Category: Trials in Tainted Space

[Backers | TiTS] Apology Patch

Sorry guys, but I’ve done literally nothing across the past few days (aside from drop my car off in the shop… FML). Still not well. I’m not going to get into the details because I’ll get the same volley of health suggestions I always do whenever I get sick.

I’m just glad this doesn’t happen as often as it used to.

0.8.009 Changelog:

  • Nykke (by B) is back in the game with a new coat of paint. (Coded by DrunkenZombie.)
  • That’s it.



Hey guys, no patch today. I just wanted to tease you a little bit – we’ve got Soak on the way! What’s Soak? It’s another transformative drug in the vein of Throbb, but for women. Skom’s been writing it for me, and I did a quick review of the WIP today. It’s phenomenal. There’s a few changes and adjustments I requested, but what’s there already is more than perfect for aficionados of sopping-wet cunts.

Nykke’s rework is also coming. DrunkZombie did a lot of work coding up this new version of the much-beloved scale-slut, and she’ll be included in the next patch.

Meanwhile, I have to redo all the rooms descriptions that make mention of the Sidewinder for its absence. …and then write a scene for Mitzi getting her soak.

I’ll keep you posted!

[Backers | TiTS] Olympia and the Saucy Sidewinder

(Pssst, don’t forget that CoC2 just got a public release!)

Olympia looks good sporting the SteeleTech colors.

Alright guys, this is one I’ve been getting asked about for fucking ages… and what’s worse is that the writing was done months ago, just waiting on there to be actual code for ships. Now, before I get into this, a word of warning: This patch is not 100% complete in regards to stealing the sidewinder. I still need to update all the room descriptions for its departure, and undoubtedly other changes and tweaks are going to be made as well. Be aware that saves made in this patch may not reflect future changes to the Sidewinder’s stats if anything needs adjusted.

(Not bad for a guy with an ear infection…)

0.8.008 Changelog:

  • You can steal the Sidewinder! It goes fast… really fast. More than twice as fast as any other ship in the game. It also comes with a very defensive sex-bot that will need to be dealt with.
  • Speaking of that sex-bot – she can be a full fledged crew-member… as long as you stay onboard the Sidewinder. If you swap it out for any other ship, she’ll ditch you to stay with the Sidewinder. Probably don’t sell it.
  • Amber got some new scenes to personally “Drain Her,” written by Wsan and coded by Legojohn. Great stuff, guys!
  • A new option for having log notices appear in-line with current scene text is now available. Please note: In some rare instances this may cause log notices not to display.
  • Carl’s shop found its tooltips.
  • Some bug fixes, like usual!

[Backer | TiTS] Teensy(not quite)patch

I wanted to have that Amber stuff I was talking up live as well, but that might be another day or two. Sorry this week has been slower on content than usual, but I’m not going to rattle off the myriad excuses and reasons why. Fortunately the community coders have not been idle!

Personally, I’m just gonna give you snake-girl ball-sucking.

0.8.007 Changelog:

  • Synphia can now suck your balls… and use her psionic powers to make them bigger.
  • Yoma got a chunky new expansion! Written by GothPastel and coded by Whimsalot.
  • A new transformation item has been added to Ceria’s inventory: Areolove! This transformation lets you adjust your nipple shape. Written & Coded by Somebody Else.
  • Fixed a bug in the ship swapping menu.
  • Suula breast size options should display properly.
  • Lots of other fixes courtesy of Jacques00!

What’s Coming

It’s late, and I’m pretty tired tonight, so brevity will have to suffice. Synphia’s ball augmentation is written and coded, and a volunteer coder is cooking up some of Wsan’s new Amber scenes. This leaves me finished with my new favorite snake-girl and looking towards the future. I’d rather not 100% commit myself to anything, but pretty much every potential project is a bigger one. Things like stealing the Sidewinder or actually setting to work on Kiro’s recruitment adventure.


[Backers | TiTS] Lore Patch!

A slavebreaker relaxing in some quarters somewhere, by Dsolte and commissioned by Tsuru.

We’re starting out with a small patch containing all the things I wrote this afternoon, then after I get back from the gym, I’ll hopefully push out an update with another starting race Savin has been begging for for a while. <3

CoC2 also got a new patch yesterday.

0.8.005 Changelog:

  • Synphia got an appearance screen.
  • Synphia has five new talk topics to flesh out her lore and even a bit of SteeleTech’s.
  • Various bug fixes.

0.8.006 Changelog:

  • Half-Suulas have been added to the game as a starter race. Note that half-suulas do not have wings and take after their human sire in the genitalia department (aside from coloration).

[Backers | TiTS] Kiona + Synphia + Public Bug Fixes

Bizzy is so modest…

Alright, we’ve got a double header coming at you guys tonight: a patch to clean up some bugs in the public patch (because you guys are worth the extra effort) and some new content for our backers (because you guys support us and deserve support back).

[Public] Patch 0.8.003 Changelog:

  • Missing busts should be active again.
  • Some tweaks to the vaginaNoun parser to put it in line with the cockNoun parser. (vaginaNounSimple / vaginaNounComplex both exist now, writers.)
  • PC ships should now spawn with full armor. Previously, they were not spawning with bonus armor awarded by PC stats… which could lead to thinks like your ship being damaged at creation (or purchase).
  • Various other bugfixes courtesy of Jacques00 and myself.

[Backer] Patch 0.8.004 Changelog:

  • New NPC in Korg’ii Hold: Kiona the Jeweler. Written by Lkynmbr24 and coded by DrunkZombie. This adds a bunch of new piercings and adds some as drops to some Uveto NPCs. This should also content for the Battle for Korg’ii Hold and after, as well as a quest to collect a new Uvetan mineral.
    • Note: I haven’t personally tested Kiona’s content, so please peruse her content with a keen eye for bugs and a finger on the bug report forum in case anything is amiss.
  • Synphia’s “Deep Sucks” option should now be enabled, with two orgasm options (but not if you take the venom). There’s a lot going on with Synphia, so let me know if any text seems out of place or wonky in the new content.
  • New Busts: Bizzy the kaithrit camwhore and the Corona Lord “Pyrotech” as I’ve called her in the code.
  • The Lapinara encounter on Tarkus has been disabled, their codex updated, and most mentions of them by NPCs in and around Tarkus eliminated. Why? The team felt Lapinara were one of the weakest encounters on the planet and didn’t exactly mesh well with the rest. Additionally, their scenes tended toward brevity quite a bit more than is expected in the game nowadays. This change will enable us to use them in the wider context of the universe in the future and hopefully do more with them.
    • Fear not! If you liked them as they were, the cheat ‘laplove’ will toggle all their old content back on, even Colenso’s prophylactic.

P.S. It’s 3:30am here. I’m going to sleep.

[Public | TiTS] Part Two: Now With Another Beej

Slyveren primed for fucking by MrPink. Yum!

Did you think I forgot about my promise? I didn’t, but first, let me mention another game I promised I’d give a shout: Cloud 10. I played around with the demo the other day myself, and it shows a lot of promise. It leans into a similar sort of form as CoC, but the way they’ve wrapped its random “explore -> get encounter” loop for sci-fi is quite well done. Nonesuch, a writer who has chipped in exceptional work since the mid-days of CoC, is the lead writer, and it shows. It’s also got some scenes from a small selection of other TiTS-approved writers that I’m not going to try to list right now but that I wish were still writing for TiTS. If it’s to your liking, consider giving their Patreon a few bucks.

Whew. The text game space is getting more crowded! It may be bad for my wallet, but it’s good for my boner. That’s a trade I’ll take most days… as long as bills aren’t due. (And hopefully Nonesuch’s own Patreon-fans can keep convincing him to do TiTS commissions here and there. The man writes tentacles like nobody’s business – except the tentaboners’!)

Now, without further ado, the 0.8.002 Changelog:

  • Synphia can now give “service” to characters with phalli. She has lots of reactivity to: different features, using her repeatedly, and to different levels of output. She also has options for using her venom or not with lots of variations scattered throughout the scene. I wasn’t able to finish her second blowjob “path” for this patch (or the optional ball-teasing). That’ll have to come for backer builds, I’m afraid.
  • KNOWN ISSUE: It appears many of the new busts authored by Adjatha were inexplicably disabled during a merge between branches on git. This will be fixed in the future. The busts are alive and well, and I promise they’ll be back next time.
  • The Image Pack got updated! If you like playing with the ability to peek at higher resolution busts and having chunks of art embedded in some of the scenes, today’s a good day for you!


[PUBLIC | TiTS] Somehow Late on Top of Being Late

Tura CG by MrPink.

By the time I got done with my morning errands I had a plumber and an air conditioning guy coming by the house. Needless to say, I am late, and here we are, and this is part one of the public patch. Sorry for the delay!

More will be coming…

0.8.001 Changelog:

  • We’ve bumped up to 0.8.001 so that Savin will stop asking me when we are going to bump to 0.8.0*. Also, ship battles, customization, and storage are a thing, so it’s fitting.
  • A new scene for getting a blowjob from Nessa has been added to the game. (Written by William, coded by Lighterflud)
  • The hyena transformation item, Cackler, should be available at select vending machines and in Jade’s inventory. (Written by Freed)
  • Various and sundry bug fixes.

What’s New This Month?

  • New Mechanics: It is now possible to purchase ships from a variety of NPCs in the game and customize them with specific upgrades. You can also own multiple ships and keep some of them in storage in Tavros Station. If you’re struggling to find space for your entire crew, the ‘clowncar’ cheat is now available as well.
  • New NPCs: Synphia the Slyveren Mechanic on Uveto, the Dockmaster on Tarkus, Fadil in Anon’s Bar on Tarkus, and Bizzy the kaithrit camwhore.
  • New Scenes: Blowing futa Shekka, Shekka’s extrameet profile, and Kaede’s extrameet profile.
  • New Expansions: Fixing Dr. Badger’s silicone lab, repairing the Doll Maker, pregnancy with Mirrin, attending a wedding with Tessa, and bondage with Xotchi on Uveto,
  • New Busts: Breedwell Matron, “The Servant”, Lurelings & Marions, Una, Zheng Shi’s Mining Robots, the Forgehound, Vark, Ushamee in Canadia, the Tarkus Dockmaster, and the War Alpha from the battle for Korg’ii Hold.

This doesn’t seem like the longest list, but that’s only because I clumped everything together under different headings. A whole lot of fan submitted projects made it into the game this month, and on top of that we’ve had the pleasure of building out the whole new ship sub-system. It may be one bullet point, but if you check the changelogs for the past month, you’ll see a lot of work went into it.

I hope you all enjoy and that next month can be ever better!

Public TiTS Patch: Soon

Hey guys, I wanted to finish this massive blowjob scene I’ve been writing today and get a new public patch out for you all. That didn’t happen for a number of reasons that boil down to dealing with some moderation and drama on the discord server that may lead to me consolidating some channels down and implementing stricter rules and moderation in the future. I’m not 100% sure, but I know better than to try to set policy while I’m in conflict-mode.

Despite that, I got payroll done, handled some state paperwork that needed doing because of where one of our team lives, did a few hours of manual labor, wrote 2500 words of snake blowjobbing with 7 cumshot variants, and took a nice 40 minute walk at sunset.

I’d like to have the patch out tomorrow, but I will be awoken ~3ish hours earlier than normal, and writing on low sleep tends to be slower and of lower quality. I’ll keep you posted.

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