Category: Trials in Tainted Space

Fen Updates

Hey guys. I made the dumb decision to have dildos that you can use to unlock doors if you don’t have the requisite equipment… but that meant writing a scene for using a dildo on yourself. Since almost nobody in the community writes masturbation anymore (or toys), aside from Savin, it fell squarely on my shoulders, and I don’t take half measures.

That’s why despite intending to limit the scene to 5 paragraphs (with 1-2 bonus options), I wound up with 10 pages (5000 words). It was slow writing compounded by a few emotionally erratic days, but the result is a scene that SHOULD support dildos of any shape, size, or color – and also support dildos that can cum.

Here’s a small sample of things that have their custom paragraphs:

  • Gryvain vagina
  • Suula vagina
  • Multiple clits
  • Cock-sized clits
  • High/med/low libido
  • Size vs capacity
  • Heat
  • Heat + Dildo that cums (a few paragraphs for this…)
  • Rut
  • Knots and squirting and almost all possible combinations of those things.

Now if only we could get someone to write a scene for Savicite Dildos so Kiona can sell the one she was supposed to.

Much love,

[Backers | TiTS] Room For Lovin’

Have this TamaniCorp uniform design by Jojocite as recompense for me forgetting to put in Adj’s demon bust.

0.8.024 Changelog:

  • New victory scene for the sexdoll guards in Kiro’s rescue quest penned by William – 69!
  • Almost all of the rooms in Kiro’s quest have been populated with descriptions, and the Orgasmender and Buttsluttinator should now properly appear in rooms. They have not been removed from their old locations yet but will be eventually. I’ll make sure there’s some repeatable way to access that content before I do, though.
  • Some of the special door locking mechanics for Kiro’s quest have been put in. The red door can be opened by knotted dicks, dog dicks, or red dicks. The pink door requires a vagina. Methods that don’t require certain attributes will be available.
  • Trying to unlock the door with the wrong dick at 100 taint has a small bit of smuttery for it.
  • Ilaria’s pregnancy options have been improved, and a generic ausar pregnancy has been added to the game courtesy of DrunkZombie!

Kiro Update

Adjatha has done a lovely job rendering the demonic futa sexdoll variant.

I’ll have most of the room descriptions wrapped up within the hour. Unfortunately, scope creep is a cruel mistress. I’m looking at putting in a few posters you can steal and take back to your own ship in a sort of Subnautica-esque situation. I’m also going to let players find Kiro’s dress (and maybe have the uncorrupted crew version of her offer to buy you one).

New TiTS patch tomorrow, life permitting. Expect the room descriptions filled in with a few smutty odds and ends and maybe a new sex scene for the generic sexdoll enemy. I don’t think Wsan’s mini VR adventure/trap will code fast enough to be ready by then, unfortunately.

P.S. Also at least one other thing coded by DrunkZombie!

[Backers | TiTS] Here Comes the Progress~

Classy lureling approves of this high quality patch!

Hey guys! New week, new patch! Expect me to airdrop in a good chunk (if not all) of the room descriptions before the end of the week, along with some new smut (included a new soon-to-be-coded scene for the generic sexdolls).

0.8.022 Changelog:

  • The basic floor map for the “dungeon” portion of recruiting Kiro has been put into the game, sans descriptions and locked doors.
  • The “doll” cheat code now transports you to the KiroQuest “dungeon.”
  • The generic sexdolls populate the halls of the KiroQuest “dungeon.”
  • The KiroQuest “dungeon” has had a miniboss placed inside it, written by our in-house Wsan and coded by yours truly. Let me know how the balance on her is!

0.8.023 Changelog:

  • Vulriks has been added to Zheng Shi, if you have items to sell… (Written Fr0sty, coded by Lighterfluid.)
  • Yes this had to be another version number because I pushed the last build before realizing I had another branch to merge in…

[Public | TiTS] Images out the Wazoo

Delicious thigh sex for Bianca drawn by Octomush

Hey guys, I spent the afternoon putting together a whole mess of new busts and images for the image pack, which has also been updated if you’d like to play with it. I only saw one bug report for the new version show up on the forums, so I cleared that and sent this patch to the compile farm for you all to enjoy!

Coming soon: more backer stuff.

0.8.021 Changelog:

  • New image pack images: vaginally riding jumpers (with variants for each jumper), fanfir wall slut, gabilani wall slut, raskvel wall sluts, leithan wall slut, tura wall sluttery, and lots of Bianca stuff: Bianca Bent Over, Bianca Cunnilingus, Bianca Thigh Sex, and Bianca Working.
  • New busts: Bianca clothed & naked (by No Limit), wall slut busts, Synphia, Zheng Shi spacewalk boss robot, nude raskvel dockmaster bust variant, Perdita, and the Gabilani piloting the LGBT (though nothing yet for the walker).
  • Fixed some typos in Big T and an error in Eitan where it would talk about your prostate getting pounded as a lady.

[Public | TiTS] Thicc With Milodan

Adorable fentaur by ToonNik over on public discord!

Today has been a struggle, but I got through most of my goals during some afternoon streams, and I’m prepared to give you guys a little something to enjoy! I want to apologize to all my backers for not getting more backer patches out this month, so I’ll be trying to make it up to you guys by ramping out some rapid-fire patches.

0.8.020 Changelog:

  • Eitan has been added to the game. Written by TheLetterB and coded by Lighterfluid, the burly Milodan War Alpha can be reformed and eventually recruited, assuming you had the milodan imprisoned after the invasion (without going full-harsh). This boi is THICC with content AND muscle.
  • A new WIP enemy encounter can be tested by typing in “doll”. Includes four new victory scenes by a variety of authors (including some fun ear stuff by yours truly). The loss bad end is not currently enabled, since it is supposed to be a modified version of the bad end from another encounter that isn’t coded yet.
  • Fixes for Bianca, Breeders Bliss interactions for herms, and improved NPC pregnancies for a variety of generic NPC mobs, courtesy of DrunkZombie.

Another patch with some new busts, image pack images, and whatever fixes we find for Eitan will come soon for public-facing folks, then we can dig into coding the two fully written combat encounters in the backlog, the VR microadventure, slooty door locks, etc.

…and after all that, I need to write the actual texts for prying Kiro out of Illustria’s Po roving, delicate hands. I hope to slot those in piecemeal as they’re finished. Hooo lawdie, she comin’!

Where’s TiTS?

Hey guys, check out today’s CoC2 patch one post down. I also wanted to take a minute to talk since I haven’t updated the blog in a hot minute. There’s a lot of stuff lining up to come down the pipe for Kiro’s recruitment quest, and I’ve finally gotten to the point where I can start laying pieces into code. I’ll have a patch tomorrow with a cheat code to test one of the encounters if all goes well.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s still lots more to write – but I appear to have gotten over my writer’s block hump to where I can reliably churn out words again. Yay!

Expect one or two public patches likely followed by rapid-fire backer stuff as I chew through the ~150 pages of stuff that’s been backlogged thus far. Then smaller breaks that drip feed Kiro’s actual recruited content. (And there’s more stuff backed up in the codepipe too. Patience!)

Fenoxian Update

Hey guys, just wanted to touch base. I’m still working on the boss fight for Kiro’s recruitment quest. I won’t spoiler her here (I’ve done in plenty in the Tainted Space discord channel already). Her bad end is ready, and I just finished the fourth victory scene for defeating her. Still remaining are her actual combat routines, and then I get to dive into the actual texts for rescuing Kiro from her clutches.

I’d also like to add some kind of erotic puzzle segment at some point. I’ll let you know if I can figure one out. (Beyond the lovely one Wsan already compiled.)

Lighterfluid’s been working on coding B’s Eitan, the War Alpha from the invasion of Korg’ii Hold. I’ll probably have to add a cheat code for insta-recruiting him down the road since he’s ~120 pages of content to gate behind one victory path from one side quest deep in the bowels of a frozen hellhole.

I want to start chunking things into code next week, which means you all can hopefully expect an opportunity to test some WIP builds.




[Backers | TiTS] Making Love to Penny and Deerium Light

UPDATE: At the time of this posting, the build hasn’t deployed yet. There might be a kink in the backend that will have to wait until Gedan gets a chance to get to it. Sorry for the false alarm/hope.
UPDATE2: It’s live!

I haven’t had much to share because a lot of my time as of late has drifted into working on getting B’s Eitan approved for coding, since Lighterfluid wanted to code him. It was a 119 page project that necessitated a lot of back and forth… followed by me going back and reworking the War Alpha to better match what B made him into. The cybernetic, damagetype-shifting claws are out. He got a foot taller. And his dick is black now, since every artist drew it that way despite it being described as bright blue.

Anyway, while I was doing that, Lighterfluid coded a few submissions from the greenlit pile, and there’s been a few major bug fixes from Jacques00 I wanted to make sure got out into the wild sooner rather than later, so here we are.

After this post, I’m going back into the Kiro mines.

0.8.019 Changelog:

  • The “War Alpha” no longer has a cybernetic claw attacks that shift type between poison and lust over the course of the fight. Plain ol’ kinetic claws once more. His description was also changed from having an “athletic” frame to having hella muscles, dawg.
  • A new parser got added for writers – [pc.covers]. It functions like [pc.gear] except it only lists items covering up a “hot spot” – crotch, ass, or chest. Should help prevent people from undressing you out of your slave chains or w/e in newer scenes, assuming authors can be bothered. (What does the magic 8-ball say? “Outlook grim.”)
  • Deerium Light is now in the game, sold by Jade and certain vending machines.
  • Crew (Futa) Penny has a new “Making Love” scene by B. It should proc when you ask her for sex.

[Public | TiTS] Have a Thing!

Futa Penny Panties CG courtesy of DCL. The version without a depth of field effect will be in the image pack (and on the backers post.)

0.8.018 Changelog:

  • The Treated Male Zil, by Altair, is now able to found on Mhen’ga, coded by Lighterfluid.
  • A snakeboy can now be met on Extrameet for cloaca fun, penned by Gardeford.
  • Fixes courtesy of Jacques00 and Whimsalot.
  • New Penny image for the image pack. (Available here)
  • Syri’s panty picture should now display with using her panties in the image pack version (Penny’s new pic too).

I’m going to burrow back into Kiro’s recruitment quest now. Wish me luck!

What Else Is New?

  • New hostile ship fight: Star Viper Pilot!
  • Bianca was added to the game!
  • Perdita the smut-writing ausar was added to the game!
  • The SecOps in Zheng Shi got an expansion with new bad ends and and a new scene!
  • New Item: Soak!
  • Mitzi got new options for being given some Soak…
  • New Bust: Mitzi Valentines day edition, Star Viper Pilot,
  • It is now possible to buy items in multiples.
  • Some cheat codes were changed to use less inflammatory language.

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