the Wyld Elf Band encounter has a new Mating Press victory scene. (By Gardeford)
  • The Undermountain Miners have a new bad end, if you submit to them 4+ times. (By Reathe)
  • The scene for turning Kiyoko’s amulet over to Keros has been rewritten to be kinder to you, and now gives you the Control Rod. (By Tobs)
  • Vivane now sells a new item, the Circlet of Clarity. It’s got great stats on it for spellcasters, if you don’t mind occasionally being turned into a bimbo.
  • You can now [Wait] up to 12 hours at a time.
  • Sun Dancer Cait’s weapon has been adjusted to sync better with her kit.
  • Innumerable bug and typo corrections, courtesy of Teawolf, Spotty, and Zag.
  • New Busts: Demon Ahmri
  • New CG: Rindo/Hana giving the PC a blowjob (by Monstralgam)

There’s still a ton more Drifa content coming up through the code pipe, including pregnancy and marriage. Stay tuned!

If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!

You might also want to come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

[Backers | CoC2] Cats & Dogs

The undermountain’s favorite goo-cat, Nihara, has gotten herself expanded with a whole lot more loving.

0.7.36 Patch Notes:

  • If you accepted the submission of Asgeir and the Corrupted Lupines after clearing their dungeon, you can now find them in your Wayfort (regardless of whether you genderbent them or not). (by Jstar!)
  • The Corrupted Lupine pack has 4 new repeatable sex scenes for both male and female packs, plus a great big orgy for the female pack.
  • Asgeir (or his feminized form) is a new Wayfort NPC separate from the pack, with the expected host of sex and talk scenes.
  • Nihara has gotten herself a chunky 180 page expansion! About 120 pages of it are just raw, gooey elemental sex, with a lot of focus paid to her boobs, your boobs, and the fluids therein. (By TheObserver).

If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!

You might also want to come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

[Backers | CoC2] Where’s My Horse?

aka the Gardeford Patch!

Hotfix: A hotfix has been released to fix an issue that would make Yoli’s new egg help scene inaccessible.

0.7.35 Patch Notes:

  • A recently-corrupted Ahmri can now be found by those who corrupted the centaur village. Rescue her from Tollus’ clutches and take her home! Show off your newly corrupted pone to some of your friends! She promises she’ll behave.
  • There’s a new foreign visitor at the passion pasture! Partake in the delights of Yashiko, the foreign minotauress with a foxy secret.
  • You can now help Atugia’s body provide a sexy show for her head.
  • Thrud can now give you a titjob.
  • You can now help a heavily pregnant Yolihuali lay her egg.
  • Eira has a new zero gravity sex scene.
  • Kalysea has new Tease text.
  • Combat text coloring should work after an enemy is defeated or despawns.
  • Enemy lettering now loops back to “A” after running out of characters in infinite-wave fights…. Remember to hit [Defend] or [Flee] before that point!

If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!

You might also want to come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

[Public | CoC2] Over Troubled Waters

Varena’s got some more relationship building (and even some PLOT to go with those vast plots of land), which sets up a quite substantial second quest getting ready to hit the code queue. Also, KnotQuest and the new character creation bits are all public with this update, so enjoy!

Hotfix: A hotfix has been released to fix an issue that could cause all tiles in Varena’s quest to fail.

0.7.34 Patch Notes:

  • The first of Varena’s two personal quests is now implemented — a small romp to find someone who’s been stalking the princess.
  • Varena’s Trust scores have been adjusted slightly now that the quest is in, so if you haven’t already banged her, she’ll require a little more buttering-up to get into bed.
  • Various den foxes have new talks reacting to your having shagged Komari. Some of these are really quite funny. (By Aury)
  • New sleep event after fully upgrading the Wayfort and having purified the Hornet Hive — Queenie comes and gives you a private dance. (By Skow)
  • New Busts: Atugia’s mom and dad from the flashback, the Head-Slicing Wraith, Genova updated bust, and NinaQuest 2 busts (all by Moira)
  • New CGs: Varena Cowgirl sex (Akira), Ivaze (ToonNik — that guy what works on TiTS a bunch!), Queen Nyzerrah’s Dance
  • New code and text fixes by Tea and Zag.

If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!

You might also want to come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

[Backers | CoC2] What a Charmer…

Okay, so after a WHOLE LOT more work, Balak has finished his grand opus on the combat system update with a rework of the Charmer class. Plus, to go along with it, we have chosen to update the Character Creation pipeline at the same time, since I reckon a bunch of you are going to be making new Charmers to check it out. This is the end of Balak’s great work, and now he can peacefully return to the writing mines with the rest of us. Big round of applause for the guy.

Oh, and just so it doesn’t get lost in the weight of all the other changes in the patch: Cait and Katya have a threesome together now! (Thanks Aury!)

Hotfix: A hotfix has been released to fix issues with pupperidge combat infinitely proccing, character creation not giving balls, Caranbrot causing NaN HP, and slider text being near-invisible in dark mode.

0.7.33 Patch Notes:

  • Character Creation has seen a major update. While the core 5 Classes and 5 Races remain unchanged, as does the total list of 10 available Backgrounds, many new options have been added for starting cosmetic appearance. In addition, you can now choose any Background regardless of Class.
  • Most races have new eye, hair, and/or skin color options to start with.
  • Maximum starting breast size has been increased.
  • New sliders have been added for most physical properties of the character in CharGen, such as thickness, muscle tone, butt size, and more.
  • In addition to weapon and spell powers, we now have Charm powers. These function like spells, but for… Charmers! Charms scale off of Sexiness instead of Spellpower, and use Temptation instead of Spell Pen. Most Charmer abilities are now Charms rather than a slapdash mix of spells and untyped tease attacks.
  • List of Charms: Flametongue, Hymn to Light (NEW, Cantrix Viv exclusive for now), Scaldic Cadence (NEW), Bardic Cadence (NEW), Cadence of Power (NEW), Bolstering Dance, Song of Storms, War Song, Song of Splendor, Sunblade, Charm Spell, Charming Glance (NEW), Thunder Chord (NEW), Holy Reverberation (NEW, Cantrix Viv), Dischord, Grand Finale, Notation Revelation (NEW, Cantrix Viv), Flare, Sacred Chord (NEW, Cantrix Viv)
  • A bunch of healing powers now scale off of your tease boost: Flametongue, Hymn to Light, Bolstering Dance, Song of Courage, Soothing Dance.
  • Bardic Cadence, Cadence of Power, Scaldic Cadence, Charming Glance, Thunder Chord have all been added to regular ol’ charmer lists.
  • Song of Splendor is now a tease that applies 3 stacks of resonance
  • Vestal’s Embrace now can be used even if allies are at full health so as to enable threat generation.
  • Holy Ward now works as intended.
  • Toughness now provides more additional Health per point (7.5 as opposed to 5).
  • Base Threat is now increased by Toughness and reduced by Cunning.
  • Presence no longer increases Health.
  • The Leadership bonus from Presence has been reduced by half. To compensate, the scaling on Summons has been increased to Leadership + Presence instead of JUST Leadership.
  • The Accuracy bonus from Agility has been reduced by half. To compensate, all characters now have a level-based passive Accuracy boost: this should equal out to about the same for max-Agility characters and provide a nice boost to low-Agility characters’ hit rates. Poor Arona can finally swing straight!
  • Tease base damage nerfed from 30 to 27
  • Terrified now reduces magic resist instead of mental resist
  • Aroused reduces mental resist instead of magic resist
  • The Charmer’s Stylish perk is now “isn’t wearing heavy armor” and gives 4*level Sexiness OR “is wearing heavy armor” and thus gives a Threat bonus equal to your Sexiness. Bard tanks!
  • Catalysts now directly give their bonuses to Spell and Charm-tagged powers, rather than obliquely benefitting things using the magicalHit formula. This doesn’t REALLY change much but is a slight buff to catalysts overall, making them apply to more powers.
  • Caranbrot now heals the player if they are already shielded.
  • Wooden Pipes no longer grant spellpower and spell pen, instead giving ward and temptation
  • Viviane has two news sets! Elemental, themed around debuffs and setting up combos, which is always unlocked; Cantrix, a holy-themed bard, which is currently unlocked by default pending some upcoming content for the witch. The latter set is exclusive to human Viv, while Demon Viv will have an exclusive set of her own soon as well.
  • Skin/Fur/Scale plurality should now be properly accommodated in the game’s text.
  • Roughly one assload of text cleanup, typo corrections, and other edits submitted by community members. (Thanks Tea and Zag!)
  • AS FOR ACTUAL CONTENT: Cait and Katya have a 3way together with some high-impact kitty-on-kitty-on-PC squish. (By Aury)
  • New CGs: Cats Double Blowjob (Yuulis), Character Creation Races (Moira)

If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!

You might also want to come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

[Backers | CoC2] KnotQuest: The Quest For More Corrupted Lupines

Merry Christmas everybody! It’s finally time to slap some sense into all those corrupted lupines, and make sure sweet little Drifa can smile again.

Or throw her into a pool of corrupted goo and see what happens. Up to you, really.

TiTS ALSO PATCHED TODAY. Go give it a read for some important updates from my good friends from the far, sexy future.

Thank you all for another amazing year of adventures in Savarra. We look forward to seeing you in 2025 — the year of the snake!

0.7.32 Patch Notes:

  • After having either let Drifa get carried off to the knot cave or having saved her in the Old Forest, you’ll be able to find the location of the the Corrupted Lupines’ base. Check your questlog for a new quest that’s been back-ported in if you’ve interacted with Drifa.
  • This is a quite deep dungeon — over 300 pages of raw content, with a lot of different paths through the various bosses and NPC encounters therein. To avoid too much in the way of spoilers: there’s no less than 4 chunky bosses with suites of scenes and bad ends, some really rather interesting sub-quest design going on in there, plus fun ways you can end up changing certain characters throughout the dungeon! Big shoutout to JStar for writing all this, and to poor Drake for coding all of it. If you’re a fan of sweet and/or dubious dog girls, give his patreon a check.
  • Please note, when I say 300 pages of content I just mean IN THE DUNGEON. The followup content for the dungeon (more Drifa, more corrupted lupines, written by a combination of Jstar, Tobs, and others) will be rolling out throughout early next year. At my last count there’s more pages of follow-on content than dungeon content already waiting in the wings, which is really saying something.
  • New Busts for the Knot Gods: Meridyx (by Aby) and Olivia (by Varking)

This quest is balanced for level 4 or 5 Champions. If you’re heading in there, you might want to bring some friends good at teasing or spellcasting, or stock up on Blood Iris! Remember: beastfolk hate Blight damage!

If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!

You might also want to come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

[Public | CoC2] The Royal Cow

It’s about time for the First Princess of Khor’minos to finally make her appearance outside the palace!

This chunk of Varena’s content represents about 80 pages out of a little over 200 I’ve written for the royal cow over the last couple months. Bit of an endeavor, but I’m quite pleased with the results! It’s all leading into the final bit of Khor’minos’s storyline, and the penultimate Main Story Quest overall — which’ll be my first major project come the new year. I hope you all enjoy your first taste of the princess cow!

Speaking of quests though: with any luck, the massive Corrupted Lupine Dungeon (aka Knot Cave) should be dropping in the next patch, well before the new year.

0.7.31 Patch Notes:

  • After the Feast For Heroes event at the end of the current Main Story Quest, you can now receive a letter inviting you to meet Princess Varena in the city!
  • With a little buttering up in her talks, you can convince Varena to go on a date with you. If that goes well, you’ll have your chance to deflower the princess of Khor’minos! Note that Varena’s Trust score, the hidden variable governing her relationship, has been artificially inflated a bit until her first (of two, both written and awaiting code) quest gets in so that you can access her intimate content in the meantime.
  • Once you’ve given Varena a first time to remember, she has a set of new repeatable sex scenes (plus an extra one-off scene if you wear her panties when you try to fuck — though be warned, she’s NOT amused).
  • Livrea has a new anal sex scene, since our Discord gaslit me into thinking my favorite cow didn’t already have any anal content.
  • The Liaden/Azzy throuple have a new seasonal event, triggered by entering the Frost Hound while they’re both around town and in a relationship. (By Skow!)
  • An insidious bug that was causing attack powers to do considerably less damage than expected has been fixed! Big thanks to Discord user Homurakko for crunching a bunch of numbers to show us what was going on!
  • New Busts: Ivaze the imp and Araned the Vulperine Dilf, both by Moira!
  • New CG: Your Holiday Gift from Liaden & Azzy (by Cara)

May your holidays be filled with milk and honey!

If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!

You might also want to come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!


[Backers | CoC2] Rogues Do It From Behind

Cait and Hana have some new opportunities to show their Champion some love together, and Skow’s got a new rogue around who’s real good at sheathing her dagger in you… Plus a couple of new community-submitted scenes for early game characters!

0.7.30 Patch Notes:

  • If you have Cait with you when you visit Hana, you can invite the sex-kitten along for a couple of hot and heavy new threeways!
  • There’s a new harlot for hire in the Passion Pasture, a salamander-elf crossbreed gal packing some cute meat and lean muscle. (By Skow)
  • Vitra’s bar in Khor’minos has a new Thief trainer who might be interested in teaching you some more intimate backstabbery. (By Skow)
  • Elaril of the Wyld Elf Troupe has a new sex scene involving a sex swing! (By Knife-Wielding Crab)
  • Clementine the Sheep Girl has a new mating press scene! (By Luma)
  • Various fixes from Spotty and Teawolf! <3

If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!

You might also want to come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

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