Category: Trials in Tainted Space

[Public | TiTS] Many Korgs. Such Saves. Wow.

MrPink’s rendition of a korgonne dealing with the effects of milodan aphrodisiacs, colored by Adjatha.

Before I get into the patch, I wanted to apologize for the late release on this. I’ve been running myself a bit ragged and fell asleep this afternoon when I should’ve been working on doing some coding. There were a few other things I wanted to touch with this one but ran out of time – you guys needed something released, and I need to sleep.

0.7.260 Changelog:

  • William’s Dosed Korgonne Male has a few new sexual options added in.

What’s New For This Public Patch?

  • New large adventure: The Battle for Korgii Hold. Defend the Korgonne who live there against a group of up-gunned, Milodan invaders. Includes four new enemy fights, numerous new items, and a new twist on an old play space. (Note that the full epilogue content is not yet done.) Steps to begin it:
    • 60% translation progress (Viewable in the korgonne codex entry).
    • Be level 9+.
    • Ula cannot have a visibly pregnant belly.
  • New Busts: Betsy and Victoria (dressed), Jumper Orgy participants, Krissy the Christmas Reindeer-girl (with Gushed and Throbbed variants), Lola (clothed), Milodan Temptresses, Milodan War Lion, Rodenian Mechanic, Roz’s armor, Simone (fully nude), and Zil Champions.
  • New Game Variant: Image Pack – this is a version of the game that includes inline art for some scenes and the ability to expand the in-game character busts for a better view. Note that this is currently only provided in raw .swf and not as a mobile version or with an exe wrapper.
  • More DoTs should actually display their damage.
  • New Item: A Saurmorian transformation item.
  • Expansions: large Ten Ton Gym cow-girl expansion, Frosty’s belated Christmas expansion, new scene for bathing with Verusha on Myrellion, new scene for Lane & PC’s with small endowments, new Anno dream, more Ramis (with panty collect),
  • A new NPC has been added to Tarkus with an item that can transform you into a new, atypical race. Written by Gothpastel and coded by Lighterfluid.
  • Rat’s Raider should actually stay away for a while if you pay them off.
  • Probably some other things I’ve missed or forgotten. It’s late.

[Backers | TiTS] Smol Patch

The public patch will come somewhere around 20+ hours from the time of this posting, on the cusp of Wednesday’s end.

0.7.259 Changelog:

  • Added the first part of Will’s male version of the drugged korgonne encounter. Right now there’s basically one scene that forks off into three options, depending on if he’s eating chicken or fish. Don’t worry, he has some more scenes in the pipe. These were just very slow coding.
  • Some typos got fixed.

[Backers | TiTS] Warrrrrgiiii (CoC2 Updated Too – 1 Post Down!)

The public patch will release on Wednesday. Also, I have been asked a number of times about how those who got lifetime backership BEFORE Patreon was a thing could get access to the image pack. Gedan is confident she can cobble something together, but I want her to get ships into a workable state so that we can start testing the gameplay loop for it and make sure it’s interesting (and get it in the game).

SpacePup did this lovely fanart of Lyralla!

0.7.258 Changelog:

  • The War for Korg’ii Hold test has been disabled. Instead, the event will now start as normal. To begin it, you must enter the hold with the following conditions met:
    • 60% translation progress (Viewable in the korgonne codex entry).
    • Be level 9+.
    • Ula cannot have a visibly pregnant belly.
  • New Bust: Milodan Temptress (non-nude).
  • New Encounter: Milodan War-Alpha, the final boss of the dungeon.
  • New Image Pack art: Dosed Korgonne Female (by MrPink).
  • Awards for completing the event have been added, including a large amount of XP, a large amount of credits, and three new “very rare” classed level 9 items. In order to get them all, you must defeat a large amount of milodans before finishing off the event. Every korgonne you free contributes a fair amount as well. Note that if you can avoid having to flee, an additional reward may become available in a later patch.
  • Saves that were corrupted by a save issue from earlier in the month should be loadable once more.
  • It is recommended that if you like the War for Korg’ii Hold content that you keep a copy of your save from before the event. A few smaller content pieces will be coming in the patch(es) to come.
  • Various fixes and tweaks.

[Backers] Tuuva to the Rescue

One of the original images I got for the art pack back in the day, by Doxy.

0.7.257 Changelog:

  • After being saved, Tuuva now has a chance to assist the player in defeating the various milodan warriors. This also allows you to play a repeat of her threesome scene with the milodan temptress.
  • Enemies with captives in Korgii hold will now display the captive’s bust as well during combat.
  • New Adjatha Bust: Zil Champions (Plantation Quest-related).
  • New Shou Busts: Milodan War Lion and Orgy participants for the Jumper/slave orgy
  • New images have been placed into specific scenes for the “image pack” variant of the game (50+ images). (It also features the ability to zoom in on the corner busts and comes with much higher rez files for the busts. As you can imagine, it’s a bit girthier than our standard fare.) A download link for the image pack version of the game is available on the accompanying Patreon post.

I have a few one-off scenes to code, then it’s back to the big boy Milodan boss!

[Backers] Unfucking Big Fuckups

I woke up this morning to discover that last patch had a pretty major, major bug floating in it that could render saves unable to load. I’ve rushed out this patch that should prevent the issue from occurring again, but my development PC is in the bedroom with my sleeping wife, I can’t go as in-depth to verify this solution as I’d like.

0.7.256 Changelog:

  • Saving the game should no longer render that save unloadable.
  • If you pay off the rats, they won’t bother you for 4 days instead of 4 hours.

lighterfluid:if and only if you have time, please add in the post that I’m very very sorry

Don’t sweat it too much, bro! I’ve introduced worse bugs!

P.S. I forgot to give GothPastel’s patreon link in the last post, so I’m editing it in and tagging it on this post too.


Or… we have a really meaty update. One of the two!

While I’ve been dickering around in the land of organizing, writing, and coding the Wargii Hold project, our community has not been idle. Community writers have given left us absolutely flush with interesting new tidbits, and the community coders have smashed out a lot of neat additions for the game. Check them out below – but first, a word of warning: I neither wrote nor coded these. They may be a few more rough edges than usual.

If you encounter something broken, please let us know so we can fix it! I like to bitch about bug-fixing, but it’s one of the most essential parts of making this game fun to play.

0.7.255 Changelog:

  • Okay, I did code a few things myself. First, a number of new busts were added to the game: Milodan Temptress (nude), Rodenian Mechanic, Betsy and Victoria (dressed), Krissy the Christmas Reindeer-girl (with Gushed and Throbbed variants), Lola (clothed), Simone (fully nude), and Roz’s armor.
  • Adjatha also took a look back into the history books and redrew Kelly. The updated bust is a true work of art.
  • More DoT’s should show damage.
  • A Saurmorian transformation item is now available from Nevrie! Penned by Aullama and coded by Lighterfluid.
  • A big expansion that allows you to bump into the cow-girls from the Ten Ton Gym is now live. Written by Slab Bulkhead and coded by DrunkZombie.
  • Rat’s Raider should actually stay away for a while if you pay them off. (Thanks, Lighterfluid).
  • Added a new scene for bathing with Verusha on Myrellion. Written by Doots, coded by Lighterfluid.
  • Frosty’s belated Christmas expansion has been added to the game. Written by B and coded by Whimsalot.
  • A new NPC has been added to Tarkus with an item that can transform you into a new, atypical race. Written by Gothpastel and coded by Lighterfluid.
  • Yoma and Shizzy should be easier to encounter (coded by Whimsalot).
  • Bothrioc Quaddommes will not appear until Ara Kei’s quest has been started, and the PC can start it at Level 7 as usual without finding all the Quaddomme spots in the Deep Caves. Coded by DrunkZombie.
  • After the first time through security at New Texas or Gastigoth, disarming and re-arming should be automatic. Thanks, SomebodyElseEntirely.
  • Lane has a new scene for PC’s with very small endowments. Written by B and coded by DrunkZombie.
  • A new Anno dream/event was added to the game. Written by ATW-Luna and coded by DrunkZombie.

Oof! That’s a lot of patchnotes. Have a great weekend, everybody. The next patch will probably be a week out, barring any major bug-fixes!

[Backers | TiTS] Tempting the Korgonne

Shou decided to take another stab at Zaalt’s bust… and did up this hilariously anime variant of the final bust. Sadly, he misplaces the shades before you meet him in game.

The Resident Evil 2 remake JUST came out. I loved those game on my old Playstation – they scared the shit out of adolescent me so badly that I wouldn’t play them if I was in a room by myself. I’d stick with Final Fantasy VII in times like those.

Know what else just came out? The Overwatch Chinese New Year’s event.

Know what I’m not playing? Either. Some other (admittedly fun) stuff came up this evening that kept me from being able to pound on code much and limited the effectiveness of what code-typing I did do. Never fear! I’ve spent the scant few hours before bed assembling a steaming hot plate of new patch for you all. The big news in this one is that it adds a Milodan Temptress to War’gii Hold. Gynophiles rejoice!

I’ll get time for gaming in the evenings on the weekend, or maybe Sunday during the day.

0.7.254 Changelog:

  • New enemy available in the invasion of Korg’ii Hold: the Milodan Temptress. This one was mostly QuestyRobo’s brainchild (with a bit of help from William). This slutty cat will have a captive Tuuva the first time you meet her!
  • Added a few options to the milodan infiltrator fight. I also realized I want to rework the buttons some more. I’m pretty sure right now the “Leave” buttons for a few of the encounters don’t work properly with the rescues.
  • The “Aphro” and “Aphro Gas” status effects now display how much damage they are doing to you when their DoTs (Damage over Time) effects proc. I intend to page through other similar statuses and see if I can clean up more of them later.
  • The Milodan Infiltrator, Milodan War-Lion, and Milodan Temptress have all had their attacks updated to allow for them to attack a friendly creature in the PC’s party. This shouldn’t have any effect for now – unless it introduces new bugs.
  • Jacques00 made some assorted bug and typo fixes.

[Backers | TiTS] More Korgii War!

Somebody has to save Maja…

0.7.253 Changelog:

  • New encounter added to the war for Korg’ii Hold: a drugged korgonne who was left unsatisfied by the milodans who dosed her. Are you a bad enough dude to help her out with her augmented urges? (By: Wsan)
  • You can no longer rest inside Korg’ii Hold during the siege.
  • Milodan War-Lions and Infiltrators can now be disarmed and make relevant bare-fisted attacks.
  • Milodan War-Lions and Infiltrators now drop healing poultices or an energy recovery item 90% of the time.
  • Characters with low HP or energy have a chance of finding a stim or poultice on the floor (if they have none of their own).
  • The lower floors have had their descriptions altered and their bonus calls fixed so that you can’t encounter “normal” Korg’ii Hold NPCs any longer.
  • Several barricades have been placed in the stairwells and surrounding areas such that the path to the “royal” area is much lengthier (and perhaps even mildly difficult to puzzle out?)
  • Added some randomized messages that append to the room descriptions to really drive home the combative and chaotic nature of what is going on during the invasion.

Tomorrow I intend to focus on writing for the Milodan War-Alpha (the boss!!!), and maybe slogging into coding the Milodan temptress. We’ll see! There’s going to be at least two scenes for losing to the boss, and then I need to flow into the epilogue scenarios for if you win.

…please let me finish this off this week…

[Backers] 2Slow

Shou’s first take on the War Lion. Expect to see him trade the pistol for a sword and gain some armor once she has a chance to do a second pass on him! What a handsome cat!

Finally I have something you guys can look at testing. It’s probably buggy and unbalanced, but feel free to leave any comments about tweaks or issues as they arise.

0.7.252 Changelog:

  • You can now “test” the Wargii Hold event at any time by talking to Ula. This option will disappear in the future.
  • New Warg’ii Hold enemies: Milodan Infiltrator and Milodan War Lion, written by Wsan.
  • The bottom floors of Korg’ii Hold are not properly set up yet. Avoid going down there for now.
  • To leave the Warg’ii Hold event, head up to Ula’s father’s room. It’ll auto-exit and attempt to reset the flags.
  • The Sidewinder in Zheng Shi should now have its entrance marked.
  • New Ramis sex scenes (and panty collecting!) by Nonesuch.

Monday is going to be a big day. I should be scoring an 8 hour art stream from Mr. Pink, and I’m probably gonna jump in and stream myself for a while as well. I’ve also got a ton of volunteer coded stuff to shovel into the main game as well. Look forward to it!

P.S. I got some writing commissions in too! Once I get a better handle on the hold, I’ll be pursuing them. Spoiler alert: Tentacle PC + Mitzi, and maybe some Penny/Syri interactions as well!

All Aboard The Progress Train

  • [1/19/19 @~2 AM] Update: I wanted to have a new build out, but I’ve been side tracked by a couple things. One big distraction was writing the final boss encounter texts and combat routines instead of getting all the floor set up and going. I got back on task today and gave the second floor room descriptions a quick pass. Perhaps late (real late?) tomorrow I’ll have something to show.
    • Appreciate the patience,

“dog-man” has been changed to “savage man” btw. MIlodan are supposed to a bit cat and dog, but they seem more cat to me.

Work continues on Korgii Hold. Two of the enemies – the infiltrator and war-lion (both male) are fairly complete, barring any additional testing. The first floor of the hold has been also been reworked. Stairways have been blocked in cave-ins and blockades. Shops have been emptied. Lund is no longer standing in a specific square. A system for randomly assigning different NPCs in the hold to be captives to the enemy encounters has been set up and tested with Heidrun and Lund.

Pictured at right, you can see the buxom korg as a captive. Below that, you can see what it’s like to rescue Lund. Yes, submissive Lund has different text.

I intend to have almost every major NPC in the hold make such an appearance, and B has written a specific setup and ending for rescuing Nenne. There are also going to be some unique items scattered around as well. I intend to have the game track exactly how many korgonne you rescue (and potentially how many milos you take down) to reference at the end and factor into rewards.

I’ll be working on getting the other floors suitably described and have something for you guys to play around with featuring these two new enemies by the end of the week. I’ll have to build something to let you out of the incomplete dungeon and reset it for later, but hopefully it’s enjoyable.

QuestyRobo (and now William) are working on getting the “Milodan Temptress” enemy together. I intend to have her in next week, and with luck the final boss encounter as well.

Sorry for the slow progress. One thing I want to do this year is try and do more streams. We’ll see if I can repeat my four hour performance from earlier tonight soon.



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