Category: Trials in Tainted Space

[Backers] Some More Shekka and a NEW CHALLENGER

Bet you all thought it’d be a while till a new patch. Well, surprise! A recap of my trip to FWA is in the post below!

0.7.152 Changelog:

  • Shekka’s milk-drinking scene should now work for follower Shekka.
  • A new event is possible where Anno and Shekka argue about the best way to make a Dildo. It’s repeatable too. Yay!
  • A new parser has been added: [pc.womb] (or [pc.uterus]). It will usually simply randomly output womb or uterus, but pregnant characters and characters in heat can get a few descriptions to pop up (assuming writers decide to use it).
  • Jesse has been added to the game, courtesy of Whimsalot’s coding efforts. I haven’t had a chance to bug-test it yet, so let us know if there’s any problems! (Check Canadia Station!)
  • Added some more mentions of Shekka’s reactions to PC’s with aphoridisiac spit.
  • Many issues were resolved, including one that prevented Shekka’s futa status from properly being recorded.

I’m gonna play some Overwatch now. All work and no play make Fen a grumpy boy.

Art of Shade by MilkTofu. We might see this appear as a variant bust later!

Furry Weekend Atlanta Retrospective

Now that I’ve had a chance to sleep in own bed for the first time since… last Tuesday? Damn, it’s been a while! Anyway, I wanted to talk a little bit about my time at Furry Weekend Atlanta (or FWA as it is often called) on the blog.

I got the furpies!

Probably the first thing I’d like to put voice to is that furries are damned friendly folks. I’ve been to other conventions (like Gencon), but FWA was a new high watermark for just how nice everyone can be while having to cram into elevators like sardines. I’m essentially an anxiety-ridden shut-in in at home, but the atmosphere around the con was so damned nice that I was largely able to put my baggage aside and have a legitimate good time around a bunch of zany strangers!

At one point, my hotel key (and the envelope with my room # that held it) slipped out of my pocket, all but inviting somebody to rob our hotel room. Instead, somebody brought it back to us within an hour of misplacing it. I wasn’t even wearing any furry paraphernalia or items to identify as some kind of “popufur” smut baron. People were just super nice and excited to be there! That or they were all on some really good drugs… early in the afternoon. My guess is the less salacious option is the correct one.

The hotel was impressive.

Friday night, we ran a panel. Maybe 20 or 30 people showed up for a trip down memory lane, some advice on making your own texty smut-games, free merch, and a bit of trivia. No, I didn’t have it recorded. If I was going to do that sort of thing, I’d need to get a fursuit head to do the entire presentation in to preserve a modicum of anonymity. I should get someone to build me a minotaur head for that next year, maybe. Shou and I had a blast, especially since we bullied UpcastDrake into showing up to talk about CoC2.

My other adventures I’ll be a bit less in-depth about, namely because they involved large amounts of intoxication. Suffice to say I wound up in a pretty cool party or two, actually danced at a rave for the first time in my life, met some cute girls who were eating ice cream with credit cards at 4am, and discovered that I’m definitely completely straight IRL. Turns out that I’m not interested in dude dick even when completely blitzed. Sorry to the guys I (hopefully politely) turned down!

I’m going to miss Atlanta. The city looked beautiful from one of the hotel penthouses. (Meanwhile, I stayed about 30 floors below that myself.)

(Oh, and I got to meet PulsarCardinal, Strype, Kabier in an elevator, Gideon, and some other really talented artists who I’ve neglected to mention like an ignorant sack of shit. There’s a whole pile of business cards to sort through! And I bought a furry boob mousepad! Whhhheeeeee!)

[Public] Crew Shekka (Alpha) & Final FWA Notice

Fenoxo here! I hope you all had a great Easter and April Fool’s. I stayed kind of quiet so as not to steal any of Savin and CoC2’s thunder, but suffice to say, I am excited to see where this goes. UpcastDrake is a phenomenal coder, and DCL has been knocking the UI design out of the park for them. Keep the good work coming, guys. (Also I had a D&D game to run Sunday night!)

Now, onto TiTS (which is going to keep chugging along largely unaffected by this). I’ve got a public patch with the start of Shekka’s follower content on the way. There’s an Anno “nerd-off” event still in the document that’s going to need some work, and I’d like to do more with the red venom addiction stuff than there currently is, so I’ll see what can happen there before too long. For right now, I’ve got to get ready to go to FWA, run a panel, and have a good time!

DCLZexon did this piece as a commission for Quiet Coyote. Not sure how Tuuva got to a green planet, but she seems to be enjoying it!

0.7.151 Changelog:

  • Shekka can now be recruited. It takes in-game months and a lot of funding to pull off! Thanks to SKoW for chipping in to write this stuff and supply some edits to her sex scenes.
  • During creation, the height selection box is now auto-filled with a semi-random average height for your chosen race. You can still change it, but it provides a quick baseline if you’d like to get going faster.
  • JohanLitvisk’s “Siren’s Bounty” transformation item has been added to the game. Nevrie on Myrellion sells it.
  • Lots of assorted fixes.

This month has been bigger on back-end work and writing than coding, leaving us with only perhaps 2-300 pages of new content instead of the usual, enormous amount. Hopefully the new scenes, new options, and Lund will be interesting enough to hold you over for now – well that and Shekka! Unf, I love that little Rask.

New Since Last Public Patch:

  • New Scenes: Sexytimes with Milly the Steeletech agent, new Kase stuff, new milking scenes for some of Savin’s characters, a pretty big Fisianna expansion, a new email from Kiro and Kally, a foursome with Kiro/Kally/Sylvie, two new penny scenes, and Maja’s lewd options.
  • New Character: Lund!
  • An inactive blackjack system is in the code now. It’ll show up later, sadly. (We made our own game with blackjack and hookers, wooo!)
  • Whimsalot coded a number of milking scenes for Savin’s characters including some fun little stuff by HugsAlright for Kase.
  • Korg’ii Hold’s rooms are all filled out now. Yay!
  • Breast descriptions have been slightly reworked to better reflect lactation.
  • More Synthsheaths can be found, and Shekka can sell some after the PC unlocks the Codex Entry for them (by using one on themself or an NPC).
  • New Busts: Maja, Verusha, Seer, Fix, and an unused recolor of the naleen male.
  • You can now shave your beard when showering in the ship or nursery.
  • A new piercing subsystem has been added, though currently only one piercing exists (Lund’s).
  • Under the hood, we added a new function to allow for a vagina selection menu to be used for certain scenes.
  • Ula’s rescue timer is back in the game. After the first time you approach her, you only have five days or so to rescue her. I’ve appended some bolded text strings to make it more obvious that she’ll be leaving, and that she might be important.
  • Added the ability to watch certain holo-scenes from anywhere (the “Smut” option in the masturbate menu).

TiTS Public Update – Soon ™

Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that I meant to get the public patch out today, but I wanted more of the Shekka follower stuff to be active before I did it. I’m aiming for at least three of her smut scenes to be active on top of all her other new content.

I had to run off to a real life D&D game tonight, so I’ll be finishing that up tomorrow before the pending drive to FWA consumes me alive. After (or during) I’ll try to slip a few extra scenes in for backers.

Shou and I will once again be meeting up at Furry Weekend Atlanta, if anyone would like to come say hi, have a drink, and talk lewd, crude, and with attitude. Our panel is Friday, April 6th at 10:30 PM at “Panels Dock 6.” We won’t be selling merch at a booth this year, but we’ll bring some to the panel if anybody wants some spiffy branded flashdrives, buttons, or stickers.

Making Adult Adventure Games (Trials in Tainted Space) + Meet & Greet

Are you interested in producing your own erotic visual novel or adventure game? Do you enjoy games like Corruption of Champions (CoC) or Trials in Tainted Space (TiTS)? Then this is the panel for you! Fenoxo (of CoC & TiTS fame) along with the lovely, talented Shou (a staff artist) will put on a presentation of what all goes into making such highly erotic, customization-laden games, followed by trivia, Q/A, and generally hanging out. Much like our games, this panel will be 18+ only! This is your chance to chill out with the developers of one of the biggest projects on Patreon and maybe win some free swag in the process. See you there!

[Backers] Milly Fun, General Milkiness, and Translating Lund

Shou and I will once again be meeting up at Furry Weekend Atlanta, if anyone would like to come say hi, have a drink, and talk lewd, crude, and with attitude. Our panel is Friday, April 6th at 10:30 PM at “Panels Dock 6.” We won’t be selling merch at a booth this year, but we’ll bring some to the panel if anybody wants some spiffy branded flashdrives, buttons, or stickers.

0.7.150 Changelog:

  • The translator now properly translates Lund’s dialogue. Meeting Lund and fucking him now both award progress toward unlocking the translation matrix as well.
  • Milly, the Steeletech agent who can pick up the probe on Mhen’ga for you, now has a bit of extra fun available to PCs with genitalia and a suitable lust quantity.
  • A blackjack system has been added to the game. No, it isn’t active anywhere, but we’ll definitely use it on the next main plot adventure.
  • Whimsalot coded a number of milking scenes for Savin’s characters including some fun little stuff by HugsAlright for Kase.
  • Bess now has a jailbreak option that allows for the PC to swap the ‘bot between male and female variants.

At right: Adjatha’s Verusha bust.


Shou and I will once again be meeting up at Furry Weekend Atlanta, if anyone would like to come say hi, have a drink, and talk lewd, crude, and with attitude. Our panel is Friday, April 6th at 10:30 PM at “Panels Dock 6.” We won’t be selling merch at a booth this year, but we’ll bring some to the panel if anybody wants some spiffy branded flashdrives, buttons, or stickers.

Making Adult Adventure Games (Trials in Tainted Space) + Meet & Greet

Are you interested in producing your own erotic visual novel or adventure game? Do you enjoy games like Corruption of Champions (CoC) or Trials in Tainted Space (TiTS)? Then this is the panel for you! Fenoxo (of CoC & TiTS fame) along with the lovely, talented Shou (a staff artist) will put on a presentation of what all goes into making such highly erotic, customization-laden games, followed by trivia, Q/A, and generally hanging out. Much like our games, this panel will be 18+ only! This is your chance to chill out with the developers of one of the biggest projects on Patreon and maybe win some free swag in the process. See you there!

P.S. People ask me why I don’t write more male content. I wrote some mostly male-focused stuff below, and hardly anyone cared. I should clearly stick to more gynocentric stuff.

[Story] Mind-Altered Masturbation

Here’s a little story I put together to go with a commission I got (and also set up another story to go with another piece of art of my dude I’ve got waiting in the hopper). It’s mostly focused on male minotaur-noxo getting his cyberware hacked to mess with his head and make a fap session even lewder. If that’s not your jam, don’t click to read more!

Art by JayEcho

By: Fenoxo
Tags: TiTS, Minotaur, Masturbation, Solo Male, Mind Control, Mild Body Modification, Exhibitionism, Big ol’ Horsecock, Fen’s OC
V1.0: Basic edit pass done.

Fenoxo sat down on the couch and eyeballed the datachit. On the surface, it looked like any other universal data-store: matte black with a few gleaming electrodes where it could interface with nearly any machine. The bull-man knew the contents inside to be more insidious. He had picked it up from a trusted contact who promised the high-definition memory-store would provide an unforgettable experience: supposedly some next level memory-data that made getting gang-banged by a batch of New Texan bimbos look like a walk in the park.

He had forgotten about it for a few weeks, but now that Derri and Lyko were sound asleep in bed, he decided he might as well give it a try. Fen was still horny.

Reaching up, the shaggy-furred bull-man pressed at the hidden port on the back of his head where his cybernetic ‘horns’ plugged in. He long ago made peace with their presence.  Just because he had no say in having them bolted on didn’t mean he didn’t appreciate the eventual benefits. Big glowing horns were a conversation starter, for one, and psionic amplification was nothing to sneeze at. Since having that bundle of circuitry laced into his brain, he had gained abilities unmodified terrans could only dream of – one of which was the ability to load properly recorded sensory data to relive on a whim.

[Backers] Bottom Floor & Bugfixes

Small one tonight, guys. Been doing a bit of writing for that goblin I mentioned earlier, so nothing to code just yet.

0.7.149 Changelog:

  • The bottom floor of Korg’ii Hold has its rooms filled in.
  • Fixed an issue with fur being left behind by transformations.
  • Added other follower compatibility for Lane’s detox.
  • A few other small fixes, courtesy of Jacques00.

Back to the write-mines~!

Image is an old sketch someone doodled (mighta been Tsuda) of DCL’s lust for Kiro/Kally content.

[Backers] Fun With Maja

Maja isn’t completely done, but Garde’s gotten her most of the way there. You can run into her on the very bottom of level Korg’ii Hold, if you haven’t visited her just yet. I’m going to work on either filling out the rest of the rooms for the bottom level or setting up Lund to work with the translator. Whichever happens first.

0.7.148 Changelog:

  • Maja has her lewd interactions coded and functional! (Except one that isn’t done being written. Look forward to that.)
  • Breast descriptions have been updated so that they won’t spam lactation-related adjectives at you quite so often. They’ll also display more accurate lactation-adjectives. If your breasts are freshly milked, they can be “empty,” while a full pair can be positively “milk-swollen”. The lactation adjectives have also been updated to work more correctly with a variety of milk types.
  • New Busts: Maja, Verusha, Seer, Fix, and an unused recolor of the naleen male.
  • You can now shave your beard when showering in the ship or nursery.
  • Lots of fixes for lots of bugs. Why are there always so many?

Maja’s bust by Adjatha.

Today’s Progress Update

My work week thus far has been sub-par, partly because I had to drive across town to handle some tax stuff today and partly due to a shortage of sleep on Monday. I’ve still been poking at Mitzi here and there. I also spent a little time adjusting the breast description system to handle milkiness better. It should only say “milk-filled” if you’re actually full, and will throw out some alternatives you’ve been drained dry.

You have two milk-filled tits


You have two empty mammaries

Then again, I was still slogging away on the weekend. I’ll try to get something more fun out this week for sure.

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