Category: Trials in Tainted Space

[Backers | TiTS] More Scalebutts, Anyone?

Do you have what it takes to lay the dragon?!

0.8.136 Changelog:

  • Fixed an issue with Anyxine having two separate flags tracking if you had met her. This should address issues people were having with getting her sauna event to start.
  • Made the spelling of Anyxine’s last name consistent across the game. It was nice remembering the Agrosh/Argosh/Argrosh debace from back in the day!
  • New busts: Nastizia, Jack, Jill, Cat Jack, Cat Jill.
  • Did you know that DrunkZombie coded Kaithrit pregnancy a while back? He did, and it’s in game.
  • Anyxine should no longer email you about Shade quite so freely.

0.8.135 Changelog:

  • KNOWN BUG: Saves which interacted with her before this patch may be unable to access the new content. This will be addressed in a patch within the next 24 hours.
  • Remember Anyxine? No? The lady in Uveto Station that says something about sitting down in her office, but you can’t actually? Well, you can now. Clocking in at 74 pages, this chunk of new content fills out things Savin planned for the character YEARS ago.
    • Anyxine comes with a special first-time sauna sex scene, a repeatable Kaede threesome interaction, a pile of email messages, and four repeatable sex scenes.
    • Anyxine also includes a bonus sex scene for player ‘taurs with a vagina, written by me (Fenoxo <3)
    • Tip: to unlock Anyxine’s lewds, walk back into her office sometime after the first time, and it should proc an event where she goes to the sauna. You can figure it out from there, I’m sure!
  • You should no longer get emails until you beat FIRST-14 (or are above level 3 if you have an older save.)
  • Added a few drops to FIRST-14: Ballistic Underlayer (boss drop, +5 HP accessory), a MaxLazRifle (gryvain techie drop), and a Beat Stick (boss drop). The boss no longer drops a shield.
  • If you defeated the Overqueen before unlocking her Codex, returning to her room should unlock for it you (though silently).

If you like what you play, consider backing us on Patreon or SubscribeStar! A full resolution nude bust will be posted there as well!(and the latest backers image pack.)

[Public | TiTS] Bigger, Tiddier TiTS

Okay guys, Grandpappy Fenoxo is back with a heaping helping of bug fixes as well as a dribble of new content to keep you entertained. The patch after this one is likely to be an exclusive for our loyal backers once more, either containing some Anyxine or Gianna as well as some more new bust art. More to share on that soon (hopefully!)

The jumper and Riley Steele having a good time, as illustrated by MehLewds!

0.8.134 Changelog:

  • The image pack is updated and available! (Requires stand-alone flash player.) This version of the game allows you to zoom in the corner busts for a better look at most NPCs. It also adds a small selection of in-line illustrations that appear during some scenes.
  • New image pack scene embed in the Bored Jumper scene for losing three times in a row… (Note: the illustration always shows the gray jumper. This is not a bug.)
  • New Codex: Caesselians! Unlock this by fighting the Overqueen in FIRST14.
  • New loss scene for the Gryvain Techie by William! This beauty of a scene is actually two – one for servicing her vagina and one for her other endowment…
  • The Overqueen’s victory sex menu should function properly now.
  • Fixed a bug that would make it impossible to gift sluttified Kiro a dildo if her inventory was glitched to a certain state.
  • You can no longer select your anus as the chosen hole for vaginal scenes with the feline salvagers.
  • Resetting the communications repair puzzle should no longer remove the “Abort” button.
  • The gryvain techie should now drop some credits.
  • You can no longer call SteeleTech infinitely for infinite credits.
  • Fixed an entire molehill worth of typos.

If you like what you play, consider backing us on Patreon or SubscribeStar!

[PUBLIC | TiTS] Extended Tutorial Dungeon, Take 1

Dare you enter the overqueen’s lair?

Alright guys, I coded most of the day to get this up and running, so I’m sure it’s littered with all kinds of bugs. Assuming it doesn’t break anything too hard, expect a public bug fix on Monday to clean it up some more. You can touch down in FIRST-14 by starting a new game OR flying there from the miscellaneous flight destinations.

0.8.133 Changelog:

  • New dungeon: when starting a game, crash land on FIRST-14 and repair your ship before joining the Rush for real! You can return later, if you wish.
  • New enemy written by Savin: Gryvain Techie. I recommend downing them via lust.
  • New enemy written by William: the Overqueen! Look out for this sneaky snake!
  • New items: Hardlight Thong (this time not antigravity!), virgin-slayer sweater.
  • Feline salvage bros are now encounterable.
  • A week after completing Syriquest, Schora can now appear on Extrameet for those who treated her “right” (fucked her like she’s a toy) and parted on good terms. Hope you didn’t piss her off!
  • New PC pregnancies: kaithrit and gryvain.
  • New Busts: T1-K4, Gryvain Techie, Feline Salvagebros, the Overqueen, and Rogue Bot (part of Fungus Quest on Myrellion)
  • Two new lootable posters (with image pack image embeds).
  • New image pack embedded art: Princess Nasti (five new pieces of art scattered amongst her scenes).
  • New image pack embed for the gryvain techies.

Dev Notes:

  • You can go to FIRST-14 at any time after completing it, though if you’ve never completed it, you will be stuck there until you do.
  • After the defeating the boss, random encounters will be disabled for a few days. You can still explore later to play with the various mooks.
  • Image pack version of the game available! Requires a stand-alone flash player to play. (Some scenes include illustrations, and NPC busts can be expanded to see more of them.)

TiTS Pupdate

As noted on my twitter, I’ve been cranking on getting the expanded tutorial dungeon loaded into the Flash version of the game (due to longer than expected dev-time on the JS port – I have a small update on it later.)

Both “generic” enemies are implemented along with all the rooms and most of the supporting logic – except for one of the puzzles that’s supposed to be a bit harder. The local medical robot is in as well along with her inventory and full kaithrit pregnancy for the player character. Today I’m going to be coding William’s boss encounter.

After that, I still have that puzzle to sort, gryvain pregnancy for the player, additional loot for the enemies, and the dungeon’s outro. I’ll have it in your hands by the end of Saturday, life-willing.

In the meantime, there was one event submission I rather enjoyed reading even if I didn’t think it was properly set up for use in game, and with the author’s permission, I’m happy to share it with you all – if you’re interested in a bit of a Cyberpunk detective noir adventure.

Javascript update:
I didn’t run a work meeting this week because of other commitments, but Gedan has been working on getting saving and loading working for quicker testing without having to go through the entire character creation process – something I experienced myself when testing the the expanded introduction sequence in flash! The current WIP save interface looks amazing.

[Public | TiTS] TiTS Update Update

Update: Sorry about the deployment issue. The build server apparently ran out of memory, and I was out pretty shortly after the post thanks to back pain + meds. OG post below -v

Javascript rebuild/port report: It is now possible to move around on Tavros in our dev builds! Next: adding a more functional minimap/map. Great work, Gedan.

0.8.132 Changelog:

  • New art for the female sydian added with variations for armor being intact or broken.
  • New Image Pack image: Frosty presenting (visible in her vaginal scene).
  • VKo now sells EasyFit.
  • Ramis’s bust has been updated with a SteeleTech suit variant.
  • Image Pack updated (requires stand-alone flash player.)

No big “what’s new this month” addition because… GASP! …There’s not that much new. Soon though… soon…

TiTS Update


It’s been a while since the last blog post, so let me touch base with where we all are after the latest team meeting:

  • Fen: I hit a trouble spot with how I was approaching this Big T & Gianna event that blocked me from getting much down for a few days, but I seem to have gotten into a good rhythm over the past few, cranking out ~3,500 words Monday and ~2,000 yesterday. The document is currently ~23 pages long and growing with a late-dinner BJ offer that’s being crammed in under the tablecloth as we speak. I estimate that I should have it wrapped somewhere around 30 to 35 pages long, at which point I’m going to go full steam on ahead on converting Gianna’s vast swath of existing content to function on the ship.
  • Savin: He’s almost done with a hefty expansion for Anyxine (almost as hefty as the character we got a CG of from Morgore…)
  • Gedan: She took a week off after banging her head against the porting to javascript pretty much nonstop (and to keep up with some other commitments). She’s back now. Code go BRRR.
  • Adjatha: Art got finished for the other new enemy coming in the tutorial dungeon. Updated Rival art and art for the tutorial dungeon’s medical bot is on the table for the future. He did some more work on finishing up the writing for Molli, of Cherry’s Tap Hall.
  • William: Has 50+ pages of a thing he’s been working on, because you damn well know he does! He indicated he’ll be starting work on the tutorial dungeon’s boss this week if all holds to plan.
  • Jacques00: Jacques00 has been working on polishing up a bust for the female sydian that looks really, really good. The naked variants are done, but I’ve asked him to generate a fully armored overlay that we can use for the combat. I also saw a WIP sketch of a robotic foe that has some new art in the making as well.
  • Others: I don’t have much to report on this front, but DrunkZombie has spoken about tackling Kaithrit pregnancy earlier on, though I haven’t had an update in a little bit.

I apologize for the interruptions that have occurred to our regular content delivery with the death of flash, but we are a long way from done. Thank you for your patience, and your support. Expect a small update to the public version of the game soon too.

Catching Up on TiTS

We’re long overdue for an update on where TiTS stands with the death of flash and the porting to javascript. Obviously flash players are being scoured from internet browsers across the world. The executable “air zip” still functions on windows machines for now, but what about mac users? What about linux bros? What about people that want to use the image pack?

Well, we’re working on getting things ported to use javascript and play in nearly any browser (much like CoC2). It’s a difficult process requiring reorganizing an absolute fuckton of code to work in a completely different system and methodology. Geddy just dropped a big commit a few days ago with this:

  • 100 changed files with 7679 additions and 4979 deletions

TiTS, moreso than even CoC2, is a nightmare hellscape of entangled content and systems – partly due to my own deficiencies in the coding arena but also due to the size, scope, and nature of the game I’ve created. Some of the design decisions that make the game so wide-open for adding content and changing characters make for a LOT to rework. Let me lift back the curtain and post some of Geddy’s own explanations:

  • A ton of the niceness we used when extending the game in Flash just plain doesn’t work in Javascript land, not without making huge changes to how all of the code relating to Characters and Items is handled. Cyclic dependencies makes pp very sad.
  • The sheer scale of the game and its content is pushing common javascript tools to the limits of what they can reasonably handle. A lot of energy is going in to keeping build times low enough to not get in the way of iteration of the UI and a lot of this revolves around careful isolation of different elements of the games code. Even then, doing things “the proper way” is still way too much to handle for things like Webpack.
  • We’ve built up a ton of weird almost-duplicate functionality that we really didn’t need – little utility functions that do something almost exactly the same way as something else that had just been lost down the back of the sofa and forgotten about. Rectifying these duplications and straightening up a lot of the odd, janky situations that we’ve created over the years.
  • The rebuild process is trying to start at the beginning of the game and work forward, using planets as a natural kind of border point between what should be converted and updated now and what can wait for another day – but this means dealing with some of the oldest and least organised code, back before we had a solid handle on a lot of the features we have today. Squeaky hackjobs to get something working quickly, that we only later built proper systems around.
  • A lot of the time spent so far has been focused on cleaning up the back of the house and make sure all of the individual little components that the content relies upon are ready to go so that work on the bigger components, like navigation and combat can focus exclusively on those, and not needing to go rooting around in the guts to convert yet another character that some specific aspect of a unique fight element relies upon.
  • A word on scale though; before the conversion process started, TiTS consisted of over a million lines of code and content. It took until I was putting the finishing touches on the Character and Item classes in the Javascript port before I realised that we had over a thousand classes between these two things – many of those rife with weird little unique issues that needed hand-touching to bring over to Javascript.

Actual image & functional previews of the rework have been on the sidelines while Gedan was (is?) digging into the guts. The game wasn’t even in a state to work when we clicked “new game” for a few weeks. Now we have the intro back, and early indicators are promising that we will see Tavros and Mhenga soon. Gena138 has been working at converting the jungle planet’s rooms into the new system now that Tavros’s file is set up as a template.

The creative wing of our little studio has hardly been idle. The new introduction dungeon is almost ready. All the rooms have their descriptions and interactive events written. Two new generic enemies are both ready to code, penned by Savin & I (mine is up on Patreon in pdf format!), including two new PC pregnancy paths for those of you itching to have kaithrit and gryvain children. William has been tapped to write the boss encounter, though he’s been so far up in Anno that it’d be hard to justify pulling him out of such a lovely nook just yet. And Adjatha? Well, let’s just say Molli (part of Cherry’s Tap Hall) has a significant blob of new content in the pipes…

What are my plans for the week? As the ADD perv-nado that I am, I’m engaged in efforts to make Gianna recruitable (since Savin said he’ll make Syri recruitable once I do!) Writing a sit-down dinner with Big T where you have to convince him to let you take his android daughter off-planet is going to be fun!

For too long, I’ve let my characters languish while stretching myself to handle to handle what needs doing in the game, and this year I want to make some serious efforts to close up some of the hanging threads I’ve left on characters like Gianna, Emmy, etc. Oh, and Anno? Savin did give me permission to write a futanari expack. I’ve been too busy to start it, but there are ideas tickling along…

Thank you for hanging in there. Rest assured, more is coming!

P.S. New Years Success! I’ve completely weened myself off of energy drinks, and this week I should be down to one soda a day!

[Backers | TiTS] Snaking Out a Patch

(Content Submission for TiTS is closed again. Thank you for the response!)

So flash is “dead” now and the JS port isn’t up and ready – yet. The “AIR ZIP” version of the game should work fine in the interrim.

Art commissioned from SXodium

Gedan started trying to get Tavros ported enough to function a few weeks back… which meant getting everything that touches Tavros ready to function… which meant figuring out things like how Mitzi’s outfit management works in JS (and every other Tavros NPC or NPC that spends much time on Tavros). Needless to say, the scope blew up there, but I heard encouraging rumbles from our code dragon’s lair and hope to have more to share with you after our weekly meeting on Wednesday.

In the meantime I’ve been banging on the new intro dungeon. Half the room descriptions have already taken shape along with some of the utility texts surrounding some of the simple puzzle content. Coming up with unique descriptions is always a bit of a grind for me. This time, I’m doing it while cutting out my morning 300mg energy drink. It’s not easy.

Today I popped over to code some fantastic slyveren hypnosmut on the side since it was more or less ready to go and hot as hell. I hope you all enjoy it!

0.8.131 Changelog:

  • Watching hypnosmut with Kiro can now lead to a bad end! Two new scenes were added. After getting the warning, you can still watch the old content if you take a 7 day break (though it’s framed with a menu that lets you voluntarily bad-end yourself at any time.) I felt this was the best way to enable the new content without completely blocking off what people were already loving. (Written by BobSamade, coded by Fen)
  • Gena138 fixed a BUNCH of bugs with the new Vark stuff.
  • The Pexiga now has an embedded image for her blowjob scenes in the Image Pack.
  • You can no longer encounter Shizuya before visiting New Texas.
  • Updated some old Shekka bust calls to the new hotness (so they should appropriately show naked/futa Shekka.)
  • A few other small fixes.

If you like what you play, consider backing us on Patreon or SubscribeStar!

TiTS Content Submission: OPEN

I’m opening up content submission for TiTS again. This time, there are no restrictions based on type or location. Feel free to throw it in the bin.

I will close them in a week’s time or once I have 30+ pieces backlogged to sort through.

Please remember that the content submission form is for COMPLETELY WRITTEN content submissions only – not ideas.

Thank you!

[Public | TiTS] Happy Holidays!

Today is Christmas Eve in my part of the world, but even if you don’t decorate tree corpses in your living room, I’d like to extend a hearty “Happy Holidays” to all of you and yours.

2020 has been a heckofa year. Travel restrictions, lockdowns, and general Covid-19 precautions have really put a damper on the ol’ holiday spirit in my neck of the woods, and doubtless on most of the world as well. We’ve seen health and family emergencies within our little “studio”. Flash died. You know, flash, the plugin our games have run on for near a decade! It’s kicking the dust, forcing us to rebuild and reorganize a lot.

But we’re still here moving forward. The JS build looks fucking slick. Geddy’s been logging a ton of hours whipping Tavros into shape but also reworking how the game’s data is held and managed in memory, something that is more necessary as it grows in size (over 500MB with embedded images!) In the meantime, we’re still working on the expanded tutorial dungeon. You can get a taste of what it will feel like with the new salvager enemies included in this public patch. I think they came out pretty great for “getting started” encounters. There will also be environmental challenges, tutorials for using a tent (and leveling up), a boss fight penned by William, and more.

I think you’re all going to love what we bring you in the new year, but for now, enjoy this arrangement of Christmas cheer and a small public update (and another one~)!

Azra putting on her Christmas finest to celebrate by Morgore!

Cait snuggling up with a big ol’ bear by CheshireCatSmile37!

0.8.130 Changelog:

  • Vark got a pretty sizeable expansion thanks to Damiekinz’s writing and Gena138’s coding. It’s now possible to fight him, defeat him, and even make him your pet if you like. Merry Christmas!

0.8.129 Changelog:

  • Embedded some CGs by Doxy into Rat’s VR content (accessible via ‘test’ cheat in the image-embedded version of the game.)
  • Fixed a few small typos.
  • (And another patch may follow~!)

THICC Images Version available! (Requires stand-alone flash player.)

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