Category: Corruption of Champions

[Backers | CoC2] Kitty Gets Her Milk

Cait’s finally coming for her cream, and some more demons and cats are coming home to roost.

TiTS also dropped a patch! Go check it out!

0.5.13 Patch Notes:

  • There are several new scenes at the Milking Barn in Khor’minos: if you’re fucking Livrea, she’ll show up for some fun; if you’re romancing Kasyrra, she’ll show up for some fun; if you bring Cait along she’ll now (optionally) join in on your milking adventures with you, with new variants for all the girls (except Kas; she’s shy). Cait sucking titty at the barn will trigger her enthiccening content, the same as her sucking a billion minotaur dicks with you at the guard post.
  • You can now build a dungeon to hold prisoners in the Wayfort once it’s been renovated. The dungeon doesn’t have any occupants at present, but there’s a couple of individuals in Ryn’s upcoming quest that’ll start filling it out…
  • Sandre & Caera can be moved to the Wayfort. They have new talk & interaction options there, including new sex scenes when you gamble with them. (By Fleep)
  • Vari is now a persistent character rather than a random encounter. She occupies a new tile north of the Wayfort a bit. You can now go to Vari’s village whenever you want, even when she’s pregnant, by talking to her.
  • New Busts: Hotaru, Kas at the Barn, and Spirit Wolf’s combat bust.

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on our new Discord!

[Backers | CoC2] She’s Seaming Foxy

Time for a whole new floof to add to the collection 😀

0.5.12 Patch Notes:

  • There’s a new kitsune seamstress on the upper floor of the den by the name of Hotaru! (By Tobs)
  • Hotaru has a number of new talk and sex scenes, and Rindo and Kohaku have talks about her.
  • Mallach’s Temple has new options for working the rooms and with random clients. (By Tobs)
  • New Busts: Marefolk Stylists
  • New CGs: Hotaru Bath, Quin Knight set. Quin’s Knight set CG is currently shown as part of his training regimen with Atugia, in a future patch you will be able to see it from his appearance screen whenever he has the set equipped.

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on our new Discord!

[Public | CoC2] Mammaries & Miscellany

This patch has a whole lot of random stuff packed in, mostly fan submissions. Thanks to everyone for contributing (and to the staff for taking some time to review and edit a chunk of the backlog).

Hotfix: A bug that caused the new TF’s perks to crash the game has been resolved.

0.5.11 Patch Notes:

  • Nash has a new TF for a extra big, spiky, horny lizard folk. (by Wsan)
  • Serena has a new sex scene: nursing handjob/fingerbang. (by Alypia)
  • June has a new sex scene: finger/jerk him till he nuts. (by SuperB1tch)
  • Atani’s Marefolk Guard have a new sex scene: dom them both. Requires having married Atani. (by Funtastic)
  • Drifa has some minor comments during Solveig’s quest. (by Jstar)
  • The forest elfboi has a new sex scene: 69 & Fingering. (by DanielXCutter)
  • Tui has a new talk option during Halloween or on Holiday mode. (by Gardeford)
  • New codex entry: Anubians
  • New Busts: Quin’s new set combat bust (by Sulcate), Moira’s version of his regular set combat busts.

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on our new Discord!

New Since Last Public Patch:

  • You can knock up Miko OR Mai now.
  • Brint and Brienne have a new gym expansion.
  • Quin has a new set-getting quest and some various new events.
  • Matiha’s tower can be visited directly from the Ways Between.
  • New Busts: Preggo Mai, Klem’s harem.
  • New CGs: Berwyn/Matiha fuckbuddies; Mai bondage; Quin armor-ing.

[Backers | CoC2] Atugiatude Adjustment

BubbleLord‘s come through with an update for Quin, including a new combat set that’ll put him right in harm’s way for you!

5.10 Patch Notes:

  • Updated to fix some issues with Quin’s quest states!

0.5.9 Patch Notes:

  • Quin has a new quest that results in him getting a new set of heavy armor to protect his friends with. You’ll need to get his relationship score up then, after a bit of prompting, talk to Atugia about training him into a proper warrior.
  • Atugia and Quin have new events in the Hawkethorne Gym, and Cait, Atugia, and Brienne have updated Quin-centric talks.
  • Quin has new one-off interactions at Ivris’s, the Frost Hound, and any Hawkethorne gate — all of which increase his relationship score.
  • New Quin CG if you spy on him while his armor’s getting fitted (by Sulcate).

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on our new Discord!

[Backers | CoC2] Weight on Her

0.5.8 Patch Notes:

  • You can now knock up either Miko or Mai — you can’t do both on a single playthrough, since one of the sisters needs to be responsible! This comes with a ton of new scenes for Mai and revisions to all her old scenes to accommodate her pregnancy. (by Tobs)
  • Brint and Brienne got a gym expansion: you can work out with them, or “work out” with them. If they haven’t cleared the gym’s field yet, remember that they will after it’s been 3 days since you first visited it and you wake up in Hawkethorne. (by Wsan)
  • Matiha’s tower is now accessible from the Ways Between after the dungeon.
  • New preggo Mai busts, and Klem’s harem bust, by Moira
  • New Mai CG by Moira as well.
  • New Berwyn/Mathia CGs if they’re fuckbuddies together at the tower, by AnonArts.

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on our new Discord!

P.S. If you’ve already done Miko’s path but want to see Mai’s without starting a whole new save, you can hit F12 and slam this into the console:

flags.MAIDENS_PREG_PATH = flags.MAIDENS_PREG_TS = flags.MIKO_PREG_REQ = flags.MIKO_PREG_NUM_KIDS = flags.MIKO_PREG_NUM_BIRTHS = flags.MIKO_PREG_ANN = undefined; PregManager.preg(GLOBALS.PREG_MIKO).debugEndPregnancy();

and you’ll reset Miko to being unbred. Please breed foxes responsibly!

[Public | CoC2] Berry the Hatchet

Edit: There’s a hotfix out to handle a page worth of bug reports, including some crashes and softlocks. Thanks for reporting issues! Said fix also reduces the number of steps before you fail-forward in the dungeon for those of you having some trouble navigating it.

Alright, so that took a lot longer to code than we may have expected, but there’s a really tremendous amount of content packed into this patch — 120+ pages of smut alone, nevermind all the plot and dungeon.

So, this patch includes a new dungeon for Berwyn which neatly ties off his arc and brings him more or less to a feature complete state with not just a lot of new content, but a lot of changes to him.

You’ve probably already noticed that while Berwyn always had a dearth of content outside himself compared to most of the cast, your dogboy companion has gotten little to no new support in quests and events over the last year. Berwyn’s original writer left the community some time ago, and I brought B! onboard to finish his character arc off with the aplomb only a writer of his caliber can. However, I made the decision that it would be unfair to burden another writer with an extra companion. Rather, we’ll be transitioning him into a normal NPC. 

Asking B! to wrap up another writer’s biggest project is enough of a herculean task on its own — one which he stepped up to admirably, as you’ll soon see — but the decision to cut Berwyn’s Companion content was mine, and made from the beginning. As of this patch, Berwyn is no longer a companion. He is still around, and almost all of his old content is still accessible since he rarely interacted with things to begin with; you just can’t add him to your party anymore. This applies from the moment you beat Matiha in his first quest onwards.

The good news is, without having to worry about supporting him constantly on your adventures, this has given us the opportunity to really give Berwyn some incredible mutability; the kind that would be impossible to support long-term the way we do with Companion characters — Etheryn herself already stresses what we can and should do with a character you can bring with you. The art that comes with this post should give a clue as to what you can do with him (or not, if you like Berry just the way he is).

I know Berry has his fans, so for those of you who like the boi, I hope the quest and all the content it brings is a fitting consolation to not being able to bring him along on your adventures. There really is a ton of it. And for those of you not into big-dick femboys, the ending of this quest might just give you something to enjoy about Wynne too!

0.5.7 Patch Notes:

  • Berwyn can no longer be recruited into the party, though he’s not gone — he’ll be found in the Guests tab at the inn after you help him against Matiha the first time.
  • A week after completing the Winter City dungeon and Berry’s first quest, a mysterious ‘mander mage will approach you in the inn. Help her find Berwyn, and she’ll help you both find Matiha.
  • If you accept the ‘mander’s quest, you’ll be taken to a very unique dungeon that’s going to play some mind games with you! Read carefully…
  • When it’s all said and done, there are a frankly stupendous number of choices you’ll be making which substantially change a pair of characters’ content. Said characters also have a lot of new sex content — over 100 pages of just pure cheek clappin’, all courtesy of B!
  • Matiha has a scene with the Behemoth (by Tobs), too.
  • Berwyn has a whole assload of new busts by DCL (with edits from Moira). Matiha has new busts by Moira. The ‘manders on the quest have busts by AnonArts.
  • Drifa also has busts now! (By Moira)

[Public | CoC2] Razzle Dazzle

Alright, Berry’s new quest is taking a little longer to code than expected, so here’s a little patch to hold you over until Drake & Leek can get that finished off. That’ll be in a second public patch, hopefully in a week or so!

More importantly, there’s a new TiTS patch out today as well. Check it out!

0.5.6 Patch Notes:

  • New win scene for the Crazy Horses of Harvest Valley (by BubbleChaser)
  • New Codex: Spells & Magic
  • Lyla’s talks have been edited for worldbuilding consistency
  • Quin has more dialogue and options in various quests
  • Many bugfixes
  • Vitruvius has a new bust (by DCL)

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on our new Discord!

[Backers | CoC2] Howling at the Sun

Today we’ve got an extremely cute new half-lupine cleric on tap. She and the Corrupted Lupine plot are inexorably linked, and both have quite a bit more coming in the future — but this will have to whet your whistle for now~

Meanwhile I’m finishing up the last main scene of Etheryn’s great big quest. Just a bad end and some outtro material left to go after that… and some new sex scenes for the princess to top it all off, of course.

HOTFIX: An issue has been fixed that blocked part of the Hawkethorne map. If you are playing a download build you will need to redownload.

0.5.5 Patch Notes:

  • While exploring the Old Forest after finishing the Winter City dungeon, you can bump into a priestess in need of saving and who’ll help progress the Corrupted Lupines plotline. You can bring her to the Wayfort as a new resident, and enjoy some quality time with the innocent priestess. (By Jstar) (Coded by Squishy)
  • Lyric has a new scene for April Fools. You’ll, uh, have to turn on holiday mode to see it unless you want to save it for next year 😛 (By B!) (Coded by Squishy)
  • New Busts: Milly (by Moira)
  • New CG: Daliza Pegging (by AleTs28)

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on our new Discord!

Art of Drifa by Kumokaya.

[Backers | CoC2] Stylin’ Like a Mare

I’m pretty dead to the world between muh birthday and Fire Emblem: Three Hopes coming out (which I have been enjoying a great deal), but luckily Drake and Leek are still around to crank out patches and then catch me at 11 PM to put them out.

By the way! SavCo has a new Discord server up to try and cut back on some of the congestion in Fen’s server (which has like 12,000 members now). It’s open to everyone now rather than just backer friends, so come and hop on if you want to share your experiences or ask questions about the game!

0.5.4 Patch Notes:

  • Several new sex scenes are available for your lush and sweet maids at the Wayfort (courtesy of Skow)
  • There are a pair of new marefolk stylists in the encampment which serve much the same function as the Hawkethorne pair, but with their own set of scenes~ (by QuestyRobo)

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on Patreon or SubscribeStar! And definitely come hang out on our new Discord!

[Public | CoC2] Milly’s Muffins

We had a positively gravid Mayternity this year, but now it’s back to Khor’minos and building out the rest of the world rather than just your personal hordes!

0.5.2 Patch Notes:

  • There’s a new milfy baker in Khor’minos who doesn’t know she needs a champion to loosen her up and get her in touch with her inner slut. (By Fleep!)
  • New Evergreen face-sitting CG by Reindonut.

New Since Last Public Patch:

  • There’s been a MASSIVE combat rebalance. Read here for the details…
  • Aileh has a massive new pregnancy expansion
  • Several new Hethia scenes during Dog Days.
  • New scenes: Alraune Herald Cocksucking, Evelyn SPH (if you obey in her anal scene)
  • Zo can now be knocked up after doing all her training scenes. You can also upgrade her house.
  • Arona has a bunch of new scenes centered around her relationship and pregnancy, most notably a new romance advance in the Khor’minos bath house.
  • There’s a new marefolk futa in the bath house, complete with a harem you can join. She can also impregnate the PC!
  • New Busts: Klemaia. A full new set of Kasyrra busts, including a clothed version; new pregnant Aileh busts & preg variants.
  • New CGs: Tui in her fishnets and Aileh taking a bath by Akira, Daliza showing off her muff before you scissor by Morrya, Aileh presenting her egg.

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on Patreon or SubscribeStar!

Elthara fanart by Bread from our Discord

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