Category: Trials in Tainted Space

[Backers] Melee Stat Re-Allocation

0.7.87 Changelog:

  • Blind miss checks have been consolidated down into one function.
  • A new item flag has been added that allows a weapon to ignore the effects of blind. Primarily intended for flamethrower-type weapons.
  • Laser weapons have received a slight buff to accuracy to account for their essentially instantiations velocity (and the fact that mirrored armor completely invalidates them).
  • Melee weapons have been rebalanced and retuned using the new attribute weighting system.
  • Various fixes and tweaks.

Lovely goo-grill by Carae on the forums!

[Backers] Weather & Gun Buffs

0.7.86 Changes:

  • A point and level based method of assigning values to weapons has been determined and applied to most weaponry. Most weapons have received buffs as a result.
  • Based on the type of weapon – rifle, handgun, SMG, autorifle, LMG/Chaingun, etc, I’ve attempted to mold the stats for different archetypes. Pistols are crit monsters, rifles are accurate, chainguns are high damage and high accuracy but cannot crit.
  • Some weapons have received nerfs – lust weapons primarily. Lust defense has also been slightly nerfed, but likely not enough to please most people. This one might get reworked a bit down the line.
  • Melee weapons are mostly unchanged. I’ll be working on them in my few free moments tomorrow night and perhaps slipping you guys another patch to play with.
  • Uveto now has a basic weather system.
  • Savicite drops have been added to Uveto. Careful! When carrying Savicite, lust generates faster over time.

What’s Pup?

Hey guys, I finished up the pregnant raskvel from Azra’s tarkus mission the other night (Adj started her bust today!), but after seeing some writers disappointed about their backlogged work not being reviewed, I took a crack at parsing through a bunch of them – one that was given to me as a pre-coded pull request included. I also sorted three three or four others, including one that’s more of a weapon re-balancing attempt than anything else.

I like that last one, but I’m going to spend some time putting my own spin on it. The spreadsheet is a great start, and some of the new items suggested seem pretty cool. If I can do that tomorrow afternoon, I’ll try to push it out for backers to play with.

I’d prefer to finish up Azra’s quest and work through these submissions at a more measured pace. Apparently that’s easier said than done for me. I tend to blow all my time doing one thing. Splitting things up sensibly is easier said than done.

Erra and Syri by Limonsitolewd


JayEcho’s Mirrin is ready to PUMP YOU UP!

0.7.85 Changelog:

  • We heard you like new busts, so we added new bust for: Arakei (2x), Quaelle, Gene, Sam (including unused preg variant), Krym (this time from Adj), Mirrin, Fisi, and the Subtuner collar.
  • Various fixes and tweaks. (Sorry guys, still working on writing the Tarkus expedition for Azra.)

But since this is a public patch…. you guys will what to know what’s new for non-backers this month:

  • New enemy: male korgonne.
  • New NPC: Paige the yoga instructor (over 200+ pages of content. She’s a novel yo. Also can be a crew-member).
  • New Location: Breedwell Incubation center.
  • New pc pregnancy type: Korgonne
  • New busts: Azra, 9-tailed zil, and Naleen brothers.
  • New events: gifting Syri your panties & Anno feather dusting.
  • New Gastigoth prisoner: Sam the Tech Specialist.

Not a bad month. I intend to come into this one swinging! Thanks for all the love, support, and well-wishes for our team. I look forward to getting some more out the door soon.

Amusing Scene Breakdown

So I wrote a scene today for hyper characters and that pregnant raskvel encounter I’m working on. It clocked in at 3,500 words. Of that, 2,200 of them wound up being variations for different quantities of cum. That means there’s more variation than actual scene… I might have to come up with a way to make visiting this girl repeatable if it keeps going like this. I want to do the one where she eats out female PCs next, as that will probably be the most challenging for me to write.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I’m going to re-mod my Fallout 4 and disappear into that for a few hours…

Idle Penny by Gillenew. (He’s also got a patreon)

Write Progress

The double-goo encounter for Azra’s mission is all written up. I’ve also done most of the work for the second encounter, which is more puzzle than combat. Now I just have to write three smutty scenes for blowing off steam with a raskvel so pregnant she can’t move.

Then it’s on to the final bit… which should be something about a trio of Sydians, last I checked. Lots to do!

Booper Dooper

Today I’ve been working on Azra’s expedition for Tarkus. The first encounter is a two-headed goo. I wrote about 2500 words of content for some of her pre-combat options. Like last time, I’m trying to provide some methods to avoid having to fight her, which included two sex scenes. I started doing some planning for the combat itself. I’ve got to write the attacks, a loss scene (probably a single omnigender scene that’ll fuck your shit up), and a win scene with a lust-dump scene for each gender.

The second part will be lighter on combat and sex but have a puzzle element.

Finally there will be a group boss fight with some boytoys and a matron.

THEN I have to write stuff for the plants you save and Azra lewdness. Yeesh.

Ze plate, she is full!

[Backers] Kor-goner

0.7.83 Changelog:

  • Zeikfried’s male korgonne encounter has been added to Uveto’s encounter tables.
  • New Bust: Naleen Brothers
  • You can now give Syri your panties. For reasons.
  • Sam the Tech Specialist has been added to Gastigoth for those who have defeated her in Saendra’s quest.
  • More tweaks, fixes, and bugmurders. RIP, little guys.

Next up I’m going to look over the Korgonne pregnancy that came with them and possibly implement it. If all goes well, I’ll tag another changelog onto the bottom of this post in a few hours. Then I’m going to take a small break from coding submissions to tackle writing Azra’s Tarkus quest.

Thanks bras,

(Liliana can hardly contain herself! Art by Tsuda!)

0.7.84 Changelog:

  • You can now get pregnant with baby Korgs.
  • Fixed a crash in the Korg victory screen.
  • Added a penalty to reflexes & maximum reflexes when the PC’s belly is swollen from pregnancy or fluids or whatever.

Fenoxian Update

Hey guys,

Just a quick update on work for today – I coded most of a male korgonne encounter. Got the combat working and tested, even. Then I roughed out and wired up the victory scenes. Tomorrow the loss scenes will be polished up and a new build released. Oh, I also go the bust for the Naleen Brothers encounter (part of Azra’s expedition) set up.


Questing Beast(girls)

Hi, folks, Savin here filling in for Fen while he’s off at GenCon.

I recently finished up a pretty hefty new quest for Myrellion, for those of you inclined to side with the Red Myr (or who want to undermine them from inside). It clocks in at a little over 42,000 words, with a pretty complex web of potential endings — plus the usual array of mid-quest scenes and badends. And you get to fight a tank. I’m pretty proud of that fight, if it gets in-game looking anything like how I designed it.

Now that that pretty massive chunk of work is done with, the next big thing on my plate is a long-overdue update for everyone’s favorite ausar gamer girl. (And I seriously mean overdue. I think I first started thinking about a Syriquest when I was still in college. Fuck…) Specifically, a quest to find out whatever did happen to that other guy in the transporter accident, and maybe a few other mysteries along the way. The end goal is to set up Syri to be available for Steele’s crew, though that will come afterwards in a different expansion. Writing crewmembers is almost like writing them over from scratch sometimes, though at least Syri’s existing sex scenes are all set aboard the ship already.

While that’s my big project for the next little while, I’m going to try and churn out the pregnancy stuff for the Galactic Prison (how’re y’all liking that, by the way?), as well as making Zaalt appear there. And right before he left, Fen coded in Sam (the Pirate Techie from SaendraQuest 2) getting added to the prison, written by Night Trap and… that’s real hot stuff.

So yeah, that’s about it from me. I’m gonna try real hard not to make any new waifus (God help me), until Fen makes a new planet at least, and focus on expanding and developing existing characters for the next good while. Reaha and Shade are high priorities, and Saendra’s got a whole quest planned to finish out her storyline… but by the time I finish SyriQuest I’ll probably want to take a break from big, complicated quests. So nice, wholesome cowgirl sex (lol) seems like a good bet for afterwards.

Take care and stay safe out there, bras. 🙂

Pictured: Queen Estallia, big bad boss bitch of the new Red Myr quest, whose bust I had to downsize by like 50% because I have a teeny upload size on this site. Yes, those are tank treads. Art done by the ever-awesome Adjatha, naturally.

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