Category: Trials in Tainted Space

[Backers] Weekend Luv

Just a small one while I have a bit of time late at night. I meant to have this out Friday afternoon but lost 90+ minutes fighting with sublimeText script macros on my laptop, then wasn’t able to code Friday evening for personal reasons. Anyhoo, tonight I did get some code time. Enjoy the new scene.


  • Fixed a crash in the goo armor reference Jacques00 added to the double-goo scene during Azra’s Tarkus Expedition.
  • Added a new shower scene to Azra – Thighs&Frot. Needless to say, it’s for those too large to fit inside her.
  • Azra’s other shower options should now be appropriately size-limited.

Expect a public build to fall on Monday or Tuesday once I get at least one of Azra’s reward items added to the game. Afterward, I’ll take a small break to review more submissions and likely code the SubTuner expansion for backers… unless HugsAlright wrote something fucky in there…

[Backers] Small Azra Update

0.7.93 Changelog:

  • Azra has a new scene. If noone is sharing your bunk and you haven’t visited Azra in a week, she’ll crash your bed, spend the night, and bang you in the morning. Only for dick-toting PCs. Includes yet-unseen variants for once she okays condomless stuff (Date: TBD).
  • Those with a professional Azra should be able to get her to do the Tarkus expedition. That was a weird bug!
  • Added the option to go back into the shower with her after the first time.
  • The pregnant rask bust has been activated in game, along with Adjatha’s busts of Syri (pictured at right).

[Backers] Azraquest Sortof Complete

0.7.92 Changelog:

  • All three stages of Azra’s Tarkus expedition should be done and good to go, including some lovely trapstuff I got Nonesuch to write. Word is, he’s going to do some more. I can’t wait!
  • There’s some spicy stuff for boys and girls on the return to the ship as a bit of a reward. I also gave plenty of chances to nope out, if Azra isn’t your thing.
  • Upgraded the phallus selection router I introduced with Gastigoth to be more versatile. It is used for the repeatable “Hyper Docking” scene follower Azra can unlock. It should now report on ineligible members as well as why they are ineligible (presently restricted to “too large” and “too small”).
  • Replaced “thicc” with “thick”. In silly mode, “thicc” has been replaced with “THICC,” for maximum EXTRA THICC.
  • Various fixes and tweaks, many related to Sera and courtesy of Jacques00.

As mentioned previously, there’s still a lot of work to do! I’ll try not to repeat my last post too much:

  • I need a first time scene for folks too hyperphallic to fit inside.
  • Repeat variants of first time male and female scenes.
  • Coding slutshrooms, writing motherhusks, and writing spunkshrooms.
  • Azra bunk-crashing penis-wielders.
  • Tweaks and adjustments to all her existing talk scenes for the new relationship status.

At right: the result of wayyy too many motherhusks and a raskvel, drawn by Adjatha.


Quick Azraquest Update

It’s the weekend, so as usual I don’t have much time to look/post here, but I wanted to toss out a quick update on where I am:

  • The second encounter of Azra’s quest is coded and functional with two different puzzles and a multi-foe fight with turrets possible.
  • The third encounter is mostly coded but pending a few scenes I’ve commissioned from Nonesuch to be slotted in. I was burning out and I thought it better to lean on someone who could bang out some good trap stuff while I did Azra’s sexytimes
  • I roughed out some post-quest resolution stuff including a first-time sex stuff for Azra.

Still remaining to be tackled:

  • Coding Nonesuch’s scenes, once complete.
  • Linking together the post-quest resolution chain and coding the last sex scene.
  • Fully testing the Third part of the actual quest.
  • Enabling a repeatable sex menu for Azra.
  • Porting the first-time scenes in to be reusable.
  • Coding the scene I wrote for repeatable hyper-sized folks.
  • Coding one new consumable item: slutshrooms and adding them to the rare drop  table for Tarkus.

Remaining writing needs:

  • First time variant for hyper folks. This might get cheesed away via some tweaks to the existing scene with a reference to some elasticizing lube.
  • A scene for Azra crashing your bunk if you don’t sex her for a  long enough time, culminating in morning sex. (Morning sex was part of the initial request.)
  • Writing texts for Motherhusks and Spunkshrooms, the other two items recovered during this adventure.


[Backers] AzraQuest-Test, Part 1 of 3

After getting the double-goo encounter completed, I thought I would go ahead and combine it with a placeholder reset ending so that you guys can go ahead and test it while I move on to coding the next part. Let me know what you think in the comments, and if you find bugs, please, by all means report them!

0.7.91 Changelog:

  • Riya can now impregnate PCs, thanks to Jacques00 jumping on it and coding it.
  • Various bug fixes and tweaks.
  • Azra’s Tarkus expedition has been unlocked, though only the first part – an encounter with a giant, two-headed gray goo! Includes new loss scene, bimbo negotiation scene, and feeding via penis scene. Hint: electricity and cold do wayyy more damage. Also the right side’s physical attacks have less negative statuses than the left, so I’d recommend her for burning down physically.

Item Progress

I wrote about 3,000 words of texts for “slutshrooms” – an item that will appear as a rare drop on Tarkus and that Azra will provide a renewable source of. They’re pretty much exclusively there to make lady-parts wetter, increase libido, and increase the amount squirted by squirters (which is pretty much a new thing). Most older scenes probably won’t include extra stuff for girls cumming gallons, but future things could! Woo.

There’s two items left and a few scenes I’m waiting for from Nonesuch, but I might start work coding what’s been done tomorrow. There’s a lot to do with this one, and I’d like to get the quest out by the weekend if possible, even if some of the rewards have to be placeholder for a bit.

Have a lovely evening. I’m going to play some destiny.

P.S. I also edited 30-40ish pages of a submission. Next up on the review docket is an 80 page expansion for the SubTuner, which I’ll probably just slip into coding whenever I need a break from Azra.

P.P.S. I wrote some docking stuff for Azra too, whynot. I needed something for hyper dicks to do. It isn’t done though. Got a lot more to go!

Azra Progress

Both of Azra’s first time sex scenes are done. They take place in a shower. I’m starting to think I like writing shower scenes too much. They clock in at ~2.5k and ~1.7k each. I’ve also written a relationship talk where she asks about calling you her [pc.boyGirl]friend. Progress marches on!

Showery Sharks

Powerful arms sweep you up into their embrace. Onyx lips press to yours in a fiery kiss made all the warmer by the shower’s heat. As your eyes drift closed, you can see Azra’s do the same. Just like you, she’s revelling in the touches, delighting in the tender embrace. You grab hold of her back and pull her tighter, chest to chest{, one set of well-endowed tits to another}. Long moments pass as your tongues twist. Hers is long and nimble{, just like yours}, the better to coil against your probing muscle and snare it in its spit-slick grip.


When your lips part, you’re both gasping for breath, your bodies hot, your crotches aching with need. Azra opens her violet eyes, and gives you a soulful stare. Something wiggly and tingly brushes by your [pc.belly], again and again. Each time, you feel a little hotter{, a little wetter}{, a little harder}. Azra’s big, drippy suula cock is rubbing against you, the tendrils leaving a little extra venom behind each time. Her eyebrows crease in worry, but her blushing face radiates pure excitement. She looks at your crotch, then at you. A single question is all she asks: “How do you want to do this?”

Azra’s first time sexystuff is the current project on the table. Gotta pencil in a few options there, then work up stuff for the three different consumable plants you harvest on Tarkus.

That’s all for tonight!

[Backers] Treated DILFs and Cameron-Milk

0.7.90 Changelog:

  • Ciaran has been added to the game, courtesy of UpcastDrake doing some volunteer coding and Night Trap writing the big lug.
  • A milking scene for Cameron has been snuck in, again courtesy of UpcastDrake for doing the coding (and Savin for writing, ofc).
  • Some small fixes to bugged content have been thrown in.
  • Fenoxo’s cat has had the “penetrating” damageflag applied to his melee weapons. 🙁 Somebody nerf this monster!

I’m going off to write a bit of Azraquest! 1,500 words of setup for a Sydian matriarch and her trappy raskvel pets has been written. I’m going to commission some stuff with them from Nonesuch, then work on the reward lewds myself tomorrow. Ciao!

Art of Ciaran by FubMistress, I believe.

[Backers] Shields and Prices!

0.7.89 Changelog:

  • Shields have had their statistics refactored. Almost all of them confer moderate kinetic resistance and 50% damage vulnerability to electrical attacks. Many high level shields have gained increased shield points.
  • A new formula for item costs has been developed and deployed. Low level items got cheaper across the board, something newbies are sure to appreciate. Some high level items have gotten more expensive, and level 20 equipment will cost tens of millions of credits apiece. Underwear and accessories have not been updated.
  • Thermal underwear got nerfed.
  • Two new shields have been added to the game as rare drops from Sexbots on Tarkus and Beta Nyrea, to provide more shield options for the middle levels.
  • Added an inch to Fenoxo’s horse-cock.

I’ve got to give accessories a pass, then begin to deal with how the new item systems have affected fight difficulty. Apologies for any issues this has caused!

Lovely goo-guy by Carae on the forums!

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