Category: Trials in Tainted Space

Build Server MIA, TiTS Patch Delayed

It’s a big week for the TiTS team! Our lead coder’s moving houses, and that means unplugging our build/deployment server, loading it in the ol’ backpack, and carrying it cross-country to a new dwelling that needs internet hookups hand-laid by the local craft-ents. (You can’t rush ’em.)

Patches will resume next week at the usual time.

We’ve got Leek cranking on B’s 150-pages of giga-dragon-expansion, Will churning out three new scenes for Phaedra II’s plot-based encounters, Adjatha continuing to stream progress on awesome art and greenlight new community projects for inclusion, donkey finding new bugs to crush underhoof, and a dribble of new content already pre-locked and loaded. I’ll see you all next week <3


[TiTS] Cybertiddies: the Cream of the Crop (Top)

I’m told cybernetic punks are all over the gaming news this week, so this week we’re chipping in with new cyberware. Phaedra II’s plot & dungeon content continue to cook in the ol’ Savin/William oven in the background, gestating toward coding readiness. I’m going to be starting to put fingers to code on the start of it very, very soon ™.

0.9.076 Changelog:

  • [Now Public] Amber’s Cure expansion.
  • [Backers] New item: Hardlight Taur Suit. By donning this lower undergarment, you can sprout a fully realized, fully sensitized taur body to experience how things are on the other side of the pasture. When you take it off, things should go back to normal.
    • Introduced new item flags to prevent ‘taurs, goos, and nagas from equipping certain items – like the above.
    • Restricted hard TFs that ignore the part locking system from interacting with you while using this item: no Poe A, no cockvines, cuntsnakes, or galomax with the hardlight taursuit. You’ll need to take it off for those things, because they would not play nice with it.
  • [Backers] New cybernetic implant available at the Implantation Station with Sabrae: Medical Milkers. These breast implants increase bust size, induce (and preserve) lactation, increase maximum health, and allow a once-per-combat heal for the expense of a reduced maximum stat and lust damage for using the heal…
  • [Backers] New cybernetic implant available Medical Implant. This combat implant has no real downside, but does allow you to customize what % of maximum HP it will distribute an automatic 40% heal at.
  • [Backers] New item available at the TamaniCorp shop on Tavros Station, run by Lerris: Kreamy Froot. I personally don’t grasp the appeal, but if you ever wanted to cum the equivalent of a banana smoothie, you’ll be all set!
  • Fixed a softlock with Illumorphine.


TiTS: Hydra Stuffins, Item Endowments, and Erika Gettin’ Cagey

I'll see myself out.

This patch is Twi-Lit!

Brought to you by the letter ‘O’ and Patrons like you. Remember ‘O,’ for all your oral o-rings and orgasms.

0.9.075 Changelog:

  • [Public] Twilit is now accessible to the general public. Enjoy bein’ a purple space elf with titty-based cum-tanks.
  • [Backers] New Character Expansion: Erika Caged, by Doots. This expansion allows you to put Erika in a cage supplied by Inessa. You’ll need to have some sexual interactions with her first, of course. Approximately six new scenes are on the table with this one, two of which involve Syri.
  • [Backers] The Zaika Hydra got a small expansion with a new attack scene for bimbos similarly semen-addicted characters. She also got a new victory scene for players carrying some White Suma Cream to enjoy “firehose” mode. (Leek & Fenoxo)
  • The Zaika Hydra was overperforming in combat against a level 12 test character and caught a few nerfs to make her a little easier to handle. Most notably she will start with more lust to make an initial tease to maximum easier. IMO, the easiest way to defeat them is to tease to max lust once, then slug down their HP twice. (Fenoxo)
  • [Backers] A user-submitted item pack was added to the game. (Initial coding by Leek, balance and tweak pass by Fenoxo)
    • [Backers] New Item: Cow Print Ball Bra. This item is sold by Ellie on New Texas, and reduces the calculated weight of testes by 50% when equipped.
    • [Backers] New Item: Thraggen Harness. This item is sold by Inessa on Tavros Station. It reduces the calculated weight of a character’s belly when equipped by 50%.
    • [Backers] New Item: TamaniCorp PregSuit. This item is sold by Lerris on Tavros Station. Its provides significant electrical resistance, a small shield bonus, and some bonus shields if you have the preg-style belly to give its space-age electric-generating fibers a stretch.
    • [Backers] New Item: Xenogen Biosuit. This item is sold by Nerassa on Uveto. It is rare quality armor and provides a once-per-battle healing event that consumes a skin-covering fluid as fuel. It also provides significant evasion and fortification bonuses.
    • [Backers] New Item: Xenogen Slimesuit. This item is sold by Nerassa on Uveto. It is rare quality armor and provides a bonus to grapple escape attempts. It also provides significant evasion and some resistance to burning attacks.
    • [Backers] New Item: Silent Shrimp. This item is sold by Kattom Osgood when found on Dhaal. It is a rare quality ranged weapon with split burning/electric damage and a complete inability to be used with multi-attack talents; it will only ever attack once when used as a basic ranged attack, no matter your feats.
    • [Backers] New Item: Deconstructor Gauntlets. This item is found by defeating the Ancient Warbot on Phaedra II. These rare grade melee fist weapons deal high corrosive damage and boost flurry attacks as well as evasion.
    • [Backers] New Item: NeverfapCockSock. This item is sold by Busky on New Texas. While worn (and with full balls), physique gains are increased by 50%, with a small accompanying taint gain.
    • [Backers] New Item: Sterilex Band. This item is sold by Doctor Lash on Tarkus. While worn, it reduces your “cum quality” to 0, effectively preventing you from knocking someone up. It does nothing to prevent “received” pregnancies.
  • Added text to Siegwulfe preg egglaying scenes to make auto pregnancy obvious. Over the years there are periodically bug reports about unending siegwulfe pregs, however it is by design that the pregnancy restarts three extra times. I have added some bold text to the end of the egglaying scenes to make this more clear. (Drunk Zombie)
  • Added some logic to the gate for the Spend Time button for Amber to make sure it only shows while she is pregnant. (Drunk Zombie)
  • We ran down some issues with lower level utility functions crashing (or otherwise bugging out) when they did not used to. Turns out someone had been casually refactoring some pretty core things without doing a ton of testing to ensure they’d still work as intended. Gedan & I got some of the worst ones, like Second Shot / Second Striker not functioning properly, or holeChange causes crashes, or puffiestVaginaIndexes causing crashes.


[TiTS] Always Be Kineticisting

Howinn (Adjatha)

Howinn (Adjatha)

Busy couple of weeks in the buggle mines. Sentry is still mostly cleared out so I’ve started working through forum issues properly again. A few things triggered stumbling into much larger and far-reaching things that needed to be addressed, like the Kineticist scene variants to fill gaps in scenes that were written long, long before their existence. There’s still a bunch of spicy meatballs for me to be working through whilst the usual suspects continue writing big chunks of Phaedra content, and a lot more content in the hopper over the coming weeks!

Back 2 da mines

0.9.074 Changelog:

  • BACKER: An additional Anyxine date with a couple of smut scenes is available. (Savin, Leek & Gedan)
  • PUBLIC: Additional Slavesuit anal scenes, Elcine, and the additional Punishment wall scenes are now public. (Many people)
  • Added: New Adjatha art for Creed, Howinn and hyrax.
  • Added: A bunch of new class-specific scenes and variants for kinetcistics has been implemented, generally wherever there was already an existing all-classes-unique variant. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed: Some special unique text for Tuuva and Mioldan Priestesses during combat has been re-enabled. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed: Terran Treat possibly trying to trigger the leg TF multiple times. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed: A bunch of image/CG titles have been updated. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed: Crashes with puffiestVaginaIndexes. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed: A crash with gooArmor during Amber content. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed: DongDesigner going walkabout. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed: Mome codex not being marked as read. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed: Incorrect usage of vaginaRouter and penisRouter in a bunch of Paige scenes. (Gedan)
  • Fixed: Saves created in much older versions of TiTSJS during two very early versions should no longer have issues with inactivePlayerOwnedShips. (Gedan)
  • Fixed: The Specialized Combatant perk not properly applying bonuses to ranged attacks. (Gedan)
  • Fixed: Siegewulfes menu returning to inventory. (Gedan)
  • Fixed: The duel with Riya should no longer have the possibility of poisoning certain stat values when we swap them out for the ones used to masquerade the duel; this primarily impacts HPMod and energyMod. (Gedan)
  • Fixed: A crash with the 2018 XMas event attempting to move the player to a room across place boundaries casuing a crash. (Gedan)
  • Fixed: Concentrated Fire should no longer add physical damage to attacks with weapons that did not have any HP damage to begin with; this primarily impacts lust-only weapons. (Gedan)
  • Fixed: The Sidewinder did not properly update the ship storage limits when first being taken until the game was saved and loaded. (Gedan)
  • Fixed: Frostfire’s menu potentially breaking the UI state stack. (Gedan)
  • Fixed: The WarAlpha that is actually Eitan before the player knows who they are now has a custom description, block and dodge to account for the different in height between generic War Alphas and Eitan. (Gedan)
  • Fixed: shortestCockLength not returning a length and returning the cock object directly, breaking gates to certain scenes. (Gedan)
  • Fixed: skinFurScalesNoun sometimes not returning a value, and thus emitting an error during parsing. (Gedan)
  • Fixed: Shop state being maintained across loading a save. (Gedan)
  • Fixed: The level up screen now ignores bonuses to stat maximums when allowing you to assign points, which should avoid the possibility of investing stat points in stats that are transient. (Gedan)

  • Captains Hog: Stardate 0.9.073

    I hope you guys like curing Amber, because I picked up the tab on somebody else’s commission to get it done. Treat your ‘taurs well!

    0.9.073 Hotfix:
    • Fixed an error in wettestVaginalWetness that would make the game self-destruct on Mhen’ga if you didn’t have a vajayjay.
    0.9.073 Changelog:
    • [Backers] You can now cure Amber! Talk to her about [Cure] to start it. The quest is only half of the new content – there’s lots of post-cure content as well! Once cured, she has [Sleep With] and [Shower] options, as well as a new heat mechanic that will alter her behavior. She also will have hobbies as well! Written by Skom/AveryBirb/Moonkitten and coded by DrunkZombie.
      • Addendum: The codex questlog should have data for this, if you’re wanting to track your progress.
    • Jacques00 cleaned up the image manifest, hunting down typos and incorrectly labelled NPCs.
    • Ship fights should now occur at more planets. (Newer ones weren’t all set up to proc them!)
    • Radglow’s defeat-suck scene should restore HP properly. (Gedan)
    • Fixed inability to select “Auto” in the gender settings menu. (Jacques00)
    • Fixed appearance typos. (Jacques00)
    • Jacques00 applied lowercase-donkey’s fix for the wetness crash/bug in the creature object.
    • The ship purchasing menu has some bugs crushed, courtesy of Jacques00.
    • “Causes gravity over to become…” typo is all over now.
    • Fixed a crash in the Zaika Gunner’s AI when disarmed.
    • Gedan made some under the hood changes to improve auto-selected masturbation event handling.
    • Some Siegewulfe crashiness has been handled (Gedan)
    • Sleet Shaft got a staff icon. (Gedan)
    • You can no longer get infinite Sleet Shafts. (Gedan)
    • Fixed combat inventory not properly returning to combat. (Gedan)
    • Improved crash messages to track down some troublesome crash bugs. (Gedan)

    [TiTS] Throbb The Cat-girl

    Look at the legs on this one!

    The rest of the world may be playing Baldur’s Gate and Armored Core, but don’t worry! Y’all got Uncle Fennykins here hammering out a new smut scene (and more) to keep ya’ll warm while Phaedra’s next dungeon is marinating in the kitchen. Sure, I had a gout flare-up so bad I could only sleep half the night on Wed/Thurs, but bacon is delicious (and so is this scene). It felt good to shake some of the scales off and write the kind of thing I love to write: people gettin’ big slutty.

    Some new fun equipment for kineticists is in here too, though in my fatigue (and with this house-melting heat) I’ve failed to restrict anything to backer’s-only. Now I’m gonna have to write a whole new thing to make it up to you guys! …Maybe a sequel to this one.

    0.9.072 Changelog Hotfix #2:

    • Rolled in some corrections for the damage scalers on the height-dependent kineticist attacks.

    0.9.072 Changelog Hotfix #1:

    • Instinctive Psyfocus, Bodily Psi Aim, and Dexterous Psi Aim unlock events have better pre-requisites: you must be a kineticist, the stat the perk replaces must be low (below 50%) and the stat that is used in its place must be high (libido/phys/aim).
    • Made some textual tweaks to the sub-scenes for the cheetah pirate.
    • Gedan had flipped a switch to make some UI things related to mainGameMenu() calls hard crash instead of silently fail, getting us a lot of good data on UI-related misdeeds in the code. A bunch of them have been patched up as a result – some good examples being the decorate and masturbation menus.
    • Gedan added a hard crash to some of the code dealing with sensor scans/sense in combat, to try and track down a problem with some damage types failing to look up their extended data properly on occasion.

    0.9.072 Changelog:

    • New scene: use Throbb on the cheetah pirate you rarely encounter in space – comes with two tiny sub-scenes depending what you want to do with her. I wrote this one myself, but I’m sure I’m gonna be hot-fixing the errors in the text tomorrow. Obviously it requires you to have Throbb in your inventory and defeat her in a space battle. (Written by Fenoxo, coded by Fenoxo, proofread by nobody yet – please forgive my sins.)
    • New Kineticist Perks: Instinctive Psyfocus, Bodily Psi Aim, and Dexterous Psi Aim. Captain Steeles with their willpower and intelligence abraded by bimbo/bro transformations will unlock these via dream-sequences during sleeps. They will allow other stats to determine the strength and accuracy of your psionics. As I write this, I’m realizing that it may be too broadly proccing – I will deploy a hot-fix tomorrow to tweak the conditions to ensure that unusually smart and focused bimbos don’t have their stats switcharooed. (Fenoxo)
    • An old Penny scene that was disconnected has been re-linked, and the accompanying CheshireCatSmile37 art was added to the scene to go with it. (Fenoxo)
    • New NPC Bust: the Silicone Eater (Jacques00 drawn & coded)
    • New Rare Item on Uveto: The Sleet Staff. This level 8 rare quarterstaff is buried deep in the wilds of Uveto and can inflict both trip and freeze on its own, but beware: something about it does not feel right. Maybe it’s the -5 accuracy. (Fenoxo)
      • This was a good opportunity to clean up an abandoned segment of the Uvetan wilds that was meant for a now-abandoned community project. I adjusted a handful of descriptions to account for it. (Fenoxo)
    • New Rare Staff on Myrellion: The Xukwood Staff. This lovely crit stick lives near a certain brawler’s place of residence, if you can get past him and his dog… (Fenoxo)
    • New Common Staff in Nerassa’s Shop: the Hookstaff. This evasive little number can sometimes trip your foes. (Fenoxo)
    • Fixed a typo in the tooltip for the Tripped status. (Jacques00)
    • You should no longer be able to open your personal inventory in ship battles with the “C” hotkey when the button is grayed out. (Jacques00)
    • Fixed a UI crash related to pressing the back button in the rest menu while in your ship’s cabin. (Gedan)
    • Freedom Beef now has a cooldown in silly mode. (Jacques00)
    • Fixed a post-combat issue with Radglow. (Jacques00)
    • Added Opaque toggling for the scanline backdrop effect and the mannequin color fill. (Jacques00)
      • This should hopefully help in reducing instances of alpha render processing.
      • Combined “bg” and “bg-filter” class definitions that use the scanline effect into one universal function for convenience.
    • Gedan has been ripping through the auto-reported crash bugs something fierce.

    [TiTS] The Tail of Twilit

    These are your tits.
    These are your tits on lust.
    Any questions?

    Hello all! After a number of setbacks, I’m happy to present our first crack at Twilit. This was lowercase donkey’s first time tackling a transformation item, so I had a lot of feedback and back-and-forth with him further complicated by my own lack of familiarity with github’s code review system and my own family event. Once we got that sorted, things picked up, and I spent a goodly portion of yesterday whipping some final fen-polish onto the transformation events to make sure they were up to snuff.

    And Adjatha wrote the text, so you know it’s killer.

    0.9.071 Hotfix:

    • Twilit’s breast-swelling perk is now properly gainable.
    • Twilit’s swelling code was overhauled to work a little more like the in-game zaika, and have a higher swelling limit than originally intended.
    • Fixed an issue with Twilit’s swelling mechanic that could have resulted into orphaned breastMod values permanently offsetting your cup size.
    • Nerfed the black void juggernaut’s weapon damage bonus from 35 to 15.
    • Nerfed the black void juggernaut’s spray attacks to be tagged as flurry attacks with higher miss rates.

    0.9.071 Changelog:

    • [Backers] New transformation item: Twilit! This tasty Dhaalian beverage will do its damnedest to turn you into one of the locals – complete with combination genital-tail and a perk that allows your chest to rise and fall in accordance with your lusts. I suspect there could be some sketchy edge-cases with the breast expansion stuff, so be sure to let us know if you bump into any janky issues in the bug report forum! (Coded by lowercase-donkey, written by Adjatha, and polished by Fenoxo)
      • You can purchase Twilit from Harru after completing Dhaal’s main plot.
    • Inspecting rocks should no longer crash the game. (Thanks, Gedan!)
    • Some minor edits and fixes to backend things that aren’t easily explained in patchnotes. (Thanks team!)

    And that’s it! If the list seems small, that’s because I was ramming out some hotfixes the other day and this was meant to drop last week. There’s good odds you’ll see another one near the end of the week with some more items and kineticist work.

    [TiTS] Taurific News Everyone!

    Johana, Naked (Adjatha)

    Johana, Naked (Adjatha)

    Another week in the bug mines, chasing ghosts of stupid things that don’t make sense until I have a eureka moment of stringing along like 17 degrees of absurdity to produce some form of answer for what might be going on.

    Fen has been spending a lot of time reviewing the work donkey has been doing on the Twilit TF item. I don’t know what state it’s currently in, but the two have been chopping the finer points of all of the mechanics that need to go on behind the scenes to make a TF work properly. I THINK it may be done right now, but I am in no presence of mind to try and exhaustively review TF code to checkbox it off and add it to the build until everybody is back from the weekend so we can go over it and give it the green light.

    My brain is utter mush – I had the fun and enviable task of having to view five hundred pages of title deeds, property searches and purchase contracts this week and I’m only halfway through….

    Back 2 da mines.

    0.9.070 Hotfixes: Fen Monkeyin’ Around Edition:

    • The button to levitate should no longer be overwritten by other special attack buttons.
    • Fixed Debris Field having an incorrect tooltip.
    • Fixed Acid Cloud’s tooltip listing an incorrect damage type.
    • New Item: Sizzlepod Staff, a level 3 rare staff that deals corrosive damage and can be found in the deepest forests of Mhen’ga.
    • Improved text field input limitations for things like names and email addresses.
    • Fiddled with some kineticist damage calculations in an eternal quest for big round numbers that probably don’t change anything for you but give me more chances to accidentally introduce an error into the code…
    • “canFly” and “isFlying” are now tracked independently. Previously nearly everything flying-related was derived from the “canFly” check.
    • The levitation perk now makes “canFly” true, which should allow for all the flight-based transit events in the game world to work seamlessly with it.
    • “canFly” no longer matters for most combat events – isFlying is far more important.
    • Creatures that are flying are now immune to most traditional trip attacks. Sweeping the legs doesn’t do much to a flappin’ bird! Not all attacks that respect this have special text to notify you that it’s working, but it should be.
    • Added a “hasTripImmunity” function under the hood, and having the “Planted” feat or being tripped already both set it to true, as well as flying or the generic “trip immune” status many NPCs have. This should simplify checking if a creature can be tripped down to one value to check.
      • I touched a lot of combat encounters wiring this up, so I may have introduced a fat-finger bug somewhere along the line.
    • Added an argument to “hasTripImmunity” to ignore the flight-based immunity for flight-countering trip effects like the kineticist has.
    • The jetpack accessory and flight-capable wings now allow you to “lift off” in combat. The “lift off” option shares a button with levitate ability and its ilk, and I tried to be intelligent about how they all nest together so that natural wings don’t prevent you from using your levitate ability (since that grants +10 evasion and is the “better” choice) – but the wing option will appear when your energy is too low. I also made them respect flight-disabling effects like the web status.

    0.9.070 Changelog:

    • [WHOOPS] Some wires were crossed, and an incomplete feature was accidentally included in the patchnotes. Amber’s cure quest is not yet ready. -Fen
      • Amber’s cure quest; simply talk to her about a cure whilst aboard your ship to get started. (Skom, AveryBirb and MoonKitten & DrunkZombie)
    • PUBLIC: Spacewizards. Sorry, I mean kineticists can now be created in the public build. (Fen, Fen, Fen, and some guy called Fen. Savin, whoever that guy is, also too)
    • Fixed Syri’s coat bust appearing when it should/shouldn’t be doing. (Jacques00)
    • Added orgasm calls to a soaked raskvel scene where they were previously missing. (DrunkZombie)
    • Fixed Syne showing the wrong bust in a scene. (lowercase_donkey)
    • Fixed further potential crashing issues around the keybind implementation for hitting Accept and Cancel buttons on the UI, no matter where they appear. (Gedan)
    • Fixed more improper uses of inventory handling interfaces caused by Telekinetic Warrior – these were much easier to find and eradicate with proper error messages! (Gedan)
    • Fixed how the players last location is stored when boarding the Great Majin so that we can more safely return the player when they leave. (Gedan)
    • Fixed some unparsed content in some Anyxine content. (Gedan)
    • Fixed some potential crashes caused by new parser tags dealing with cock size parsing. (Gedan)
    • Fixed some potential crashes with the keyboard navigation controls for the inventory, where it was possible for them to execute mid-transition to another UI layout and then immediately blow up. (Gedan)
    • Fixed a stack state creation issue during the Ara diplomacy mission. (Gedan)
    • Fixed a potential crash on some platforms returning weird and improper messages when the OS rejects a users request to fullscreen the page content. (Gedan)
    • Fixed a further potential crash on some platforms where not only do they not return messages when emitting an exception, they don’t provide the stack either. (Gedan)
    • Fixed a potential crash caused by using the Undo system immediately after fighting the Overqueen during First 14. (Gedan)
    • Fixed a potential crash after ship combat against a Cyberpunk K7. (Gedan)
    • Fixed a crash when changing cocksocks. (Gedan)
    • Fixed a crash with the Ziltrap Vines when the player uses a deployable turret, and also possibly fixed some other issues with their AI not properly processing allied creature states. (Gedan)
    • Fixed a crash with remove junk attempting to loot invalid piercings. (Gedan)
    • Fixed a bunch more typos. (Jacques00)

    [TiTS] Updatin Time

    Eloise (Adjatha)

    Eloise (Adjatha)

    Still been continuing to chop through Sentry issues that have been lingering; the pile isn’t getting larger, it’s mostly just the same things that have been wrong for a couple of weeks still happening – so it’s only a matter of time before I’ve managed to smash through all of them. Feelin’ good, just gotta keep at the grind to get everything silky smoove!

    Back 2 da mines.

    0.9.069 (nice) Changelog:

    • PUBLIC: Hazard Armor, Mome Codex, Anyxine Standing Bone and Mia.
    • BACKER: Elcine is available at Shineglass Station on Phaedra. (Savin & Leek)
    • BACKER: Additional punishment scenes for Cherry’s Wall are now available. (Redknight910 & Leek)
    • Added Phaedra, Jasvalla, Sophora and Ardia encounter details to the quest log. (Jacques00)
    • Added Dzan addicition details to the quest log. (Jacques00)
    • Fixed a crash with staff weapons. (lowercase_donkey)
    • Fixed a softlock in Ramis content. (lowercase_donkey)
    • Fixed gravity rush persisting between fights. (lowercase_donkey)
    • Fixed a reversed Luca check that blocked her sub-switch option. (lowercase_donkey)
    • Fixed how the status effect that controls Capraphorm is created and updated. (lowercase_donkey)
    • Fixed a temporary value set during trade that was breaking Undo state creation. (Gedan)
    • Fixed some crashes with certain Zaika combat encounters. (Gedan)
    • Fixed Telekenetic Warrior eating melee weapons when the player had no equipped ranged weapon. (Gedan)
    • Fixed a few more unessencery calls forcing the combat UI to be shown, this time in the mock-combat interface. (Gedan)
    • Fixed some crashes with the duel with Riya in some Nastizia content. (Gedan)
    • Fixed Ecstasy Enlargers expiry proc, allowing it to work properly with how time passage is actually implemented. (Fenoxo)
    • Fixed the cooldown handling for the Thirsting status effect. (Fenoxo)
    • Fixed some error handling code to better handle certain mobile browsers not passing along an error object when an error happens. (Gedan)
    • Fixed some crashes with a handful of room configurations that were still referencing rooms that either didn’t exist, or have been moved in the new map structure. (Gedan)
    • Fixed a potential crash in some keybind-implementation code for finding “Accept” buttons, anywhere on the UI, and executing them. (Gedan)
    • Fixed a potential crash with code that handles player children states and unique Zil children. (Gedan)
    • Fixed a crash with a sexdoll in Kiroquest and a Sophora defeat scene where a scene may be entered without passing along the appropriate selected vagina index of the player to use. (Gedan)
    • Fixed a potential crash with the Gallery and Trade back buttons being double-activated. (Gedan)
    • Fixed a crash in some Paige content where the action history wasn’t being passed along properly. (Gedan)
    • Fixed some class combat perks being able to activate whilst in Ship combat, causing a crash when they try to apply an attack that doesn’t work against Ship objects. (Gedan)

    Trials in Tainted Staves

    New weekend, new patch!

    This chunky lil guy comes with a lot of changes resulting from climbing around the inside of the codebase like a monkey on a jungle gym. My personal high points were massively improving deep freeze procs, discovering 20+ misconfigured damage flags on various encounters and items throughout the game, dumping a fat sack of new Adjatha art in, and getting to add a lovely bit of lore to the description for one of the new staff items I added.

    I’d like to extend a fond “Thank You” to everyone who posted feedback in the Kineticist feedback thread to help me file down the biggest rough spots.

    Hotfix #1:

    • Fixed staves crashing for kineticists when swung. This one was due to me incorrectly trying to add damage to “kinetic” instead of “kinetic.damageValue” because apparently any time I touch damage values, there’s a 50% chance I mess it up the first time. (It’s me, Fen!)
    • Fix PsiNoiseGenerator not being collectible because the collection function wasn’t properly committed. It was in a file I had a half-written, WIP scene in that masked it when I was doing the commit, causing me to miss pushing that essential bit of code. (Goddamnit, Fen!)
    • Fixed tripped enemies targeting themselves while tripped. The combatAI function got some dyslexic arguments slipped into it.

    Changelog 0.9.068:

    • [BACKER] Additional slavesuit anal scenes (Will & Leek)

    • [PUBLIC] Femmitch (Wifely & lowercase_donkey)

    • New bust by Jacques00: Slamwulfe.

    • New busts by Adjatha:  Eloise, Neil, Selene, Warboy’s Bike and the Warboy.

    • New common items: Staves! You can pick up a Quarterstaff at Carl’s on Mhen’ga, a “Steelestaff” from Anno on Tarkus (or in your hold if you’ve recruited the alabaster assistant), or a Shieldwall Staff from Emmy on Myrellion. They’re all tagged as psionically attuned – which will grant kineticists a little extra kinetic damage when striking with them. I’m not done yet either – expect more staves and some rare ones to slip in soon. -Fenoxo

    • New rare item: Psinoise Generator. This rare accessory can be found in Zheng Shi’s mines by kineticists. When equipped, it should increased energy recovery by 25%. This was actually in the last patch but unobtainable due to non-final, buggy coding. (Fenoxo)
    • Adjusted the dom siegewulfe collaring lead-up scenes to give hints as to the requirements required for the scene happen and added further details about them to the quest log. (Jacques00)

    • Adjusted isHuman tests to better incorporate the reworked racial scoring system and its primary/secondary scoring to determine humanity-factor. (Jacques00)

    • Adjusted Deep Freeze shatters to trigger with non-melee tagged crushing attacks. (Fenoxo)

    • Adjusted Terran Treats so that certain bodypart flags can be cleared even if you already have the human type-version of a bodypart those flags apply to. (lowercase_donkey)

    • Adjusted changeEnergy() to more accurately display energy change. (Fenoxo)

    • Fixed a crash with the Forgehound’s combat interception. (Gedan)

    • Fixed a few more potential operation errors with the data menu after loading a save on a slower/touch device. (Gedan)

    • Fixed a few potential pathways where some menu buttons might leak over into the game menu. (Gedan)

    • Fixed combat not being properly completed after the Hyrax Raider BDP scene. (Jacques00)

    • Fixed some missing instances of fluid-ingestion and taint in scenes that mention these things are happening. (Jacques00)

    • Fixed instances of Damage Flags not being properly configured on some combat enemies, or more accurately, not being properly configured on their equipment damage values. (Fenoxo)

    • Fixed the new Tripped/Get Up mechanics to apply to hostile NPCs as well as friendlies. (Fenoxo)

    • Fixed a handful of abilities requesting target selection even though they don’t actually require a target. (Fenoxo)

    • Fixed the Siegewolfe renaming button option from its quick little holiday out of the reworked siegewulfe menu. (lowercase_donkey)

    • Fixed the reversed value reporting from some feminization changes. (lowercase_donkey)

    • Fixed some typos in Gianna bust names, effectively disabling them from being used. (lowercase_donkey)

    • Fixed some issues with parser tags and support functions used by frostwyrm content. (lowercase_donkey)

    • Fixed some issues in Overqueen content relating to how it was attempting to use changeEnergy() previous. (Leek)

    • Fixed typos. (Jacques00, lowercase_donkey, Fenoxo)

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