Category: Trials in Tainted Space

[Public] What’s the Deal With Public Patches?

They come out every month, but does anyone really notice? They say they do, but do they really?

(You guys do. <3)


  • New Busts: Yoma, Kattom Osgood, Storm Lancer
  • Paige x Kiro now requires 70 trust with Kiro or higher.
  • Whimsalot coded GothPastel’s Yoma into the game.

New This Month:

  • New Mechanic: “Taint,” a stat which functions in some ways like CoC’s corruption. It has its own Codex article and everything. More info here.
  • New NPCs: Stella the ausar beach babe (Available on Tavros Station), Jesse (Available on Canadia Station)
  • New Crew Recruit: Shekka! She comes complete with options for slapping a dong on her if that’s your jam, as well as some new scenes here or there. She can even jump you while you’re trying to get some lifting done at the gym.
  • New Event: Kiro x Paige threesome! This one is a monstrous doozy of flowcharts written by B! Enjoy.
  • New Event: Silly space bear.
  • New Busts: Jesse, Verusha (alternate), Myrna the X-Mas Korg, Jejune Vending Machines, Kiro & Kally (alternates).
  • New Scenes: Feeding Lund PB Cookies, Bad-End for feeding Lund too many PB Cookies, Ula’s appearance screen, Ovispositor PC + Crew Shekka, Futa Shekka breeding the PC, Follower Anno and Shekka having a nerd-off.
  • New Items: Chill Pill, Shekka’s Jumpsuit
  • New Item: Mindwash Visor! Sold from Doctor Badger (or dropped from one of her robots during PexigaQuest). Plays one of 9 random scenes, penned by Adjatha or 25 classic scenes harvested from CoC! The scenes are also viewable from a broken VR booth in Luca’s parlor on Canadia Station.
  • New Pregnancy Type: Raskvel/Shekka
  • Shekka’s aphrodisiac spit-addiction has been reworked.

Art: Steele at a bar in Myrellion, having a good time by Servik.

[Backers] Kiro and Paige Get Down Harder

Hey guys, I’ve just been grinding out the rest of these threesomes. I haven’t had much chance to dig into potential bug reports for the first branch yet, so any issues there likely remain unfixed. I’ll chase them down later tonight (or Friday, considering I’m seeing Avengers tonight. Hype!)

0.7.163 Changelog:

  • The Paige-focused threesome path has been added to the Kiro & Paige threesome.
  • The Kiro-focused threesome path has been added to the Kiro & Paige threesome.
  • A lund typo got fixed.

This old but nice Kiro pic is by Peekay. Not sure where he hangs out nowadays though!

[Backers] Kiro & Paige Get Down

There’s still a million things to get through, but at least I’m chipping through the pile of things I’ve commissioned from others. Follower Shekka and Kiro x Paige were two big lumps on that pile. Sadly there’s a LOT more Kiro x Paige to go… or is that a good thing?

0.7.162 Changelog:

  • The first path of the Kiro x Paige threesome has been slotted into the game. Presently it requires knowing Paige pretty well and banging her at least once. If she isn’t on your crew, you’ll need to meet Kiro at the bar during the hours Paige is off work.
  • Shekka’s addiction to aphrodisiac spit has been reworked to actually build from swapping spit with her, culminating in her informing you of it (instead of not really starting until you talked to her about it). Having her set to sleep with you will keep her addiction from ever falling.
  • A post-follower talk topic regarding Shekka’s infertility has been added.
  • Giving Lund too many PB cookies now ends the game.

Art: Shortstack versions of Kiro and Penny going to town on QuestyRobo’s OC? I’m down with that! Drawn by Dsan.

[Backer] Corruption of VR (TiTS)

You thought it was CoC2, but it was I, TiTS!

0.7.160 Changelog:

  • New Item: Mindwash Visor! Sold from Doctor Badger (or dropped from one of her robots during PexigaQuest). Plays one of 9 random scenes, penned by Adjatha. The scenes are also viewable from a broken VR booth in Luca’s parlor on Canadia Station. More scenes are going to be added (along with some CoC classics).
  • New busts: Jesse, Verusha (alternate), Myrna the X-Mas Korg, Jejune Vending Machines, Kiro & Kally (alternates).
  • Some fixes for Shekka’s impregnation stuff.
  • A variety of other fixes, typo or otherwise.

0.7.161 Changelog:

  • The mindwash visor got a menu to select which gender’s scenes you’d like to play.
  • A new option was added to the gender select: “Game: CoC”. Approximately 25 CoC scenes have been jammed into this heading (100+ pages of text in google docs). Be warned, viewing this will increase your taint by 2!


New Kiro & Kally busts commissioned from the fantastic Tsuda!

MOAR PLUGS! & [Backers] MicroPatch

Because I’m a terrible shill! (Also there’s a decent content dump I pushed out last night.)

One of my long time friends (who you might know as Third, author of Ruby, Cotton, Nieve, and Aliss), frustrated with the lack of lesbian male-to-female erotica (and the preponderance of submissive male-to-female characters in the genre) decided to take the advice we give out so often: “If you want it, write it.” She’s just released it on Amazon with a lovely cover piece by Jacques00 for $2.99. Check out The Succubus Within!

0.7.159 Changelog:

  • For those with very large crews, the back button should no longer obliterate a crew-member’s spot. I didn’t have a save handy to test this one, so let me know if anything goes awry.

That’s it for me for the weekend, <3!

[Backers] Peanut Butter ‘Pocalypse

In which Lund has wayyy too much fun with the PC’s cookie stash.

0.7.157 Changelog:

  • The desk girl at Stella’s beach now sells some swimwear.
  • The PC can now feed Lund a peanut butter cookie. Sadly, he’ll only let you feed him more if he’s been domming you…
  • Shekka’s breeding scene shouldn’t crash anymore.
  • Penny’s RP scene should now properly take certain virginities.
  • Ula’s appearance screen has been written and put in the game. Sorry about that. If there’s still other old placeholder things lurking about, make sure to scream at me till I fix ’em!

[But Wait, There’s More!] 0.7.158 Changelog:

  • Hermaphrodite versions of Shekka can now impregnate the player character.
  • Male Raskvel can now impregnate the player character.
  • A new scene for characters with ovipositors has been added to Crew Shekka’s menu.
  • Annnnd I’m done for the night. <3

I also wrote some stuff for a raskvel pregnancy that the player can get. I’ll be trying to wire that up tonight along with a new Shekka scene Gardeford tossed my way. There’s also some bust art piling up I need to get in… (Update: I did not nooot.)

So much to do, so little time! (At right: ShadowFlareon’s rendition of everyone’s favorite cat-girl mechanic: Tam-Tam! Sadly I seem to be having trouble digging up the gallery.)

[Backers] The Stellar Stella

0.7.156 Changelog:

  • A new resort shop is open on Tavros, home to Stella, the ausar bimbo beach babe!
  • That’s pretty much it! She’s got a good chunk of content to run through, though. I’ll be adding an option to buy swimsuits from the shop-girl as well, I think.

Pictured at right: Stella, in all her Adjatha-drawn glory.

[Backers] Shhh, Tiny Update 4 Tiny Rask

0.7.155 Changelog:

  • Futa Shekka has a new scene where she can use her new addition on your vagina. Has lots of variations for being in heat as well. Probably going to have to rig her up with some basic pregnancy stuff.
  • Some fixes and junk.
  • Don’t forget to check out the CoC2 UI progress referenced in the post below (and all the cool project plugs in the post below that)!

[Backers] Shekka Funzies

I’ve been in a fairly write-happy mood, considering I chunked out a solid 8,000 words of Shekka stuff over the past two days. I’ve lobbed it all into the game in a rash of coding, so enjoy! Please be aware it is only edited in the lightest sense of the word. I hope to clean it up a bit tomorrow afternoon, time permitting.

0.7.154 Changelog:

  • Hermaphroditic Shekka can now be caught playing with a toy, resulting in three possible sub-scenes!
  • Crew Shekka may follow you into the gym for some “squats”. Hit the weights if you’d like to see this one. (Requires a phallus.)
  • Myr Venom now automatically gives your tongue the aphrodisiac-laced flag.
  • Motherhusks should no longer crash on use. Whoops!
  • Watch out for Space Bears in silly mode.
  • The odds of Throbb increasing penis size are now higher.
  • Many typo fixes.

Art is Adjatha’s rendition of the New Texan gym sluts. Thanks to whoever requested he draw that during his doodle stream!

[Backers] Tainting Space + Shekka Refining

ToonNik’s rendering of Chibi Mirrin approves of this patch.

So this patch adds in a new mechanic and subsystem that’s been nothing but an idea for… a really long time at this point. Talking with the CoC2 team and writers just reminded me that I should really get on making it a reality…. Thus, please make a warm welcome for the addition of “Taint.”

0.7.153 Changelog:

  • Follower Shekka can now Buy, Sell, Fix Emitters, and buy Tarkus junk once more.
  • Follower Shekka now has a new item in her inventory. Enjoy!
  • With the addition of Taint, the libido-reducing “Chill Pill” item has been made active in the game again. It is available from Dr. Lash and a number of vending machines.
  • A new hidden statistic has been added to the game: “Taint.”
    • Taint is gained by using illegal, unsafe drugs/chemicals or being transformed by eating alien foods.
    • Taint is functionally a minimum libido score.
    • Going 72 hours without a taint-increasing event causes your taint to drop by 1 point.
    • If you hit 100 Taint, you gain the “Corrupted” perk, doubling your maximum libido and forever locking your taint at 100. This will never be curable.
    • Alerts for crossing thresholds of Taint have been added.
    • A Codex entry has been added for Taint in the medical section.
    • The introduction now makes mention of Taint in the passage about your immune booster system.
    • Most illegal drugs and alien-food-based transformation items now have warnings in their tooltips about taint.
    • [To-Do] Adding taint gains from PoE A events, Badger’s Transformation scene, and maybe some of the gloryholes or whoring, if appropriate.
    • [To-Do] Adjust Penny’s talks to mention her transformation giving her a high amount of taint (and thus explaining her very, very high libido).
    • [To-Do] Overlay indicators for minimum libido and lust onto their respective bars. This one probably won’t happen till after ship code gets done.

Why does genetic damage result in nymphomania instead of horrible cancer (at least in the short term…)? Because the Trials in Tainted Space universe is wayyy better than the real one.

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