Category: Trials in Tainted Space

[Backers] Jumpers Jumpin’

All the Jumpers were drawn by Adjatha!

0.7.210 Changelog:

  • Courtesy of William, the Jumpers got a significant injection of new content: a new victory scene (blow her), two new loss scenes, and four bad ends. On your third & fourth consecutive losses (the short “she takes your cash and leaves” one doesn’t count), you’ll get two warning scenes. Losing again afterward will seal your fate, dependent upon which Bored Jumper you lose to. The gray-furred one is my favorite. The document I coded these from was 60+ pages, so it’s a pretty significant chunk of content.
  • Cleaned up another old color reference on one slyveren to better match the bust.

It’s my weekend now, so next time I see you, it’ll be Monday or Tuesday with a new public patch!


[Backers] Naleen Futas

Things are coming along with the Punk SecOp I’ve been writing. I finished up the vagina-having victory scene the other day, and I’m partway into the penis-having one. Additionally, William is chipping in a victory scene for taking the female Punk SecOp (they come in male & female varieties) to pound town. And of course, I streamed and coded for a solid chunk of hours this afternoon. You can view the results of that effort below.

Art of Syri and Anno in a 3-way by Dsan, and commissioned by QuestyRobo.

0.7.209 Changelog:

  • A naleen huntress who got throbbed up and otherwise abused by Rushers has been let loose in Mhen’ga’s deep jungle. She’s a rare encounter for levels 3 and up with her own cadre of scenes by our own Doots. Check her out!
  • A number of the rooms on the Forge Deck of Zheng Shi have been added with full descriptions.
  • Missing encounter chances have been filled on for all current rooms on Zheng Shi’s forge deck.
  • The purple slyveren slavebreaker has had its texts adjusted to match the new bust.
  • Kui-Tan “cum cascades” have been adjusted and split into a separate perk aside from the “‘Nuki Nuts” perk. Some groundwork has also been laid for an item that might temporarily suppress that affect for Kui-Tan characters. We all know immobilization isn’t always fun. Just sometimes.
  • Fen lost his fedora.

[Backers] Wsan Grab Bag

Flahne by ToonNik!

Lately I’ve been putting effort into preparing a few different things. The most-developed of these projects is what I’m tentatively calling the “Punk SecOp” – essentially a self-appointed security-oriented pirate who will be roaming the foundry area as a generic encounter with male and female options. Of course they’ll also be a kaithrit, so tits either way. I’ve got two rather long (~3,000 word) loss scenes tossed together that involve a holo-visor and neuron stimulation to force the PC to experience some slutty punishment while their body is moved back to the elevator, and last night I got their combat appearance descriptions done. Once I have at least two win scenes and their combat routines sketched, I’ll move them into code.

Additionally, I finally put some work into drafting up Penny’s follower recruitment. The OG plan was for you to pay off her debts in order to recruit “pure” Penny, but that’s been done to death between Shekka and Paige. Instead I’m going to have the PC help her score a dangerous Oxonium deposit she knows about to clear most of her debt (and prove to her that being a Rusher with you will be a reliable source of income). It’ll take the form of a small microdungeon with two enemy encounters, one of which will introduce a new type of sexy plant-girl to Mhen’ga.

B is probably going to help me with adding some new post-recruitment content for her. Maybe even a threesome with Paige. I haven’t finalized this with him, but he seemed quite pleased with the suggestion.

Bimbo Penny and Cumslut Penny will be handled later – Cumslut Penny via an introduction to cam-whoring and Bimbo Penny by simply asking. Both of those I’d like to do myself and/or with Wsan’s help, since I really enjoy how he writes cum-thirsty sluts. Stella was phenomenal.

0.7.208 Changelog:

  • It’s now possible for Lund to go “missing” rarely for about 30 minutes, once he’s domming you (or you’re domming him). You can go track him down for a new scene. This is a fairly rare occurrence which can only happen once every 24 hours, but walking back and forth for a little bit triggered it fine during my testing. By Wsan.
  • Added some new parsers – “crotchCoverUnder,” “chestCoverUnder,” and “assCoverUnder” – used for outputting the garment closest to the character’s skin. Useful for better reporting when things are leaking out into clothing!
  • A new scene with Ilaria was added, also by Wsan. This one’s a bit of an oddball and involves a urethra and a straw.

[Backers] Tarkus Duet & Slyveren Suckles

The Gabilani vacationers took me a little more code work than I expected, but I also found some shortcuts that saved me some time here and there. Now to go back to the write-mines. Wish me luck!

0.7.207 Changelog:

  • A new enemy has appeared on Tarkus! The gabilani vacationers (by Nonesuch) can be encountered along the oil sea by players level 5 and up. The damage numbers are a bit arbitrary at the moment, so be sure to give plenty of feedback on if you think it’s too easy or hard for a level 5. Thanks!
  • If you’ve completed Azra’s Tarkus expedition, you can now bump into the self-styled Sydian “Queen” and her band of trappy rasks once more (by Nonesuch)! There’s only four or five squares she shows up in near the center of the wastes, but I’m sure you’ll track her down. Big thanks to Maye for doing the heavy lifting on coding this one!
  • New Busts: Slyveren Slavebreakers (x2) by Adjatha! They came out gorgeous.
  • New scene for the hyper-endowed PCs losing to the purple Slavebreaker (by Wsan). Note the old hyper scene will only occur for the black and gold one now.

Tomorrow: Nonesuch’s Tarkus Subprojects

Tomorrow night we should see a new patch with two new encounters for Tarkus. One will be a pair of Gabilani vacationers and their party mech. I’m coding that one myself. All the scenes are roughed out. I just have to put together the combat mechanics tomorrow – something that will be a bit trickier than a single enemy fight, since it’ll require 2-3 active enemies that influence each other’s behavior. It’ll be a fun little challenge.

The other  is a repeatable encounter with Tarkus’s self-styled “Sydian Queen”. A volunteer coder has it sitting in the review pile, so I’ll be pulling it to go do some checking on to include as well.

Now to call it quits for the night and wait for this headache to go away.


Caption Contest Results

Thank you to everyone who submitted a caption to the contest! We had so many amazing entries that I actually had trouble deciding on a winner. In the end, I gathered together the ten that I felt were absolutely molten hot and rolled a d10 to decide which one would wind up with the grand prize cash.

Our Winner is… LeviLoveHeart with this beautiful piece of smuttery:

Our Honorable Mention Prizewinners were:  Based_Doggo, Megatokyoguy, Eternallyended, Jay123Desk, Felix_Faust, B, Obee, Wsan, and William.

Winners can claim their prizes by sending me a PM on the forum with their paypal address.

More images are available below, but even more can be found in the submission thread!

Caption Contest IS OVER

Last call! The caption contest ends Saturday night! I’ve seen some great entries thus far and will definitely be putting one of my own together to sling up on the site with the winners announcement!


  • All entries must be Corruption of Champions or Trials in Tainted Space themed.
  • All entries must have at least 100 words of text, minimum.
  • All entries must be submitted in this thread.
  • Judging will be done by Fenoxo.
  • The contest will close this Saturday the 18th.
  • Maximum five submissions per author.


  • First prize will receive $100.
  • Fenoxo will also select additional “Honorable Mentions” which will receive $50 apiece.
  • All payments will be done via paypal.

[Backers] Piercings, Stories, and a Bit More Room

MrPink might have misunderstood my request for a slyveren dick growth scene, but I like how it came out, even if it doesn’t match the ingame scenes.

0.7.205 Changelog:

  • Added twelve new room descriptions (and some new rooms to hold them) on the Forge deck of Zheng Shi. Included is a room with a “Dong Designer” that has some upgrades your ship one doesn’t. Soon I’ll be adding the option to copy its firmware to your own shipbound one. (But not yet.)
  • Two new stories have been added as rare drops in Zheng Shi. Cow Stuff by Abe E Seedy and The Tower of Trials by Carol J. Links to their websites are included with the stories.
  • It is now possible to go back to Maike’s location after defeating her and choose to free the slaves.
  • A new rare drop has been added to Zheng Shi: an Urtanium Ring Piercing. While equipped, it makes your tease attacks more powerful against furry enemies but also makes you more susceptible to theirs.
  • Dialogue for Extrameet dates should be properly italicized.
  • Mhenga and Tarkus will now start dropping a small collection of generic piercings after all their rare drop stories have been found. These will probably move to a more liberal drop scheme or shop in the future, but I wanted to get some more options in fast.

0.7.206 Changelog:

  • Rare loot procs no longer occur 100% of the time. Whoops.

[Backers] Floppin’ Content On Your Face~!

Slyveren blowjob courtesy of MrPink.

Here’s a surprise for you guys – two new NPCs, a new scene for an existing enemy, and a fairly massive chunk of random one-night stands to sort through!

0.7.204 Changelog:

  • New scene for the Slyverens: Hyper Training! The normal sucking loss scene should no longer occur for players with phalli above 35 inches.
  • A dating app has been added to the game, written by Fr0sty and coded by DrunkZombie! Once you get the email, it is added to the “Smut” submenu in the “Masturbation” menu on your ship. You can swipe left or right on various aliens and engage in meaningless one night stands!
  • Vark the Milodan has been added to Uveto… if you can find his cave. Written by Damiekinz and coded by LighterFluid.
  • Willow the waitress can now be encountered in Uveto’s bar. Written by Archangel99 and coded by Maye88!
  • New busts for Fei An by FubMistress!
  • New busts for Urbolg by Shou!
  • New busts for Fetch & Carry by Adjatha!

I bet you guys thought I’d be busy playing WoW!

[Backers] Fun On A Bun

Expect to see this bust in the NEXT patch.

There is a Caption-Writing Contest going on right now!

0.7.203 Changelog:

  • Mining Robots now have a much lower encounter rate after the slave rebellion. Additionally, Jumpers will be encountered less often than slavebreakers – at least in combat stance.
  • The Jumper & Slave Orgy has the rest of its options filled out and activated. I’m going to apologize in advance if there’s any wonkiness in the “Take Over” sections. Juggling multiple insertions with the possibility of hardlight strap-ons does not make for easy scene routing.

That’s it for today’s patch. There’s a lot of stuff backing up in the Pull Requests, so expect some community coded submissions to flow in later this week!

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