Category: Trials in Tainted Space

[Backers] Orgies!

There is a Caption-Writing Contest going on right now!

I worked through the first parts of William’s enormous orgy work. Like the Slavebreaker, this content is meant for after the slave’s collars have been released. I still haven’t gotten back to an option to release the slaves after you’ve already defeated Maike, but I intend to come back to it.

0.7.202 Changelog:

  • You may now encounter freed slaves having their way with bored Jumpers once the rebellion has been started. Expect lots of NPCs with lots of options
  • The slavebreakers can now drop a rare weapon – a heavy slut ray.
  • The slavebreakers can now drop a rare armor – Star Viper slutwear.
  • The slavebreaker bad-end now procs after approximately 4 losses.
  • New Bust: Biothroc Quaddie by FubMistress.
  • You should get your equipment back from slavebreakers when you lose the fight now.
  • Items which only stack to 1 no longer display a quantity on the button.

I’m going to try to have all the other options for the orgy put in tomorrow before the new WoW expansion launches. I might do a little streaming of it, brain permitting!

CoC/TiTS Caption Contest!

So a long time ago, when CoC goblins were basically a twinkle in my eye, I got PZero to do me some art of a goblin… and was inspired to do a caption of it myself. Tamani was birthed from this little exercise, creating one of the game’s more infamous and beloved characters.

I’m quite fond of captions. I used to lurk in the caption threads on then ‘chan’s /d/ board back in the day and prowl around for them. To me, a picture with a story is a thousand times more enticing and more interesting than bare art alone. It’s one of the things about Dmitrys’s work that I’ve always loved. I’m not sure who did the writing that accompanied his pictures, but I enjoyed it.

Now I’ve bumbled into some goblin-themed captions over on a certain booru that I really enjoyed, and I thought, why not incentivize our lovely community to produce some of our own? There’s certainly enough art!


  • All entries must be Corruption of Champions or Trials in Tainted Space themed.
  • All entries must have at least 100 words of text, minimum.
  • All entries must be submitted in this thread.
  • Judging will be done by Fenoxo.
  • The contest will close in one week, Saturday the 18th.
  • Maximum five submissions per author.


  • First prize will receive $100.
  • Fenoxo will also select additional “Honorable Mentions” which will receive $50 apiece.
  • All payments will be done via paypal.


I seriously love these WIPs. Great work, Adjatha!

It’s always cool when something you expect to take three hours takes closer to five. Regardless, I’ve updated the public patch with… BUGFIXES!

[PUBLIC] 0.7.200 Changelog:

  • A metric butt-ton of bug fixes, courtesy of Jacques00’s busy little fingers. This should be the last public patch till next month, so enjoy!

[BACKER] 0.7.201 Changelog:

  • New Codex entry: Slyverens.
  • New enemy: Slyveren Slavebreaker. Includes four win scenes, four losses, and a bad end. Big thanks to Wsan for chipping in and banging out half of this snake with me.
    • Slyveren Slavebreakers appear in the mines once you release the slaves after defeating Maike.
    • Right now, she steals your armor and/or panties if your crotch isn’t exposed when she grapples you, so you better not lose the fight after that, or you’ll be down some equipment! We will be looking into implimenting a secondary loot list that is gained on win OR loss in the future to better allow for “discarded” items being picked back up.
    • Note that some of her scenes have branching options – using her own throbb on her, for example, allows you to dose her with any additional throbb you might be carrying…
    • The bad end is currently activated by losing ten times without winning. I’m going to make this less forgiving in the future so that 3-4 consecutive losses should be enough. Winning slowly lowers the threshold for this.
    • The bust images coming down the pipe for these babes (and I say babes because they have two appearance variants) are incredible. I am in love.

Patreon’s Elfucko’d

Hey guys, Savin here!

You may have noticed that something fuckey went down over on Patreon at the start of this month. I don’t know exactly what happened but there appears to have been a rash of declined cards and such across the entire site. If you pledged to CoC2 or to TiTS, Fenoxo and I would both appreciate it very much if you went and checked the page to make sure you didn’t get declined. Several hundred of you appear to have been affected by whatever bug hit Patreon and, especially in TiTS’ case, I don’t want people to get screwed out of their backer builds.

Thanks bras <3

Edit: It appears that, without telling anybody, Patreon switched from an American bank to a British one. That’s why a lot of banks are flagging your activity as fraudulent. GfuckingG Patreon.
Edit2: Everything should be fine for subscriptions going forward; only this month was affected. Just be sure to check your account and make sure you haven’t been auto-removed from any of your Patreon subs and everything should go back to normal if you need to re-up.

[PUBLIC] Makin’ Progress

A certain long-lost digi-ausar, by Adjatha.

Since I’m going to be travelling most of tomorrow, I thought it would be a good idea to jump this out now rather than later! Regrettably we didn’t get the Slyveren Slavebreaker ready in time for this patch, though Wsan and I are pushing her towards being content complete with at least 4 win scenes, 4 loss scenes, and a bad end in the books.

I’ll be attending Gencon this weekend, so updates from me will be scarce. It’ll be up to Gedan, Savin, Jacques00, and Shou to keep the smutty engines burning and the hearthfire lit. Oh, and UpcastDrake! Can’t forget our friendly CoC2 guys! <3

0.7.199 Changelog:

  • A few fixes, most notably a crash in the Pollen Dance. Sorry!

0.7.198 Changelog:

  • Plenty of new content for Kane got put in, including wrestling for him and a bad-end Nonesuch (his author) has described as “juicy”.
  • Shekka can now remove the PC’s slave collars, if you want a free alternative to Urbolg.
  • Kattom no longer shows up on places he shouldn’t (Zheng Shi & the fields of New Texas).
  • Lots of fixes for Zephyr’s pregnancy content.
  • Fixed a bug with pierced tongue descriptions.
  • Fixed the crash everybody was talking about in one of Ardia’s scenes. Yay!
  • Agrosh’s bust should actually show up now.

New this month:

[Backers] Ardia, New & Improved (Ruined?)

Public Patch ETA: Wednesday Evening or early Thursday.

As promised, here’s the Ardia stuff. I’m going to go into the writemines after this for a bit to work on my blowjob snakes a bit!

0.7.197 Changelog:

  • New busts: Ardia, Agrosh (Update: a typo with Agrosh’s bust is bugging out so that it’s not displaying. Drats! Fixed for next patch!)
  • Ardia’s content has been completed, including options for giving her a horse-dick (pictured at right) or a big donut butthole.
  • Authors for Ardia & Argosh have been correctly credited.
  • Getting multiple addiction-related statuses from Ardia shouldn’t happen any more.
  • Fixed some janky bust stuff.
  • Zephyr can knock you up! Thanks to Gedan for coding it and Wsan for writing it! I’m told there’s still some lingering bugs in this one, so don’t be surprised if you fall on one!
  • Jacques00 is back on the clock and finished up Nonesuch’s expansion for the plantation on Mhen’ga. Highlights include revisiting Quinn and participating in a “Pollen Dance”! Go get her!

Ardia’s bust is done by our own Adjatha!

New Ardia Content: Soon

Hey guys, it’s 2am, and I should be in bed, but I got the rest of Ardia’s freshly written scenes put in, including TWO transformation items. Savin got inspired to do a little NPC alteration himself, I suppose!

I’ll drop a backer patch tomorrow sometime, real-life permitting. I’ve got to wire in one new bust and do some testing to make sure it’s all gravy, and then I’ll do a public patch before I leave for Gencon on Wednesday or Thursday. <3!

[Backers] More Ardia + Addiction

0.7.196 Changelog:

  • Ardia’s “Relax” menu has been added to the game. It includes a variety of drinks!
  • A subset of adult activities has been added to the relax menu as well, starting with a single choice that branches quite a bit. All the routes aren’t done yet, however, so please be patient.
  • Some support for modifying Ardia’s dick in a certain way was added, but no way to do it has yet been put in. Somewhere, Fenoxo is twirling his mustache menacingly.
  • A basic setup for being addicted to Ardia has been created!
  • A few fixes to Argosh’s statline were applied.
  • It is now possible to spacewalk to the mine airlock from the hanger and vice versa at any time if you have the spacesuit and have already repaired the power conduit (or snuck up the with slaves and let the pirates deal with it).
  • Dryspell has received a number of fixes for consistency’s sake thanks to TheRealDrunkZombie.
  • Some support for cuddling Paige was added, written by B and coded by Lighterfluid. Thanks guys!
  • Jacques00 is back and fixing bugs!

Art of Cascade V Helsing’s Captain Steele by Kinkymation

P.S. I might slip another patch out tonight if I manage to get the scene for Ardia written that I want to write. Also, I’ll probably be streaming some Overwatch later on my twitch. (NOPE! Something IRL came up.) Guess who played Overwatch for a couple hours on Twitch and then still wrote 1,200 words after? THIS GUY! Not going to code horsification of Ardia tonight since I’d like Savin to review it first. Gotta stay in character!


[Backers] Sneaky Sneaky…

Ardia in her slave uniform, as depicted by our own Adjatha.

0.7.195 Changelog:

  • It is now possible to get caught up with a shipment of pleasure slaves and fake your way into the second level of Zheng Shi… assuming you have a slave uniform on your person, culminating in a meeting with a pirate officer (Agrosh) and a cute Dzaan slave (Ardia)!
  • New NPC: Ardia, though her sexytimes are still a work in progress. They’ll be rolling out in the days to come.
  • Wsan is now properly credited for the Forgehound.
  • The forgehound is now slightly less resistant to kinetic attacks and hugely resistant to fire damage.
  • New Bust: Ardia.
  • Fisianna can no longer crash your game by pegging you. Whew! Crisis averted!

Coming soon: more Ardia interactions, the slyveren slavebreaker enemy (if you’ve let any slaves free), room descriptions (and a lot more rooms) for the forge level.

[Backers] [TiTS] More Bug Fixes

0.7.194 Changelog:

  • Fixed a bunch of bugs, most of them in Syri’s Quest on Uveto. I’m gonna call some of them out below so it sounds like I did more.
  • You can no longer access Syri’s Mhen’ga on Uveto by going into an Anno-related sub-menu.
  • You should now be able to start the Uveto portion of Syriquest even if you haven’t unlocked the taxi station yet.
  • You can no longer hand Syri [SPOILERY ITEM] again and again.
  • The map of the second floor of Zheng Shi will no longer appear while you’re in your ship.
  • Schora’s statblock no longer includes furry skin. I’m sure nobody else plays a character habitually infected with furpies… but ya know…
  • Assorted typo fixes.

Edit: Update, I mentioned to HugsAlright, writer of Erra and numerous other charming NPCs that I would link his Patreon. Check it out!

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