New day, new patch, new features, new bugs!
- Fixed an error that caused the map to stop working entirely.
- Fixed an error with Leek’s optimizations that made many puzzles (and some other content) softlock.
- Fixed Bianca exploding the map system.
- Azra’s mom-dom scene was ported back in.
- Fights with multiple enemies will no longer give you multiple times the XP/credits they should.
- Fights with multiple enemies should correctly output the list of defeated enemies.
- Equipping heavy weapons you cannot carry should no longer crash.
- Corrected the “Lights Out” puzzle in Azra’s Tarkus expedition to use the proper arrangement laid down in the holy Flash texts.
- Fixed a crash with submitting to Overqueen Ysolte.
- The Overqueen should no longer auto-grapple smugglers or athletic PC’s, as is written and intended.
- Getting hit in the face with the Overqueen’s bolas should no longer deal lust damage, considering how painfully the text is written.
- Pierced tongue descriptions should no longer always say “heavily pierced”. A few new small variants were added based on piercing type too (bar vs hoop).
- Korgonne translation should be less crashy and error prone.
- The softlock in Roxy’s doggie-style scene has been fixed.
- A bunch of content & items that were changed in Flash after the JS port was started were updated with changes that were made in Flash. (Playing catch-up!)
- And more!
- [Backers] Uveto is now available for play in the backer build of the game! As usual, it’s going to be pretty rough around the edges. We’ll be banging on the bugs as space-time and bug reporting permits!
- [Public] Myrellion is now explorable in the public version of the game! Don’t worry, we left the sexy bugs intact!
- [Backers] The new experimental “exploration” system has been turned on for Uveto’s snow-fields. This is a feature I’ve wanted since the very early days of working on the game in Flash, but I lacked the skill to pull it off myself. Of course Geddy cracked it out in short order, that canny dragoness! Now rooms will fill in on your map as you explore them, and their exploration status should save. In the future we plan to bring this feature to more of the “wilds” of the game world, after shaking it down for any possible meltdowns in the snow…
- Known Issue: Korg’ii Hold is visible before being explored.
- The new exploration system should restore our ability to display markers for Bianca and Kattom Osgood, kaithrit businessman supreme!
- The Omnisuit should actually be working again! This was… wayyyyy more of a headache than you would assume. The new inventory UI really did not like an item replacing itself with another item midway through the equipping process, or proccing multi-page events right in the middle. To get around this, I wound up making the collar a consumable “gadget,” which taps into the same sorts of systems driving player transformation items. Just use the collar, and presto! Your armor is an omnisuit, and any old armor is looted. Once you remove it, it will quietly transform back into a collar again for your future use. I dumped at least six hours of work across three days getting this fucking piece of shit working…
- Donkey took a bunch of improperly formatted button prompts out behind the shed and took care of them. That’s well over 100 potential crash points absolutely shredded. The next time Gordon Ramsey calls someone an “absolute donkey,” it’s going to be a compliment.
- Fixes for Bess.
- Fixes for Shade’s bust.
- Fixes for Dr. Poe’s menu.
- Some fixes for nursery baby interactions.
- Restored busts for: Sexdolls (Kiro Quest), the Cumjuice Poster decoration, Yammi Crew, Anno (Adjatha’s variants), Anno (Nikku’s variants),
- Removed a duplicate Kiro/Paige threesome from the code.
- Kimber fixes.
- Bianca crew conversation fix.
- Fixed Qualle softlock
- Fixes for Kane’s wrestling event.
- Fixes for Shade interactions crashing when Uveto isn’t loaded.
- Catnip should now interact correctly with tail genitals (and fixed a missing parenthesis in the codex’s information about tails!)
- Fixes and improvements to the questlog, courtesy of our resident lowercase-donkey!
- Under the hood work to prepare the blackjack minigame for Zheng Shi’s arrival.
- Under the hood work to prepare the ship systems for deployment.
- Fixes and improvements for GooArmor.
- Fixes to reduce how often the game has to fully re-render itself.
- And much mooooooore~

As always, if you like the game and like what we’re doing, you can always support us on Patreon or SubscribeStar! And if not, well, the free builds will still be here!