Category: Trials in Tainted Space

[Public | TiTS] Trials in MOO Space

First off, let me apologize for the state of this build. I was halfway through doing a Tease System rework when I left for PAX, and the milk bar VIP area is quite… content dense, to put it lightly. I have a lot more to do, some of which could slip into the next public patch.

Since I’ve been focusing on improving gameplay systems, I’ve piped less racy content into the game than I otherwise would, but don’t worry – it’s still coming!

Big moo(d)!

0.8.064 Changelog:

  • New Image Pack build available. Note: requires standalone flash player to play.
  • Dhaal’s Milk Bar VIP lounge has been added, though it is still very incomplete with lots more options to come as I put Wsan’s words to text. They’re pretty good scenes!
  • Sexiness is no longer a stat that weighs into an item’s stat budget. Instead, every piece of “armor” has 5 points to put into Resolve (bonus willpower and lust defense) or sexiness (bonus tease attack). Every piece of underwear has a 3 point budget. Needless to say, I had to edit every single wearable in the game and adjust itemization budgets as appropriate. Several sexy/evasion items actually got more non-sex combat stats as a result.
  • Tease Skill ranks have been replaced. Your libido is now your tease skill rank! This gives libido a positive role to play in the game’s combat balance.
  • The “Ice Cold” starter perk now causes your tease skill ranks to invert – 0 libido for 100% tease skill. Once your libido rises to 50 or above, the perk becomes “Warm Blooded” and does nothing until it is reduced back down.
  • Sexiness now increases libido (and max libido by 1/2).
  • Resolve now increases willpower (and max willpower by 1/2).
  • Like and dislike scaling in tease attacks is now less extreme. The highest multipliers have been reduced from x2 to x1.5, the lowest from 0.5x to 0.6666(repeating)x.
  • Vulnerability to tease damage from furry foes due to Furpies should now work. Previously, it was checked in the function for the player dealing tease damage, which no enemies used. It has been moved to the appropriate function.
  • “lustCombatMiss” has been added rolling hit/miss chances on tease attacks. This can be used by enemies too.
  • Starting libido has been raised to 5.
  • Bianca’s Valentines Day event got some updates and fixes that should let it happen at any hour. The bugged out appearance on Mhen’ga has also been addressed.
  • Numerous updates to the deep sea quest for balance, by DrunkZombie.
  • New Image Pack scenes: Roxy Doggstyle by Masamaki, and the Slyveren Slavebreaker vaginal sex by MrPink and colored by Waru-Geli.
  • New Busts: Cream Cows #1-3, Wall Cow (Adj & Shou variants), and Iyla.

What’s new since last month’s public patch?

[Backers | TiTS] Bug Fixes Aplenty

Hey guys! Smaller patch today. It turns out the bug reports have been kind of sliding in the background, so I’ve been punching on them in addition to tagging some of my game improvement projects from the meeting. I also spent some time working over the cybernetics systems that we have planned. Don’t get TOO excited. They’re going to be more like additional accessory slots than options to replace all your limbs with metal – writing scenes is complicated enough without adding even more variants that authors won’t account for.

0.8.062 Changelog:

  • Dodging and evasion have been reworked!
    • The base miss chance is now 5% for PCs and 10% for enemies (was 10% for both).
    • Miss chance is effectively twice as dependent on stats. Before, it was 1% miss chance for every 5 points of advantage you had over enemy reflexes. Now it is 1% per 2.5 points.
    • Evasion is no longer a separate miss roll. It is factored into the above roll.
    • Accuracy now directly counters evasion.
    • Ranged weapons no longer miss more easily than melee.
    • The smuggler ability “Lucky Breaks” now converts 1/3 of evasion into bonus defense (maximum 2 points per character level) to grant some extra survivability.
  • Very high numbers in stat bars are now abbreviated (at 10,000+).
  • PCs with the “Pampered” background now start with more credits.
  • The XP bar now displays (MAX) when you are ready to level.
  • The default shield now begins play with 14 shields.
  • Shield boosters from V-Ko are 25% cheaper.
  • The male naleen’s victory option “Buttfuck” has been renamed to “Catch Anal” for clarity.
  • You should now be able to level up by sleeping in a tent.
  • The bug in the storm lancer that gave no choices on encounter should be fixed.
  • Erika can now take virginities.
  • Fixed an erroneous mention of balls for herms in the VR miniquest during Kiro’s rescue.
  • Ramis now correctly takes virginity during morning sex.
  • The milk thief should now properly remove airtight flags.
  • The milk thief’s stims should work now.
  • Leithan legs/feet should no longer be described as “lizan” unless the individual has less than six legs.
  • Fixed a scene crash in the Doll 17 & 18 encounter.
  • Fixed an error with meeting Kally for crew Kiro.
  • Mitzi’s Vday event should properly give taint.
  • Fixed a parser bug in Jesse.
  • Visiting your baby laquines will no longer allow you to visit them for more than 5 hours. (Very high baby counts could result in 10+ day visits!)
  • You should be able to fly Ellie to the nursery now.

Pssst, we have a SubscribeStar too, now!

[Backers] Belated VDay + More

Sorry it took so long to get this patch out. House guests kept me from working till Tuesday, and a few hours of mental instability in the latter half of the evening kept me from doing anything but flipping through Netflix and bitching about how shitty every single movie option was. I did at least bang out most of the ~30 pages of William’s V-Day event.

0.8.060 Changelog:

  • Bianca’s Valentine’s Day event is in! …Except I’m pretty sure the holiday already expired in TiTS, so you’ll need to use the ’tistheseason’ cheat to re-activate it. If you’ve had sex 5 times with her, you should be able to encounter her for a sweet and loving event with chocolate, wine, and plenty of Oral. The event requires her to be on the same planet as you and should trigger on a town square not far from each locale’s spaceport. (Written by: William)
  • Gel Zon can now get you pregnant! The coder on this project (Gena138) is trying out pregnancy coding for the first time, so there may be some bugs and goblins to shake out. Pregnancy fetishists: this is your time to shine! If you notice any strange behavior related to this, please avail yourself of our bug report forums – and attach a copy of your save to help us investigate! (Written by: Maye)
  • Losing to Milodan males while under the effects of Omega Oil have some new scenes – and a bad end! (Written by: Meaty Ochre & Coded by: Gena138)
  • Selling sap to Kelly should now unlock the Synth Sap item, which has been lurking in the code for…. 4 years now. Yeesh!
  • Amber’s appearance screen now properly updates with Throbb usage.

0.8.061 Changelog:

  • By request of her author, Bianca’s V-day event now also requires the time be after 8pm (hour 20) in order to trigger… in addition to her being on the same planet as you and all the other stuff.

Now that the “NEEDS CODED NOW” stuff is handled, I’m gonna go sit on my couch and catch up on some horribly delayed projects needing edits/reviews via laptop.

[Backers | TiTS] *Guitar Riff* AND TWINS!

The twins are quite… meaty. (Art by Adjatha)

0.8.059 Changelog:

  • New enemy encounter in Kiro’s rescue quest: the twins! You can run into these slutted up mega-ausar on the eastern arc of Doctor Po’s freighter. Once you’ve defeated them in battle, they’ll happily provide you with all kinds of fun. Just be careful – they’re loaded with taint! (Written by QuestyRobo, coded by gena138)
  • New bust: the twins!
  • New Amber Scene: Giving Her Throbb. She’ll take up to two doses, but the second one is a doozy! (Appearance screen updates pending text from Wsan.) (Written by Wsan, coded by Leykoss)
  • New Codex entry: Zaika. Unlocked by travelling to Dhaal or encountering the Milk Thief, either or.
  • The Poe A amazon costume’s height limit was reduced to 10′ because I’m tired of arguing about what the height limit is supposed to be because I allowed one exception. Sorry!
  • Fixes for the turning tricks status effect at Beth’s. (By LoriJ)
  • The entire game should now be up to par with the new lustChange functions. It also shouldn’t display changes of ‘0’ any longer. This was edits to hundreds of files, so apologies if some more stuff got broke.
  • More assorted bug fixes.

The milk bar update is coming, I swear. We had a 2.5 hour meeting to nail down some more details of the planet and how the main quest will proceed. We’ve broken up assignments amongst a bunch of us in order to hopefully keep things rolling forward fastish.

UPDATE: Next patch there will be an item they drop that lets you repeat their defeat events :3

[Public | TiTS] Night of a Million Tiny Code Changes

Adorable fentaur by ToonNik over on public discord!

Hey guys! New month, new public patch! It’s funny. I’ve been talking about how there’s not enough content for this month, but there’s actually quite a meaty slab of delights to hand off to you guys! I made a ton of tiny changes today, so there’s likely some new bugs to be found and reported. If I stirred up anything game-breaking, rest assured I’ll try to get it later tonight or tomorrow afternoon. Enjoy the new content until then!

And have a wonderful weekend. -Fen

0.8.058 Changelog:

  • I pushed a change that should prevent your first travel to Mhenga from having a chance at ship combat. That happening created a bug where the ship would not be accessible to the player. Hopefully it is resolved now.

0.8.057 Changelog:

  • Image Pack updated! Requires standalone flashplayer to use.
  • Character creation now routes you directly to Mhen’ga.
  • The landing pad elevator in Mhen’ga has been simplified for ease of newbie-navigation.
  • New functions for displaying changes to stats like combat damage have been added.
  • Colors for gaining/losing HP, Lust, Energy, and Shields have been added or updated.
  • Almost all items have been updated to display changes to the above stats more clearly.
  • Approximately half the game has been updated for lust changes. There are a LOT of those to find and change, and I can’t just find->replace them all because they are sometimes placed in places that would flow badly, or as part of log messages that aren’t compatible with this system.

Kally lines by Tsuda, colors by Tisinrei.

What’s New This Month?:

  • New item type & slot: Tents! You start with one, and a number have been added to the game. They let you sleep in hazard zones. Enjoy!
  • New Image Pack Images: Bianca Face Sitting, Kally Appearance, and Poster.
  • New Busts: Celise, Giga-Celise, Drink Cows, Myssah, Female Raskvel, Pregnant Female Raskvel, and Warden Kasmiran.
  • New Ship Decoration: Kally’s hiring post, obtainable from the Kui Country Bar & Grill’s bathroom.
  • New Planet: Dhaal! (with massively incomplete street descriptions…)
  • New Locale on Dhaal: Capsule Hotel!
  • New Locale on Dhaal: a Milk Bar! Indulge in delightfully flavored beverages directly from the cow-girl/tap!
  • New Enemy on Dhaal: The Milk Thief! This Zaika wants milk and doesn’t want to take no for an answer!
  • New Enemy on Uveto: Milodan Futazon Scourge! Comes in two varieties too!
  • New Follower: Bimbo Kiro! She doesn’t yet have all her scenes, but they will be coming!
  • New Items: A swath of weapons now populate Kattom’s inventory on Dhaal.
  • VIP service from Walnut & Chestnut (Zheng Shi Tap-Hall Rodenians).
  • A new scene for Slavebreakers on Zheng Shi: “Rut Fuck.”
  • Crew Kiro now has a threesome available with Mitzi. You can start it from either character’s sex menu. Turns out you can make a goblin airtight!
  • Zheng Shi’s mine section should now be soft-lock proof.
  • Fantasize now gives a report on exactly how much lust it generates.
  • The Codex Sidebar’s visibility has been improved.
  • SteeleTech jumpsuits are now available from Vahn and Synphia.
  • HumpHard Inc has been removed from the game and its products distributed to more developed corporations.
  • Big mimbrane nerfs.
  • ReductPro can now be used on more parts.
  • Tons of bugfixes. Seriously.

[Backers | TiTS & CoC2] Night of the Face-Fuckening

I certainly want to work there…

TiTS 0.8.056 Changelog:

  • New scene for Dhaal’s Milk Thief: Facefucking, by Will. This scene has… more variations than I am comfortable trying to enumerate. Suffice to say: there were over 10 pages of orgasm variations alone, including lots of cameo text for unfinished follower. I also chipped in a few nods to some of my own followers. There are a ton of variations for personality types as well. I hope you guys enjoy it!
  • New Item Slot: Tent. This item allows you to safely sleep in “hazard” areas every now and then with better tents allowing more frequent use. All players should automatically have a JoyCo tent by default.
  • New Items: JoyCo Hardlight Tent (VKo), SteeleTech Hardlight Tent (Anno), KihaCorp Tent (Emmy), and Reaper Armaments Tent (Nerrasa).
  • New Image Pack Images – Kally’s bar appearance & Kally’s bar poster. Both have lines by Tsuda and colors by Tisinrei.
  • New decoration: Kally’s bar poster. It can be stolen from the bathroom after a tough aim check. (Decorations are items you can place in your ship, adding their text (and image in the image pack) to your in-ship display.
  • Various bug fixes.
  • New image pack link will be posted for Backers.

Public patch coming Thursday. The milk bar completion will probably land in the backer patch following it.

CoC2 0.2.36 Patch Notes:

  • Kinu now grows up into adulthood after freeing her and her mother from the Orb. There’s a lot of content to go along with it. (By TheObserver, coded by Leykoss)
  • You can now get an extra storage chest from Senja Evergreen after finishing her mother’s quest. Beware: there’s a high cost! (By me, coded by Leykoss)
  • After sex, you can now give Cait a smooch where the sun don’t shine. (By Skow, coded by Leykoss)
  • You can encounter a drunk Hashat out in the wilderness and join her for a drink and a thighjob. Must have met her 5+ times before. (ditto)

Hashat’s bust done by Nik!

Kiyoko Post-Freedom content should be on the docket for next patch. The floofening continues apace!

As always, you can back us at….
… Patreon!
… Sponsus!
… or SubscribeStar!

[Backers | TiTS] Thieving Yer Milks! YAR!

Gillenew just finished up a sprite commission for me.. and it’s perfect. Click the pic for animation!

0.8.055 Changelog:

  • Fantasize now actually increases your lust by what it reports. At least it better…
  • The Milk Thief has a new loss scene that can work for basically every possible body configuration under the sun. Includes milking breasts, helping your breasts lactate, milking penises, pumping vaginas, etc. It has tons of variations for almost everything under the sun and is rated 100% taur compliant by the UGC taur service and safety board. (Written by William)
  • Some functions for getting the least/most “pumped” vagina index value were broken when a player only had 1 vagina. This should be fixed.

P.S. Wsan has the VIP area of the milkbar ready to go. That’ll be my next big code project.

[Backers | TiTS] A Wild Milk Thief Appears!

This cow was the favorite of most of the dev team. Good work, Shou!

…but she doesn’t have the scene where she properly milks you coded yet. Sorry guys. That’ll come tomorrow or Saturday, depending on how badly life wants to dog-pile me. It’s bad enough I spent an hour and a half getting some quarterly tax information for Tennessee figured out today.

0.8.053 Changelog:

  • A new enemy is prowling the mean (unfinished) streets of Dhaal – the zaika milk thief! She’ll attempt to forcibly extract your milk (or other fluids) at nearly any cost! Sadly, her primary PC-milking scene has yet to be coded on account of its size, number of variations, and the fact that I’ve been working on this on and off for most of the day already. Hopefully I can slot that in (with a new combat ability or two) in the next patch!
  • Fantasize now reports how much damage you do to yourself.
  • The Codex’s sidebar is now more readable. Previously, unselected categories blended into the background quite badly.
  • New Busts: Drink Cows! They’re fucking adorable!
  • Mimbranes got some nerfs. Despite being in the “harder” area of Mhen’ga, they were classified as level 1. In spite of that, their lust damage ignored all forms of lust resistance in the game, and it was possible to have them chain-grapple you. That should be eliminated, and their damage should be properly reported as well now.
  • Female naleen got a tiny physique nerf.
  • Naleen grapples should be a little easier to escape (only a little).
  • Temptresses had a buff to vaginal capacity to match their anal capacity.

0.8.054 Changelog:

  • I actually added the Zaika to the encounter table for Dhaal’s “Gyre” region. Whoops!

TiTS, the New Year, and Where We’re Going

Pardon if this message is riddled with more than usual small smattering of typos, but I just came off the back of a pretty huge two-plus hour meeting with the TiTS staff. We covered a LOT. So much that I’m probably not going to be able to touch on it all here. It’s that big – pretty much two full monitors worth of notes big. As a result, we’ve identified a lot of places we want to make improvement in the game flow and feel – especially the early game. I won’t bore you with all the minute details, but as an example: we’re going to shift the game start to the Mhenga landing pad (post-tutorial) and improving the credit acquisition methodology once you’re there.

Other changes could be more significant, like potentially having a reusable tent you can grab for resting and leveling in the wild, or reworking how sexiness is stated out and applied so that wearing slutty undies and clothes makes you a lusty glass cannon while dressing in granny panties and trash armor makes your blood harder to boil, so to speak. Additionally, the way sexiness is assigned to undies and items will be reworked to be level independent. Aliss’s vast selection will be able to stand up to the latest from Myrellion, Zheng Shi, or Dhaal. These may sound like dramatic changes, but rest assured that we’re not gonna lump up a ton of disparate and far reaching things at once.

But while we are talking about tease –  it too will be getting touched and improved. The skill ratings for the various kinds of teases will be removed and tied into libido instead. Hate that? Do you play an asexual mistress of the tease? We’re looking at having the “Ice Cold” perk potentially invert how libido is applied for those who want to be the temptress who never gives it away.

And the biggest and perhaps smallest change at the same time: after a lot of back and forth, we’re going to remove the 33 lust threshold for sex scenes in TiTS. In CoC, it served a useful risk/reward role in pushing you into dicier combat situations that could corrupt you if you lost. In TiTS, the game is more about exploration and adventure, and it winds up getting in the way more than anything else, especially when you manage to crush a boss fight only to discover you can’t access their fun scenes because your character isn’t quite horny enough.

And because my brain was burned when posted this, a late-edited addendum: We also talked about the oncoming end of flash. Geddy has some plans to make us browser-play compliant that she’s going to get cranking on before we hit that end of life deadline. She even mentioned streaming a ton to do it. Fingers crossed!

[Backers | TiTS] Year of the Rodenian

Lookin’ fiiiiine!

0.8.052 Changelog:

  • The rat slut duo in Cherry’s Tap-Hall, Walnut & Chestnut, will now offer VIP Service. If you’ve befriended Rat’s Raiders, then you can get access to it faster plus a discount. Otherwise, you have to keep using them. (Written by William, coded by DrunkZombie.)
  • If you get both the helmet and spacesuit in Zheng Shi but for some reason toss one, you can buy a complete suit from Urbolg for 30,000 – only after finding looting both of the above. This was already in the game, but a bolded notice to this effect was added to the airlock to help lost players know how to proceed.
  • Kasmiran’s bust has been added after wayyyyy too long.
  • HumpHard Inc has been removed from the game and its constituent toys and content reassigned to TamaniCorp or JoyCo as appropriate. Its author is no longer in the community and despite multiple Codex entries, none of the authors had much interest in it. This should trim the Codex bloat a bit while also helping players more strongly connect with (and remember) the existing corps.
  • Vahn and Synphia can now sell you SteeleTech suits, if you’d rather not have best-pup on your ship for her vending capabilities.

(I know I talked about chunking in bits of my milk thief, but all these other things popped up first!)

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