Category: Trials in Tainted Space

[Public] Surprise, Level 9 Test!

Yeah so I kept poking at this stuff instead of doing other stuff I should do. It’s not 110% tested, so there’s a 20% chance your characters will light on fire and die. You’ve been waaaarrrrrned! (There will be another patch tomorrow to clean up bugs and MAYBE do level 10 if I feel particularly froggy.)

($10 Patreon backers can grab their artpacks now as well – they’re posted over on Patreon!)

0.7.58 Changelog:

  • Level 9 is now achievable!
  • Volley and Weapon Hack are gone, replaced by Charge Weapon (boosted melee damage) and Charge Shield (blind chance when damaged + damage to melee attackers).
  • Many Tech Specialist abilities have received slight tweaks and adjustments for bimbos with the “Fuck Sense” perk.
  • New Item: Frontrack Cream

New Since Last Public Release:

  • New NPCs: Mirrin, Chaurmine (each with quite a solid chunk of content)
  • New Items: Red Pandaneen, 5 new weapons
  • New masturbation options.
  • New dreams.
  • Adjustments and tweaks to Del’s move to Canadia Station. (Also Synthsheath stuff!)
  • Contagious diseases added! (Along with options to prevent/cure them.)
  • New busts: Attica, Teron, Bothrioc Pidemme, Uveto taxi guy (not yet implemented), Jerynn, Beer cowgirl, Whiskey cowgirl, the Bronco, Cythia, Riya, Mrs Reasner, and Walt.
  • Not a bad month, if I say so myself!

Pixel Sera by Crossman (lemme know if you want a link updated in there!)

Backer/Pubbie Split

Hey guys, I’m going to put out a public patch tonight or tomorrow. What I want to know is, would you rather have me work on adding another level or two of PC progression or that Kiro/Kally scene (and maybe some other odds and ends) I brewed up the other week?

Let me know in the comments. The “loser”  in this impromptu poll will still wind up in the backer build a day later.

Update: The comments have spoken. Levels it is!

I spent some time working on skills… but most of it was retooling tech specialist things. RIP, Volley and Weapon Hack. Hello, Charge Weapon and Charge Shield. Volley didn’t feel very tech specialist-y, and it also meant that there was no option for physical tech specialists at that level bracket. Thus, we added Charge Weapon, a skill that adds electric damage equal to your intelligence for melee strikes. Weapon Hack wasn’t that useful and was replaced with Charge Shield – an ability that charges your shield up to blind or injure attackers.

I may have also modified the effective intelligence calculations for bimbo Techies so they benefit from having less intelligence and high libidos… so going bimbo won’t neuter your ability in combat. I’ve tied it into the “Fuck Sense” perk for now and made some flavor adjustments to the attack texts for it as well.

Public patch will come tomorrow. I’ll try to have level 9 ready to go. <3

[Backers] Just ‘Mirrin, Bro!

0.7.56 Changelog:

  • New NPC added to the New Texas Gym: Mirrin! She’s packed full of content, so be sure to give her a whirl, especially if you’re a fan of amazons! (Enjoy her training stat boosts while they last. I’m going to come in with a nerf bat later, I think).
  • New Item: Red Pandaneen
  • Apparently Jacques00 coded in a submitted upbringing choice – Slutty. Don’t expect this one to hang around long. It slipped in without proper review.
  • We went ahead and pushed in Pippa’s expansion, but I have not had time to properly review it quite yet, so there’s a possibility that it may be changed, tweaked, or cut if it does not pass muster. TIme has not been cooperative.
  • Various fixes and tweaks.

I’m going to be out of the office for most of the next week, so don’t expect to see much of me till next weekend-ish. I’m sorry I didn’t get all the stuff I wanted in for this patch – there was a whole scene I wrote and some new busts I wanted in, but time did not cooperate.

0.7.57 Changelog:

  • Slutty upbringing is gone. Never should’ve been pushed out. Sorry about that, folks.

At left: Erra, as drawn by VenusFlowerArt!

New Names: Mirrin

Now that previously mentioned NPC is named Mirrin. I roughed out all her code already – 2,200 lines thus far. I’ve got to get it all properly wired up still, but I’m taking my wife out to see Wonder Woman tonight. Potential backer patch tomorrow (and public patch likely Thursday).


Finished up my work on the Kiro/Kally thing from the other day. It clocked in at just under 10,000 words for the whole mess, but it needs some edits before I’m comfortable jamming it in game.

Then I rolled onto Mjerin, whose name I cannot pronounce. Also, I cannot pronounce her race as it is written on the document. She’s basically a horse-dragon-girl. Despite that, her content seems very well written – at least for the 56 pages I’ve gone through so far. I’m a little past halfway done reviewing it, so it’s quite likely I jump into coding it.



So I started a scene a few weeks back where you, Kiro, and Kally all get pent up and visit a parlor that specializes in harvesting protein to sell to galotians/rahn. The PC then gets to pick between four various onaholes (Kiro and Kally each get their own special choice), and the three of you pump away at the walls while making out in various ways.

Thus far it’s 9000+ words. It kind of got away from me. And then I set it up where the fox-bot that runs the place is basically begging to give a triple blowjob… so now I’m gonna write that. Disappearing down the rabbit hole for sure.

I’ll get back on submissions again after I wrap this up. I promise >.>

This lovely Raskvel fanart was done by JayFireGrowlithe

[Backers] 0.7.55 – Tentacles & Merchandise

First off, we have a store up on Crowdmade with some basic merch. If you want a coffee cup with your favorite company’s logo, there you go.

0.7.55 Changelog:

  • New masturbation options by Nonesuch for those with tentacle wings and tails.
  • Magic Milkers now support exotic nipple types.
  • New Anno/Kaede dream.

Art is a JayEcho bust of Walt.


Doot. I finished reviewing Fisianna. Of the writing, I’d say it’s good enough to get in, however it’s such a big chunk of content that I decided to move on and keep reviewing (after placing her in the “To Be Coded” list on our work list). There’s also a half kui-tan I looked at but didn’t review because she’s gated behind unfinished content (SyriQuest). Then I reviewed some enhancements for the magic milker for those with fuckable nipples (or lipples). I coded that stuff lickity split.



Presently I’m reviewing a submission by the name of Fisianna. It’s a real doozy, clocking in at something like 110+ pages. It might be Friday before we see this at the earliest, assuming it passes muster.

I’ve gotten through approximately 60 pages of it. They seem decent, but then again I haven’t gotten to any sexy bits yet either! More updates to come.

(Oh, and I coded a dream featuring Anno & Kaede with breast enhancements.)

[Backers] 0.7.54 – More Dreams

0.7.54 Changelog:

  • Saves from the botched build should work again.
  • Two new venus pitcher dreams have been added to the game.
  • Some bugs were fixed and tweaks were made.

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