I spent a bunch of time getting down and dirty with the race-determination code that I overhauled a couple of weeks back. It should be working far better now and a bunch of the edge-cases and wrong-results have been fired out of a cannon and into the nearest sun. I wanna see where this lands before I implement the next stage of things, by allowing you to pick a “sticky” race from the top of the list of potential scores, allowing you to somewhat bypass hyper-specific scoring scenarios to get the race you want and leave room for flexibility to turn your Steele into exactly what you envision for them.
This week meeting was good all around; we’ve got a lot of fresh content lined up to be completed over the next couple of weeks, so expect a return to form for backer content over the next couple of patches. Somewhere in the next couple of weeks you should expect the next dungeon to drop, now that Fen and Leek have gotten together and made lots of code babies over their two halves of the implementation process. Fen just has a couple of final touches to rope together and it’ll be DONE. SOON™.
Now I must go and clamber back into the codemine.
0.9.024 Changelog:
- [BACKER] Una has a new series of facesitting scenes, along with a potential bad-end for good boys who prove they know their place under her booty. (William, Nonesuch & Gedan)
- Bakhar’s menu being funky has been fixed. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed a handful of character names not being consistently displayed in the UI. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed a couple of oversights with parser tags in lovestarz content. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed where the displayability of the update notification message is determined which should ensure it can be consistently displayed across different build types. (Gedan)
- Fixed milk thief crashes. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed Credits always being listed as the currency during a shop checkout process, even when another currency is being used. (lowercase_donkey)
- Improved the parser to support literal arguments. (leek)
- Tweaked all of the current race scoring parameters to more closely align with expected results under the old system. All of the starting race options should now properly result in half-race outputs as expected. Where possible, the new system avoids using specific genitalia as a scoring element and instead relies purely on other appearance factors but there are a handful of cases where this is impossible or clearly does not make sense to avoid. (Gedan)
- Tweaked all of the different ways the player can acquire Kiro’s ship for themselves, hopefully resulting in a more consistent experience. (Gedan)
- Deduplicated a bunch of old content as well as cleaning up the scope of a lot of functions across the codebase. (lowercase_donkey)
- Undo states should be properly created in more instances when the parser has been provided temporary parser tags. (Gedan)
- A variety of scene and tag fixes, along with the usual assortment of bust tweaks have been performed. (lowercase_donkey)