It’s been too long! Before I get into the changelog, a suggestion – save and reload the rival encounter so you can experience all of it. There’s a special loss scene for letting the bodyguard sit on your face. I’d also recommend loading back to before the encounter when you’re done, so that you can hit it with all the proper bust art lined up down the road.
0.7.219 Changelog:
- Your rival (and his/her bodyguard) can now be encountered in the scaffolds above the forge deck. The scaffolds themselves remain largely unfinished, though the square you encounter them in will be the entrance to the Sidewinder, the pirate’s prototype ship.
- New Busts: Punk Secops (Male & Female) along with Haley (this is an update & replacement of her original bust by Shou with a newer one).
- Smugglers will no longer automatically jump up from being tripped if they choose the “wait” action.
- It is now possible to revisit Poe A once per year for holiday fun, even if doing so is non-canon. Happy Halloweenings!
- Penises can no longer receive the “voluminous” adjective.
- The Gryvain Agent’s sex is now properly listed as “Herm” in combat.
- Jacques00 went ham on cleaning up a bunch of other content bugs as well.

I hooked Mr.Pink up with a custom PC preset named “Pwink” in exchange for some art, and he was nice enough to give permission for me to post the name and a piece of art to use it as a custom PC bust.
Coming Soon:
- The Event Whorizon, a Halloween adventure from Savin complete with bust art. I’m told Gedan has it mostly coded.
- Rat’s Raiders by William – a collection of three semi-random mousy enemies with over 200 pages of content. Will is writing up the last scene for them now while Lighterfluid works on programming them.
- The Shock Hopper and LDC – this pair of NPC’s functions as Zheng Shi’s ultimate boss fight. Savin’s been writing them (with help from Will soon) and came up with some amusing combat attacks for the fight.
- Aina pregnancy by Gardeford.
- Polishing up the scaffolds, their room descriptions, and spinning the Forgehound into a one-time, optional miniboss with sweet loot.
- Whatever unfinished writing project I dive into to try and get caught up!