Chunking through more and more little things that have been outstanding for a while from the backlog of things that needed to get handled better.
This week I spent a bunch of time experimenting with our new inventory components to find a decent way to repurpose the display for other purposes. What I’ve ended up with needs some more work and wiring in to other places to make it more obvious, but the player inventory screen now functions as an interface to manage piercings too. The buttons at the top of the inventory list can shift between the displays – for now, limited to the regular inventory display and the list of equipped piercings.
I think for the upcoming week I’m gonna spend a little time cleaning up old code and interfaces relating to various inventory handling systems, and then set into finally working on an offline downloadable build. Now that we’ve had a couple consistent weeks of not needing to crank out a bunch of hotfixes, I think we’re stable enough now to call it a good idea!
TiTS 0.9.003:
- [Backers] Mitch is hanging out on Canadia station. (Wheatly & Lowercase_Donkey)
- The inventory screen now supports a view of equipped piercings, mainly to enable a consistent means of identifying and removing them. (Gedan)
- Fixed a bunch of things dealing with piercing equip and unequip processes. (Gedan)
- The Grey Goo armor should now be repairable whilst not being worn. (DrunkZombie)
- Hardlight dongs should no longer impregnate Sela. (DrunkZombie)
- Fixed a crash with Sela. (DrunkZombie)
- Fixed some index issues with genitals that are selected via vaginaRouter/penisRouter/hermRouter. (DrunkZombie)
- Added some more custom card designs. (Jacques)