Category: Trials in Tainted Space

[Backers | TiTS] Sluts for the Slut Wall!

On the back of this afternoon’s 3.5 hour stream and a bit of post-gym polish, I can proudly present a very early access version of the recreation deck’s first attraction: the Wall Sluts.

0.7.266 Changelog:

  • Cherry’s Tap-House is now available on the Recreation Deck. Presently Cherry’s options are limited, but she has three girls in the wall you can make use of for the time being. Hopefully in the future we’ll have options to put yourself in there, and maybe even some other genders.
  • Kimber’s busts shouldn’t be backward anymore.
  • A fix for a “null” in the appearance screen (hopefulyl).
  • Numerous fixes and tweaks for various subsystems courtesy of Jacques00.

I spent at least 90 minutes today dealing with organizing different things with different people, and tonight I’ll be doing a spot of reviewing for another Korgonne that’s been backlogged since we started the hold. Tomorrow I want to do a spot of writing and a whole lot of reviewing, but we’ll see how things shake out.


[Public | TiTS] Korging It Up

I’m pretty sure this bust variant isn’t used in game, so enjoy it~ (Drawn by Adjatha)

Another month and another new content patch! We at least got a pretty decent event to round this one out – the Siegwulf dominance upgrade, but I must once again express my disappointment that I didn’t provide more for you guys. At least my stream went swimmingly for about 9 hours before I finally petered out and pushed this patch. Most of that time was eaten up by coming up with things to populate the recreational deck’s pathway descriptions with or adjusting flags for various body parts to support ear upgrades.

I intend to run another stream for 3-4 hours tomorrow around the same time and hopefully get a few scenes for backers to sample in the evening. I let you guys down a bit, and this month we’re gonna go hard to try and compensate.

0.7.265 Changelog:

  • Image Pack Available. Yes it is still currently only a raw .swf.
  • You can now take your Siegwulf to Dr. Badger for an upgrade. It’ll make her a lot dommier. Big thanks to Wsan for writing and Lighterflud for coding her!
  • New Busts: War Alpha (clothed), Kimber, Zea, Fisianna, Korg Chieftain (included silly mode variant), and Milodan Infiltrator. Good work, Shou & Adjatha!
  • The recreation deck’s main navigational thoroughfares have been fully described. It took me way too long to churn through those 20-odd rooms, so be sure and let me know if there’s any lingering typos hanging out in there.
  • All the ear transformations in the game should now clear flags and set appropriate ones. This took longer than I’d like to admit.
  • Horse tails now have the new “floppy” attribute (same as floppy bunny ears), to indicate its lack of coordination relative to more solid tails.
  • Jacques00 has cleaned up a lot of code related to pumped attributes.
  • Laquine ear effect probabilities have been adjusted.
  • Some fixes to the Ten Ton Gym girls have been added, courtesy of TheRealDrunkZombie.

New This Month:

  • More gloryhole interactions in the bathroom of Kally’s bar.
  • Big additions to the Laquine Ears item, overhauling how floppy ears are assigned as well.
  • A valentines event was added on Valentines day.
  • Some new images for the image pack.
  • New Scenes: Mitzi public fun (by Doots), Mitzi tentacle fun (by Nonesuch), thank you tit-fuck with Nenne and Tuuva (by B).

Remember that if you want to become a backer, our Patreon’s in easy reaching distance.


-That dumb minotaur

[Story | TiTS] The Temptress’ Home

Fenoxo’s Note: The public patch will release Monday evening (or early Tuesday AM). I will be attempting to stream around 2pm central until I release a patch, hopefully for a minimum of 8 hours. I know I’ve been slow this month. I’m not going to make excuses for it – just try to do better next time.

By: William
Tags: Femdom, F/F, Cunnilingus, Aphrodisiac, Dom/Sub, Furry, Ausar, Milodan
Art: Adjatha

[Backers | TiTS] This Patch Blows

Adj made a fun edit during one of his streams…

No really – it has gloryhole stuff.

0.7.264 Changelog:

  • Four new scenes have been added to Canadia Station’s gloryholes, written by SomeKindofWizard.
  • A mess of new transformation options has been added to the Laquine Ears item thanks to William.
    • Lop ears were reworked to be a 50% chance when gaining the bunny ear type. This required updating ears to allow for saved flags to be attached to them, which may cause issues if you frequently bounce between versions.
    • “Musky Pheromones” perk can now be gained, assuming you have a pretty big dick.
    • Pussy plumpening & bonus capacity boons (until you hit 800 capacity) can also happen.
    • If you have a dick and no balls, you can now grow balls.
    • You can now get quad balls.
    • Want bunny legs? You got ’em!
  • The beginnings of the Recreation Deck are getting laid out. Be aware that things are very… bare.

I’ve also reviewed some seriously large submissions and some seriously not large submissions. Sorry I haven’t had more to say up here!

[Backers | TiTS] Venereal Day

0.7.263 Changelog:

  • I added a small scene for Valentines day to the game. It’s a last minute thing that comes with a fun little buff/debuff for doing it. Enjoy!
  • Bugs were fixed.

Yep, that’s really it! I’m tired now, so enjoy the holiday!

[Backers | TiTS] A Plethora of Pint-Sized Pleasure

SheepPun is going ham on drawing all the korgs! Great work!

Today I grabbed hold of some scenes I’ve either commissioned or been aware of that were waiting on coding and actually got to tackling them!

0.7.262 Changelog:

  • Added images to the Kiro/Kally team milking and War-Alpha low lust loss for the image pack.
  • Added new Mitzi scene: Public Fun, by Doots. This one requires you to be a slutty bimbo and leads you and Mitzi to go slut it up at the local bar.
  • Added new Mitzi scene: Mitzi Tentacle Fun, by Nonesuch. This one is a pretty solid chunk of content explicitly for those packing tentacle wings. Includes options for taking on Mitzi, Celise, Reaha, and Sera at the same time (though you need to work your way up one at a time). This one isn’t very well tested, so be sure to point out any issues that crop up in the bug report forum!
  • If you saved Nenne and Tuuva during the battle for Korg’ii Hold, visiting Nenne should result in an event where they thank you for saving them. (Repeatable too!) Thanks for writing it, B!
  • The war alpha’s claws should properly deal lust damage now during the lust phase.
  • A few minor tweaks to Kally and Kiro’s content have been made to clarify that they are step-sisters.

I intend to nose more into the backlog in the days to come, perhaps with a break to do a little original writing of my own. I’ll keep you posted!


[Public | More TiTS]

Hey, this one includes some things I meant to have for you guys in the last patch but ran out of time for.

0.7.261 Changelog:

  • Slab Bulkhead’s Kimber has been added to the game by lighterfluid. She’s a New Texan cow-girl who also happens to be a chemist – definitely rolled well on the Treatment to come out of it still lookin’ for science! The best place to bump into her is probably on Tavros station’s bar, or any bar not on Mhen’ga.
  • SheepPun‘s art has been added to the game for a variety of characters. An example can be found to the right.

Back to working on backer-exclusive stuff!

[Public | TiTS] Many Korgs. Such Saves. Wow.

MrPink’s rendition of a korgonne dealing with the effects of milodan aphrodisiacs, colored by Adjatha.

Before I get into the patch, I wanted to apologize for the late release on this. I’ve been running myself a bit ragged and fell asleep this afternoon when I should’ve been working on doing some coding. There were a few other things I wanted to touch with this one but ran out of time – you guys needed something released, and I need to sleep.

0.7.260 Changelog:

  • William’s Dosed Korgonne Male has a few new sexual options added in.

What’s New For This Public Patch?

  • New large adventure: The Battle for Korgii Hold. Defend the Korgonne who live there against a group of up-gunned, Milodan invaders. Includes four new enemy fights, numerous new items, and a new twist on an old play space. (Note that the full epilogue content is not yet done.) Steps to begin it:
    • 60% translation progress (Viewable in the korgonne codex entry).
    • Be level 9+.
    • Ula cannot have a visibly pregnant belly.
  • New Busts: Betsy and Victoria (dressed), Jumper Orgy participants, Krissy the Christmas Reindeer-girl (with Gushed and Throbbed variants), Lola (clothed), Milodan Temptresses, Milodan War Lion, Rodenian Mechanic, Roz’s armor, Simone (fully nude), and Zil Champions.
  • New Game Variant: Image Pack – this is a version of the game that includes inline art for some scenes and the ability to expand the in-game character busts for a better view. Note that this is currently only provided in raw .swf and not as a mobile version or with an exe wrapper.
  • More DoTs should actually display their damage.
  • New Item: A Saurmorian transformation item.
  • Expansions: large Ten Ton Gym cow-girl expansion, Frosty’s belated Christmas expansion, new scene for bathing with Verusha on Myrellion, new scene for Lane & PC’s with small endowments, new Anno dream, more Ramis (with panty collect),
  • A new NPC has been added to Tarkus with an item that can transform you into a new, atypical race. Written by Gothpastel and coded by Lighterfluid.
  • Rat’s Raider should actually stay away for a while if you pay them off.
  • Probably some other things I’ve missed or forgotten. It’s late.

[Backers | TiTS] Smol Patch

The public patch will come somewhere around 20+ hours from the time of this posting, on the cusp of Wednesday’s end.

0.7.259 Changelog:

  • Added the first part of Will’s male version of the drugged korgonne encounter. Right now there’s basically one scene that forks off into three options, depending on if he’s eating chicken or fish. Don’t worry, he has some more scenes in the pipe. These were just very slow coding.
  • Some typos got fixed.

[Backers | TiTS] Warrrrrgiiii (CoC2 Updated Too – 1 Post Down!)

The public patch will release on Wednesday. Also, I have been asked a number of times about how those who got lifetime backership BEFORE Patreon was a thing could get access to the image pack. Gedan is confident she can cobble something together, but I want her to get ships into a workable state so that we can start testing the gameplay loop for it and make sure it’s interesting (and get it in the game).

SpacePup did this lovely fanart of Lyralla!

0.7.258 Changelog:

  • The War for Korg’ii Hold test has been disabled. Instead, the event will now start as normal. To begin it, you must enter the hold with the following conditions met:
    • 60% translation progress (Viewable in the korgonne codex entry).
    • Be level 9+.
    • Ula cannot have a visibly pregnant belly.
  • New Bust: Milodan Temptress (non-nude).
  • New Encounter: Milodan War-Alpha, the final boss of the dungeon.
  • New Image Pack art: Dosed Korgonne Female (by MrPink).
  • Awards for completing the event have been added, including a large amount of XP, a large amount of credits, and three new “very rare” classed level 9 items. In order to get them all, you must defeat a large amount of milodans before finishing off the event. Every korgonne you free contributes a fair amount as well. Note that if you can avoid having to flee, an additional reward may become available in a later patch.
  • Saves that were corrupted by a save issue from earlier in the month should be loadable once more.
  • It is recommended that if you like the War for Korg’ii Hold content that you keep a copy of your save from before the event. A few smaller content pieces will be coming in the patch(es) to come.
  • Various fixes and tweaks.

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