Category: Trials in Tainted Space

Backer Build: TONIGHT

This post will dissolve around the time that it comes out, so don’t leave any comments you want preserved!

I just got the stuff rigged up for giving Reaha outfits to dress up in. She also has three new sex scenes, two of which have options that fork, basically making like… five or something. I have to do some stuff for manually dressing her out of her collection of outfits, then stuff for giving her some transformatives. I can’t promise I’ll get all that other stuff polished up in time, but the talking, sex, and whatnot is mostly done.

Anyway, I need to go get buff. TO ZE GYM.

Reaha Update

I got her introduction stuff all wired up and tested this afternoon, and I’m getting her talk menu properly wired up now. Sex scenes tomorrow, hopefully.

Keepin’ it brief ’cause I need to sleep soon.

Update: (Bedtime nau. And goddamnit quit making me sad, Savin.)reahatalk

Reaha’s Mine Now.

I’ve taken the cow. You won’t be getting her back until I finish Savin’s cured expansion.


That is all.

Over and Done With

ilaria-clothed-and-preggers-adjathaSup, bras, Savin here.

First, a TiTSwerk update: I finished Reaha’s newest expansion this week. It’s available for reading in my tip-jar patreon if you want. Otherwise, it’ll get coded in when it gets coded — I think Ged-chan’s gonna be busy with the nursery and flooding the game with backed-up pregnancy content before touching the cow, and I’m guessing Fen’s gonna be busy with Vesperia/New Canada/Tanuki Balljob Planet.

Next major project’s going to be a Red Myr-centric quest for Myrellion, which should be a fun combat challenge. Other than that, got a couple of threesomes in the works (including a Reaha/Terensha whorish double-team) in the pipe. Fun times all around.

Second, a personal update: So this Thursday was the last session of my I-Can’t-Believe-It’s-Not-Chemo treatment. Talk about draining. But, I feel better now than I have since this anemia shit started, so I guess there’s that. I’m still kind of perpetually exhausted, but now that I’m (almost) off all these awful meds, hopefully I’ll be able to get my sleep schedule back on track and start actually recovering. I don’t even have to go back to the doctor’s for a whole month: that’ll make next week the first since May that I haven’t had needles in me. RIP veins.

Thoroughly-bred bunny baker by Adjatha. Check out Shou’s YCH auction in the post below this one! Till next time! ;3

Tuesday Bloops

Progress report!

  • Shou drew some drones. One of them is hilarious. It looks like a tennis ball with a camera and fireworks taped to it.
  • Adjatha was apparently writing. I didn’t pry for more information on it.
  • Pretty sure Gedan was investigating the issues with the forums some folks had.
  • No idea with Savin. That guy never tells me anything. Then one day I just discover there’s a futa baker sitting in the Trello.
  • I just finished jotting out 1300 words of the Kiro’s sister introduction. I’ve got to do a few short dialogue choices to finish up the initial intro, then I can start chewing into the real meat of the Kira encounter.
  • World of Warcraft hates me.

I’m gonna go chew through editing the VN script some more, then maybe play videogames, surprising literally no one ever.

Monday Report

adjatha_the_uncorkable_object_vs-_the_unquenchable_force_kiro_scyllaHey guys, hope you all had a great weekend. I got some playtime in with a game I’ve heard lots of raving about – yet never given a fair shot: Free Cities. It’s a pretty cool game about running an arcology with legal slavery and managing your stable of harem slaves. For anyone that likes fiddling with dozens of systems and seeing how they all slot together, it’s a fun little romp where you can make a dairy full of hormone-treated cow-girls with milk-production implants that all absolutely adore you.  Or you could be terrible and just break people, but ol’ Fenny doesn’t play that way.

In TiTS-news, Jacques00 coded in a new type of drone that should be pretty fucking amazing. I’m going to have to give it a whirl once the pull request gets merged into the central code repository. Some adjustments for the Inessa expansion were slapped in as well, mostly to make it read a little better – just small stuff, really.

We also had a meeting to discuss the coming visual novel. Jacques00 is going to start doing draft art of the characters while I finish off an editing pass on the script. SomeKindofWizard is working on doing up the sexy stuff for the NSFW version now, I think. Once Jacques00 has the designs roughed out, we’ll start reviewing our options for BG/CG artists so that we can get that ball rolling. While the script has a fair amount of comma splices that I’ve been cleaning out, what I’ve read so far is really good and actually made me laugh out loud while reading over a bit on Tarkus this afternoon.

Have a good evening, bras!

(Scylla + Kiro is some lovely Adjatha art. It’s an older piece, but it checks out.)

[Backers] Bet You Thought I Was Done For the Weekend

you_thought_wrong_motherfuckerToday I was informed that there was a bunny-girl baker who makes her own glaze. I coded it. Well, all but the pregnancy parts. I’m told that Gedan is presently tangling with Codethulhu to try and get stuff all set up for the nursery, so it’s likely I’ll try and pawn that stuff off on her. Adjatha is drawing her in the sketch stages, so you probably won’t get to see a picture of her till next week.

0.6.81 Changelog:

  • Ilaria’s shop added to Tavros’s residential deck. Enjoy!
  • Inessa’s descriptions should now update with the loss of her chastity belt.
  • Price tooltips should be improved for mercenaries with smuggler discounts.
  • A new bust has been slipped in the game for a one-off Gryvain.

Finally, a teaser from Kiro and her sister meeting. Don’t read if you don’t like spoilers!

“Kira!” Kiro shouts, seemingly aghast at her sister’s suggestion.


Midway through a sip of her ale, the accused raccoon-woman seems utterly astonished by the prudish reaction. “What?” she asks, wiping a bit of foam from her lips. “Don’t pretend you haven’t done things a thousand times more depraved. You may have thought you escaped our little world, but I saved every snippet I could find about you on the extranet. Kiro, you once raided a convent-cruiser and deflowered half the nuns onboard. I wouldn’t be surprised if at least one was pregnant too.” She belches, sending her sizeable rack jiggling. While every bit as big as Kiro’s, it’s just a little bit softer and a lot more prone to errant wobbling. “Hell, you fucked your way to freedom after getting captured by an all-galotian gang. I could throw that holo up on a projector in a back room, if you’d like to see.”

P.S. I made a youtube video of playing the For Honor closed alpha with Savin & Co.

[Backers] 0.6.80 – New Edan

jroy101_tits_penny_fanartI started writing the “Date” with Kiro to go visit her sister on a Vesperian Space Station. Thus far I haven’t gotten to actually entering the bar yet, but it should be fun. But you guys don’t wanna read about that. You wanna see what’s new, right?

0.6.80 Changelog:

  • A new NPC has been added to the Mess on Tarkus! He’s a big, male Leithan for those who like that. Wsan got to experience firsthand what all goes into coding an NPC on this one and probably came out scarred as a result.
  • Jacques00 did the usual raft of bug fixes and refits. There was an update to tooltips to potentially reflect the price change due to smuggler perks. We might broaden them so the show the pre-perk price as well soon.

Jroy101 did some great fanart of Penny as a warmup the other day. Woot!

[Backers] New Hotness! 0.6.79

niis_kiro-1Despite the name, there’s not a ton of overly sexy content added in this patch. Still, new stuff is new!

0.6.79 Changelog:

  • A new NPC has been added to Uveto: Kirila. A Codex for her race will be forthcoming.
  • Lots of new items have been added to Kirila’s shop, many of them quite powerful.
  • Presently Kirila has no romantic encounters. Feel free to nag Kinathis to write some! :3
  • Some adjustments to “Dumb4Cum” perk.
  • Drone targeting options have been added.
  • Inessa’s key can now be found, thanks to Sen Kanashimi picking up writing where JimT left off.
  • And some other stuff for content that won’t be enabled till closer to Halloween! WHEEEE!

Kerblam! Now maybe I’ll go review some stuff or put out a little writing! Who knows! The world is my oyster.

(Or is it?)

More Niis art, this time a Kiro that isn’t quite anatomically correct (but is lovely all the same!)

Disregard Work, Acquire Levels

niis_pennyDespite the title, I’m spending by far the least amount of time playing the new WoW expansion out of all my friends and loved ones. Today I reviewed some submissions, approved a pull request for a small Inessa expansion (!!!GETTING HER KEY!!!), immediately regretted it, spent an hour fixing it, worked out, and coded the start of Kinathis’s “Spinarran Silk & Steel” shop.

That said, I’m pretty burned out physically and going to clock out tonight and disappear into Azeroth. I’ll get the shop as polished as its shopkeep tomorrow, then drop the whole mess into your hot little laps before I go to bed Tuesday night (or Wednesday morning, more likely).

Hopefully seeing Penny having some fun will tide ya’ll over! (Art by Niis)

Love ya, bras!

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