Category: Trials in Tainted Space

[Backers] Say Hi to Jack/Jill for Me

Adj did a lovely job on our cybercats.

It’s been too long! Before I get into the changelog, a suggestion – save and reload the rival encounter so you can experience all of it. There’s a special loss scene for letting the bodyguard sit on your face. I’d also recommend loading back to before the encounter when you’re done, so that you can hit it with all the proper bust art lined up down the road.

0.7.219 Changelog:

  • Your rival (and his/her bodyguard) can now be encountered in the scaffolds above the forge deck. The scaffolds themselves remain largely unfinished, though the square you encounter them in will be the entrance to the Sidewinder, the pirate’s prototype ship.
  • New Busts: Punk Secops (Male & Female) along with Haley (this is an update & replacement of her original bust by Shou with a newer one).
  • Smugglers will no longer automatically jump up from being tripped if they choose the “wait” action.
  • It is now possible to revisit Poe A once per year for holiday fun, even if doing so is non-canon. Happy Halloweenings!
  • Penises can no longer receive the “voluminous” adjective.
  • The Gryvain Agent’s sex is now properly listed as “Herm” in combat.
  • Jacques00 went ham on cleaning up a bunch of other content bugs as well.

I hooked Mr.Pink up with a custom PC preset named “Pwink” in exchange for some art, and he was nice enough to give permission for me to post the name and a piece of art to use it as a custom PC bust.

Coming Soon:

  • The Event Whorizon, a Halloween adventure from Savin complete with bust art. I’m told Gedan has it mostly coded.
  • Rat’s Raiders by William – a collection of three semi-random mousy enemies with over 200 pages of content. Will is writing up the last scene for them now while Lighterfluid works on programming them.
  • The Shock Hopper and LDC – this pair of NPC’s functions as Zheng Shi’s ultimate boss fight. Savin’s been writing them (with help from Will soon) and came up with some amusing combat attacks for the fight.
  • Aina pregnancy by Gardeford.
  • Polishing up the scaffolds, their room descriptions, and spinning the Forgehound into a one-time, optional miniboss with sweet loot.
  • Whatever unfinished writing project I dive into to try and get caught up!

Long Day in the Code Mines

SIgnirSol did a picture of Shekka that I absolutely love.

I wrote well over two thousand words of huge dicks (too big for vaginas) sliding between big juicy boobs, then spent four hours streaming the code work to implement the latest fight with [rival.Name]’s bodyguard. In my opinion, it’s some of my best writing work since working on the jumpers, though those of you who don’t frequent the discord or my streams are liable to be into a big surprise when I drop the patch tomorrow (nite?).

When the content does drop, I recommend saving before you do it giving it multiple passes to hit all the available scenes, since it’s a one-off encounter that has more to it than Dane’s dick worming up your asshole.


Writing Stuff & Ship Update

Killjoy08 took a more direct approach to getting questions answered by me than most. The short answer is that I didn’t write them and struggle hard enough supporting tail genitals! Still, if anyone wants to write scenes for existing NPCs based around tentacle fucking, I’m game!

I finished writing the traditional penis-based victory scene for the new rival & bodyguard encounter (~3,000 words) and the vagina-based one (~1700 words). Very good day for writing. The first scene definitely spun out a bit longer than I intended it to be. I still want to do one for people that have “too big” endowments (because I’m all about that stuff), after which I’ll be diving into putting the encounter to code.

We also had some discussions about the ship systems which have been sidelined for quite some time as a result of real life being a dick to Gedan and most of the remaining work being UI focused. I made the executive decision (for the moment) to cut the detailed customization and ship part collecting aspect from the systems for now to minimize the amount of UI work that will need to be done in order to push for faster access to obtainable ships – something we really need with Zheng Shi coming to a head.

In place of bespoke customization of parts and rooms, we’re going to have ships come with predefined weapon/equipment loadouts. Later I’d like to have Vahn allow the option to swap them out for some other predefined loadouts in order to maintain some customization until we can get things straightened out on the UI front. For instance, you could have Vahn swap out your CassTech’s loadout so that some of the crew rooms are replaced. Nobody likes building new UIs.

Take all this worth a grain of salt. We had some intense discussion about this during the afternoon, but like all things in development, our goals for the design are liable to change and adjust to the realities of our project.

Update on Update

Crew Shekka saying hi by JamesAB

First off, there’s a Halloween contest running right now. Rules and such are as posted over yonder.

I’m pleased to say that I’ve been writing since shortly after 9am this morning and produced 4,100 words of content, most of it for losing to your cousin’s bodyguard. It’s currently split between two different loss scenes, one of which is triggered by losing in a certain voluntary way in combat. Now if you win, I could have your cousin show up with a jetpack and a gatling laser to strafe you as cover for his underling to escape… or do some proper scenes this time. I’m going to aim for pounding out two of those on the morrow, which should have me ready to plug it into the game at the door to the pirate base’s secret ship.

Of course I still need descriptions for the rest of the scaffolding deck, which I will endaevor to add along with this fight. If nothing else I should be able to churn out 6-7 of them in short order. I also need to rework the forge-hound into a one-off optional miniboss in the forge deck, and probably give him some nice drops as a reward for taking him on.

Ta ta for now!



First off, there’s a Halloween contest running right now. Rules and such are as posted over yonder.

I’m back on the write-train working on the next encounter with your cousin and his bodyguard. There’s a bit of a twist on the usual format this time though. I won’t spoil it too hard, though. Hopefully I’ll have it in code by this weekend.

Halloweiner Dreams Contest

Last year we had a massive spook-contest with a massive spook-prize. This year, I’m going to do a smaller (but still spoopy) event where you can write something that gets in as a new dream sequence – and make a few bucks doing it!  The smaller format should result in quicker judging times and a very quick turnaround on coding the winners. Check out da roolz:

  • Grand Prize: $100, Judge’s Choice Entries: $50. Payout is done via paypal.
  • Entries should be written as a dream the player can experience while sleeping.
  • Entries should still be titillating in addition to Halloween themed. Despite the fact that there is a skeleton inside you RIGHT NOW, we don’t want to spoop it the entire way out of your body.
  • Entries should consist of no fewer than 500 words.
  • No more than two entries per author.
  • All entries are to be posted in this forum thread.
  • If you want to write stuff targetted for CoC2, I’ll potentially pay out for those as well. Choose the game you like!
  • Please submit your entry by the end of Monday the 22nd.

Now back to work for me. Sorry for the absence!


[Story] The Thiccness From Outer Space

A quick TiTS story to tide you guys over while Fen’s out of town for a couple of days. And now, back to Zheng Shi work~

By: Savin
Tags: Female POV, Group Sex (F/F/H), Pregnancy, MILF, Breeding, Lactation, Creampies, Trials in Tainted Space (Milodan, Esyrra, Gryvain)


The arctic wind howled fiercely outside the cave’s jagged mouth. Shards of razor-sharp whirled just out of reach, tearing across the great plains of the Rift.

“The storm’s getting worse, kitten,” Mother studiously observed. Her arms were crossed beneath the mammoth mounds of her breasts, supporting the weighty, naked flesh. At least, as naked as a milodan ever got, covered in a thick layer of soft silver fur as she was. The only actual flesh that Ziresh could see were the pert mounds of Mother’s bone-pierced teats and the coal-black lips between her legs. Black, where they were not still smeared with the glistening white seed of her most recent mating.

The idea of cleaning perfectly good cum off of her body was as alien to Mother as was the gang of furless off-worlders that had wandered into her domain. Now they lay in a pile of quivering exhaustion, bodies draped over each other beneath the one fur blanket Ziresh had brought with her. Mother’s body was a temple to fertility, an altar on which — and within which — seed was to be spilled with worshipful ecstacy. Mating with half a dozen scrawny aliens was an effortless act of devotion for her; letting their mixed seed stew inside her womb left her with a contented smile as she stared into the rage of the storm outside.

“I’m used to storms, Mother,” Ziresh sighed, rifling through one of the not-quite-leather packs the aliens had brought. Under several of the strange glow-slates and mysterious metal cubes inside, she found a dark red length of thick cloth. Sne sniffed at it, wiggling her pink nose as the faint scent of berries wafted off it.

“I know, kitten,” Mother said, placing a paw on the pale, bare skin of her daughter’s flesh. “But you don’t-“

Ziresh growled softly and batted her mother’s hand away. “I have plenty of protection! So what if half of my body is furless, these aliens brought plenty of clothes.”

As if to demonstrate the point, Ziresh wrapped the red scarf around the pale mountains of her own breasts. They were smaller than mother’s, of course, but still more than plump enough to make tying off the garment difficult. She shuddered as her dark nipples rubbed against the wooly material of the scarf, sending an unbidden shock of pleasure through her chest.

[Public] Bwoosh.

Shekka going to town on herself by Mr. Pink!

I know public patches usually drop a few days from now, but I’m going to go ahead and push this one out now since any other additions are going to be gated behind me actually writing something. Of course, that’s easier said than done. I have no writing projects near completion, and I’ve been dealing with a moderate depressive episode on and off for the last month or two that makes it hard to slip into the right head-space for churning out arousing words (at least, as reliably as Fen of old).

I’m going to step away from trying to make myself write and code things for the next couple weeks and just try to relax and sort out the entire, massive backlog of user submissions, maybe do a bit of coordination with my employees and community writers to line up a patch in the meantime (or add to a bigger patch when I’m back at this full on).

Might even stop looking at porn for a bit. I feel like I’ve gotten a bit too desensitized at this point.

0.7.218 Changelog:

  • Olympia’s missing talk screen and appearance have been added.
  • Assorted typo and bug fixes.

What’s New Since Last Public Patch?

  • New Zheng Shi NPCs: Cyber Punk Security Operatives (Male & Female), Olympia, and Dr. Teyaal.
  • Large amount of Zheng Shi rooms added and described (though not all).
  • New encounter in Zheng Shi’s mines: Rodenian Mechanic. You can get an RFID badge from her that will prevent the mining robots from attacking you.
  • New Follower: Dryad (by Wsan)
  • New Follower: Ramis (by Nonesuch)
  • Jacques00 has implemented Preacher’s “Butt Bugs”. They come with a toggle that should let you avoid them before you encounter them if they aren’t your cup of tea.
  • Mitzi can be kicked off your ship and picked back up again.
  • New Urbolg Scene for those who like to call him ‘Daddy’.
  • New item: augment-weave armor. Rarely dropped from Cyber Punk security operatives.
  • New item: SnakeByte. This item allows you to deepthroat things without being a bimbo.
  • New Item: Ass Slap Patch. Basically a butt-focused version of boobswell pads.
  • Paige can now help you break into Zheng Shi.
  • New JayEcho Busts: Tetra and Mica
  • New Adjatha Busts: Naleen Hermaphrodite and Tessa
  • A PC bust placeholder has been added to the game. For those who like to use the custom bust override system, they can put in their own custom art. “Bust_PC” should be the file name you’re looking for.
  • Our appearance screen code now supports describing NPCs. A select few NPCs have had appearance screens added in combat via a “Look Closer” button.

[Backers] Olympia and Dr. Teyaal

Shou recently did a redux on Aina. It might find its way into the game soon!

More chunks of Zheng Shi are dropping in like it’s hot! This time we have two NPCs in a lab positioned off Zheng Shi’s catwalks, one of which is a miniboss required to access the special ship the pirates are building.

0.7.217 Changelog:

  • Olympia the sexbot is now in the game. Written by Savin, she’s a companion droid like Gianna but in a Gryvain-like skin. She’s still missing a talk conversation and her proper appearance screen, but hopefully we can get that dropped in before too long.
  • Dr. Teyaal has been added to the game. You’ll need to defeat her in order to get the keycard that lets you access the ship (in a future patch). She comes with a new bad end and a number of victory scenes! Also written by Savin.
  • Mitzi can now be removed from your ship or picked up again. The content was written and coded but inactive. Whoops!
  • The Gryvain agent’s femininity is no longer set to 5.
  • Some fixes for multi-knot display.
  • Jacques00 has implemented Preacher’s “Butt Bugs”. They come with a toggle that should let you avoid them before you encounter them if they aren’t your cup of tea.

[Backers] Buff Catgrills and Personal Deertaurs (Deercrew!)

Alright, so I’m going to be quick since it’s going to be late, and I don’t have much smut-time on Saturdays. It doesn’t help that I struggled with some potential food poisoning that put me down for about 4 hours Friday. I wanted to have a nicer blog post up that afternoon with this patch.

I reviewed about 20,000 words of submitted content this eve – including some absolutely ripe stuff involving Kiro requesting you to give her some big zaps from any ‘Slut Ray’ you might have (by QuestyRobo) and the first 10,000 words of post-recruitment Penny stuff from B. Both have come along swimmingly.

0.7.216 Changelog:

  • Astute observers will notice that Urbolg now has a pile of spare ‘taur equipment. Pick it up, and maybe you can convince Mhen’ga’s Dryad to bang out her frustrations onboard. (By Wsan, coded by DrunkZombie).
  • Ramis in Anon’s bar got an expansion pack. (By Nonesuch and coded by Lighterfluid.) I didn’t get time to properly test this one, so bugs beware!
  • New Busts: Tetra and Mica, by JayEcho.
  • (in Zheng Shi) The forge deck’s first floor is now fully described. Ladders up the second floor scaffold have been added, as well as a few descriptions. Much of the scaffold has been mapped as well.
  • New scene for riding Urbolg, by Wsan. Requires him to have ridden you enough times for you to call him “Daddy.”

Sorry about the lack of art, but I’m doing all this from my laptop. Don’t wanna wake the wife! Have a great weekend~

P.S. I’ve been poking about at a blowjob-giving minigame. I’m not sure how deep I’ll go with it, but the start feels promising.

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