Category: Trials in Tainted Space

[Public | TiTS] A Murry Christmas

Happy Christmas, Merry Hanuka, Festive New Years, etc!

TamaniCorp wishes you all a fruitful and virile holiday season!

The public patch comes a little early for the holidays! I wanted to do more content stuff, but getting caught up on the bug reports at a lot of time yesterday. Hopefully you all enjoy! And have an image pack as well!

0.8.044 Changelog:

  • New Busts: Arine and Taursuit.
  • You can now talk to Kiro about her ball size and request she hold herself to certain sizes.
  • You can now roleplay taking Kiro’s virginity the first time.
  • You can now kick Kiro off your crew or invite her back.
  • Kiro will now barge onto the Blade if you try to fly it. She will also refuse to leave the crew while the Blade is your current ship.
  • You can now gift Kiro a pair of your panties voluntarily.
  • You can no longer rename the “Blade” since you don’t actually own it.
  • Lots and lots of typo fixes. I went through the bug report forums myself.
  • Reaha’s appearance no longer says “a asshole” sometimes. Yay for correct indefinite articles!
  • Bribing Queen Taivra’s guards with gems no longer assumes the gemstones are native to myrellion. Sadly this doesn’t mean they’ll be bribe-able with Lucinite, just that they don’t say they can find it anywhere.
  • Giving Gene a bellyrub should satisfy him a bit more.
  • Small fixes for the “Puppyslutmas”. If you’ve met Syri but not yet bet her anything, you won’t mistakenly think you were betting with her at the event.
  • Kiro no longer tries to kill an already-dead scientist.
  • Foxfire can no longer set the “lipMod” stat to a negative value.
  • Gabilani panties should no longer have the wrong tooltip display.
  • The “Ditzy Strobe” status effect now correctly reduces intelligence. This error brought to you by a misspelled check for “Ditzi Strobe”.
  • FIxed the milodan temptress referencing the wrong creature during an attack.
  • Updated a Doctor Po attack to correctly handle airtight armor.
  • Doctor Po no longer recovers energy at full energy.
  • Fixed Paige’s clothed bust incorrectly displaying during some sex scenes.
  • Penis growth caused by having sex with Doctor Po has been adjusted for logic and to prevent long decimal strings when reporting the amount grown.
  • Ardia has been granted a proper femininity score.

[Backers] Kiro Follower 99% Done

This image is the reason why I need to write a threesome for these two!
By FriendlyAlienFriend.

Sundays are usually what I consider to be my day off, but since I’m losing tomorrow to holiday chicanery, I’ve been pounding out some effort most of the evening tonight. Once I write a threesome with Kiro and Mitzi, I’ll consider her base follower slate good to go.

…and options for removing her from crew and re-adding.

0.8.043 Changelog:

  • The Kiro/Kally interactions in Kally’s bar should now be possible with a recruited Kiro.
  • Kiro’s sex menu now includes a “Roleplay” option that allows you to re-experience the scenes you got for saving her.
  • If Kiro is lactating, she can now give a milky titfuck.
  • Ardia’s femininity score was updated to 90, which should prevent messages about you taking “his” virginity.

Kiro + Kally Post-Recruitment Content Ready

I had to jump through a lot of hoops, but I think the content SHOULD be all lined up for completing Kiro and Kally’s relationship and events AFTER recruiting. It took a lot of extra checks, small text tweaks, digging through a handful of different files, and ultimately building a whole new bar menu function, but it’s done.

Next patch coming after I finish writing a milky titfuck. (Might be a bit depending on how long it winds up going and how busy this weekend gets with holiday stuff.)

[Backers | TiTS] Smallpatchie

Christmas Penny by Liliruru.

0.8.042 Changelog:

  • A new dream was added for those with unbroken Kiro on their crew. It requires that Kiro and Kally threesomes have occurred and that Kiro has a horse-cock.
  • New scene for Maja by William: “HJ + Ride Her.”
  • New scene for riding Shekka’s optional futa dick, also by William.
  • Some small adjustments were made to eliminate some cringy lip descriptions like “permanently puckered puckers”.

Now to get some more substantive changes made. o7

Where’s Fenoxo?

Not dead. I’ve had some thing pulling me in other directions (and don’t know how long that’ll keep up), but a few things are coming out of it. The VN is rapidly sliding into place thanks to Moira’s artistic hand, Lighterfluid’s coding efforts, and some stuff behind the scenes with the code dragon and I.

I still wrote 2500 words of new dream content for Kiro post-quest and reviewed a bunch of the VN script again so I can bring myself up to speed for making sure we’ll be able to get it on the distribution channels we want to get it on.

I’m hesitant to promise anything about anything until things are shaken out, but I will share as much as I can as soon as I can.

-One stressy boi.

[Backers | TiTS] Suckin’ An’ Fuckin’

Many furries died to bring you this patch.

0.8.041 Changelog:

  • New scene: worshipping a milodan male’s dick (victory scene). (By William)
  • New NPC at Cherry’s Tap-Hall: Rodenian Male. This mousy male has options for using his dick or his heiny. (By William)
  • New Tainted NPC: Lumi the Gabilani, found on Tarkus in the rust plains area. (By Skom)

[Public | TiTS] Fixes and Busts

Sorry I didn’t post anything yesterday. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes and in flux that I’m not really comfortable talking about yet, but change seems to be in the wind. (Backer patch coming soon.)

0.8.040 Changelog:

  • New Busts: VR Demon, VR Queen, VR Goblin
  • Ardia lost the “Fill Balls” debug option that was lurking in her menu.
  • Stella should no longer alert you to getting pregnant when she hasn’t gotten pregnant.
  • The Sexdoll Miniboss’s gas grenade had an inverted stat check fixed. (High intelligence is no longer bad! Whoops, caught a bit of the ol’ bimbo brain, I guess!)
  • The “Dildo” option in the masturbation menu should no longer overwrite other entries. That was a stubborn bug with a simple cause that I should’ve caught the last time I tried to solve it!
  • A few other small bug and typo fixes. Thanks to everyone who pointed them out in the forums!


[Public | TiTS] A Leaf on the Wind

Kiro’s ship design by Deimacos.

Alright, this is the big boy proper public patch for the month. I got as much of Kiro’s stuff working properly as I could. There’s still other things to add for “standard” follower Kiro, like variations to the Kiro/Kally interactions for if you’ve already recruited Kiro, but those will come in next month’s backer patches. Also, doll-broken Kiro, for those who want to see the galaxy burn.

P.S. I guess I’m gonna make a small public patch tomorrow to catch a few bug fixes and add some busts I didn’t get to today. New content is gonna chase after it in a backer patch. The volunteer coders have at least one encounter almost ready to go, and if I can keep this level of productivity going, doll-broken Kiro is gonna come in hot.

Image Pack(To play the image pack, you will need a standalone flash player. Newgrounds has one, as does Adobe if you know where to look. To my knowledge Internet Explorer still plays flash files as well.

0.8.039 Changelog:

  • Crew Kiro’s “big ball” sex menu has been wired up.
  • Kiro’s threesome scenes should now be compatible with Crew Kiro. Accessed via her sex menu.
  • The Kiro x Paige threesome has a new intro if you do it for the first time with both on the crew. I may tweak this in the future to break off from the threesomes and allow for the two characters to say hi in a way that doesn’t require all three of you to be banging at once.
  • Kiro’s trust now stays locked at 100 after saving her from Doctor Po.
  • Getting Kiro’s help with Zheng Shi should have different text if she’s on your crew.
  • Crew Kiro got an appearance screen that should cover the full range of her current transformations.
  • Crew Kiro got a handful of new talk scenes about a variety of topics. Includes some variations based on how you handled Doctor Po and how transformed Kiro became.
  • Confessing love to Kiro when she’s already your GF should no longer seem so repetitious.
  • The “Meeting Kally Together” event with Kiro will not occur while she is on your crew. I’ll be adjusting that content to flow properly with a recruited Kiro later in the month.

What else is new from last month?

TiTS Public Patch Delay – 24 Hours

Hey guys, I have to apologize for the delay. (I’m sorry!) Despite chunking through some bugs and churning out 2600 words of dialogue scenes this afternoon, I forgot another commitment I had in the early evening that then ran long (gigity). Now I’m sitting back down to try and work through it for the next four hours or so, but any patch I release at the end of that would be very, very last minute.

I’d like to have some time tomorrow to do a bit more work on getting at least one threesome wired up and ready to go before I go back to backer work. Bear with me!

(Update: Streamed an hour or so, then had to shut down due to a sleepy sheepy in the house. Worked a bit more in quiet after that. Definitely cracked 4,000 words for the day. No gym in the morning tomorrow, so no excuses for losing 3 hours after I wake up. We can do this!)

[Public | TiTS] Testing Kiro’s Waters

Hey guys! After six hours of streaming and then a few more hours solo behind the scenes, I’m to the point where I’m just gonna give up for the day and go play some Halo Reach (finally!).

What that means for you, is that I’m putting out an early public patch for you guys to play with the first parts of Kiro’s crew expansion. I don’t want to think about how much time I spent weaving through Kiro’s stuff to try and get all this working. I’m sorry if this is still pretty barebones – tomorrow I’m going to get her appearance screen wired up and churn out some new conversation topics to discuss with her.

0.8.038 Changelog:

  • Post Kiroquest, you can now meet Kiro on her vessel almost anywhere you can park, culminating in some new scenes and another opportunity to become her {boy/girl}friend.
  • Crew Kiro can now be approached for most of her normal sex scenes. You can also go to the GalLink fuckmeet on command, assuming you’ve done that event with her already.
  • You can now properly get the Dong Designer upgrade from Zheng Shi – assuming you can do a hacking puzzle.
  • Kiona now sells a Savicite Dildo with its own unique usage scenes by Athena.

And the image at right (by twinkle-sez) will be available in the image pack build I’ll be chunking out tomorrow.

Full Goal List Tomorrow:

  • Write & Code 4-6 talk scenes for crew Kiro.
  • Write & Code an appearance screen for crew Kiro and her various boob sizes.
  • Write & Code options for adding her on crew or kicking her off.
  • Get some of her threesome options up and working.
  • Try to code some of William’s backlogged scenes.
  • Make a “New Since Last Public Patch” log.

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