First off, let me apologize for the state of this build. I was halfway through doing a Tease System rework when I left for PAX, and the milk bar VIP area is quite… content dense, to put it lightly. I have a lot more to do, some of which could slip into the next public patch.
Since I’ve been focusing on improving gameplay systems, I’ve piped less racy content into the game than I otherwise would, but don’t worry – it’s still coming!
0.8.064 Changelog:
- New Image Pack build available. Note: requires standalone flash player to play.
- Dhaal’s Milk Bar VIP lounge has been added, though it is still very incomplete with lots more options to come as I put Wsan’s words to text. They’re pretty good scenes!
- Sexiness is no longer a stat that weighs into an item’s stat budget. Instead, every piece of “armor” has 5 points to put into Resolve (bonus willpower and lust defense) or sexiness (bonus tease attack). Every piece of underwear has a 3 point budget. Needless to say, I had to edit every single wearable in the game and adjust itemization budgets as appropriate. Several sexy/evasion items actually got more non-sex combat stats as a result.
- Tease Skill ranks have been replaced. Your libido is now your tease skill rank! This gives libido a positive role to play in the game’s combat balance.
- The “Ice Cold” starter perk now causes your tease skill ranks to invert – 0 libido for 100% tease skill. Once your libido rises to 50 or above, the perk becomes “Warm Blooded” and does nothing until it is reduced back down.
- Sexiness now increases libido (and max libido by 1/2).
- Resolve now increases willpower (and max willpower by 1/2).
- Like and dislike scaling in tease attacks is now less extreme. The highest multipliers have been reduced from x2 to x1.5, the lowest from 0.5x to 0.6666(repeating)x.
- Vulnerability to tease damage from furry foes due to Furpies should now work. Previously, it was checked in the function for the player dealing tease damage, which no enemies used. It has been moved to the appropriate function.
- “lustCombatMiss” has been added rolling hit/miss chances on tease attacks. This can be used by enemies too.
- Starting libido has been raised to 5.
- Bianca’s Valentines Day event got some updates and fixes that should let it happen at any hour. The bugged out appearance on Mhen’ga has also been addressed.
- Numerous updates to the deep sea quest for balance, by DrunkZombie.
- New Image Pack scenes: Roxy Doggstyle by Masamaki, and the Slyveren Slavebreaker vaginal sex by MrPink and colored by Waru-Geli.
- New Busts: Cream Cows #1-3, Wall Cow (Adj & Shou variants), and Iyla.
What’s new since last month’s public patch?