Category: Trials in Tainted Space

TiTS Update: Fat Tuesday

Happy Thicc Tuesday!


  • Hotkey improvements! I made some modifications to the basic hotkey code in game to improve functionality in a few places:
    • The shift key can now be combined with hotkeys!
    • Up/Down hotkeys are now shift+key – avoiding conflicting with ‘z’ to masturbate.
    • The main button dock now has functional hotkeys for WASD. In the rare event that the dock is displaying something on W, A, S, or D while the movement controls are also active, the movement controls will work with a shift modifier.
    • Inventory & shop UIs have not been touched because they’re going to need some big brain to properly function with keyboard input, and them brains are working elsewhere.
  • The map exploration tutorial blurb should show up on Mhenga instead of Uveto.
  • Tetra & Mica’s busts should be more consistently displayed.
  • Fixes for several embedded images and a few other busts as well…
  • DendroGro’s multiple cock menu is no longer horribly broken.
  • Dr. Badger’s silicone tank should now be available in the masturbation menu once installed.
  • The bimbo hat from the “Kiroween” event should make you a bimbo again – and display “on equip” messages once more.
  • “Kiroween” is hooked up and accessible once more (assuming it’s Halloween or you cheated to make it so…)
  • Map fixes for puppyslutmas.
  • Buying Suma Cream from Busky no longer hardlocks the game in an infinite loop.
  • Fixed crashes on selecting a random masturbation.
  • Nessa’s larger belly bust should display again.
  • The goblinola vending machine should actually dispense the product now.
  • Fixed a wettraxel hound softlock.
  • Fixes for a plethora of small crashes.

[TiTS Update] Error Reporting, Fog of Whore, and Korg’ii War

Who needs to relax on a weekend when you can fix bugs and add new features?! We’ve got a spicy Monday drop that not even Garfield could hate. Maybe our code spaghetti congealed into code lasagna!

02/23/2022 BONUS Changelog:

  • Minimum lust has been converted to Minimum Lust Rating, and it now has diminishing returns the higher it gets. This eliminates a lot of janky behavior and makes it much harder to accidentally lock your lust at max.
  • Leek made some changes to how characters are loaded for combat that should result in less errors during battle.
  • Emmy’s Herm Harness’s Codex controls should work now, both in person and remotely.
  • Geddy improved how the game handles loading a save in an invalid location.
  • There’s an existing issue where character heights could become considered a string by javascript, which would result in strange addition when changing height. Ever suddenly gotten 10x taller? That’s the culprit. We’ve deployed two fixes that should try to prevent that from happening in the future…
  • The Omnisuit is now a rare item, also a lil more polish to it.
  • Undressing for the New Texas pool should be less crashy.
  • Cockvine tails now count as parasites again.
  • Backing out of Nevrie’s shop no longer displays main menu buttons.
  • Fixed a missing room description on New Texas.
  • Submitting to Lund no longer crashes.
  • The softlock that happens after submitting to Lund that was hiding behind the crash has ALSO been fixed.
  • More improvements for displayed names, courtesy of Jacques00.
  • Fixed an issue buried in the parser’s belly.
  • And many more!


  • TiTS now has an error reporting system built in. By default it is disabled – there is an option to enable it in the Options screen, under Gameplay – look for Automatic Error Reporting.
    • This system is based on, but we’re hosting our own instance of it, and I want to explain a little bit about it in the hopes you guys will _opt_ to turn it on.
    • Firstly, we’re defaulting it to off – you, the player, has to make the decision to turn it on. There’s no popup about it, there’s no reminder or anything. Turn it on or don’t, it won’t get in your way begging for your attention either way. For all intents and purposes, this is the only time we’re going to talk about it being a thing and asking people to turn it on because we are like you – my ass always gets chapped when this kinda stuff gets forced on me so I am absolutely not gonna do the same.
    • As for turning it on, there are two modes: Auto and Prompt.
    • Auto will just send the error message straight to us as soon as it’s displayed. It can send us some extra data as well, chiefly, a record of the last couple of actions you’ve taken leading up to the crash which will allow us to more easily track down the issue.
    • Prompt simply adds an extra button to the error screen that will send the error, and only the error, to us, but only if you hit the button.
  • The exploration system has been turned on for Mhenga, Tarkus, and Myrellion. Now you can chart your own journey through the sparsely explored wilds of the galaxy, and more easily tell which places you have explored, and which you have yet to explore. Perhaps in time we can add a place for you to make a few bucks off your map data…
  • Item Rarity display is coming to TiTS! Expect to see items in your inventory have different colored icons to denote their rarity. My current labels for them are common, rare, and custom.
    • KNOWN BUG: Currently rarity information is not displayed on equipped weapons on the paperdoll. (This is fixed!)
  • Item level display has been configured for most weapons and armors in the game.
  • The battle for Korg’ii Hold is now able to be completed – at least on the test save I plowed through with it. I fixed up a bunch of broken room linkages, added staircase icons where appropriate, fixed something like 10+ different crash bugs, cleared up missing text when defeating the War Alpha, and more. There’s still one issue with encounter text being eaten – I think when Tuuva is assisting, and that’s on my agenda for today…
  • Geddy took a pass through the Codex buttons and cleaned up the whole mess of them.
  • Fixed a Mirrin softlock.
  • Fixed a Bothrioc birth codesplosion.
  • Fixes for the nursery & plenty of pregnancies.
  • Lots of under the hood changes for Roxy to address some of her bugs.
  • Lots of name displays got fixed. (By which I mean all-caps displays with “\n” or “<br>” have been formatted to fit the new display style.)
  • Many improvements to quest log display.
  • Addiction data has been moved into the medical log of your Codex.
  • The Pumpking’s bust cropping has been fixed.
  • And more! <3

TiTS: Frozen Cartography

New day, new patch, new features, new bugs!

(EDIT) Hotfix Changelog:

  • Fixed an error that caused the map to stop working entirely.
  • Fixed an error with Leek’s optimizations that made many puzzles (and some other content) softlock.
  • Fixed Bianca exploding the map system.
  • Azra’s mom-dom scene was ported back in.
  • Fights with multiple enemies will no longer give you multiple times the XP/credits they should.
  • Fights with multiple enemies should correctly output the list of defeated enemies.
  • Equipping heavy weapons you cannot carry should no longer crash.
  • Corrected the “Lights Out” puzzle in Azra’s Tarkus expedition to use the proper arrangement laid down in the holy Flash texts.
  • Fixed a crash with submitting to Overqueen Ysolte.
  • The Overqueen should no longer auto-grapple smugglers or athletic PC’s, as is written and intended.
  • Getting hit in the face with the Overqueen’s bolas should no longer deal lust damage, considering how painfully the text is written.
  • Pierced tongue descriptions should no longer always say “heavily pierced”. A few new small variants were added based on piercing type too (bar vs hoop).
  • Korgonne translation should be less crashy and error prone.
  • The softlock in Roxy’s doggie-style scene has been fixed.
  • A bunch of content & items that were changed in Flash after the JS port was started were updated with changes that were made in Flash. (Playing catch-up!)
  • And more!


  • [Backers] Uveto is now available for play in the backer build of the game! As usual, it’s going to be pretty rough around the edges. We’ll be banging on the bugs as space-time and bug reporting permits!
  • [Public] Myrellion is now explorable in the public version of the game! Don’t worry, we left the sexy bugs intact!
  • [Backers] The new experimental “exploration” system has been turned on for Uveto’s snow-fields. This is a feature I’ve wanted since the very early days of working on the game in Flash, but I lacked the skill to pull it off myself. Of course Geddy cracked it out in short order, that canny dragoness! Now rooms will fill in on your map as you explore them, and their exploration status should save. In the future we plan to bring this feature to more of the “wilds” of the game world, after shaking it down for any possible meltdowns in the snow…
    • Known Issue: Korg’ii Hold is visible before being explored.
  • The new exploration system should restore our ability to display markers for Bianca and Kattom Osgood, kaithrit businessman supreme!
  • The Omnisuit should actually be working again! This was… wayyyyy more of a headache than you would assume. The new inventory UI really did not like an item replacing itself with another item midway through the equipping process, or proccing multi-page events right in the middle. To get around this, I wound up making the collar a consumable “gadget,” which taps into the same sorts of systems driving player transformation items. Just use the collar, and presto! Your armor is an omnisuit, and any old armor is looted. Once you remove it, it will quietly transform back into a collar again for your future use. I dumped at least six hours of work across three days getting this fucking piece of shit working…
  • Donkey took a bunch of improperly formatted button prompts out behind the shed and took care of them. That’s well over 100 potential crash points absolutely shredded. The next time Gordon Ramsey calls someone an “absolute donkey,” it’s going to be a compliment.
  • Fixes for Bess.
  • Fixes for Shade’s bust.
  • Fixes for Dr. Poe’s menu.
  • Some fixes for nursery baby interactions.
  • Restored busts for: Sexdolls (Kiro Quest), the Cumjuice Poster decoration, Yammi Crew, Anno (Adjatha’s variants), Anno (Nikku’s variants),
  • Removed a duplicate Kiro/Paige threesome from the code.
  • Kimber fixes.
  • Bianca crew conversation fix.
  • Fixed Qualle softlock
  • Fixes for Kane’s wrestling event.
  • Fixes for Shade interactions crashing when Uveto isn’t loaded.
  • Catnip should now interact correctly with tail genitals (and fixed a missing parenthesis in the codex’s information about tails!)
  • Fixes and improvements to the questlog, courtesy of our resident lowercase-donkey!
  • Under the hood work to prepare the blackjack minigame for Zheng Shi’s arrival.
  • Under the hood work to prepare the ship systems for deployment.
  • Fixes and improvements for GooArmor.
  • Fixes to reduce how often the game has to fully re-render itself.
  • And much mooooooore~

As always, if you like the game and like what we’re doing, you can always support us on Patreon or SubscribeStar! And if not, well, the free builds will still be here!

You Guessed It… TiTS Fixes

  • The Quest Log is back baybeeeee~
  • Aina turbo-speed pregnancy should be fixed. Thanks, DrunkZombie!
  • Other pregnancy speeds that went too fast should also be handled. Here’s a note from the intoxicated undead himself: Changed all npc preg flags from += totalDays to += deltaT/1440 to fix preg progression being way too fast. Preg flags in AS version were updated daily but are now updated per minute. totalDays is a running total of the time passed that day so adding it every minute was bad.
  • Fixes for raskvel male references in the “Sydian Queen” content on Tarkus.
  • Fix catnip causing femininity to be “Not a Number”.
  • “Cum Highs” had some of their checks fixed.
  • The Zil Twins should no longer make Burt’s vending machine disappear.
  • Fixes for the Love Starz portraits.
  • Fixes for the “keg” cow busts not showing.
  • Fixes for how Doctor Po and the Slyveren Slavebreakers interacted with the player character’s inventory.
  • Fixes for goo player characters interacting with their gooeyness.
  • Fixes for the KiroQuest Twins combat encounter.
  • New Texas’s varmint got fixed. Poor guy!
  • Fixed one of Big T’s tooltips.
  • “Shotguard” and “Techguard” had errors with their combat abilities fixed.
  • Fixed some hacky parser stuff I did in the early days that doesn’t need further elaboration…
  • Bhakar had his tooltips for sex filled in, and his apartment approach scene should properly display the repeat version now.
  • Drop menu updated with a confirm popup and receipt display.
  • Renamed “Accept” button of drop and shop menus for clarity.
  • Gianna’s busts should work again. Unfortunately we’ve had to retire Shou’s busts for her in the short term due to how busts are handled in our javascript engine.
  • Mitzi’s missing busts should work again.
  • Fixed a Chaurmine scene mentioning the wrong hole in one place.
  • Fixed a crash with the zil hoverfly.
  • A bunch of fixes that weren’t very well documented by their respective coders or that Fen skimmed over while creating this list.

[TiTS] Donkey’s Kickin’ Bugs

The weekend is over, and lowercase donkey had a nice thick pile of code to deposit that should fix a bunch more bugs. Will it be enough? No, not yet, but it’s another brick in the ever-growing wall that is the javascript version of TiTS.

I’ll go ahead and leave a teaser here too. Word from mount dragon-code is that work for displaying Kattom/Bianca’s icon on the map is ongoing… along with another, more impressive update that I can’t wait to show off.


  • [KNOWN ISSUE] Character art appears improperly scaled or positioned. This error was introduced by changes to the display code made for getting ship combat ready. We hope it does not take too long to resolve.
  • Lots of fixes for goo armor.
  • The defense value should actually show when inspecting an item in javascript TiTS.
  • Defensive flags on equipment should show on the inspect screen.
  • Fixed the “undefinied y” error in the Treatment.
  • Boatloads of fixes for Gastigoth, Canadia, & Breedwell.
  • Fixes for Kaede, including my favorite message on a block of committed code: “Make Kaede some cereal.” This translates into fixing her so some of Geddy’s magic code (THE SERIALIZER) is aware of her.
  • A fix for Luca’s submission tracking.
  • Fixes for Riya’s content.
  • Fixes for the Implantation Station on Dhaal.
  • Fixes for Cherry’s Tap-Hall on Zheng Shi.
  • Some big chunky fixes that touched a bunch of files at once without much documentation. I’m talking like 30+ different code files.
  • A fix for the gildenmere orgy crash.
  • Fixes for Brandy’s icon display.
  • Bess fixes.
  • Lots of under the hood work on ship combat.
  • Tweaked error formatting to look nicer when copy/pasting into a forum bug report.
  • Fixes for the Event Whorizon map.
  • Fixes for Kane.
  • Fixed [ara.himself] parser references to [ara.himHer]self.
  • Fixed a crash at the Raskvel Dockmistress.
  • Fixed references to now-removed functions for communicating about TF-locked body parts.
  • Fixes for Saendra’s quest.
  • Zil Champion fixes.
  • Pollen fight fixes.
  • And still more fixes. You want fixes, we got ’em! Just ignore the extra new ones slithering around…

TiTS Bug Fix Report

Snow high. Caffeine low. Fen out!


  • Installed Devices should be available in the storage area of your ship once more – though the sleep fapnea appears next to your bed now.
  • Sexual installed devices are also available from anyone on your ship inside the masturbation menu in the “installed” category.
  • Improved install messages for installed devices to better relate to their new organization.
  • Some fixes for Syri’s quest are in.
  • The friendly zil will no longer leave you in an in-combat state after interacting with her.
  • Single enemy fights should display their in combat descriptions once more. By default I’ve configured it to only show up in the first round, but I added a toggle to the options to display it every round (more like how it was in flash), if you prefer it that way.
  • “Look Closer” has been updated to work on any enemy, though enemies not configured for full appearance screens will only display their standard combat description.
  • Cunt snakes should no longer be referred to with masculine pronouns (he->it).
  • Many rooms that had variable icons in flash now work again in the javascript version.
  • Saves broken by the Hammer Shield typo fix should now be able to load against thanks to Dragon & Donkey magic.
  • Emmy’s hyper footjob scene should properly determine a player penis to footjob now.
  • Kane no longer sends you to an undefined room.
  • Fixes for Mirrin.
  • Fixes for getting stuck in Taivra’s dialogue.
  • Map fixes.
  • Fix Gianna’s missing crew blurbs.
  • A bunch of other fixes.

[TiTS] People’s Tarkus & Capitalism Bugs

Be forewarned: Myrellion is probably janky enough to make Cyberpunk 2077 look polished on PS4 at launch.

Here’s today’s changelog for the Backer & Public builds:

  • Tarkus has been unlocked for the public.
  • Myrellion has been unlocked for backers.
  • Uveto was accidentally enabled. This has been fixed.
  • The following part flags were incorrectly set to correspond to the same value approximately a month ago. The number? 55. I’ve changed the values to increment appropriately, though as a result, older saves that have parts flagged as artificial, genital slitted, or uniballed will now all be counted as parasitic, since parasitic won the lottery and got to keep the assignment to 55.
  • The Codex stats page should now display the correct values for tail genitals. Formatting for tails was also improved to be more readable: types are listed first followed by flags. Tailcunt and tailcock displays were separated to better allow for multi-genitails in the future (Zaika style hybrid cock-cunt-tails.)
  • Soak, the Treatment, Throbb, and Gush now all have a quick button prompt to jump directly to the Codex entry if you’re blocked from using the item by not having read the relevant data log.
  • Fixed Briget’s bust not displaying.
  • Fixed a crash in the Treatment during body tone transformations.
  • Fixed orgasms not correctly emptying balls – and as a result blue balls are properly attainable again.
  • Fixed a crash in Codex->Stats->Location
  • The following Uveto content got some fixes since it got some bug reports: Syri’s Uveto Quest, SubTuner, Zaalt, Kiona, Frostwyrm, Milodan Futazons, Krym.
  • Gigantic nuts can immobilize you once more.
  • Fixes for the “Event Whorizon” event.
  • Improved counting items when there are multiple stacks.
  • Applied several fixes to the goo menus.
  • Fenoxo’s balls grew one size that day.

As always, if you like the game and like what we’re doing, you can always support us on Patreon or SubscribeStar! And if not, well, the free builds will still be here!

TiTS-JS: Crankin’ On

The weekend is over, and you know what that means: I put on the big boots and dropped foot first onto more bugs. We got a lot on the menu today: fixes for main story quests, crash fixes for a dozen+ items, and cleanup on a few busts. I even ran some of the old Gats busts through the waifu2x upscaler to try and squeeze a few more pixels out of them and get them to look better in the larger bust windows TiTS-JS offers.

Expect backers to get access to Myrellion later this week (and the public build to get Tarkus). I trust you’ll find the ant planet sufficiently buggy – no matter which definition you use.

Changelog for Backers & Public:

  • Combat items should now be usable thanks to Leek!
  • After the Stellar Tether, Shekka’s square on the map now displays a “!” to indicate there is a quest event there.
  • Fixed Khorgan’s bust by Adjatha not displaying.
  • Fixed Nessa’s Adjatha busts not displaying.
  • Added the missing male sexbot bust back.
  • Sexbots should now display a bust on approach… though I don’t think I tested this one.
  • Fixed a missing roomlink in Stellar Tether near Captain Khorgan’s battle.
  • Corrected references to Captain Khorgan that did not exist and were causing crashes.
  • Fixed a crash in FizzyFix.
  • Fixed a crash in the Magic Milker.
  • Fixed a crash in Pickmentation.
  • Fixed a crash in Reptilum.
  • Fixed numerous crashes in Soak.
  • Fixed a crash in Turtleneck.
  • Fixed a crash in XhelarfogPlus.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when getting rid of a genital (or genitals) due to an error in how piercings were handled.
  • Fixed a crash in Uthra Sap.
  • Fixed the Hammer Shield.
  • The Panty collection system was converted to use fancier systems than my hard-coded kludges.
  • Fixed a crash when approaching the Raskvel Dockmistress.
  • A lot of potential crashes in the goo player menus were fixed.
  • Missing Anyxine emails restored.
  • Several fixes were made to Shizuya’s Majin (her ship).
  • Jacques00 did some work cleaning up shopkeepers and improving name displays across the game.
  • Fixed IncrementFlag so that it will properly increment an undefined flag to 1 once more.
  • Several crashes related to movement and ship location have been correctly formatted to use the new javascript methods.
  • Gedan pumped a lot of work into improving our automated testing systems so that the game can rapidly create a new character to test new commits entirely on its own!
  • More work was done preparing ship combat to function once more. It isn’t active for you guys yet, but Gedan was able to start a fight without crashing. PROGRESS!
  • A lot of other fixes that aren’t properly documented here because there are so many being jammed in.

As always, if you like the game and like what we’re doing, you can always support us on Patreon or SubscribeStar! And if not, well, the free builds will still be here (eventually)!

[Backers & Public] Great Boogity Moogity

Before the changelog, a note from Gedan:

If you’re wondering why there seem to be so many issues lurking around every corner, here is a little insight into what has been happening:

Actionscript3 (The language the game was originally built in) and Javascript are very similar – so similar in fact, that the code almost works entirely with some simple find & replace action to remove Type data. The problem is the bits that don’t work look almost like completely normal Javascript work, so it can be difficult to pick them out without executing them and making them blow up. A couple of months ago I dug into building out an actual automated testing system, and I have a couple of tests written and working but they cover virtually none of the game considering its size – and with so much core functionality to still get working right, it’s difficult to justify spending the time on extending these tests to do much of anything right now. I have a couple ideas that maybe I can pull off over the course of a day or two, but they’d be coming after core systems are done no matter.

What doesn’t work though is “Cyclic Dependencies”, essentially when two different files in our codebase reference each other either directly, or through a chain of other files. In AS3 this didn’t matter, and over time, a lot of functionality was built around the fact that it didn’t matter – we have a lot of system manager classes that manage unique descendent processors, but those descedent processors sometimes need to reach back up to the system manager to execute defaults or shared functions. Whilst this would just work under AS3, now we need to fix it, either through dependency injection or removing the cyclic calls, or crushing all of the cyclic calls into the same file.

Fixing cyclic dependencies lead me down the garden path and resulted in me completely reorganizing all of the game content files. Doing this has allowed me to slice up the games content into blocks, called modules, that can be compiled and loaded independently from each other – the idea here is if we don’t make changes to the Tarkus module during an update, then the Tarkus module doesn’t need to be changed at all, then if you browser has a cached version of that module from the last time you played then it’ll be pulled from there…. There are caveats to the caching, but that’s a conversation for another day! What’s important is the fact that we have modules, not all the modules will be available, and we spent a long time implementing things assuming it just ended up as one fat bundle of code. With modules I’ve been able to turn off the ones that aren’t stable enough yet for play, which in turn hides those planets from the Fly menu – but there may be support functions of various types that are in those modules that needs to be moved around. A lot of them have been caught and shifted, but not all of them.

Javascript has moved on a lot from the days when AS3 was first conceived and it’s added some nice features along the way, things we couldn’t code – or would be extremely annoying to code – under AS3. As an example, the way we handled buttons under AS3 looked a lot like this:

addButton(index, "Button Name", functionToExecute, argumentsWeMightWant, "Tooltip Title", "The bulk body of the tooltip we want displayed.");

Now, most functions didn’t need an argument passed to them, but if we wanted to specify a tooltip on a button like this, we’d have to remember to stuff a none-value in that position. And if we wanted more arguments, we had to stuff things into an array and pass that, which made remembering where things were in the array an annoying task on the recieving end. The solution would have been to use “closures”, but the syntax for doing it in AS3 was unwieldy at best. The same could be said about Javascript, at least, until the Fat Arrow was added:

addButton(index, "Button Name", () => functionToExecute(arguments, we, want), "Tooltip Title", "The bulk body of the tooltip we want displayed.");

A subtle change, but this was a decision I made early. I think in the long run that it’s going to be beneficial to building future content but it means changing EVERY existing addButton call across the entire game, and sometimes the functions on the recieving end to change them from expecting an array stuffed full of arguments to seperate parameters.

The way our map data was structured has bugged me for a long, long time. It was already set in stone pretty much by the time I came on board and I didn’t want to rock the boat without a good reason. The good reasons have been found over time, and whilst the task was going to be monumental to fix the structure that we had used for a couple thousand rooms so far… I bit the bullet and went for it; so much of the games code is already having to be retouched anyway, that throwing the map structure on the pile is just a bit more work again. This has afforded us the ability to performantly display much larger areas of the map – in the past, our little limited 7×5 view was purely constrained by the processing time of updating the display, but now things are fast enough that we could render the whole planet map and use it as an interface to move around if we so desired. I did a little test to satisfy my own curiosity this week and, well…

Made it through all that? Good. This is Fen, and this is the changelog my exhausted brain barfed out.

TiTS-JS Changelog (#1131):

  • Several fixes were applied to how child/birth data is stored. As a result, children stored at the nursery previously had to be reset.
  • The javascript version now has the ability to override what gender the game uses for you, just like the flash one.
  • Work on a “click-to-move” system for the map has been started by Geddy. It’s not available in these releases yet, but a lot of under the hood work was done toward that possible goal.
  • Aliss’s sex menu is no longer automatically unlocked. The tooltip for the disabled button now shows a useful hint for how to unlock it. Aliss’s lust gain when trying on outfits will also be displayed (as well as her current lust). Additionally, after unlocking sex with Aliss, she no longer has a minimum lust requirement.
  • Corrected the formatting on ~80 of Siegwulfe’s button prompts that could potentially cause crashes, though I am aware more bugs remain…
  • Fixed a crash with lapinara pregnancy.
  • Various small UI fixes for inventory systems.
  • Fixed a crash in Bianca’s fingering the PC scene.
  • Fixed a crash in the combat menu with the sense menu.
  • Fixed possible goo armor crash.
  • Fixed possible Ardia crash.
  • Lots of updates and fixes for Amber.
  • Lots of updates and fixes for Mitzi.
  • Corrected “hasCockSock” having its arguments set up in the wrong order.
  • Milk thief crash fixes.
  • Zaika hydra crash fix.
  • Gastigoth crash fix.
  • Two Syri crash fixes.
  • Cleaned up bonus menus in Myrellion so they don’t crash when we release it.
  • Fixed a crash with Erika.
  • A ton of buttons that use the various bodypart routing utility functions have been updated & fixed (58 changed files)
  • Starchild crash fix.
  • [pc.goin] -> [pc.groin]
  • Several fixes for the dong designer.
  • Fixed a duplication issue with strange eggs.
  • Fixes for the maxOutLust utility function.
  • Getting throbb from crew Penny should now unlock the Codex entry for it.
  • Fixed many calls to “loadInCunt” having their arguments in the wrong order.
  • Fixed an Anno crash.
  • Fixed some inventory-related bugs.
  • A bunch more fixes.
  • Even more fixes for unreleased content (Uveto, Myrellion, etc).

As always, if you like the game and like what we’re doing, you can always support us on Patreon or SubscribeStar! And if not, well, the free builds will still be here (eventually)!

Why So Buggy?

No doubt anyone who has been playing the javascript builds this week has noticed the bugs exploding into more bugs like mini-nukes from Fallout’s infamous “MIRV” launcher. There’s a few reasons beyond “lel they’re bad at coding” I thought you guys might like to hear about:

Have you seen “You’re still in combat, you ninny!“? Well that one has some particularly wild origins. Originally added as a failsafe wayyyyy back in the flash days, it existed to slap us in the face if a fight didn’t have proper resolution performed. We could test it using the function “inCombat()”. InCombat() also pulled double duty in late-game scenes that could be accessed via friendly dialogues OR fights. You might find it strange that something so simple would blow up in such a major way AFTER so much hammering on basic combat tests on Mhen’ga. I did. It turns out reality is just fucking strange sometimes.

Early on during the porting process, inCombat() was set to always return “false” no matter what was happening in the game, just to get that precious, first compile. Hundreds of man-hours later, it was completely forgotten about. New combat subroutines worked fine, and we weren’t into the late-game content that leaned on it for anything yet… until suddenly we noticed it wasn’t working as intended… and fixed it.

Now every save loaded up and screamed about being in combat! Fortunately the error could be cleared off by completing another combat encounter (and I THINK the underlying issue was addressed as well), but that didn’t make it any less annoying for people bumping into it.

Another one? Prettify Minutes.

This bad boy existed in two different places in the code… in two slightly different forms. Sounds like a simple fix, right? Just prune one and move on! Well, not quite. Some content looked for the pruned version and exploded pretty messily when it couldn’t find it. That’s real damn bad for a common utility function that would get looked at any time you opened… your email inbox, for example.

And another one…

We also rolled out updates to how we deploy to better handle applying fixes to both backer & public builds while the content is split on a planetary basis. One of the changes was to stop them from loading content that’s not supposed to be accessible. That’s fine most of the time, but let’s say there’s a character on Uveto who has events that can happen inside Tarkus’s nursery. Now the game’s blowing up every time you step into the nursery because so far as your build of the game can tell, it doesn’t exist.

The solution is for us to clean these up as we find them and relocate events like this to appropriate code chunk. We aren’t in the wild west flash days where every function was sitting out, globally accessible by damn near anything else in the game. And we’re working on cleaning all this up, I promise.

TL;DR: The game works well, but we’re still making aggressive changes to things under the hood that sometimes blow up in a big way. I’d keep writing more stuff, but I have bugs to squish.


Some Notable Bugs Squished

  • Sleeping on the ship no longer crashes.
  • Fixed a few crashes in the maternity area on Tavros Station.
  • Recruiting Yammi no longer crashes.
  • Yammi actually shows up in the follower list once recruited.
  • Fixed a crash when talking to Bianca about work.
  • Fixed crashes when trying to start certain sex scenes with Kase.
  • You can no longer do Yoga with Paige while sore. I did this one because we got a bug report about Sore not vanishing on sleep… because the value had somehow stacked well into the 50’s. Sleeping only clears 3 at a time.
  • VKo’s custom input can no longer be used with old cheats. We have no interest in fighting with those bugs when we have a fancy new cheat menu. (You can get to the new cheat menu by clicking on the top of the “i” in TiTS several times in a row after loading a save, then opening options and selecting the new Cheat submenu.)
  • Removed duplicate function for adjusting soreness values.
  • Improvements to drop menu UI.
  • Added trade menu UI.
  • Fixed a crash with Ovilium I thought I fixed already… but it turns out I had missed changing one important value…
  • You should now be able to delete saves.
  • prettifyMinutes shouldn’t be crashing anything anymore.
  • A fuck of a lot of other fixes and changes. I mostly listed the fixes I tackled myself as well as some of the more easily visible changes from the rest of the team.

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